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Imagine you were Miley Cyrus. You would like to apologize to your fans for becoming the way
you are right now. Write an apology letter describing what drove you to totally change your
outward appearance and personality, your regret, and your future plans. Don’t forget to ask
your fans to keep on supporting you no matter what happens next.

Make a compare and contrast essay about the similarities and differences between your
previous homeroom teacher and your current homeroom teacher. Make an introduction, two
bodies, one for similarities and one for differences, and a conclusion.

Write a letter to your friend who is being held captive in North Korea. Ask about his condition
and the situation in the enemy territory, and elaborate to him the plan of your covert mission
to liberate him any time soon. Be mindful that North Korea has increased the security within
the perimeter of prisoner camps.
What would you do if a zombie apocalypse happened when you were studying at school? You
also need to know that the school’s entrance gates have been closed for the time being, but
those might not be able to hold on forever. Elaborate the steps you would take in order to
ensure your survival in a process essay. Be realistic as much as possible and remember that
your survival is the foremost priority.

Describe what your favorite TV show (it can be Drama, Cartoon, Anime, etc) or Movie is. Make
an argumentative essay and argue why it is the best and why other people should start
watching it. Aside from the Introduction and Conclusion, you need at least 3 (or more) bodies
explaining 3 (or more) different reasons to support your main argument. You might want to
include the morals/ messages the film has.

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