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Personal Information CURRICULUM VITAE


Name Alice Monacelli

Residence via Mascarella 57, 40126, Bologna, Italy
Mobile Phone +393493484954
Fax /
Nationality Italy
Place and date of Birth Bologna (BO), 27/03/1994
Sex Woman

Dates 2009-2013
Institute of secondary school Scientific and linguistic High School Copernico,
Bologna, Italy
Diplom Scientific/ linguistic Diploma, Vote: 85/100

Dates 2013-2016
University Institute, Bachelor University of architecture IUAV, Techniques and
cultures of the project, Venice (Italy)
Diplom Bachelor in Architektur, Vote: 110/110

Dates 2017- 2020

University Institute, Master TU Wien, Master in Architecture

Dates 2020- 2023

University Institute, Doctorate La Sapienza, Rome, PhD Fellow in
Architecture and Construction,
Curriculum Urban Morphology
Personal skills: Languages
English C1

German C1

Spanish B2

Italian Mothertongue
Experience in the architectural field

Job experiences
Dates January, February, March 2015-2016
Activity Internship in the architecture studio Adolfo Zanetti,
Dorsoduro 2800, Venice, Italy

Dates October, November December 2016

Activity Internship at the Marc Drewes Architekten archi-
tecture firm, Leipzigerstraße 60, Berlin, Germany

Dates March 2017 - September 2017

Activity Internship at KSP Juergen Engel Architekten, Kor-
füsterdamm 48-49, Berlin, Germany

Dates September 2019 -

Activity Work assistant for modelling and visualisation by
Atelier Cremer

Workshop experiences
Dates July 2014

Activities Workshop with the Architects Driss & Kettani,

regarding the connection between the harbour of
Marghera and the island of Venice

Dates July 2015

Activities Workshop with the architect Javier Corvalàn about

the realisation of an observatory of water increa-
sing in Venice

Dates July 2016

Activities Workshop with the Architects de Vylder Vinck Tal-

lieu about the comparison between the constructi-
ve details in Venice and Marghera

Dates July 2019

Activities Workshop with FALA architects in the faculty of

architecture in Porto, Portugal

Dates 14-18 June 2021

Activities workshop “mapping urban public spaces:

the production of socio-spatial knowledge”, held
for the purposes of the Erasmus+ Project entitled
KAEBUP: Knowledge Alliance for Evidence-Based
Urban Practices, Unversity of Cyprus.

Dates February 2017

Activity Ideas for a “Biergarten” in Castelmaggiore,
Italy (Young architects competition)

Dates February 2017

Activity Ideas for a “Castel Resort” in Rocca Mandolfi, Italy
(Young architects competition)

Dates February 2017

Activity SANI Competition for the revitalisation of the
abandoned military area in Bologna

March- April 2018

Competition for a cultural centre in Sedhiou, Sene-
gal (KAIRA LOORO Architecture Competition)

Dates July 2021

Activity XXXI International seminar and Award of Archi-
tecture and Urban Culture of Camerino ‘BORGHI
CITTA’ TERRITORI. Prove di cambiamento’


1 A. Monacelli, “The Paradox of the Masstopia”, Vienna, January 2018. Published and accessible at the

2 A. Fotopoulou, A. Monacelli, A. Ferrante, “The rise and the fall of “XENIA” hotels: a post-War Greek
architecture for tourism during the 50s – 60s”, accepted for publication in the book ”Digital Moder-
nism Heritage Lexicon”, 2020. Link:

3 A. Monacelli, “Claude Parent: the epistemological shift from the modernism to the metabolic
movement”, accepted for publication in the book “Digital Modernism Heritage Lexicon”, 2020. Link:

4 A. Monacelli, A. Ferrante, S. Tondelli “Vertical versus Horizontal: theory and practice of urban den-
sification in evolving metropolises”, accepted as poster at the ISUF2020- The International Seminar
on Urban Form, 2020

5 A. Ferrante, A. Monacelli, A. Fotopoulou “Sustainability in evolving cities through densification: the

ABRACADABRA strategy for balancing energy and costs of deep renovation processes”, accepted
as oral presentation at the ISUF2020- The International Seminar on Urban Form, 2020
6 F. Conte, A. Monacelli, “ The language of reconnection. Two approaches in Venice “, accepted as a
full paper in The 2nd International Conference on Architecture “Canon and Code. The language of
arts in today’s world”, 2020

7 M. Maretto, C. Finizza, A. Monacelli, B. Gherri, E. Naboni, D. Maiullari, M. Iannantuono, “ Regene-

rative design processes in urban morphology“, accepted as a full paper in Urban Form and the
Sustainable Prosperous City - The International Seminar on Urban Form.

Programs used Autocad, Revit, Rhino, Grasshopper, Adobe packa-

ge (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premier),
Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel), Lumion/
Cinema 3D for Renders.

Experience in other fields

Job experiences
Dates Juny 2012
Activity Entertainer at the Focus Juniors camping holi-
day in San Rossore (Pisa, Italy), organized by the
agency STERREN LAB. Teacher of hip-hop and
collaborator for the organisation of various group
activities (games, science classes).

Dates October, November, December 2015

Hostess in the fair of Padua. Cashier and presen-
ter of the winning projects from the architectural
application to the requalification of the outskirts of

Dates February 2018–

Activity Hostess in the fair of Berlin. Collaborator as inter-
preter and table service.

Dates October 2018

Activity Waiter - market assistent in the Cafe’ Zehnziebzig

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