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Exam -

Style Question
Exam Style Question -

(a) The first monetary policy measure is a low exchange rate ,

and the second monetary policy measure is by cutting the interest

rates .

(b) The first cause of a fall in the birth rate is by the relative size
of the fall it means the population is falling so birth rate fall too Next
, ,

is the trend of
increasing women 's participation in labor market
and insufficient support to help them manage both work and child
rearing .

(c) Ii) 80730 -78000 ✗ ¥0 =

( ii) 25×10=250


i' PP1B
1 r


Consumer good
(e) People from the country will force to buy their country product own

because products cheaper and the firm 's profit will be

are now

increased But the the value of the money from the

country will decreased .

(f) The
diagram shows that PI and QI shift to the left become
P2 and QI It means the amount of the steel decrease but the
price is
increasing It will cut off the subsidy if the steel market is still

on .

(9) Free trade enables more goods and services to reach consumers at
lower prices Better qualities of product and services in lower cost

will show And it both increase the living standard of consumer

up .

and producer because the invest the majority of funds in the product

And this can make the salary of each labour become higher, Quality
of product upgraded and cheaper products Also people can get goods from

all over the world without a

high cost and also company easily to
deliver those products .

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