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TECHNICAL MANUAL VAS DIGISTORE SERIES YAS goarona ON 2525 MARICOPA STREET FoR cA 0505 (213) 326-8334 SERVICE MANUAL DIGITAL SCOPOFIX DIGITAL SCOPOFIX DP DIGITAL SCOPOFIX DP/M PEI 9807 717 90009 PEI 9807 717 40009 Thio menuel santaine information an the Digitel Scopotix OF and OP/H to be used in Mabile Surgical X-ray System BV25, Digite! Sepofix DP is » dual solid atete video nenory for digital inage recording and innediete replay of tuo video Feanes, (625/525 lines, interlaced) with digitel image proces ing fot noise reduction. Digital Scopafix DP/M includes all of the features as Scoporix oP Zico e Winchester digo memory for storage ond Pettieval of up to 25 video free imager copied from the duo Solid state video nenory. Ps Eindhoven See cover sheets far dodieated inforeation, (23.0) COVER SHEET. pLGIsTORE 2 duly, 1983 This document ia = general manvsl, not being updated to dedicated Philips requirenents. Additional dedicated snforaation is presented on this cover sheet. Digistore 1 is not supplied by Philipes all Digistore 1 information in fol~ loving seckione dees not apply to Philips units: INTRODUCTION, Functional speci fications {COVTROL AND CONNECTORS, Pin caloots Digistore 1 OPERATING INSTRUCTEONS, igistore 1 PARTS LIST ANO OIAGRANS; System block diagram Digistore 1 COVER SHEET DIGISTORE 2 (Digital Scoporix OF) suny, 1983 This document is requirenents. Additional dedicsted inforsetion is presented or this cover sheet. general marusl, not being upcated to dedicated Philips 1. The following sections of sual. do not spply to Philips unite: INTRODUCTION, FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, Power up diagnostics: default is Zemetine delay For Philips unite » EQUIPRENT REQUIRED/NOT SUPPLIEC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, RELAY INTERFACE INSTALLATION 1 POWER CABLE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, NODES OF OPERATION sore IF installed in 8025 system, howover, the modo descriptions nay be useful in understanding the functions of the unit 2. The Following specifications diffe = Video input Video information up to 1-1 Volt (video only) will pot be elipoee of F = Video output + Video inforsation ip to 1-1 Volt vill be avalleble if applied te video input = Sofety 1 Fist unite shipper may nat be UL/CSA approved. afer Eo labeling. = Alignont procedures + Input video calibretion of Video processor is adjustea for 1-1 Velt video and 0:3 Voit syne. COVER SHEET DIGISTORE 25 (Digital Seoporix DP/) Suly, 1903 This docunent is generel manual, not being upéated to dediceted Philips requirenents. Additional dedicated information is presented an this cover sheet 1. The foltoving eections of manual do not apely te Philips units: INIRODUCTION, FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, Paver up diagnostice: default is 2ema time delay For Philips units 1 EQUIPMENT REGUIRED/AOT SUPPLIED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, RELAY INTERFACE INSTALLATION + POUER CABLE OPERATING tuSTAUCTIONS, HODES OF OPERATION note IF inatalled in 8025 system, hogever, the nade deseesptsons ray be useful in understanding the fnetione of the unit. 2. The folloving specificetions differ: = Video input + ideo information tp to 2.1 Volt (video ony) ULI] not be elippes off. = Video output + Wideo information tp to 2.1 Volt vill be available aF applied to video input = Safety # First unite shippec may nat be UL/CSA approved. Refer to lebeling. ~ Aligneont procedures + Input video calibration of Video processor se adjusted for 1.1 Velt video and 0.3 Volt syne. coven surer DIGISTORE 2 INSTALLATION/OPERATING INSTROCTIONS March 10, 1983 eis docunent is a general asnual, not besog updated to dedicated Philips requiresenes. Addtesonal dedicated tnfornatton in presented on this cover shest. 1, The fottowing sections of ttarual do aot apply to Philips watt “equrener aequineD/sor suprereD" RELAY INTERFACE INSTALLATION" “PoweR caste” "wove nescarerzons” 2£ instalted in BY 25, hovever, the ode descriptions ay be useful in undarecending ‘tho functions of the unite following specifications é4sfer: Video snputs Video output: uuyesas Video information up te 1.1 volt (vtdeo only) Will pot be clipped oée Video information up to LeL volt vill be evailable if supplied to video inputs First units shipped may not be approved. Refer fo labeling cove smeer DIGISTORE 25 THSTALLATION/OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS March 10, 1983 This document £5 4 general manuel, aot being updated to dedicated Philips requirenenter Additional dedicated Information {2 presented on this cover sheet. ‘he following sections of Nanval do sot apply eo Phitine untts: “equrowenr sequrRep/not soPeLieo "RELAY INTERFACE TUSTALLATION™ “rower cape” “wove vescarertoss’ TE Aoseatied in BV 25, however, the node descriptions may be osful in understanding ‘che functions of the wales 2. The following specifications tsfer: Video inputs Video infornetion wp co Let volt (video oaly) WILD got be clipped eet Video output: Video information up te a volt willbe available if supplied to video input UL/CSA: Fest units shipped may not be approved. Refer to inbeling ‘Taste oF contents Page No. Tetaopveriox Unpacking end Inspection. Site Location. Bqutpaent Supplied Equipment Required /Noe Sugpifed Functional Specifications. SECTION 1 ~ comrRoLs sao comwEcroRS Front Panel Controlaess+ssseseeseeseee Rear Panel Controls. Digistore 1 Bin Caliouts. Digistore 2 Pin Callouts. Digistore 25 Pin Callout... Serio 2 ~ mstaxtarton Tost Equipment sos. Relay Incerface installations. Power Cabie aren Power and Signal Cabling Inatailations 0: SeovroN 3 ~ opzrattox Introduetionseeees ese General Descriptio. - Modes of Operations --.s. Funcesoneeteseees cn Bae Delve Operation (08 25 recordara osiy).c0s SECTION 4 - maEORY OF opeRATroN General Descetptionssseseesessesseeer Cireutt Description. +, SECTION 5 = SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ALtgomene Procedures «++ ‘TrovbLeahootinge ++ ‘UABIE OF covresrs continue Page Hos SECTION 7 ~ PARTS LISTS AYO DTAGRANS se6et peered Replacenent Parts Diages Syston Hlock Diageen, Digistore iscisecscwseecee Systen Block Diagram, Digistore 2. Block Diagraa, Video Input. Block Diagram, Video Output. Block Diagraa, Systen Controller. Bloce Oiagran) Ariehaetie Logic tae Block Diagean, Phase Lock Loop----+ Block Diageam, Henotyscesssesrscees Block Diageas, Suffer Nenory. (OS 25 recorders oaly) Wiring Diagram, Systen Pover swznopuerron PNPACKING ND iusPECTION Carefully open the instrument shipping cartoa, renove the fastrunent froa the earton and inspect for evidence af physical’ danage ouch ao eeavehad panel Surfaces, ‘broken knobs, dented case, ete. If there are any afgar of dasege, Amedietely notify che shipping agent and VAS Corporation: SITE LocaTtow Insesl1 the Digistore Recorder in a well-ventilated arse The Digistore Recorder must be . Wen either Monitor 1 or Monttor 2 a selected, subsequent opere: Elons of ER, LIE, or FL will be performed or the auaery (aon or) ich has deen selected. Upon entering the SUBTRACT wole, Monices 2 will automatically be selected for. the "nash recording; the “asteerence” recording vill be displayed on Yonisor 1: = 10 20 lorenATENG TusTRUCTIONS DIGISTORE 25 ¥rBe0 RECORDER xsrgopucrTox Operation of the Digistore 28 is stratghtforward and aay be performed ina Tendon sequonce a5 may be required by the operator Actuation of the controls in any saquence or cosbination thereof will ot cause danage to the equipment; hovever, ‘recorded data can be erasod Or data not recorded ao desire if the basic procsdures are tot under Stood and followed dy the operator. Te sbtain maxima, perforasnesy Felisbility, and ful use of the oquippect capabilities, the operator should be familiar wieh ehe Instructions presented in this samuel. SeweRAL vescererroN The Digtators 25 Video Recotder ine solid state recording/playbeck. systea hich also enploys @ digital dtc neuory for storage anf elrien Val of up to 25 stillmpicrure video imsges- The Digistore 25 Recorder ts designed for operation with sny X-ray gene~ rator, includiag aobile “O-R.” units, te recone sequences of stilt ideo 'tosges for subsequent replay, study, ani detelied anlysis. NODES oF orzzarzon The Digistore 25 nas four modes of operation, Electron{e Radtogesphy, Last Inage Hold, Fluoroscopy, and Subtrect (optional). ~ In. adéition, Noise Reduction, Sequenca, Fraue/iaid Select, am. contrast’ control (optional) have bean added Zor eahanceneat of opsretion. During Pover Up, the Digistore 25 will assume the ER mode of operation, with SEQUENGE ‘and NOTSE REDUCTION off, FRAME and NONITOR 1 selected, nd AUTO TRANSFER ealected ‘The racord odes, Hlectronic Radiography (ER), Last Taage Hold (LIK), Fluoroscopy (FL), and SUBTRACT (SU2), are autaally exclusive and merely Gntering one nods will cause, the exiting of the otters As Elactronte Radiography (ER) Electronte Radiography, which ean be usad vith any X-rey genera tor, 8 short-exposure. fluoroscopy vith staultanenvs recording of a no single video still pictures Each actuation of the foot Seltch produces a sew single-tnage recording. The VAS Intettece efreult allows fluoroscopy exposure to continue only until the Enage iz recorded, then automatically tersinates the exporure even though the Footeuttch sey tenain dapresacé. Exponuce, tine ta ‘adjusted to obtain optiaum quality recordings with intaum pose ttle X-ray exposure tine £9 the patients ER recording will operate with or without noise reduction. Without noise reduction, dopression of the Footavitch will eause ¢ noreal Ecane Go be recorded on che salected wemory at the ead of the trey delay which allows for the image to becone stable. “IE notve retuction Es ‘on, the vecorded feage will ean integration of the selected suunber’ of frames at the end of the X~rey delays To record and display imager in the Electronic tséiogrephy node, pro ceed as follow? 1. Select ER Mote (press “ER"). 2% Select Wotse Reduction if desired (Press ON/OFF"). Select deaired voighcéng values When selecting # higher weighting it should be noted that e roouit of increased acize tedyccion te increased Yoray exparure tine and the posoiblitty of inage smear dua to motion. 3. Select 4 "SEQ". red Menoty (Press MONITOR 1 “ON”, MONITOR 2 “Ot”, oF Recordings will be nada in che PRAM! mode only, ragaréless “of FRA/FLD selection; bovover, for ‘optimus resolution of playback taager, gelect the eam aode (Press FON"). Selection cf "FLD 1" or “FWD 2" aLiovs display of each flelt (4 frame) separately. 4. If storage of muletpie tagger te required, select Automatic Tean sr (Press TEANSFER "AUTO"). Up to 25 iaages can bo stored on che disc. The track display indicates the count. of the ast Inege eensferred to the disc. To begin transferring fron track O06, ress and hold "REV" until che crack display ceeds 00s Tages ay also be recorded on the disc by Manual Transfer (Preseteg AN). 5+ To make @ recording, press footewiteh. Xray will tura ony the image Wild be stored in the selected nesory, X-ray vill ture off, and “the inege Will be displayed on the selected aonttors IE Automatic Transfer ("AUTO") “ie selected, the inage will also te transferced to the disc-

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