Pancreatic Insulinomas: Laparoscopic Management: 2015 Advances in Laparoscopic Surgery

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com/esps/ World J Gastrointest Endosc 2015 November 10; 7(16): 1197-1207

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DOI: 10.4253/wjge.v7.i16.1197 © 2015 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.


2015 Advances in Laparoscopic Surgery

Pancreatic insulinomas: laparoscopic management

Pantelis T Antonakis, Hutan Ashrafian, Alberto Martinez-Isla

Pantelis T Antonakis, Department of Surgery, Athens Abstract

Euroclinic, 11521 Athens, Greece
Insulinomas are rare pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Hutan Ashrafian, Alberto Martinez-Isla, Department of Upper that are most commonly benign, solitary, and intra­
GI Surgery, Northwick Park and St Mark's Hospital, North pancreatic. Uncontrolled insulin overproduction from
West London Hospitals NHS Trust, London HA1 3UJ, United the tumor produces neurological and adrenergic sym­
Kingdom ptoms of hypoglycemia. Biochemical diagnosis is con­
firmed by the presence of Whipple’s triad, along with
Hutan Ashrafian, the Department of Surgery and Cancer, corroborating measurements of blood glucose, insulin,
Imperial College London, St Mary’s Hospital, London W2 1NY, proinsulin, C-peptide, β-hydroxybutyrate, and negative
United Kingdom tests for hypoglycemic agents during a supervised fasting
period. This is accompanied by accurate preoperative
Author contributions: Martinez-Isla a designed the study
concept, drafted the manuscript, and was the lead laparoscopic
localization using both invasive and non-invasive imaging
surgeon; Antonakis PT and Ashrafian h researched and drafted modalities. Following this, careful preoperative planning
the final manuscript. is required, with the ensuing procedure being preferably
carried out laparoscopically. An integral part of the
Conflict-of-interest statement: No conflict of interest to laparoscopic approach is the application of laparoscopic
declare. intraoperative ultrasound, which is indispensable for
accurate intraoperative localization of the lesion in the
Open-Access: This article is an open-access article which was pancreatic region. The extent of laparoscopic resection is
selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external dependent on preoperative and intraoperative findings,
reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative but most commonly involves tumor enucleation or distal
Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, pancreatectomy. When performed in an experienced
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this
surgical unit, laparoscopic resection is associated with
work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on
minimal mortality and excellent long-term cure rates.
different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and
the use is non-commercial. See: Furthermore, this approach confers equivalent safety
licenses/by-nc/4.0/ and efficacy rates to open resection, while improving
cosmesis and reducing hospital stay. As such, laparo­
Correspondence to: Alberto Martinez-Isla, FRCS, Consultant scopic resection should be considered in all cases of
Surgeon, Department of Upper GI Surgery, Northwick Park benign insulinoma where adequate surgical expertise is
Hospital, North West London Hospitals NHS Trust, Watford available.
Road, Harrow, Middlesex, London HA1 3UJ,
United Kingdom. Key words: Pancreatic insulinoma; Laparoscopic surgery;
Telephone: +44-208-4532619 Technique; Outcomes; Minimally invasive surgery
Fax: +44-208-2425912
© The Author(s) 2015. Published by Baishideng Publishing
Received: April 28, 2015 Group Inc. All rights reserved.
Peer-review started: May 6, 2015
First decision: June 2, 2015
Revised: June 22, 2015
Core tip: Insulinomas have always fascinated physicians
Accepted: August 25, 2015 and surgeons alike, due to the difficulties in: (1) diag­
Article in press: November 7, 2015 nosing them; (2) obtaining accurate preoperative and
Published online: November 10, 2015 intraoperative localization; and (3) actually performing

WJGE| 1197 November 10, 2015|Volume 7|Issue 16|

Antonakis PT et al . Laparoscopic resection for pancreatic insulinomas

the operation safely and effectively. Laparoscopy stands biological behavior of insulinomas impact significantly on
out in the current literature as the approach of choice, their management and define the role and limitations of
and is employed for virtually all benign insulinomas. laparoscopic surgical intervention.
Enucleations for insulinomas in the head and body,
as well as distal pancreatectomies for lesions in the
body and tail of the pancreas, have been shown to be EPIDEMIOLOGY: SURGICAL
safe and effective in the current series. Laparoscopic
intraoperative ultrasound localization has emerged as a
standard adjunct to these procedures. The estimated annual incidence of insulinomas is
0.7-4 diagnosed cases per million persons . Their
rarity, combined with the unique challenges presented
Antonakis PT, Ashrafian H, Martinez-Isla A. Pancreatic insu­ throughout the course from diagnosis to therapy,
linomas: laparoscopic management. World J Gastrointest Endosc requires expert referral and management. Centralization
2015; 7(16): 1197-1207 Available from: URL: http://www. of care is therefore of utmost importance for these DOI: http://dx.doi. patients, and tertiary referral to centers of excellence
org/10.4253/wjge.v7.i16.1197 that follow a multidisciplinary approach is strongly
advocated in current treatment guidelines . The
low incidence of insulinomas makes it difficult for any
surgeon outside of pancreatic centers of excellence to
INTRODUCTION gain sufficient experience in insulinoma resection .
Furthermore, although a laparoscopic approach is
Insulinomas are insulin-secreting neuroendocrine
encouraged, the choice between open and laparoscopic
tumors deriving from neoplastic pancreatic islet cells,
surgery should be left to the discretion of the surgical
and occurring almost exclusively in the pancreas . team. It is therefore paramount that surgeons making
They are gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine such decisions are experienced in both open and
tumors (GEP-NETs) belonging to the subgroup of minimally invasive procedures, in order to offer their
neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) known as pancreatic
patients the optimal treatment.
endocrine tumors (PETs) . In contrast to other PETs,
approximately 90% of insulinomas are sporadic,
solitary, and benign, measuring less than 2 cm in INSULINOMAS IN THE CONTEXT OF
diameter . These characteristics, along with their
highly symptomatic presentation, make complete
surgical removal the treatment of choice for affected The vast majority of insulinomas are sporadic, but in
. Surgical treatment options include 5%-10% of cases they present in the context of multiple
tumor enucleation and regional pancreatic resection .
endocrine syndrome type 1 (MEN1) . MEN1-related
However, until recently, the only available approach was insulinomas are frequently multifocal and coincide
open surgery. with several other pancreatic lesions (most commonly
Laparoscopic enucleation and distal pancreatectomy non-functioning pancreatic endocrine tumors) .
were first reported in the 1990s by Gagner et al . In
It therefore becomes very difficult preoperatively to
fact, the small, benign, and solitary nature of insu­lino­mas determine with certainty the lesions for resection that
makes them ideal candidates for a laparo­scopic approach, are responsible for the clinical syndrome. This is further
particularly in overweight or obese patients. In the last confounded by the fact that not all pancreatic lesions
20 years, several case reports
and case series
, with immunohistochemically proven insulin production
including our own
, have explored the technical capacity produce clinical symptoms .
aspects of laparo­scopic insulinoma resection. The results As such, it is both difficult to determine preopera­
presented in these studies demonstrate the feasibility, tively the lesions responsible for the clinical syndrome
safety, and reprodu­cibility of laparoscopic insulinoma and to definitively state whether surgical resection has
resection in experienced hands. Consequently, recently been curative, even when insulin-producing lesions are
published guidelines now consider laparoscopic enuclea­ documented in the pathology report. Consequently,
tion an appropriate treatment modality for the majority significantly higher failure and recurrence rates are
of insulinomas . This article reviews the current documented after surgery for MEN1-related insulinomas
status of laparoscopic insulinoma management and when compared to sporadic lesions .
discusses both the strategic and technical aspects of In view of the difficulty in achieving complete
surgical care in these patients. clearance, a more radical surgical approach is preferred
in MEN1-associated insulinomas . Current sur­
gical practice depends on the site of the tumor. For
BACKGROUND distal lesions, distal pancreatectomy with or without
Insulinomas are rare and exhibit a number of unique splenic preservation is required. Proximal tumors
characteristics when compared to other PETs. These located in the pancreatic head may be enucleated,
differences in the epidemiology, clinical features, and but total pancreatectomy may be required in selected

WJGE| 1198 November 10, 2015|Volume 7|Issue 16|

Antonakis PT et al . Laparoscopic resection for pancreatic insulinomas

cases . Local resections are not routinely sarterial chemoembolization, somatostatin analo­gues,
indicated, despite some recently promising results in chemotherapy, or biological agents. In resectable
selected solitary or dominant lesions . Moreover, the malignant disease, surgical options may provide a
procedure of choice should be decided after careful cure, and include distal pancreatectomy, pancrea­
preoperative localization, and take into account the ticoduodenectomy with or without metastasec­tomy,
need for symptom alleviation (i.e., complete resection segmentectomy, formal hepatectomy, or even liver
of all insulinomas), the malignant potential of all transplantation . Where the disease is
existing pancreatic lesions (including, but not limited to, unresectable in its entirety, debulking surgery may
insulinomas), and the expected complications, together provide symptomatic relief when combined with
with the existence of any previous surgical attempts. medical and ablative therapy. Whenever malignancy
It is notable that laparoscopic resection in the context is determined preoperatively, these operations are
of MEN1 requires advanced minimally-invasive surgical performed exclusively via laparotomy. Laparoscopic
skills due to the inherent difficulties of laparoscopic resection is not routinely practiced and no guidelines
distal pancreatectomy, particularly where combined currently exist as to the role of laparoscopic intervention
enucleations in the head of the pancreas are required. in these cases. Conversely however, in some cases
Finally, it should be mentioned that, in our recent the malignant potential of an insulinoma may only be
experience, enucleation of single lesions in the head of acknowledged after laparoscopic resection as a result
the pancreas in the context of MEN has been successful of specimen histology, symptom recurrence, and/or
in rendering the patient asymptomatic 12 mo after metastasis development during follow-up. In these
surgery. cases, a multi­dis­ciplinary assessment is mandatory, and
is most commonly followed by secondary radical open
resection in combination with adjunctive therapy.
Although the majority of insulinomas are benign and
curable by surgical resection, approximately 5%-10%
show malignant behavior . However, with an annual BIOCHEMICAL DIAGNOSIS
incidence of approximately 0.1 per million persons per Insulinomas most commonly present with hypoglycemia
year , malignant insulinomas are extremely rare. caused by inappropriate excessive endogenous insulin
Similar to all other neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors, production. Physical exercise and fasting usually provoke
the malignant potential of insulinomas is assessed by the symptoms, which fall in two major categories:
tumor differentiation (extent of resemblance to normal Neurologic and adrenergic
. Neurologic sym­
cells), grade (degree of biologic aggressiveness), and ptoms are attributed to the effects of low blood glucose
stage (extent of tumor spread) . Of note, although on the nervous system (neuroglycopenia) and include
a number of different pathological grading and clinico­ visual disturbances (diplopia and blurred vision), altered
pathologic staging classifications have been suggested, mental status, abnormal behavior, seizures, amnesia,
no single system has been universally adopted . and even coma
. Adrenergic symptoms are
Local invasion and/or evidence of liver metastases attributed to reactive catecholamine overproduction
clearly demonstrate malignancy . However, in the and include nausea, excessive sweating, anxiety,
absence of these findings, malignant behavior must palpitations, weakness, tremors, increased appetite, and
be determined from the pathologic characteristics of heat intolerance
. Each patient usually reports a
preoperative tissue biopsies when they were taken, specific collection of symptoms
, which are relieved
because in most cases, EUS-guided Fine Needle almost immediately after carbohydrate consumption,
Aspiration is performed at most. Although the course a feature that is included in Whipple’s diagnostic
of malignant insulinomas is more indolent than other [54]
triad . Furthermore, the combination of weakness and
malignant neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors, the increased appetite, alongside the ability of carbohydrate
median survival is only 2 years, while the 10-year con­sum­ption to act as a relieving factor, frequently leads
survival rate is only 29% . Although, in some cases, to excessive calorie consumption, weight gain, and
malignant insulinomas have been reported with higher eventual obesity
survival rates , this pro­gnosis remains significantly When there is clinical suspicion of insulinoma, the
poorer than for benign insulinomas, which present a autonomous overproduction of endogenous insulin
95%-100% surgical cure rate . must be confirmed biochemically. The basis of this
These key facts define the role and the limitations diagnosis is the Whipple’s triad of biochemically-
of both laparoscopic and open surgery in patients proven hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic symptom deve­
with malignant insulinoma. However, it is possible lopment, and swift reversal after carbohydrate con­
that extensive surgical resection of the primary tumor, sumption that occurs during a supervised fasting
affected lymph nodes, and distant metastases may period. When symptoms occur concurrently with
provide alleviation for hypoglycemia and long-term hypoglycemia (glucose levels around or below 2.2
survival when combined with adjunctive therapy such mmol/l), increased insulin (≥ 6 μIU/ml with standard
as medical treatment, radiofrequency ablation, tran­ non-specific insulin radioimmunoassay or ≥ 3 μIU/ml

WJGE| 1199 November 10, 2015|Volume 7|Issue 16|

Antonakis PT et al . Laparoscopic resection for pancreatic insulinomas

with immunoradiometric or immunochemiluminescent surgery. It is therefore the sur­geon’s professional and

insulin specific assays which are devoid of cross- ethical responsibility to comprehend and fully agree with
reactivity for proinsulin and proinsulin-like components), the diagnosis of insulinoma prior to undertaking any
proinsulin (≥ 5 pmol/l), and C-peptide (≥ 200 mmol/l) surgical interven­tion.
levels, this suggests the presence of an autonomous
source of insulin production which is insensitive to
. In order to rule out the presence of PREOPERATIVE AND INTRAOPERATIVE
exogenous insulin (factitious hypoglycemia), a negative LOCALIZATION
sulfonylurea/meglitinide screen test is also required that
[1] Once biochemical diagnosis of insulinoma has been
corroborates with the increased levels of C-peptide .
confirmed, the next important and demanding task is
Surrogate markers of insulin presence, including low
to accurately determine the location of the lesion within
β-hydroxybutyrate levels (no more than 2.7 mmol/L) [1,2,4-6,48]
the pancreas . In the past, surgeons were reliant
and a generous rise of glucose levels (more than 1.4
on blind distal pancreatectomies for occult impalpable
mmol/L) after the administration of 1 mg glucagon at
[55] insulinomas due to limited imaging and diagnostic
the end of the fasting period , have been used by [64-66]
[56] tools . However, blind distal pancreatectomy was
some authors for decades , especially for patients in
associated with a high failure rate (> 20%) that was
which their blood glucose does not fall below 2.5 mmol/l
exaggerated by the fact that non-palpable insulinomas
during fasting. Indeed, β-hydroxybutyrate levels have [63]
[8,57] often reside in the thicker pancreatic head . Over
now been included in recent guidelines , despite
[58] the past 25 years, novel diagnostic modalities have
recent contradicting reports . [67]
rendered this blind approach obsolete in favor of
The actual cut-off points for insulin during fasting
[52,59-61] targeted resection.
vary throughout the literature . The reasons
Although in the past open surgeons had often
for this variation are complex and reflect both the
bypassed preoperative localization in favor of intra­
altered biochemistry of insulin produced by insuli­nomas [64-66]
operative palpation and ultrasound (IOUS) , this
(increased proinsulin and proinsulin-like com­ponents, as [1,53,67,68]
approach was never widely adopted and is
well as insensitivity vs partial sensi­tivity of insulinomas to certainly unacceptable for laparoscopy. Reliance on
hypoglycemia) and the inherent limitations of detection laparoscopic intraoperative ultrasound (LIOUS) alone
assays (minimum detection levels and non-specificity to led to open conversion in one of every three cases .

insulin in older radioimmunoassays). As such, despite As a result, more recent series

, including our
a general agreement in the published cut-off values for own, reflect the current guidelines advocating accurate
insulinoma diagnosis, it is likely that this will remain localization prior to laparoscopic surgical intervention .

a matter of contention. In fact, results from a recent We strongly advise against laparoscopic intervention
comparative study have demonstrated proinsulin levels without accurate preoperative localization
for a
exceeding 5 pmol/l to be a more reliable diagnostic test number of reasons: Firstly, the lack of intraoperative
for endogenous hyperinsulinism than absolute insulin tactile feedback removes the ability to assess the tumor
levels at the time of hypoglycemia (< 2.5 mmol/l) . by palpation; secondly, patient positioning and trocar
Subsequent to this study, proinsulin measurement has placement is determined by the location of the tumor;
since been recognized in recent consensus guidelines . and finally, whilst LIOUS is a mandatory intraoperative
Practically, it is important to also consider the duration adjunct for accurate localization and delineating
of these fasting tests when providing a biochemical regional anatomy, it is certainly not a diagnostic tool.
diagnosis of endogenous hyperinsulinism. Traditionally, Furthermore, the prolonged time required and inability to
the gold standard has been a 72-h supervised inpatient apply the probe to the whole pancreas without additional
assessment . More recently however, modern insulin port placement limits its diagnostic role. Appropriate use
and pro-insulin specific assays have shown that a of LIOUS requires knowledge of the regional location of
fasting period of 48 h is sufficient . The lower cost and the tumor (head, uncinate process, body, or tail) from
reduced invasiveness of this 48-h test have led to its preoperative investigations. In this way, the surgeon
rapid uptake across many institutions, thereby providing may utilize this tool to exactly locate and delineate the
a new standard of care that is reflected in updated anatomic relationships of non-palpable lesions. It is the
diagnostic guidelines . failure of accurate preoperative imaging that makes
Surgeons currently have a limited role in the diag­ some authors use LIOUS to detect undiagnosed lesions
nosis of insulinoma, as this is usually confirmed prior to or those found not to be located in the area indicated
surgical referral. However, this by no means obviates by preoperative assessment . However, it is our
the need for careful clinical assessment and thorough opinion that this use limits the diagnostic yield of LIOUS,
review of the patient’s records and bioche­mistry prior to making it much lower than when used in conjunction
intervention. In a recent study, out of 17 patients referred with accurate preoperative localization. As such, we
to the United States National Institute of Health after believe that accurate preoperative localization is a
a failed blind distal pancreatectomy, 5 were eventually requirement of the laparoscopic approach. Failure to
diagnosed as having factitious hypogly­cemia . These adequately assess tumor location should initially lead
patients underwent completely unnecessary major to repeat imaging and reassessment in an attempt

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Antonakis PT et al . Laparoscopic resection for pancreatic insulinomas

to improve localization accuracy. However, where this Whilst other authors advocate the use of PET/CT
fails, surgeons should reconsider the appropriateness of and SPECT/CT , this is not routine practice in our
laparoscopic intervention. experience, as both techniques remain investigational .
However, promising results have recently been reported
with glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue SPECT/
imaging. Insulinomas are known to overexpress
GLP-1 receptors in high density , thus overcoming
the limitations of somatostatin-like tracers. The high
There is no consensus on either the optimal type of
selectivity of GLP-1 receptor agonists and their high
preoperative localization modalities or on the exact
affinity for insulinoma cells provides a promising
order in which they should be performed. Recent
future for preoperative insulinoma localization, and is
guidelines suggest that non-invasive imaging should
be performed first
, and should include one or likely to have increasing clinical importance with the
two from the following: transabdominal ultrasound development of novel tracers and improved imaging
(US), computerized tomography (CT), and magnetic diagnostics .
resonance imaging (MRI). These modalities are
usually readily available and, with the recent addition SURGICAL DECISION-MAKING
of contrast enhancement (CE), have been reported
to have a high sensitivity in insulinoma detection Multidisciplinary assessment should form the corner­
(about 90% for CE US
and about 100% for CE CT stone of insulinoma management. However, prior to
and MRI ). However, due to variation in technology intervention, the surgeon must be certain of both the
and radiological expertise, not all institutions may be biochemical diagnosis and localization of the insulinomas.
able to achieve such excellent detection rates. In our Where results remain equivocal, we strongly advocate
experience, transabdominal unenhanced ultrasound has further testing or repeat imaging until adequate infor­
been associated with a sub-optimal diagnostic yield and, mation is provided.
as such, we do not routinely employ this modality in our A summary of our surgical decision-making is shown
preoperative assessments. Although this approach is in Figure 1. Of note, although we do not recommend
in line with recent guidelines
, it is contrary to the enucleation of lesions less than 2 mm (preferably 3 mm)
reports of some authors who have had excellent results from the main pancreatic duct (MPD) or portal vein (due
from the use of US .
[7] the risk of pancreatic fistula), solitary lesions in the head
Failure to obtain diagnosis through CT or MRI should close to the MPD should be considered an exception, as
lead to further assessment using endoscopic ultrasound the only alternative is a duodenopancreatectomy.
. Although this modality is invasive, Malignant insulinomas are generally not amendable
operator dependent, and of limited availability, it may to laparoscopic surgery . In these cases, rese­
yield an accuracy exceeding 90%
, and is thus now ction of liver metastases ideally precedes excision of
advocated in all established guidelines
. As EUS the pancreatic lesion , and the resultant extensive
performs better in the head, but less well in the body adhesions preclude a laparoscopic approach. When
and worse in the tail of the pancreas
, it may be suspicion of malignancy is raised during planned
considered a complementary modality to CT , which
[73] laparoscopic surgery (Table 1), we prefer to convert
may miss lesions in the pancreatic head . Notably,
[76] to open resection , however we do acknowledge
in our experience, lesions of greater tumor density are the work of other surgeons who advocate laparoscopic
best detected on the arterial phase of the CT. resection of malignant lesions .
Following these investigations, the next test we In the context of MEN1, we follow a conservative
routinely employ is selective pancreatic angiography but widely-accepted approach , due to the incre­
with venous sampling after intra-arterial calcium ased failure and reoperation rate inherent in the
stimulation (ASVS)
. Although highly invasive, ASVS rese­ction of MEN1-related insulinomas . However,
is associated with a sensitivity of approximately 95% laparoscopic management of insulinomas in the
and is indispensable when previous tests are equivocal. context of MEN1 is possible in appropriate cases,
ASVS allows hypervascular insulinomas to be detected particularly where only a single lesion is identified
by arteriography, with added regional localization in preoperatively. Where multiple lesions are present, distal
difficult cases through stimulated venous sampling. pancreatectomy combined with multiple enucleations
Using this technique, localization can be determined of pancreatic head lesions may also be considered.
according to the arterial branch injected. The presence However, the laparoscopic approach to MEN1-related
of insulinoma in a particular territory is indicated by a insulinomas is not currently widely accepted, and
greater than two-fold elevation in insulin levels (sampled it should also be noted that MEN1 is considered a
at 30 and/or 60 s from the hepatic vein) on calcium contraindication to laparoscopy in several large com­
[78] [30,31]
gluconate stimulation . The use of ASVS is now parative series . As mentioned previously, in our
[7,79] [8,36,37,57]
widespread and is included in most , but not recent experience, enucleation of a single lesion in the
all , recent guidelines. pancreatic head has been successful in a single case.

WJGE| 1201 November 10, 2015|Volume 7|Issue 16|

Antonakis PT et al . Laparoscopic resection for pancreatic insulinomas

[43] an anti-Trendelenburg tilt. A right tilt (left side up)

Table 1 Features suggestive of malignant insulinoma
is applied for lesions in the body/proximal tail of the
Features suggestive of malignant insulinoma pancreas. For lesions of the posterior aspect of the
Hard lesions pancreatic head, both supine and left semi-lateral
Infiltration of the surrounding pancreatic parenchyma positions have been reported in the literature . In
Evidence of tissue scarring our experience, a full left lateral position is preferable,
Major pancreatic duct dilatation
especially when combined with a retroduodenal and
retropancreatic approach to the lesion following full
[16-18,21,29] kocherization . We prefer this to the gastrocolic
Contrary to several other published studies , [88]
ligament approach proposed by other authors . For
we routinely perform laparoscopic enucleation of solitary
lesions in the distal pancreatic tail, positioning may be
pancreatic head insulinomas, not only for protruding
either supine with a right tilt, right semi-lateral, or right
lesions, but also for those embedded in the parenchyma,
full lateral. The choice of position for these lesions is
provided there is sufficient distance from the main
therefore a matter of personal preference, similar to
pancreatic duct and the portal vein (Figure 1). We [91]
that with laparoscopic splenectomy . Our practice is
appreciate that some authors have expressed concern
[90] the right full lateral position because: (1) the chances of
over the high complication rates in these cases ,
a distal pancreatectomy for lesions located in this area
however we do believe that enucleation has a valuable
role to play in the treatment of solitary lesions of the are higher and a right table tilt always facilitates this
pancreatic head and uncinate process. Exposure is of procedure; and (2) this position can easily be changed
paramount importance when dealing with pancreatic to semi-lateral with a generous left table tilt, giving
head and uncinate process insulinomas, however there the surgeon the liberty to choose between an anterior
are a number of techniques that can be employed to approach of the tail without spleen mobilization and a
provide direct access to the posterior aspect of both
. posterior one with full medial mobilization of the spleen.
Such approaches minimize unnecessary damage to Similarly, the number and position of trocar place­
the pancreatic parenchyma and the subsequent risk of ments is at the discretion of the operating surgeon
complications. and varies throughout published reports .
Non-visible lesions embedded in the pancreatic head Generally, we use a standard array of five ports: the
present a particular challenge, and classically have first for the laparoscope at the center of the operating
been treated with multiple extensive pancreatotomies. field, then two working ports for the surgeon on each
However, we have recently described a technique side of the first, one laterally to the surgeon’s right
similar to wire-guided breast biopsy, which may enable hand for the assistant, and one 5 mm in the epigastric
the surgeon to accurately localize and laparoscopically area for a Nathanson liver retractor. For lesions in the
resect these difficult insulinomas , thus minimizing posterior aspect of the pancreatic head where retraction
the number and size of pancreatotomies. Assisted by of the kidney is sometimes required, a sixth trocar may
LIOUS, an 18 G fine-needle may be inserted directly be introduced to accommodate a second liver retractor
into the lesion to act as a probe, accurately defining for this purpose .
the position of the insulinoma. The parenchyma of the Gaining wide access to the pancreatic region of
pancreas can subsequently be divided following the interest is of utmost importance in order to provide
needle, until the dome of the insulinoma is identified adequate space for surgical maneuvers and instruments
and a localized resection is performed .
[34] such as the LIOUS probe and endoscopic stapler. For
The decision to plan a distal pancreatectomy over insulinomas of the posterior aspect of the pancreatic
enucleation based on preoperative data is a rather head, full mobilization of the hepatic flexure and the
difficult one. For lesions > 3 mm away from the placement of two Nathanson liver retractors (one for
pancreatic duct, enucleation is always the procedure the liver and possibly one for the right kidney) greatly
of choice; however, we have a low threshold for distal facilitates surgical access . On the other hand, for
pancreatectomy, and the more distal the position of insulinomas of the anterior aspect of the pancreatic
the insulinoma, the greater the likelihood that this will head, body, and tail, mobilization of the splenic flexure
be required. This is evident in several series
and and retraction of the stomach to access the lesser cavity
is a natural consequence of the fact that the metabolic serves the same purpose.
effects of added resection become less as the pancreatic After adequate mobilization of the pancreatic region
parenchyma becomes thinner towards the tail. of interest, the next step is LIOUS performed by a
dedicated radiologist. This forms an integral part of
laparoscopic insulinoma resection, as it not only allows
TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS for accurate localization of the lesion, but also outlines
Patient positioning can either greatly assist or hinder the surrounding anatomy in terms of tumor size, local
laparoscopic resection, and is thus crucially important to invasion, and distance from the pancreatic duct and/or
surgical set-up. For lesions in the anterior aspect of the portal vein. If the combination of careful inspection and
head, isthmus, and body/proximal tail of the pancreas, thorough LIOUS evaluation fails to adequately localize
the patient may be placed in a supine position with or characterize the insulinoma, we advocate that further

WJGE| 1202 November 10, 2015|Volume 7|Issue 16|

Antonakis PT et al . Laparoscopic resection for pancreatic insulinomas

Exceptional case: Solitary lesion

Yes in pancreatic head close to main
Single lesion pancreatic duct?

No Yes No

Superficial or embedded in pancreas at

least 2 mm (preferably 3 mm) from the
main pancreatic duct or portal vein (in
lesions of pancreatic head)


Multiple lesions or MEN-1 No


Yes (Alternative Yes

approach) (Commonly accepted Doubt about malignant Less than 2 mm from main
approach) potential?
Yes No pancreatic duct?

No Yes

Open resection

Laparoscopic enucleation

Laparoscopic distal Laparoscopic spleen

pancreatectomy with preserving distal
multiple enucleations pancreatectomy

Figure 1 Flow chart demonstrating our surgical decision-making in pancreatic insulinomas. MEN-1: Multiple endocrine syndrome type 1.

surgical intervention be postponed in favor of repeat vessels, if the left gastroepiploic and short gastric
imaging and biochemical testing . vessels remain intact, splenectomy can be avoided
Once accurate intraoperative localization has been in favor of spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy
determined, surgical dissection is straightforward and without splenic vessel preservation. However, where the
performed with hook electrocautery and/or ultrasonic left gastroepiploic and the short gastric vessels are not
dissection. Generally, this is greatly helped by the preserved, splenectomy is mandated. Division of the
placement of a traction suture through the insulinoma, pancreas is usually carried out with an endoscopic linear
which then can be exteriorized using an Endo Close. stapler, combined with either oversewing the entire
For lesions embedded in the pancreatic parenchyma staple line or selectively oversewing the main pancreatic
but amenable to enucleation (Figure 1), the shortest duct.
route is chosen for dissection in order to minimize
surgical trauma to the normal pancreatic parenchyma.
As previously described, the LIOUS-guided placement LAPAROSCOPIC SURGICAL OUTCOMES
of a fine needle in the center of the insulinoma greatly
facilitates this dissection, which may be further aided
by the placement of additional traction sutures to Due to the rarity of insulinomas and the retrospective
progressively open the pancreatotomy. Again, when the nature of published series, it is difficult to extract robust
dome of the insulinoma becomes apparent, a further data on the outcomes of laparoscopic insulinoma
traction suture may be placed to improve the ease of rese­ction. Furthermore, these results have often
enucleation. been grouped with other pancreatic NETs and/or
For lesions in the body/tail of the pancreas that are pan­creatic tumors (e.g., cystadenoma) making it
not amendable to enucleation, the procedure of choice impo­s­sible to separate insulinoma specific outcome
is spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy. Careful data . This is likely to be as a result of the
dissection is necessary to avoid bleeding, particularly in small number of cases reported in early series and from
the groove of the pancreas in which the pancreatic vein the collective approach to tumor categorization later
lies. In the event of inadvertent injury to the splenic employed by major governing bodies and reflected in

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Antonakis PT et al . Laparoscopic resection for pancreatic insulinomas

published guidelines . Whilst this classification is analysis has highlighted that laparoscopic insulinoma
taxonomically accurate, it produces difficulties when resection is not associated with a higher rate of fistula
studying insulinoma-specific outcomes, as insulinomas formation compared to open surgery . Surgical
exhibit very distinct characteristics to other PETs precautions to avoid fistula formation first and foremost
and non-endocrine pancreatic tumors. Fortunately, require respect for the minimum distance between
however, the intriguing nature of these tumors has the insulinoma and main pancreatic duct. Secondly,
resulted in a number of laparoscopic case series specific it is paramount to limit tissue damage by avoiding
to insulinomas , as well as those in the unnecessary dissection and keeping electrocautery heat
context of other PETs and those comparing open production to a minimum. Oversewing the transection
and laparoscopic cases . Furthermore, line after distal pancreatectomy and suture closure, or
a recent meta-analysis comparing safety outcomes fibrin glue application to the site of enucleation, may
between laparoscopic and open approaches has been also reduce fistulation, however in no cases do these
published . measures counterbalance lacerations in the pancreatic
The majority of published series report duct, extensive destruction of the parenchyma, or
established preoperative localization in > 90% of inappropriately applied staples.
patients, with very few exceptions . This highlights The length of in-hospital stay after laparoscopic
that preoperative localization has now become common insulinoma resection is difficult to determine, due to
practice, rather than the sole reliance on intraoperative the inherent differences in institutional protocols and
LIOUS. Furthermore, this practice has increased the because patients from far away can be referred to a
intraoperative accuracy of LIOUS to almost 100%, tertiary center. Indeed, uncomplicated laparoscopic
as well as almost eliminating inadequate localization resection required a hospital stay of one to two days
as a cause for open conversion in the majority of in some studies , while patients remained
[14,15,20-22,26,28,32] [18,21]
cases . Conversely, it is also notable that hospitalized for 5-7 d in others . However, it is
series reporting low preoperative localization rates notable that laparoscopic procedures are associated
or limited use of LIOUS also often describe inadequate with a significantly shorter overall hospital stay than
localization as a common reason for conversion. open procedures (without significant heterogeneity)
Median operative time is between 2 and 3.5 h, and when pooled data from directly comparative studies are
[12,14-16,19-22,26,28,32] [94]
varies significantly in published series . meta-analyzed .
However, these figures may be somewhat misleading Importantly, laparoscopic insulinoma resection is
due to small patient numbers and significant outliers. associated with good long-term outcomes. In fact,
For example, in our own experience, operating time whilst some series report long-term normoglycemia to
demonstrates a broad range from 25 to 420 min, be maintained in at least 95% of cases , others
[32] [12,14,19-22,26,28,32]
with a median of 120 min . Furthermore, although demonstrate a long-term cure rate of 100% .
comparative studies demonstrate, as expected,
that laparoscopic procedures take longer than their
open counterparts
and that enucleation may CONCLUSION
be performed in a shorter time than distal pancrea­ Insulinomas are rare pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
tectomy , this was not evident when pooled that may be definitively cured with surgical rese­ction. A
operative time was examined in the afore­mentioned dedicated multidisciplinary assessment is paramount prior
meta-analysis . to surgical intervention and should include thorough
Estimated median blood loss during laparoscopic clinical and biochemical diagnosis. Localization of the
insulinoma resection is limited and varies between tumor should be achieved through an array of non-
50 and 300 ml. Notably, however, there was no invasive (US, CT, and MRI) and inevitably some invasive
reported requirement for blood transfusion , (EUS and AVSV) investigations, and the subsequent
and laparoscopic procedures resulted in significantly decision to undertake laparoscopic resection should only
reduced blood loss when compared to open proce­ be made by an experienced laparoscopic pancreatic
dures . Again, however, it is important to surgeon. For solitary benign insulinomas, laparoscopic
consider these results in the context of small sample enucleation suffices irrespective of location, provided
numbers. the lesion lies a safe distance from the pancreatic duct
Laparoscopic treatment of insulinomas is safe and associated large vessels. Where these conditions
and accompanied by minimal mortality in almost all are not met, laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy is
published series . Morbidity, on the other advisable for lesions of the body/tail of the pancreas.
hand, may be high, and is reported to vary between This decision should be aided by LIOUS, which forms
15% and 77% . The most common an indispensable part of any laparoscopic resection.
complication is pancreatic fistula , however these In this way, localization of the lesion can be confirmed
are usually simple to manage and commonly resolve intraoperatively, and the tumor can be clearly
spontaneously within 2-3 wk. Nonetheless, in rare cases, delineated from adjacent structures. From a technical
specific treatment, drainage, or reoperation may be perspective, it is paramount to ensure ample access to
required. Importantly, the aforementioned recent meta- the operating field in order to minimize damage to the

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Antonakis PT et al . Laparoscopic resection for pancreatic insulinomas

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P- Reviewer: Kleeff J S- Editor: Ma YJ L- Editor: Rutherford A

E- Editor: Wu HL

WJGE| 1207 November 10, 2015|Volume 7|Issue 16|

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