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MEA Oek2 OF SALW made na exooUted 24 Lenyelore a jeelOEth WELW, on the ditghth day of tuly en Ue oe eS - —intes\ snd Tehty, by Ori sanWiVeiPs non of 4 : —aae fonketepps remicing = dhammurey cdi umdenkiellig 4 ' Uatiiwhorey horeinerter oelled the “VINNY (whdeh dorm | hell Le tikes to mean and incluce his heirn, exsoutorn, Ee. edninketretord. and easige) of the (ne vert, 40 favour of SelB AMEe UU pou ot kesblul Bubhan vonidiag at Hose3t) Tareyane FAlley Diroety GivAl Btetions denp=tore, | _ Meredneftercelied. the “PUasgi” (unten term aha). vm ke feken to meku end Laplade Ma hoirny exediovay san ce EST Etoile ae) JX So Nuc. Based ie ; 75 Oo ee ; NotlapApplication hay been give > reecey) L/S s6i1) be om tasfiteution ae Bu t,o a Paluk Betwoug this Hotes ae Sangollans tnd lS. 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RAMESH KUMAR ee ne Ty Meenanannr Koll Siren tv © a Ve 8 snd Wet-over Fonse Fur t D.20 JLLD the ae property free trv the Vendor or ; #lienated the ache wennere v by 4 , Anodim, Convey, Sell, ‘res nie er the andribed Vedat pitas an ie pe yt “f —. Few my | Set 7 We letedts Ana ht eieedeac i dees aalienteprereneseme Date. | | | Jiangalore - Sl, b i _ STAMP manne D, RAMESH KUMAR { No 1, Mawnalasht Koll Screat, \ ___4U8 Gross, GANGALORE-boQUB). ! \ the Vendor. fur pherundn: wor to be donetada « jonbver SdBketSn ilbmends ANOS TE ee initdenify she IuNeheoar site, Tawnan Lnourred an Doguyt et ny brepohot 4h ofthese me efereqaia Sa Vendor. theemene will be ete deeds net atl qa ne jus tuined le Veesnt siten beardiiz RoalTy shi elucy hounded onthe Gant by Hos foe8 A 9 fornia. iy Went by by Gite HosT xd South Wy Private croperty wn 924 Medd Wetron, Went Go. fort oF Liedd not nekrey + portion of ton Lu Keitugondannlwltty Renabe sjobls yi Bite hows fotah! thn LOGs 7A Sunere 7 ve ah Awuatoas4 umes omy thie act the om 5 on tin by Bite Moet you end . 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Kozaba Hobi, INTO mes x 30 eno 14 & 13north Steno 7 South Pvt Property. ad derddaby std moebrtaortsate, majchl zeOchad acer ahaad der so (8) alt a do (9) opal, hoodchal say haart . tek a: e\E = Bai s e a Y %, ood Aacocied co spoab th. = ee wod aqeodre (O)) Aeconsetind chgstrenrivd £43 odd etcoadl 44 otrabd ea iene. erogiarildy iebarealg td trodewtagoo, ‘Ect, dondad Layee eho re emg org ae ene Si eee 3 = eed Seecijcona ues ajar ect wag Sth) op aR OUTY ene Siuncecaie's agg we] wg sehr ep ee erie at tr deere sahonts iw ih [I ear ae ene poke oun wwe. sree eee ee ey en gp ene wayyy i a tore at OS Spenco naee's anes " aay down AQ , oN ot fy ry Kaine) ~ afl py ore RL etepae |Saal Sree stg Ppeery- atalh mien one rae &. tian Z cS faded Ho stoat aly eet — coy) APL BHI R Alaa dreat ay wow Gate Sip lak = a A et ur say 4 pated BRR wee e Hen ty Musee bere dk 2 nbtene Sha Mes tee dtr Ag B08 Kal te erotik ER oot inet Se ont eB od eels Soke th Yom Syste seek wed ek Ay tag ng Red a7 WER eM y Ms HO URS Alte op iad Ane ere’ spout dpa 2 wD ocany. 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