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19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ THI THU A2 Tress 30100 @ 0/0 diém HO VA TEN * 8 Thi Noa READIN‘ 26/30 diém VY 1.On Saturdays, a lot of people visit the library where Elena works and it 1/1 is always... * @ busy O heavy © strong Y 2."The jobis .. because I meet alot of different people’, Elena says. * 1/1 O friendly © interesting O favorite hitpssdocs. google. comiformsid's/1FAIpOLSeZgJW2OMFemNSglk Vshd3zVICIeWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiewscore?viewscore=AEOZAgBD ICN... 1/17 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ X 3.Herjobis to. . the books when people bring them back. * on O book ©@ watch x O check Cau tra ldi dng @ check 4. Elena has to put the books back on the .. shelf. * " © good O possible ©@ ‘ight v Y_ 5.Sometimes people.......... to return their books on time. * mM O think ©@ forget v O mind hitpssldocs. google. comiformsid's/1FAlpOLSeZgJW20MFemN8glk VshdM3VICIeWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiewscore?viewscore=AEOZAgBD ICN... 2117 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ Y 6. Maria likes to .... a lot of time at the lake. * wi ©@ spend v © keep O sty Y 7. The water there is warm and beautifully... * Ww O light ©@ clear v O nice Y_ 8.In the summer, Maria sometimes.........swimming in the lake. * w © sees O Plays O wants hitpssldocs. google. comiformsid's/FAlpOLSeZgJW20MFemNSglk VshdM3VICIeWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiewscore?viewscore=AEOzAgBD ICN... 3/17 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ Y 9.Some beautiful flowers near the lake. * mM O stand O le @ grow v Y_ 10.When she goes to the lake, Maria usually take some. mW @ food v © meat O dish hitpssdocs. google. comiformsid's/1FAIpOLSeZgJW2OMFemN8glk VshdM3VICIeWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiewscore?viewscore=AEOzAgBD ICN... 4/17 19:26, 2710972021 Part 2.* ‘Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter AH. Example: You must use this door between these hours. © oOo 0 0 o@® O00 0 oO000 0 Oo 008 0 oO 0 0 © 0000 0 o080 0 hitpssidocs. google. comiformsid's/FAlpOLSeZgJW2OMFemN8glk Vshd!3VICIeWO15y-48400yR520mQWiewscore?viewscore=AECZAgBD ICN, THITHO AZ H Oo ° Biém sé Ww ” al w ” snr 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ Part 3. 16. Who had more than one sister or brother? * W Piano players — when they were young ivan Petrov Ivan was born on a farm in Russia, but from the age of twelve to eighteen he studied in Poland. His first music teacher couldn't play the piano but taught him and his sister songs from the opera. His mother began to teach him the piano when he was six. At ten, he decided that he wanted to write music too, and he soon started on his first song. Oleg Gagarin Oleg was the youngest of five children and when he was four years old his father, who liked playing the piano, taught him some traditional Russian music. When he was six, he started having lessons with a piano teacher who lived in the same city. Oleg soon began to win prizes for his piano playing. At the age of fourteen, he went to a music college in Austria for ‘two years. Later, he returned home to Russia, Josef Heptmann Josef’s father was German but he taught music in Poland where Josef was born. The family moved to Germany when Josef was two, and a year later he started playing the piano. He gave his first concert when he was six. At ten, he gave fifty-two concerts in two months during a trip to England! Josef always liked music but he was also interested in physics and languages. He is too busy now but one day he would like to write his own music. hitpssldocs. google. comiformsids/FAlpOLSeZg JW2OMFemNSglk Vshd'3zVICIeWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiowscore viewscore en7 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ 17. Who enjoyed other subjects as well as music? * wi O Wan O Oleg ©@ voseg v 18. Who studied in another country for two years? * mW O Wan ©@ Oleg v © voseg X19. Who was the youngest to begin playing the piano? * on O Wan @ Oleg © Joseg Cau tra 161 ding @ Joseg hitpssldocs. google. comiformse's/FAlpOLSeZgJW2OMFemNSglk VshdM3VICIeWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiewscore?viewscore=AEOzAgRD ICN... 7/17 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ Y 20. Who had music lessons with someone who wasn'ta piano player?* 1/1 @ Wan © Oleg © soseg v Y_ 21.Who did well in music competitions? * WW O Wan ©@ Oleg © voseg Y 22.Who also wrote music? * " © wan O Oleg © Joseg hitpssidocs. google. comiformse's/FAIpOLSeZgJW20MFemN Sk VshdM3VICICWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiewscore?viewscore=AEOzAgBD ICN... 8/17 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ v 23." wi The history of horse racing From the first history books (0) written, it is clear that horse racing has always 23 ...0:u0. an important sport. It started in Central Asia about 4,500 years (24 .......... and was a favourite sport in both Greek and Roman times. Modern horse racing began when Arab horses were brought to Europe 25 ees the 12th century. At first, races were long and (26 just two horses, but at the beginning of the 18th century this changed. Races became |27 «so...» Shorter and had several horses running against 28 other. Today, horse racing |29 _ watched by more people than 30 scum Other sport in the USA, except baseball. It is also very popular in other parts of the world. O be © being ©@ been v hitpssldocs. google. comiformsids/FAlpOLSeZg JW2OMFemNSglk Vshd'3zVICIeWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiowscore viewscore snr 19:26, 2710972021 v 24." CO before O vet © 20 v 25% v 2.4 O© opposite O ‘through ©@ between hitpssidoes. google. comiformsid's/FAIpOLSeZgJW20MFemNSglk Vshd!3VICIeWO15y-48400yR520mQWiewscore?viewscore=AEOZAgBE IC. THITHO AZ w WW " son7 19:26, 2710972021 x 27." @ many O much O most Cau tra 1di dung © much v 28. O one ©@ each O every hitpssidoes. google. comiformsid's/FAIpOLSeZgJW20MFemNSglk Vshd!3VICIeWO15y-48400yR520mQWiewscore?viewscore=AEOZAgBE IC. THITHO AZ on w WW wr 19:26, 2710972021 THITHU a2 X 30." on @ some x O ayy © all Cau tra 131 dung @ wy LISTENING 12/20 diém LISTEN TO THE 1ST AUDIO FILE. 1. The bag is m © small O od @ dirty v Y 2.Where is the bag? * Ww ©@ inthe classroom v © onthe sports field © atthe hospital hitpssldocs. google. comiformsid's/FAIpOLSeZgJW2OMFemNSglk VshdM3VICICWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiowscore?viewscore=AEOZAgD IC. 12/17 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ 3. Whatis inside the bag? * w v Y 4.Maria should take the bag to Zak * Ww © this afternoon @ this evening v © tomorrow morning X_ 5. Zak hurt himself when he was * on ©@ Playing football x © running © changing his clothes Cau tra 161 ding @© running hitpssldocs. google. comiformsid's/FAIpOLSeZgJW2OMFemN8glk VshdMzVICIeWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiowscore?viewscore=AEOZAgRD IC... 13/17 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ LISTEN TO THE 2ND AUDIO. 6. Where did Jim buy his walking shoes? * 1/1 at the market v in a supermarket O00 ®@ ina shoe shop X 7. The shoes cost Jim * on © 20 pounds x © 48 pounds © 68 pounds Cau tra ldi ding ©@ 48 pounds X_ 8. Jim says Sarah should take * on © aiacket x O asweater © asunhat Cau tra ldi ding @ asunhat hitpssdocs. google. comiformsid's/FAIpOLSeZgJW2OMFemN Sk VshdM3zVICICWO15y-48400)RS20mQNiewscore?viewscore=AEOZAgHD IC. 14/17 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ Y_ 9.How many T-shirts should Sarah take? * mM O1 @s v O7 X10. Sarah should take her phone because she may want to * on ©@ Phone the hotel x © phone home © hone for help Cau tra 16i dung © phone for help hitpssdocs. google. comiformsid's/FAIpOLSeZgJW2OMFemN 8k VshdM3VICIeWO15y-48400yRS20mQNiewscore?viewscore=AEOZAgD JC... 15/17 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ 6AM x Cau tra ldi ding 6 six six 6:00 6.00 Six -ntps:ifdocs google convormsid/!FAlpQl ScZgJW20MFemNagkVshdMzIVICIeWO15j-4B4oCyRE2OmOiviowscore?viewscore=AEOZAgBS jC... 18/17 19:26, 2710972021 THITHO AZ v 12% x 13° 7 pounds Cau tra léi dung 7.50 cau tra lat ck Y 14. (ghi theo thu’ ty ngay + thang, vi dy: 8 August) * v 16.* FOWLER Bid mAu nay da duoc 120 ta bén trong Thuéng dai hoc Ngan hang TRHCM, hitpssidoes. google. comiformsid's/FAIpOLSeZgJW20MFemNSglk Vshd!3VICIeWO15y-48400yR520mQWiewscore?viewscore=AEOZAgBE IC. 22 “2 22 22 wr

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