Motivation: Arnis, As A Filipino Martial Art, Is One of Those Highly Effective and Practical Martial Arts

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Arnis, as a Filipino Martial Art, is one of those highly effective and practical martial arts
that are both combat and sport. It can be performed individually or with a partner, using a single
stick or a pair of sticks for striking and blocking; it may also be used for self-defense. For some,
this module will serve as a review to the basics of arnis since it has been offered by most schools
in the basic education curriculum. So, as we go to the lesson, let us try to keep our body in check
and perform several warm-up and conditioning activities in preparation for learning the martial
arts of arnis.
1. Jogging. Warming up, such as jogging, before exercise
prepares your cardiovascular system for physical activity, by
increasing the blood flow to your muscles, and raising the
temperature of your body. It also helps to lower the risk of
getting injured — when your muscles are adequately warmed
up, the movements, stretches, and strain you put on them
during your workout is less severe. This also minimizes muscle
(If you do not have enough area to jog around, you can do
jumping jacks instead)

2. Limbering Exercises. Limbering exercises also helps in warming up the body. They relax
and tone up the muscles to make them more controllable. These can be done either before
or after each practice/ training session.

a. Body loosening – This is done by relaxing the muscles of the arms and shoulders
as the shoulders are repeatedly lifter up and down.
b. Neck twisting – stand in an open-leg stance with arms akimbo. Then twist your
head from left to right in succession, after which do it backward and forward. Bend
your neck from left to right, repeating this movement and finally swing head in a
c. Arm-stretching – Relax shoulders as you extend your arms forward and rotating
them in wide circle from the front of the body to the inside direction and then to the
outside. Rotate arms at the side of the body in the same direction,
d. Leg lifting – lift legs alternately, as high as possible, to the chest, knee touching
the chest alternately.
e. Side stretching – stand with open legs at a wider distance. Extend right arm
downside and raise left arm over the head, open palm fingers pointing to the side,
then bend to the right. Bend to the left for reverse position of arms. Do not bend
f. Bending – Start at attention. Place both arms straight upward with open palms
bent forward and downward, the fingertips touching the toes. Do not bend knees.
Stand with open legs. Extend the arms to the side with open palms. Bend forward
and downward to the right at the same time extend the left arm downward so that
the fingertips touch the toes of the right foot. Do the reverse with the right fingertips
touching left toes. Alternate movements.
g. Trunk twisting – Stand with open legs. Extend arms to the side with open palms.
Twist body as far as possible to the left, at the same time, face the same direction
with the arms extended straight from the shoulder. Do the reverse in the same
fashion. Alternate movement at the same count.
h. Trunk-stretching – Stand with open legs separated a little further. Raise both
arms upward, open palms facing front. Bend forward to the right and downward,
then to the left and upward following a circular motion of the body. Stretch as far
as possible.

3. Muscle-Strengthening Exercises. These are aimed to your physical development and

fitness. As mentioned earlier in number 1, jogging is recommended to develop your
physique and strength. Rope-skipping is also ideal exercise as it helps develop the
rhythmic movement of the whole body, build lung capacity and tone up body elasticity. It
is also a good exercise in body coordination and develops the footwork which is also
essential in doing arnis.

a. Push-up exercises – Plant hands on the floor with open palm and fingertips
pointing forward, feet close to each other, heels flat on the floor, hips raised
upward. Bend arms and lower the body close to the floor. Repeat this exercise at
the most number of times. This develops the arms, chest, back and ankles.
*****You can also do variations to the push-up such as the super “Hindu” push-up.
Slowly swoop from downward dog to cobra pose: from the downward dog position,
bend your elbows and lower your nose to the floor between your hands, like a pike
push-up, but then, without rising, continue moving your torso forward to slide your
chin, chest, and then rib cage between your hands. As your ribs meet your hands,
begin to arc your head and torso upward. Continue this upward arc until your arms
are straight, hips are pressed toward the ground, and your back is hyperextended
in cobra pose. Reverse the movement exactly until you’re back in downward dog.
b. Burpee – Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, weight in your heels, and your
arms at your sides. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and lower your body
into a squat. Place your hands on the floor directly in front of, and just inside, your
feet. Shift your weight onto your hands. Jump your feet back to softly land on the
balls of your feet in a plank position. Your body should form a straight line from
your head to heels. Be careful not to let your back sag or your butt stick up in the
air, as both can keep you from effectively working your core. Jump your feet back
so that they land just outside of your hands. Reach your arms over head and
explosively jump up into the air. Land and immediately lower back into a squat for
your next rep.
c. Arm twisting with club or cane – With canes in both hands held at the middle
portion, stretch both canes sideward in a horizontal position. Twist both canes
forward and backward and palms up and down at a convenient number of times.
This exercise strengthens the wrists and the arms. It also helps to loosen the
muscles in the area.
Execute the following warm-up and conditioning activities in Arnis; monitor your progress and
count your heart rate before, during, and after the exercises.
1. Jogging
2. Limbering exercises
3. Muscle strengthening activities

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Process Questions:
1. How did you feel about the activities?

2. How do you think the activities help you improve your physical development and fitness?

3. What are other activities do you think you should do to improve your performance and
results in these conditioning activities?

4. How do you feel for the intensity of the activities? Please indicate your RPE rating
after doing the activities. In the description, you can include how long can you maintain
and how many repetitions are you able to do for each activity.
Activity Rating Description
a) Jogging

b) Limbering exercises

c) Muscle strengthening
a. Push-up

b. Burpee

Practice the following skills in arnis:

 12 striking techniques
 Blocking techniques
 Sinawali and Redonda
 Anyo 1-4
 Defensive skills
 ***If you don’t have a rattan cane, you may use similar materials as substitute.

Insert Link Here: _________________________________________________

NOTE: In practicing these skills with companion, remember not to overdo the actions as
it may cause injuries or serious harms to any or both of you. Only light simulation is
needed especially in practicing or performing the defensive skills.
Create a video of yourself performing the following skills:
a. 12 striking techniques. Perform for at least two repetitions, front view and side view; and
if possible, perform with companion.
b. Blocking techniques. Perform for at least two repetitions; and if possible, perform with
c. Sinawali and Redonda. Perform for at least 5 repetitions.
d. Anyo 1-4. Perform each ANYO individually, then perform as a whole. (In performing the
ANYO as a whole, you only need to do the courtesy before ANYO 1 and after ANYO 4.)
e. Defensive skills. Choose at least 5 of the different defensive skills. Perform with a
companion but take note of the precautionary or safety measures of practicing or
performing the skills.

Insert Link Here: _________________________________________________

Processing Questions:

1. How do you feel about performing the different skills?


2. What can you do to improve your performance in the different skills?


3. Indicate your RPE rating after doing the activities.

Activity Rating Description

a) 12 Striking

b) Blocking
c) Sinawali and
d) Anyo or Form

e) Defensive Skills

Scoring Rubric for Skill Demonstration a b c d e TOTAL

Coordination of Movement (20 points)
Harmony and dexterity of movements, well balanced
actions is evident in the performance

Accuracy (20 points)

Skills are executed accurately according to their

Gracefulness (10 points)

Manner, composure, poise and posture during the skill


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