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Allah Valley Drive, Surallah South Cotabato

Prelim examination

Case Study: List down at-least Ten (10) answer or suggestions that you could recommend in
the situation presented below. Each Suggestion is equivalent to Two (2) points for a total of
20 points. Good Luck!

Sexual Harassment: An especially Objectionable Source of Stress at Work.

In recent decades, millions of women have joined the workforce in the United States
and many other nations especially in the Philippines. Indeed, at present, a large majority of
females – both married and single are working full time. As the sex composition of work
settings has sighted, a disturbing problem has increased in frequency: sexual harassment.
This term refers to unwanted contact or communication of a sexual nature and can range
from forced physical contact and sexual proposition linked to threats or promises of changes
in job status, to offensive remarks or unwanted non-verbal attention (Stares, gestures,
whistles) and repeated request for dates. Women are the overwhelming victims of such
actions, but men are also subject to sexual harassment in some occasions.
The incidence of sexual harassment appears to have increased in recent decades.
Survey reveals that more than 25% of female employees of the U.S. federal government
have experienced sexual harassment at least once during their careers.
In the Philippines, cases of sexual harassment have been brought out in the open just
recently. It could be due to our cultural values of shame (nakakahiya) or some vested interest
like job security, promotion, etc.
Can organizations, individual managers, individual employees do something to reduce
the frequency of such objectionable behavior? List down some of your suggestion.

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