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(a) a) train travel

Iii ) taxi travel

(b) firms can work with their horizontal merger to create new product
into order to attract customers This increase their revenue therefore

they can extend their business ,

leads to globalisation s .
Next, firms can
divide the cost of production will their to reduce pressure
mergers and so
also to increase productivity because they can purchase more capital

and hire more labours leads to economies of scale Both firms work.

together can have market shares , so both side of customers will come

together .

(c) a) 6160
✗100 =


( ii ) percentage change in Quantity of demand

percentage change in price

= % ☐ Qd =
always positive
= % Dad =
(d) In order to go for luxury holiday people by bus train
go , , ,

by air travel Let's talk air travel now days air travel

is expensive .

consumers prices between different airline company And

may compare .

when holiday is coming , more people would travel around this leads to ,

high demand of air travel At this time price of airlines will.

high demand If turn around low in price will lead

increase due to .

to high demand Small change in price will lead to big change

a . a on

the demand People can switch from luxury holidays to normal holidays

due to the change in price .

(e) State owned enterprise easily receive financial supportcan

from government Government

always invest airlines and always keep
can on

funds circulated Next state owned


, enterprise can always receive to favorable

policies for example

: tax breaks on certain products and low interest rates on

loans from state-owned banks .

Also , government can more jobs in order to

unemployment Government-owned enterprise
. to large and can access a

stable potential customer base But government may have strict control and

restrictions because it needs to make

, everything is the line thereforesure on

creativity and openness may decrease For private sector enterprise it will be
limited disclosure ,
means it will work
secretly ,
it decrease counterfeit
object The enterprise is privately control every decision will made by

its own .

But the amount of capital will be limited Also enterprise need to

, . request
for financial support from bank by itself, and there's also another thing is limited

to credit
access .

Every responsibility must take by it own Also, the

enterprise will

lack of professional advice .

(f) In the demand for pilots increase as this shows up the

, , ,

price also increase , which brings new quantity for demand We . can

see DI shift outwards to D2 ,

as this shows up ,
the demand increase , this
will result to demand This leads to price increase, it shows Pi shift
excess .

to Pa
then Q , shift Qa This shows that more people willing to work as a

pilot ,
salary may
increase .

(g) No ,
a cut in taxation will increase inflation in a several ways .

First reduce in taxation results in

reduce in cost Firms. are

more willing to
produce more goods and services .

people willing to pay for it this will lead to excess demand , ,

when the supply and quantity of demand is in disequilibrium Also when .

a cut in taxation appears people don't have to pay ,

so much tax , which increase
spending power .
Overall it leads to inflation But
. a cut in taxation

will also creates more competitive environment As tax is reduce firms are

willing to
buy more capital hire labour to increase quantity and quality

As more products get into the market firms would

, adjust the price to a

lower price This would lead to deflation


1) Government can increase in taxation to reduce inflation As .

tax increase people need to pay

more on direct tax and indirect
tax People would get lesser salaries

and also
, things are
getting expensive

contraction ary

Fiscal -


Monetary ,÷
9 Interest rate

decrease government spending -

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