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Photodynamic Therapy for the

Treatment of Nonmelanomatous
Cutaneous Malignancies
Ron R. Allison, Thomas S. Mang, and B. Dale Wilson

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a modality whose PDT today. In this review, we will examine the
concept is not new to dermatologists. PDT has current results of PDT on a wide variety of
gained regulatory approval in the United States for
cutaneous findings.
the treatment of esophageal a n d lung malignan-
cies. The field has grown over the last d e c a d e , a n d PDT is a treatment modality with unique
now phase II/III clinical trials using second genera- properties that make it an appealing therapy for
tion drugs for the treatment of nonmelanoma skin the local treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancers.
cancers, palliation of metastases to the skin, a n d PDT uses photoactive drugs that concentrate in
Kaposi's sarcomas have been introduced. These tumors and hyperproliferating tissues. These pho-
new sensitizers tend to reduce the one side effect
of PDT, namely persistent generalized cutaneous
tosensitizers can be activated by low-power non-
photosensitivity. PDT has shown efficacy in (1) thermal light specifically directed to sites to
patients who have failed conventional therapies, selectively destroy diseased cells and tissues. PDT
and for whom local treatment options are limited has the ability to treat many lesions simulta-
(2) patients in whom surgery would result in cos- neously, in an outpatient setting.
metic disfigurement, a n d (3) patients prone to
Historically, PDT has been available since an-
developing multiple lesions as in Godins syn-
drome. Dosimetry is based on well-understood cient times with reference made to treat wounds
treatment matrices that have optimized light deliv- and tumors by light activated substances. 3 The
ery with known photosensitizer administrations. first known use of a chemical-light interaction in
The advantages of PDT for cutaneous malignan- oncology was in 1903. In that particular applica-
cies include the ability to treat numerous lesions in tion, eosin and light were combined to treat skin
one setting, in a noninvasive manner without any
cancer. 4,s Experiments in 1911 showed the tumor
apparent concern for the development of carcino-
genicity. localizing capabilities of porphyrin-based photo-
Copyright 9 1998 by W.B. Saunders Company sensitizers. The emergence of porphyrin mixtures
in the treatment of cancer was described in a
series of studies by Dougherty et al, during the
F as those that affect the skin. All too often
1970s and 1980s. 6 These studies investigated the
application of hematoporphyrin derivative (HPD)-
these lesions, particularly malignant and premalig- induced PDT in a broad range of malignancies in
nant ones, cause physiological and psychological preclinical and clinical trials. They were focused
distress. Furthermore, the myriad of treatment on determining the sites of action, toxicity, drug
options and techniques available for cutaneous and light dosimetry, and efficacy of HPD-PDT.
disorders are almost as numerous as the length of Through their success, PDT has become an emerg-
the differential diagnosis. Mohs micrographic ing modality for the treatment of cancer today
surgery is the recognized standard for the exci-
sion and treatment of primary and recurrent
nonmelanoma skin cancers. 1 Other treatment
From the State University of New York at Buffalo School of
modalities include surgical resection, cryosurgery, Biomedical Sciences and Dental Medicine, Buffalo, NY,, and The
electrodessication, chemosurgery, topical treat- Photodynamic Therapy Center, Buffalo General Hospital, Buf-
ment with chemotherapeutic agents, and radia- falo, NY.
tion therapy. 2 Only recently has photodynamic Address reprint requests to Thomas S. Mang, PhD, State
therapy (PDT) come of age to be considered as a University of New York at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine,
Dept of Oral Surgery, Squire 112, 3435 Main St, Buffalo, NY
therapeutic option. Although this review is not 14214.
intended to be all inclusive, it is intended to give a Copyright 9 I998 by WB. Saunders Company
clear picture of the state-of-the-art practice of 1085-5629/98/I 702-000858.00/0

Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, Vol 17, No 2 (June). 1998:pp 153-163 153

PHOTOSENSITIZERS tic ratio as well as favorable photobleaching

PDT has three main components: a photosensi- kinetics of the photosensitizers in normal tissue,
tizer, intense light, and molecular oxygen, the can lead to a highly selective therapy for most
combination of which creates a photodynamic patients/ It is the differential cytotoxicity that
reaction. There has been significant interest re- distinguishes PDT from other chemically based
cently, as a result of the FDA approval of Photo- forms of cancer therapy.
frin (porfimer sodium; QLT Phototherapeutics, To achieve greater selectivity without the unde-
Vancouver, B.C., Canada)-induced PDT in the sired side effect of systemic cutaneous photosensi-
treatment of esophageal cancer, in the develop- tivity, there have been recent developments in the
ment of new photosensitizers for the treatment of photosensitization of cutaneous diseased sites by
malignancies. Some of these may be shown to topical application of photosensitizers. Chief
have a specific niche in the treatment of disease, among the photosensitizers developed for this
whereas others may ultimately have a broad purpose is 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA).s-ll ALA
applicability, as has Photofrin, the only photosen- is a precursor of protoporphyrin IX (PplX) in the
sitizer currently approved for PDT. heme biosynthetic pathway. ALA is not photody-
The properties that are essential for photosensi- namically active; however, PpIX, the endogenous
tizer use in humans are (1) low toxicity; (2) end product of ALA application, is highly photo-
photophysically efficient, or in other words, show reactive. Once ALA is applied to a site and enters
a high yield of singlet oxygen or some other the pathway the production of sufficient levels of
cytotoxic species; (3) can be activated by light in PplX to induce a photodynamic reaction, once
the electromagnetic spectra >600 nm for signifi- illuminated, can be achieved.
cant tissue penetration; and (4) have a pharmaco-
kinetic profile that results in selective retention/ LIGHT SOURCE
uptake in tumors and relatively rapid clearance The light source for PDT is generally derived
from normal tissues. Other properties that are from a laser and delivered via a fiberoptic device
highly desirable in photosensitizers include (1) designed for that specific application. The wave-
easily formulated; (2) low cost; and (3) have length of light that activates the photosensitizer is
strong absorption in the red or near infrared dictated by the absorbance characteristics of the
portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. sensitizer to a greater degree and by the spectral
Currently, Photofrin is the only drug that is characteristics of the target tissue to a lesser
approved for use in the treatment of cancer. degree. Nonlaser light sources have also been
However, there has been recent emergence in the used as illumination devices in PDT. The critical
development of new photosensitizers. The design factor in activation is generally the appropriate
of these new drugs is along the lines of the wavelength of the light, which is selectively
properties listed above. The sensitizers that are absorbed by the sensitizer. Because it is used as an
currently in clinical trials and their wavelength of activating source for a photochemical reaction,
absorbance used in treatment are: Purlytin, 664 and not a device to coagulate or vaporize tissue,
nm (SnET2; Miravant Medical Technologies, Santa the laser may not be essential. This is a unique
Barbara, CA); Lutetium texaphrin, 732 nm (Phar- difference because lasers, particularly in the disci-
macyclics, Sunnyvale, CA); Benzoporphyrin de- pline of dermatology, are usually used to perform
rivative, 692 nm (BPD; Quadra Logic Photothera- functions such as skin resurfacing and tattoo
peutics, Vancouver, B.C., Canada); and Foscan, removal among others, therefore utilizing photo-
652 nm (m-THPC; Scotia Pharmaceuticals, Sur- thermal or photomechanical effects. The primary
rey, England). One of the defining characteristics lasers used in the treatment of patients with PDT
of these various photosensitizers is a ring struc- consist of argon-dye or potassium-titanyl-phos-
ture with multiple unsaturated double bonds. phate (KTP)-dye lasers. The argon-dye laser has
These bonds act as resonators to accept the light been a mainstay for PDT for most of its recent
energy to create the photochemical reaction. history, and is an example of a continuous wave
As alluded to earlier, tumor selectivity in PDT laser system. This laser has two distinct advan-
is achieved through selective photosensitizer re- tages in PDT. The first is that of tunability. This
tention and selective light direction. The therapeu- means that by adjusting the optical components

within the cavity of the dye laser, one can use the Fiber Preparation
laser at various wavelengths. This can also be The fiber that is generally used for superficial
achieved by changing the dye that is used in the light application is a lens fiberoptic. Before using
laser, because different dyes have characteristic the fiberoptic, it should be examined for transmis-
wavelengths at which one can achieve maximal sion defects by checking first, the output power
output. Characteristically, because Photofrin has through the lens, and second, that the illumina-
been the photosensitizer that has been used in tion pattern from the fiber is even. The latter can
most clinical trials to date, lasers have been used be accomplished by shining the output from the
at 630 nm. The second advantage is that the fiber onto a wall or other fiat object. The output is
argon-dye systems generated high output powers. evaluated with the power meter that is usually
The high power allowed for the coupling of the supplied with the laser system.
laser power to multiple fiberoptics, which facili-
tated treating up to four tumor sites at one setting.
Hence, many tumors could be treated in a rela- MECHANISMS
tively short period of time. Since the approval of Information regarding the mechanisms of ac-
Photofrin, argon-dye systems are commercially tion for PDT has been ascertained from in vitro
available and relatively easy to use. and preclinical data on experimental tumors.
KTP-dye laser systems have only become avail- Regardless of the problematic relevance of these
able recently. They are also capable of achieving studies for cancers in humans, certain conclu-
relatively high power outputs. Unlike the argon- sions correlate to what has been observed in
dye laser, the KTP-dye is a pulsed system. How- human trials. The photodynamic mechanism for
ever, because the pulse repetition is rapid, the the biological inactivation of target tissues appar-
effect on tissues is essentially equivalent to a ently proceeds via a photochemical reaction in-
continuous wave laser operating at the same volving singlet oxygen. 12 In this reaction, the
wavelength. It is for this reason that the KTP-dye photodynamic process produces an excited state
system has been referred to as a quasi-continuous of ground state oxygen. This species, called
wave laser.
singlet oxygen, is generated via a so-called Type II
Diode lasers are now being tested in various mechanism of photosensitized oxidation. The
clinical trials with specific photosensitizers. These photosensitizing molecule, on absorption of a
lasers are compact and can be inexpensively photon, is brought to an excited singlet state.
produced as the technology evolves. Currently, a From this singlet state, the photosensitizer can
diode laser has not been produced for use at 630 decay back to the ground state and emit light in
nm in the United States. Diode lasers do exist, the form of fluorescence. For the photodynamic
however, at longer wavelengths, ie, 652 nm and process, however, the photosensitizer should un-
664 nm, and are used in clinical trials for other dergo intersystem crossing to the excited triplet
state. This triplet state has a long half-life, and
therefore, has a high probability of interacting
GENERAL PROCEDURES with ground state oxygen. The energy transfer
from the triplet photosensitizer generates the
Laser Preparation reactive singlet oxygen species. Singlet oxygen
One of the pitfalls of using lasers in patient seems to be the essential cytotoxic agent for
procedures is the potential for technological fail- Photofrin and most other photosensitizers tested
ure. For this reason and to ensure proper opera- to date. 13 It is the electrophilic nature of singlet
tion of the laser, the system should be checked oxygen that makes it very efficient at producing
before the injection of the patient with a photosen- oxidized forms of biomolecules. This process can
sitizer. The system should also be checked again result in irreversible oxidation of critical cellular
before its use on the day of treatment. Generally, components, as well as tumor microvasculature. 14
the system should be checked to ensure that there Photosensitizers such as Photofrin are lipophilic,
is adequate power to carry out the intended and therefore, can be found concentrated in
procedure, for the stability of the output, and that membranous structures, is Oxidation of the outer,
the proper wavelength is being emitted. mitochondrial, lysosomal, and nuclear mem-

branes may result because of the photodynamic would result in signifcant disfigurement requir-
action. ing reconstructive or plastic surgery were also
in vivo, the response to photodynamic therapy offered PDT as an option in lieu of undergoing
can be rapid, At least part of the response to PDT surgical excision at that time. Finally, patients
in tissues results from an effect on the microvascu- who had been diagnosed with basal cell nevus
lature in and around the tumor, 14,16 The ultimate syndrome were also offered PDT as part of their
result is a loss of blood flow to the area and overall management strategy.
subsequent oxygen nutrient depletion. Direct For both practical and theoretical reasons,
cellular effects are evident within hours after light early protocols were designed to establish the
therapy as well, The effects at the cellular level lowest possible drug dose (to reduce normal skin
range from apoptosis to nonspecific autoantibody effects and decrease overall photosensitivity) and
response, resulting in deposition of factors such the maximum light dose (to achieve maximum
as igM, C3, and fibrin in a Cascade fashion. tissue penetration for depth effect). 7 A drug dose
Multiple studies, which continue to explore the of 1.0 mg/kg body weight of Photofrin was
relationship between metabolic and vascular ef- injected intravenously, as a bolus over a period of
fects, have been published on the various effects 10 minutes; Two days later, the patient would
of PDT. return to the clinic for laser/light treatment. In the
treatment of skin lesions, the laser is often fitted
CLINICAL APPLICATIONS with a multiple fiber coupler, which allows the
Photodynamic therapy has the potential to use of 2 to 4 fibers for the simultaneous treatment
treat a wide variety of cutaneous lesions, both of multiple lesions. In all cases, the power density
benign and malignant. Malignancies involving (dose rate) was approximately 150 mW/cm 2 per
the skin that have been treated with PDT include fiber. The total dose of light (energy density)
basal and squamous cell carcinomas~ such as given to each lesion was 215 J/cm 2. When pos-
basal cell nevus syndrome, Bowen's disease, myco- sible, a margin of normal tissue, equal to approxi-
sis fungoides, human immunodeficiency virus mately 1 cm greater than the greatest bidimen-
(HIV) associated Kaposi's sarcoma, and recurrent sional measurement of the tumor, was included
metastatic breast carcinoma2 7-~2 As long as the within the treated volume. When a larger tumor
photosensitizer can accumulate in the tumor in was encountered (>1 cm in the largest bidimen-
question and light activation can be achieved, sional measurement), an interstitial method of
therapeutic reaction may occur, We will discuss light illumination was often used. In a case such
the histology of each individually, as this, a fiberoptic with a small cylindrical
diffusing tip was used. Dosimetry for a diffusing
Basal Cell Carcinomas tip consists of the use of 400 mW/ (power
AS in the case of other pathologies, a wide output) and a total dose of 300 J/ When
variety of photosensitizing agents have been used, possible, the interstitial method was combined
along with many different light sources and with the superficial technique.
treatment schedules. However, all have proven Wilson et al reported an 88% complete re-
rather effective~ but the optimal PDT is yet to be sponse on 151 lesions treated in a series of 37
determined, patients with 29-month follow-up, z In this series,
For these studies, patients with biopsy-proven 125 of the sites were primary basal cell carcino-
basal cell carcinoma, either primary or recurrent, mas and 26 sites were recurrent. This study was
generally in multiple sites, were entered into the conducted as a drug and light dose ranging study,
treatment protocol. Most of the patients had and consequently, some tumors received what is
previous therapies, which included surgical exci- now known to be subtherapeutic treatment. There
sion, cryosurgery, ionizing radiation, or electrodes- was an approximately 18% recurrence rate in this
sication. Recurrent tumors were either too exten- group (for all treatment combinations). Interest-
sive for excision or not candidates for Moh's ingty, retreatment of recurrences resulted m a
surgery. Primary tumors could be easily excised 100% complete response rate. Patients who have
or treated by subsequent Moh's surgery if PDT multiple lesions or large surface areas that are
failed. Patients for whom excision of their tumors affected are particularly suited for PDT (Fig i).
t i t

The response of the lesion is quite selective in that

only the lesion is irreversibly damaged. The
normal tissue undergoes some response, yet does
not undergo necrotic change. The healing process
occurs over approximately 4 to 8 weeks, depend-
ing on the size of an individual lesion. Some
response of large treated areas shows temporary
hypertrophic scarring that usually resolves with-
out further intervention (Figs 2 and 3). The
treatment involves only one outpatient session.
There were no nonresponders in this series of
patients. It was clear from this study that lesions
in different anatomic locations responded differ-
ently. Of note, a majority of the recurrences were
on the nose (particularly in the folds of the nose). Fig 2. Patient in Fig I, 4 months post-PDT. Com-
This may be due in part to the multiple treatment plete healing of the lesion is noted. Some residual
angles required to obtain adequate light dose hypertrophic scarfing is evident from the treat-
delivery, superficially, for this anatomy. The sug- ment of this large surface area. (Reprinted with
gestion from this report is to include an intersti- permission. ~3)
tial treatment of these lesions in addition to the
treatment from the surface, to achieve complete showing that lesions greater than 2 mm in depth
response on the first exposure. Svanberg, as well treated by ALA-PDT had only a 45% complete
as Hintschich, reported a 100% complete re- response rate compared with 90% for lesions less
sponse on a total of 36 lesions with excellent than 2 mm in depth. ~l When used, dimethyl
cosmesis, using Photofrin.l~ sulfoxide increases skin penetration of ALA, and
Studies involving topical ALA report complete
clinical responses in the 90% to 100% range from
superficial lesions to a bit less for nodular tu-
mors. 1~ This was well defined by Warloe's report

Fig I. Multiple basal cell carcinoma on the

forehead of patient before PDT. The patient had
previously been treated by multiple surgical exci-
sions and liquid nitrogen over a period of approxi-
mately 7 years. The entire area was treated with Fig 3. Patient in Fig I, 9 months post-PDT. Hyper-
PDT in one outpatient session. She experienced trophic scarring caused by PDT is no longer evi-
facial edema, persisting for several days after PDT, dent, and patient was free of disease. (Reprinted
which resolved. (Reprinted with permission. 13) with permission. 13)

response rates may increase. In addition, retreat- would have been required, as well as potentially
ment (fractionation) for lesions with incomplete greater morbidity.
response is often fruitful as shown by Svanberg's Bowen's disease (intraepidermal squamous cell
report on 100% complete response rates for those carcinoma) responds to PDT. Jones et al have
patients undergoing two PDT sessions on the reported a series of six patients with biopsy-
same lesions. 1~ proven Bowen's disease who were treated with
Of note is that both topical and systemic PDT PDT. 22 Patients were given an intravenous injec-
agents often have excellent response and cosme- tion of Photofrin (1.0 mg/kg). Approximately 48
sis. To determine the optimal modality for PDT of hours after injection, the areas were exposed to
basal cell lesions would require a randomized 630 nm light for a total dose of 215 to 250 J/cm 2.
study, which is lacking at this time. An important The reported follow-up time ranged from 14 to 24
concept to remember is that topical sensitizers months. The lesion sites included areas of the
may not penetrate deeply enough to allow for a head and neck as well as buttock and perianal
photodynamic reaction in nodular lesions, n and lesions. All the patients treated in this series were
as such, systemically injected sensitizers may be reported to be disease free at the longest fol-
more versatile in the clinical study. An important low-up period. Perhaps in situ disease (Bowen's
application for PDT is in Gorlins syndrome (basal disease) will be the most common diagnosis for
cell nevus syndrome) in which the multiple squamons cell lesions to be treated with PDT.
lesions can be clinically and cosmetically con-
trolled in a very effective and minimally morbid Kaposi's Sarcoma
fashion.18 Wilson, reporting on 588 lesions treated Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is the most common
by IV Photofrin, found a 95% clinical complete malignancy in AIDS patients. 29 Despite a wide
response, with mean follow-up of 28 months, r variety of therapeutic approaches, effective pallia-
tive treatment is still difficult to achieve. 3~ The
multifocal nature of KS often makes local treat-
Squamous Cell
ment by radiation or surgery difficult and time-
Squamous lesions in the skin respond to PDT, consuming. Furthermore, cosmetic results are
but apparently at a slightly lower rate than basal generally unacceptable with these modalities.
cell carcinomas. This is compensated for by PDT offers a possible solution in that multiple
increasing the light dose to the lesion by approxi- lesions are treated in a single session, and no
mately 20%. Generally, the normal tissue reaction immune compromise is noted from the photosen-
is more severe; however, cosmetic results after 23 sitizer, as is seen from chemotherapy and immune
the higher light dose are basically the same as therapy. The cosmetic results in KS patients
those obtained for the treatment of basal cell treated with PDT are usually excellent.
carcinomas. Patients with biopsy-proven acquired immuno-
Hernnijton used systemic HPD and treated 32 deficiency syndrome (AIDS)-associated KS have
lesions, resulting in a 81% complete response been treated in various PDT trials. Experience has
rate. 24 Several series, reporting on more than 700 been gained in the treatment of this disease with
lesions treated, showed an outstanding 100% two photosensitizers, Photofrin and SnET2.
complete response rate with superb cosmesis. 25-2r In a series of patients reported by Bernstein et
Both topical and systemic agents had been used in al, patients were treated with 1.0 mg/kg of Photo-
these reports. A large series by Robinson using frin and escalating surface length doses of 100 to
Photofrin intravenous had a 100% complete re- 400 J/cm 2 via lens fiberoptics. The study con-
sponse rate with a minimum 6 month follow-up sisted of 26 patients with 348 lesions. In this
with 500 lesions treated; cosmetic results were study, 94 lesions (32.5%) were rated as complete
excellent. 28 responses. A total of 183 lesions (63.3%) showed
An interesting application of PDT was reported a partial response, and 12 lesions (4.2%) were
by Petrelli. 19 In this series, PDT was exceptionally classified as clinical failures. These response rates
useful in treating squamous cell lesions of the were consistent with studies performed on other
perianal region in which rather extensive surgery skin malignancies, in that there was a clear light

dose dependent effect of PDT. 33 There did not,

however, seem to be any correlation between
peripheral blood CD4 § counts and treatment
response. In this study, the m a x i m u m tolerable
light dose was found to be 300 J/cm 2. Patients
treated in this fashion show similar wound devel-
opment and healing characteristics as those treated
with other cutaneous (basal or squamous cell)
malignancies. Initial response includes erythema
and edema of the treated site. Breakdown and
necrosis of the lesion usually follows within 1 to 2
weeks. This is usually selective for the lesion
versus normal surrounding skin treated within
the fields volume. After 4 to 8 weeks, again ~k
depending on the size of the lesion and field
Fig 5. Patient from Fig 4, 12 weeks post-PDT
dimensions, the lesions heal. treatment. Treatment sites show no evidence of
Hebeda reported on eight HIV-positive patients diesease or pigmentation. The patient continues I
with a total of 83 lesions. 34 Overall response rates year postfreatment with no evidence of disease in
were very good in this study; however, the cos- treated sites.
metic results were unsatisfactory. In that study,
there was a prevalence of scars and long lasting
quently activated, 24 hours postinjection, by
hyperpigmentation. Severe side effects as a result
664 +__ 3 nm light delivered via fiberoptic from a
of treatment were also seen, including intense
diode laser light source. The total light dose
pain and blistering. This was likely because of the
delivered was 300 J/cm 2 at a power density of 150
combination of a high dose of sensitizer (2 mg/kg
mW/cm 2. Patients were administered 1.2 mg/kg
Photofrin) and high laser dose (up to 120 J/cm2).
(IV) Purlytin. Outcome analysis reported excel-
In a recent study, 35 Purlytin-PDT was per-
lent cosmesis and an overall 75% complete re-
formed on 9 patients with biopsy-proven KS
sponse rate on 121 lesions. Those individuals
lesions. The total number of lesions treated was
with a partial response to the first PDT session
121. All patients were HIV-positive. The drug
had a 95% complete response after a second
SnET2 was intravenously injected and subse-
treatment session. Morbidity was limited to pho-
tosensitivity for 2 weeks. Cosmesis was superb in
areas treated on the face (Figs 4 and 5).

Chest Wall R e c u r r e n c e
Various treatment modalities are used in treat-
ing recurrent breast cancer. 36"38 Treatment of
primary disease may include lumpectomy, mastec-
tomy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hor-
mone manipulation therapy. Often, several meth-
ods are used in combination to manage systemic
and local cutaneous disease resulting from metas-
tases. However, following mastectomy, chemother-
apy, and radiation, chest wall recurrence of breast
cancer is devastating in that few palliative options
remain. Further, breast cancer that is metastatic to
the chest wall/skin is usually seen in advanced
Fig 4. Patient with multiple Kaposi's sarcoma
lesion. Two lesions on the eyelids were treated with cases, and these patients have normally failed
PDT. The eye was protected from exposure using other therapies. Uninhibited, the recurrent chest
an eye cup. wall nodules cause the patient extreme pain.

Twenty-four percent of patients who have been

treated for advanced breast cancer have been
reported to develop cutaneous lesions. 39
A phase II trial of Purlytin-PDT was conducted
to assess the response of patients with advanced
breast cancer metastases to the chest wall. A total
of 86 lesions (2.4 cm mean diameter) were treated
on eight patients who had biopsy-proven chest
wall recurrence despite mastectomy, chemother-
apy, and radiation. Each patient underwent a
single photodynamic therapy session in which
the drug Purlytin (1.2 mg/kg) was injected.
followed 24 hours later by laser light treatment at
660 + 3 nm (@ 150 mW/cm 2, for a total light dose
of 200 J/cm2). With a minimum &month follow- Fig 6. Large recurrent breast cancer in patient
up, the objective response rates after PDT were previously treated with radiation and chemother-
apy. Patient received PDT in four separate fields to
complete response (CR) 92%, partial response
provide adequate dosimetry to the tumor site.
(PR) 8%, no response (NR) 0%, for a total of
100% response rate overall. Patients who undergo
infection that responded to oral antibiotics. No
this therapy show wound healing characteristic of
photosensitivity reactions were reported in this
the previously described treatments. There are.
set of patients. Posttreatment pain, which could
however, some discernable differences in the
be treated with medication and application of
response of these lesions to PDT. Generally, as
cold compresses, was reported.
many of the patients treated by PDT at various PDT appears to offer an excellent local control
institutions have previously received other thera- rate of chest wall recurrence after multimodality
pies, the response to PDT is more exuberant. treatment failure with minimal morbidity. The
Frequently, during the treatment sessions in pa- treatment is given in a single session and on an
tients with multiple lesions that are in close outpatient basis. In patients who may register a
proximity to each other, pain is associated with PR or have recurrence or the incidence of further
the light illumination itself. This is generally chest wall nodules post-PDT, the treatment is
controlled with an analgesic given patients before repeatable. At 6-month follow-up, some of these
therapg as well as during the course of the
treatments themselves. Occasionally, stronger
medications are necessary. Overall. the lesions
respond with very good selectivity. The light dose
used is generally 25% less than that which is used
to treat other cutaneous lesions. This again is
because of the apparent greater sensitivity of
these lesions to PDZ Lesions generally undergo
necrotic change within 2 weeks after treatment
and form eschars over the treated lesion within 2
to 4 weeks after treatment (Figs 6 and 7).
Complete healing of the lesion is slower and may
require 12 to 16 weeks to reepithelialize com-
pletely (Fig 8). This is generally attributed to the
fact that the lesion is in a previous radiation
therapy field. Lesions less than 0.5 cm in diameter
Fig 7. Patient from Fig 6, at 16 weeks post-PDT.
had a 100% CR. Morbidity was minimal with no Small eschar remained over the treated site, which
systemic toxicity. One patient developed a wound was left untreated,

sure to light is of help in the elimination process.

Low level exposure will photobleach residual
drug in the skin and ultimately shorten the
photosensitivity period.
The drug application and the light treatment
are generally well tolerated and undertaken as an
outpatient procedure. In a minority of individu-
als, some topical pain is noted during the laser
procedure, at the site being treated. This is well
controlled with the application of a cold com-
press for 10 to 15 minutes while the treatment is

Fig 8. Patient from Fig 6, 20 weeks post-PDT.
Eschar resolved without intervention. Site was free Over the last two decades, PDT has gone from
of disease. Patient remained free of disease in an interesting laboratory observation to an excit-
treated site I year post-PDT. ing and useful therapy for the treatment of
malignant, premalignant, and benign disease. To
patients developed new lesions outside the prior date, enough patients and lesions have been
PDT field. As such, fractionation of PDT sessions treated to begin to define and refine the role of
for those individuals with new or recurrent le- PDT. Clearly, PDT offers promising results for in
sions may offer the best chance of an extended situ manifestations such as Bowen's disease. Squa-
palliation. This seems to be a much higher mous cell and basal cell carcinomas also have
response rate than Lapes' report using topical been rigorously shown to be candidates for treat-
TPPS4 (Porphyrin Products, Logan, UT), in which ment with PDT, as clinical and cosmetic results
only a 33% complete response rate was re- are excellent. PDT also offers local palliative
ported. 4~ therapy for breast cancer patients who have
recurrent cutaneous manifestations. The therapy
is tolerated well and can be combined with some
ADVERSE REACTIONS forms of concomitant chemotherapy for the effec-
The one side effect of concern to patients tive treatment of these patients.
receiving the photosensitizer is prolonged cutane- Finally, the treatment of HIV-associated KS
ous photosensitivity to bright, visible light (eg, lesions has also been shown to be efficacious in
sunlight). 41 Patients are therefore instructed to these patients, and again the treatment is well
avoid such light for 2 to 6 weeks after injection. tolerated. Furthermore, the injection of either
The length of the photosensitivity period is highly Photofrin or purpurins does not adversely affect
dependent on the specific photosensitizer used the patient's immune status.
and the total dose of the drug. Generally, the light With only a limited number of photosensitiz-
precaution that a patient needs to take consists of ing agents and a wide variety of application
protecting exposed skin with appropriate cloth- techniques, PDT has already shown superb clini-
ing. This clothing should be a tightly woven cal promise. As new agents are introduced and
material, so as not to let sunlight or intense visible applications optimized, the future for PDT looks
light through. The patients are instructed to wear bright.
a broad brimmed hat and gloves. Sunscreens are
not of value in protecting the skin from a photo-
sensitivity reaction, as it is the visible wavelengths ACKNOWLEDGMENT
of the sun that cause the reaction and not the The authors are grateful to Wendy L. Snider
ultraviolet. The patient is not in danger from and Gretchen Hewson, RN, for their contribu-
normal indoor lighting. Further, low level expo- tions in the preparation of this manuscript.

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