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Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Agricultura – Montanologie – Cadastru ( Annals of the University of Craiova – Agriculture,

Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol.L/2020





Surveys of open pit mines combine characteristics of engineering and topographic

surveys. The surveyor provides guidance for miners to develop mining operations
according to the earlier-established mine plan, then surveys the progress of mining and
develops maps and models representing its current state. The maps and models are used
for calculating the volumes and tonnages mined and for reconciling mining progress with
the mine plan. Surveying of open pits usually involves the following activities:
a. establishment of a mine survey control network;
b. detailed topographic surveying of open pit and waste dumps;
c. data processing to calculate mined volumes and tonnages;
d. stability control surveys of open-pit and waste dump slopes;
e. support surveys for earthmoving-machine control systems.

Keywords: open pit, mining operation, underground mining, EDM

INTRODUCTION of measured objects by means of x and y

axes on the horizontal plane pointing east
A mine surveyor measures and north, respectively, and the z axis
geometrical element like angles and pointing in the zenith direction. This
distances, to determine the relative representation’s system claim specific
positions of survey control points named requirements on angular and distance
benchmarks, together with terrain and measurements, whitch can be used for
underground features in order to presents the calculation of position of one
this information graphically on a map. topographical point. Angles must be
An open pit mine (figure 1) is measured in horizontal or vertical planes.
commonly used when excavating a near Distances must be measured along
surface deposit. The ore is excavated by horizontal or vertical lines. If a distance is
using horizontal benches to get deeper measured along a slope, the angle
into the ground. between the slope line and the horizontal
plane must also be determined. For good
years, accurate measurement of angles
and distances owned a significant
technical challenge. Over the last 10
years, developments especially in
precision mechanics, optics, and
electronics have led to the production of
surveying instruments that are capable of
highly accurate angular and distance
Figure 1: Open pit mine
The Cartesian coordinate system
is commonly used to define the positions

Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Agricultura – Montanologie – Cadastru ( Annals of the University of Craiova – Agriculture,
Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol.L/2020

In the present, some standard of providing reliable and instant three-

instruments can measure angles with an dimensional 3 D models of terrain and
accuracy of better than 1 arc second and objects. Scanners also have relevance in
distances with a precision of ± (1 mm + 2 underground mine surveying where they
ppm). Instruments for measuring angles can be used remotely to determine the
are called theodolites. Instruments for extent and volume of mined cavities
measuring distance include tapes, without compromising surveyor safety.
subtense bars, and electronic distance
measurement devices, shortly EDM. The MATERIAL AND METHODS
previous strict division between these
types of instrument is now blurring, and A mine survey control network for
these instruments are merging into one an open pit mine site represent a
universal instrument, the so-called “totally accurate, spatial infrastructure for relative
station.” referencing of natural and constructed
The past 30 years have also seen topographical features, mining roads,
the development of new surveying benches, buildings and other structures. It
instruments capable of determining enables surveyors to:
position without reliance on traditional -perform cyclic surveys for the control and
geometrical structures linked to reporting of mining progress;
benchmarks on the earth’s surface. This -establish and control the elevation and
new technique uses the Global slope of working benches and haul roads;
Navigation Satellite System or GNSS, as -establish the volumes of mined ore and
a framework of reference points, and waste;
space triangulation as a means to -control and manage the mine dewatering
determine the location of surveying system.
benchmarks and ground features. In many cases the primary control
Moreover, because this technique uses network for a mine, (figure 2) is based on
electromagnetic signals as a carrier, triangulation and or trilateration. It is
distances between a Global Positioning necessary like control point positions to
System GPS receiver and satellites can be:
be determined only in open areas on and -visible from the main working areas of
above the earth’s surface. Surveys of the mine site;
tunnels and underground mines must still -visible from multiple other control points;
be performed by means of classical -clear of mining activities and other
surveying techniques. Detail surveying disturbances.
has also undergone significant Control point positions are usually
technological change. determined from angle and distance
Nowdays, developments in laser measurements that can be supported by
scanners have led to instruments capable GPS observation.

Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Agricultura – Montanologie – Cadastru ( Annals of the University of Craiova – Agriculture,
Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol.L/2020

The horizontal precision of a RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

primary control network should be
1:20,000 or better. Control benchmarks A totally station survey involves
are usually stabilized permanently by determining the directions and distances
means of concrete filled steel pillars set to measured points and then
on concrete foundations. simultaneously calculating the horizontal
and vertical positions of the points by
means of the so called from land
surveying and geodesy: radiating
method. Radiating survey is especially
useful in open pit mines, where benches,
slopes, and roads can differ in elevation.
Survey data are collected, stored in
instrument memory, downloaded to a
personal computer in the survey office,
Figure 2: Mine-survey control network and converted by application software
into a map of the surveyed area. Today’s
A primary control network can be totally stations do not require reflectors
densified with secondary and tertiary and can measure distances to almost any
control networks by means of any object up to several hundred meters
succession of microtriangulation, away. Some totally stations can be
intersection and resection, traversing, and combined with GNSS receivers (such as
profile lines. Lower-class control points the Leica Smart Station, or Trimble
can be used as stations for detailed Station etc.) for rapid station positioning,
topographical and setting-out surveys. which is useful when a station cannot be
The positional precision of such points set directly over a control point but should
should be no worse than about ± 0.2 m. be done only in exceptional environments
For such precision, closed traverses when a rapid survey is required. Final
should be ≤2.5 km and open traverses results must be checked later or linked
should be ≤1 km. back to the mine survey control network.
A detailed topographical survey at Figure 3 shows a typical total station
an open pit mine focuses on the locations survey of a mining road and benches in
of bench-slope crests and toes, berms, an open pit mine.
road edges and gradients, ditches and
water dams, waste dumps, power lines,
buildings, and other permanent and
temporary structures and it includes the
collar positions of exploratory and
blasting drill holes and information on
existing cavities created by previous
mining activities. The following survey
methods are available: totally station
survey, aerial and terrestrial
photogrammetry survey, GNSS survey,
Figure 3: Totally station survey of
and laser scan survey.
an open pit mine

Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Agricultura – Montanologie – Cadastru ( Annals of the University of Craiova – Agriculture,
Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol.L/2020

Mapping with the help of aerial office, and converted by application

photogrammetry is useful for large software into 3-D models and maps of the
surface operations, especially those with surveyed area. With wireless data
large differences in elevation, areas that communication systems, maps can be
are difficult to access, or areas with large produced in real time.
amounts of traffic. The method provides Since 2000 year, laser scanners
numerous advantages, including and associated processing software have
-real time registration of details that can developed into fast, reliable, and accurate
be revised at a future date; long-range surveying devices. Because
-remote and safe collection of data; they do not require the use of reflectors or
-relatively rapid surveying of large areas. staff at a mining face, they have made the
Major disadvantages are that final entire range of surveying operations
results are not immediately available, but significantly safer. Scans are performed
rather require weeks of data processing from a stationary position, and collected
and that significant advance preparation data are transmitted directly to the
is required to mark and survey control surveying office. Alternatively, some
points, so the method is not economically scanners can be mounted with GNSS
feasible for smaller mining operations. receivers on the roofs of four-wheel-drive
The positional precision of details vehicles.
obtained by this method is in the range ±
0.1 – 0.2 m.
Mapping with the help of terrestrial
photogrammetry is useful for high scarps
and slopes with rock structures and slope
deformations. The method involves taking
images from control points of known
position with special dedicated metric Figure 4: Laser scans of an open-pit mine
cameras. From images of an object taken Survey data are collected, stored
from different locations, a 3-D model can in instrument memory, and downloaded
be developed for use in map creation. to a computer in the survey office where
Some systems use images produced by specialized surveying software
high-quality commercial digital cameras manipulates the data, performs
equipped with nonmetric lenses. calculations, and creates 3 D digital
Current GNSS receivers using models and maps. Mining regulations
GPS real time kinematic shortly RTK often require that maps be created to
technology deliver relatively high specific standards with respect to,
positional precision better than ±0.1 m, typically, a scale or map coordinate
comparable to that delivered by total system. In recent years, constantly
stations. GNSS is now the survey method updated 3-D digital models have replaced
of choice for open pit mines and is used classical mine maps. Among the many
not only for inventory surveys but also for surveying software packages available
conducting setting out surveys, today, most popular are the so-called
positioning blasthole collars, and locating general mine design packages for
mining equipment Survey data are creating geological models, mine designs,
collected, stored in instrument memory, and plans.
downloaded to a computer in the survey

Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Agricultura – Montanologie – Cadastru ( Annals of the University of Craiova – Agriculture,
Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol.L/2020

The next softwares are popular:

-Gemcom Surpac from Gemcom
Software International;
-Datamine Studio 3 from Datamine
Corporate Limited;
-Vulcan from Maptek;
-Carlson Survey from Carlson Software.
Three dimensional digital models
of mining operations enable relatively
easy calculation on a personal computer
of the volumes of waste and ore that have Figure 5: Triangulated irregular networks
been mined. Most of such models use used for volume calculations
triangulated irregular networks to
represent the original topography and Monitoring techniques should also
working levels of a mine. take into account the expected mode of
Rock volume between mine levels slope failure. There are four major modes
is calculated by taking the difference of failure in open pits:
between solids, with the base at an 1. Circular failure with large rock
arbitrary level (0 m etc.) and the top at the movements along vertical planes at the
mine level represented by the top of failure and horizontal movement in
triangulated irregular networks (Figure 5). the toe zone
Volume can also be calculated from a 2. Planar failure with rock-mass
block model by summing the volumes of movement along an existing geologic
individual cells representing these discontinuity, such as a bedding plane,
deposits. parallel to the slope face
Modern open pit mining operations 3. Wedge failure when two sets of flat
increase in efficiency as the ore to waste failure surface planes intersect and dip
ratio increases, usually leading to out of the wall; moderate vertical and
maximization of pit-wall slopes. However, horizontal movements are expected
steeper slopes pose greater risk to 4. Toppling failure when vertical or near-
personnel and mining equipment due to vertical structures dip toward the pit wall;
increased potential of slope failure. To large horizontal rock-mass movement is
uphold the required safety standards and expected at the top of failure.
reduce risk to an acceptable level, many The relative locations of control
open-pit mines must develop a holistic stations and targets used in a slope-
slope-monitoring program. Such monitoring network should be selected so
programs should distinguish the following as to be maximally sensitive to expected
three slope-monitoring stages: rock movement.
(1) overall monitoring of all pit walls and Specialized geotechnical and
adjoining areas; surveying methods were used for slope-
(2) focused monitoring of potential stability monitoring.
instability areas;
(3) detailed monitoring of areas with
earlier-detected instability or failure.

Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Agricultura – Montanologie – Cadastru ( Annals of the University of Craiova – Agriculture,
Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol.L/2020

However, recent developments in control network. For continuous

satellite and terrestrial remote-sensing monitoring of wall targets, automatic high-
technologies have significantly impacted precision total stations can be used. Such
the methods currently used. Monitoring robotic total stations are programmed to
on a large scale can be done using automatically measure directions and
interferometric radar technologies. If the angles to targets and transmit data to a
primary concern is vertical movement or control computer in the survey office.
subsidence of areas adjacent to slope Data are processed in real time and
crests or bench areas of large open-pit information regarding target movement is
slopes, satellite-based interferometric reported out. If movement is greater than
synthetic aperture radar or InSAR can be the earlier-defined critical value, an alarm
used to detect these movements. InSAR is triggered, enabling timely withdrawal of
images can easily cover large areas of mining personnel and equipment.
the whole open-pit mining operation. Automated slope monitoring systems are
Ground-based radar systems, also using offered by major producers of surveying
interferometric technologies, recently equipment as well as by independent
became the tools of choice for continuous developers. The most advanced and
monitoring of wall faces. The most popular systems are the Leica Automatic
successful and popular systems are Deformation Monitoring System by Leica
Slope Stability Radar by Ground Probe Geosystems and slope monitoring
from Australia and Movement and software from Soft Rock Solutions from
Surveying Radar by Reutech Mining from Australia. Support Surveys for Equipment
South Africa. These systems can provide and Machine Control Timely and precise
continuous measurements of rock positioning, as well as monitoring of
movement across the entire face of a mining equipment is increasingly
slope wall with submillimeter accuracy. important to capable mine control. The
Real-time processing of collected data next activities are influenced by
enables confident tracking of slope equipment positioning:
movement and management of risk while -drilling, where accuracy is critical to
optimizing safety and productivity. efficient blasting operations
Monitoring on a smaller scale or of -dragline positioning, where accurate and
distinct targets can be done using efficient movement of overburden
classical surveying techniques. Control material is critical for strip mining;
stations must be established at stable -elevation control, where continuous
locations from which targets placed on pit assessment of ground movement must
walls are observed. Station stability must be performed and adjusted in real time;
be ensured and controlled. Stations -grade control, where 3 D mapping of
should be erected as concrete pillars set mineral deposits and control of ore
into bedrock or into a stable foundation. digging and loading are required;
Stations should be linked by means of a - track assignment, where mining haul
control network with other stations trucks must be directed to the right place
located far from the mining area and at the right time and each load of ore or
considered to be stable. Repetitive waste, depending on its quality and
surveys, once or twice a year, must be characteristics, must be dispatched to its
performed to check the stability of the proper destination.

Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Agricultura – Montanologie – Cadastru ( Annals of the University of Craiova – Agriculture,
Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol.L/2020

Accurate equipment positioning shovels, motor graders, hydraulic

can be achieved by means of GNSS excavators, and track-type tractors. Data
receivers using RTK technology. on the status of each machine are sent
However, the vertical accuracy of a wirelessly to the control office for
standard RTK GPS system is two to three monitoring by mining supervisors (Figure
times less than its horizontal accuracy, 6).
with vertical standard errors of ±0.01–
0.02 m. Such accuracy is sufficient for
most mine sites other than finish-graded
roads that require tolerances of just a few
millimeters. Such greater tolerances can
be achieved by combining a rotating laser
with a GNSS system. Accurate
positioning of a dozer blade can be
obtained in the horizontal position by
using an RTK system and in the vertical Figure 6: Computer-aided
direction by using a laser collimation earthmoving system data on equipment
plane. Lasers with a 10-m vertical swath position
increase this range even farther, allowing
multiple machines, working at distances CONCLUSIONS
up to 300 m, linear, and 10 m, vertical,
from the basestation, to receive grade In present at the Globe level we
corrections. Such systems provide the are in a period of technological
tightest machine controls technically development of measuring devices used
available. in open pit mines. The technology is
The leading machine control growing exponentially and it is necessary
systems have been developed as for mine engineers to acquire so quickly
collaborations between manufacturers of all the information useful to their job, in
mining equipment and providers of GPS order to apply these technologies with
receivers. A computer-aided earthmoving minimal costs, in the shortest time. The
system CAES combines GPS or U.S.A. topographic measurement and mapping
Global Positioning System and technologies used in open pit mines can
GLONASS, Russia’s Global Navigation finally be classified into:
Satellite System positioning with an 1. Technologies for determining
onboard display for the machine operator distances and angles: with theodolites,
and wireless IP, Internet Protocol total stations, smart electronic stations;
communications between the machine 2. Technologies for determining
and the office. Graphical and textual cut level differences with instruments as:
or fill information provided to the operator classic levels, electronic levels, etc;
eliminates the need for most survey 3. Satellite technologies for
staking. CAES can be used for haul road determining planimetric and altimetric
and bench construction and maintenance, coordinates, more precisely instruments
production dozing, leach pad construction such as GNSS receivers;
and maintenance, reclamation, ore grade 4. 3D laser scanning technologies;
control, material identification, and coal 5. Photogrammetric technologies
load out terminals. It is designed to be and UAVs.
used on scrapers, loaders, dozers,

Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Agricultura – Montanologie – Cadastru ( Annals of the University of Craiova – Agriculture,
Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol.L/2020

BIBLIOGRAPHY monitoring-in-open-pit-mines-All-the-
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open-pit-mines/ open-pit-mining-ban/ Teza de doctorat Costin-Sebastian Manu,
oLlmduY Universitatea din Petrosani;


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