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PREMIUM 2 B1 level | Coursebook aoe a ' Home comforts peaceful 1 Look at the photos of homes around the world and match the @ Discuss these questions with other students. How should you behave as a guest in Britain? Discuss your ideas. outsides with che insides. One pair does not match, + Whith house i British, japanese, Cuban, Swiss? How can you tel? + Which one do you think locks most comforcable or arcactive? + Whac features do you particularly like or dislike? + How are the houses the same or different as homes in your country? Si are + Should you arrive eatly,on time ora lice lace? + How should you greet your guests? + What should you bring asa present, ifanything? + Should you offer to help your host? @ Whar does a foreign guest need to know about how to behave in oS your country? Discuss your ideas. = ‘S 3 Premium | UNIT 04 | Listening Grammar | present tenses (CHEAP Listen to four international @ Discuss these questions with other students. ‘students living in Britain, Choose the correct picture, A, B or C. 1 Iflorge was invited to a party at 8 pm. in his country, when would he arrive? + What isa blog? Do you write one, or read one regularly? + Why do you think peaple enjoy reading blogs? (© Read che blog and find the answers to these questions, 1 Why's the wrcer keeping a blog? 2 What does she lke and what doesnt she lke about her new lfe? Ima student at Cardiff University, where | S80) Business Srucies and japanese. For che third year of my course I Ln in Nagase Japan, AER cis biog 0 all my friends and family can find out about my new life Here isa photo of where Feseuaidoncpcls | ontopota hil othe views ove the ABOUT ME | city re bOI NAMI today though sol cant ee ae anything bu loud L | 4: Whar ula wear ean ake tamincthecty ae ee centre every day Idsa good Nagasaki, ¢ way tose the ciylike | “wy Nagasaki, but iff my home, coo. Japan ‘These are some aera of my apanese friends from the college, loads oF people aleady and Ig, [EIR new people al the met 0 tak Japanese with them, though dont alvays Understand hac they say to me! Vocabulary | weather 4 Look at these words for describing ‘weather. Can you add any more to each column? This is whae IE for breakfas every eke cane clay TRIG lor of new foods a the pie ere ‘ ‘moment. Sa bit strange fr me to have fh fr breakfast, bu general TR Japanese food. @ Look a the examples of the present simple in YRIGW and answer @ Describe the weather in your the questions. ‘country in the winter and summer. 1 Which examples describe repeated events? 1's cool inthe winter 2 Which examples scribe genera facts? Theres 2 lot of snow. nine ne Look at che examples of the present continuous in FEA and answer che questions. (3 What do you think the weather is 1 Which examples describe situations happening ar the time of writing? usualy like in these countries? 2. Which ewo examples describe something happering around now, but not, jen da — — necessarily a the same time as she wating? if Finlanc! Japan Bail Jordan Australia = Boe greniniar ference: page 153 (© Which four examples of the present simple have verbs which are not usually used in she presen continuous? (© Which of these verbs are not usually used in the present continuous? : like want play go believe know stay belong | hace drink sing hearmean love understand Eee GY Grammar note | form changes meaning Some verbs, such as have, thing, see can be used with both the continuous and simple forms, but with slighty different meanings. ‘= + soe grammar reference: page 153 ¢« (Z Some of these sentences contain a mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them, 1 Lam not understanding English very well X * {don't understand English very well | am thinking of going to Japan. Fe'sknowing alot ofpeople, § Fvery year hie’ singing Happy Birchday to her. "What are you wanting for your birthday? Gan you answer the phone? f’havinga bath. i'm thinking English is quite e25) Complete the blog with the correct form of the present simple or the present continuous. tim studying Latin American Studies at Leeds University. (speak) 1 Spanish pretty well, bue my Portuguese isnt as good. Thats why | (spend) 2 my third year studying Belo Horizont. in Bazi Belo Horizonte (le) 3 north ‘of Rio de Janeiro and south of Brasilia, in the State of Minas Gerais I's modern city the third biggest in Brazil. ~ I (notfke) "4 che city very much, but chere are sorne beautiful old ‘owns in the area, | went co Ouro Preto. U(chink) 1. icwas the state ‘capital two hundred years ago Ie (not rn). Smuch here in Belo Horizonte in the winter (Apr to September), but now that summer (Star) == —_— 7, ic (begin) 8 to get hotter and wetter | (like) V2 the imate, though ies much better than in England : ABOUT ME NAME: Joe LOCATION: Belo Horizonte, Brazil Where ae you going! * Premium | UNIT 01 © Choose someone you know well. Think about the points below and tell your partner about them, + har they do regularly + some general facts about chem + something they are doing temporal around now + what they are probably doing at che moment. Bly oR hae a Cee CE mee tees tiles ee morro cnr ot esd eet eet Ses sarong res /ouhave seen or readin the news. learnin: Writing | a blog Look at Mariusz’s blog, Find examples of. + some general facts about his life + some things his doing a the moment (around now). Hi my name's Mariusz, a coming from Wars in Pola ‘Warsaw iste capiclofPolael. isa very aldcty, bur there area lo of modem buildings, too. | ve ina one-bedroom fac with my wf, Kasia, We ae nat having ary chiren ye. worcfora bus company: n my spare time | ke reading ard ‘arcing eevsion Sometimes we go tothe cinema. [At che mame | lating English two evenings a week. My teachers English Lam noc understanding everyhing she says, bout amlking che dasses. At the mament we study present simple and presen continuous. Ther are ffeeen students in sry elas, £011 meer lr of new people (© There are six mistakes in the blog. Find the mistakes and correct chem, @ Write your own blog entry. When you have finished, check your work for mistakes. writing seit Always check your work for mistakes when you finish writing, Find out what mistakes you often make (e.g. with articles) and check these particulorly carefully Premium | UNIT 04 Reading 4 Caz Owen and her husband, Tom, live in a yurt Look at the picture and discuss these questions, + What isa yurc? + What do you think would be the good and bad things about living ina yurt? READING SKIL ‘The questions in Exercise 1 ask you to use the picture to make predictions about the text, This can really halp you when yau start reading. Then you should read the text quickly just to check your ideas. Don't try to read and understand every word at this stage. @ Read the text quickly. What does Caz think are the advantages and disadvantages of her lifestyle? @ Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Hows bigs cher ving space? AS5m 4am C103m 2 What rooms do they have in the yure? 3 What furniture and household objects does Caz say they have? 4 How do they heat and lighc the yur? 5 What does Caz say about the weather this wince? OUR SOCIETY READING SKILLS ‘The questions in Exercise 3 ask you to read the text in more detail. You stil may not need to read all the text very carefully. Use your first reading to tell you where to look for the ar when you read again. Also check that you don’t have just part of the answer (e.g, questions 1 and 3) G Discuss these questions wich other students, + Would you like to live clase to nature? Why/Why now? + What would you miss mose if you lived in a yurt? Look at the text again. Choose the best meaning for these words and phrases. 1. convenient (ine 7) Aeeasy and suitable Bsmall 2 adjoining (line 12) A beautiful B connected, next coeach other 3. do something up (line 21) ‘Addo something again B repair something 4 eayon line29) Atocontinue Bo hold something 5 house proud (ine 32) A spend a lot of time looking ater the home B spend lot of money on the home Interview by Monica Troughton Yurt sweet yurt Caz Owen and her husband gave up four walls to live under canvas. Now with a six-week-old baby, their home has survived gales and even has a bath with a view. can't remember whose idea it was to live 5 La yurt. We lived for a while in a cottage on Tom's parents’ farm. Itwas lovely in that cottage and very convenient, but it didn't fel quite right forus We bought our first yurt, a 5.5 metre one, for £2,000. Some people thought we were mad, that we wouldn't survive a summer. But here we are, two years on, with two adjoining yusts. If you need more space you just add on an extra yurt, Our main yurt is divided into the kitchen, sitting room, dining room and office. The second yuri, with a-48 meire diameter, isthe bedroom, bathroom and nursery for our baby daughter, Talis. Tom built the kitchen, office and dining table from wood. When we foundan old bath last year, we did it up, and it now sits in the second yurt next to.a window that looks out across fields. As Tie in hot water, which comes from the wood- fired Rayburn range, looking out across fields on a frosty morning or up to the sky on a moonlit night, it feels magical 6 « 6 6 get to someone (line 42) ‘A upset or annoy someone 8 0 reach someone 7 swap (line 45) ‘Abuild something 8 change something you have for something someone else has 8 overcome (line 46) AsoNe a problem Bstart crying Vocabulary | the home 4_ Look at che photo on page 10. Can you find all these items in the yurt? ia, Bien wal 3 ) bookie ny can, stk cane win | tye tanto | (@ Where in the house would you do these things? ‘Compare your ideas with other students. eee bangupourca wah oc | keep things you dont reed lth ime In our home you can hear and feel everything that's going ‘on outside ~ the weather, the animals- without interfering ‘with it. Life carries on without us frightening it of. We both love being so close to nature without actually being outside. Aste space isso small, we do have to work hard to keep it clean and tidy — but [am very house proud. Llove my home comforts, and when we married two years ago, I was thrilled to receive lovely bed linen and crockery. However, the best present was a wind-up radio ~ we have used it almost every single day. Wehave electricity nowafterhaving pent the first eighteen ‘months with battery povsered lights and candles. We can't simply turn up the heating when it’s cold, so we have to make sure we have enough firewood. ‘The yurt lets a lot of noise in and sometimes air and road traffic can really get to us. Sometimes I miss the convenience ‘of a conventional house and itis defintely more challenging living here with a baby, especially as this winter has been particularly cold, but [still wouldn't swap it for the world. ‘We have overcome all the difficulties and challenges this way of living first caused us, and we love the fact that we can simply pick it up and move it somewhere else if we wanted to | PREMIUM | UNIT 01 Grammar | countable/uncountable | nouns 4 Are these nouns countable or uncountable? Some may be both, wich slightly different meanings. mirror cushion armchair microwave iron Picture bucket pillow cowel sofa noise electricity candle hot water television window firewood light saucepan rug stool furniture computer plate food crockery (© Complete the sentences with a, some or any. Grammar note | a, some and any Countable singular ‘There is candlestick. There isn't computer. Countable plural Thereare——-pltes, There areat_—_pitlows. | Uncountable ‘There is crockery. There fat food. ‘+ see grammar reference: page 154 @ Complete the description of the yurt with the words in the box. is are ion arent some any In Our Yurt In the siting room there are__" pictures on the wall and there __? two bookshelves. There _3 ‘a mirror and underneath the mirror there a candlestick. There___5 two sofas, but there aren't S armchairs, Inthe kitchen there are__? saucepans. There 8 some plates and glasses. There —__9 a microwave, but there 1 an oven. There" electricity in the yurt now, bat there a television or___¥ DVDs. @ Work n pairs Student A look atthe fist picture on page 172 and read che instructions, Student 8 look at the first picture on page 174, Describe it carefully to Student A (© Change roles. Student B look at the second picture on page 174, Student A describe the second picture on page 172. PREMIUM | UNIT 04 Speaking You are going co talk for 1-2 minutes about these points. Plan what to say and make notes, + my favourite room in the house + my favourite place in my town or city + my favourite town or city @ Work in pairs. Listen to each other talk and then ask questions. ‘SPEAKING SKILL Keep your notes very short, Write ane ar two pea mitra Listening @ Match che different types of home wich the pictures. bungalow semi-detached house terraced house > Listen again and complete the missing information, USTENING SKILL: ‘Always read through the questions befare you listen. Think about the kind of word you need ‘0 fill the gaps. accommodation fharll ‘ Geyerat INFORMATION Set in parkland, around a Vietorian mansion. Distance from the nearest town (Bedford) ACCOMMODATION Bee | Sai stiton: home ? and flats. ‘Number of properties in total 3, ‘Tae FarMnouse Kitchen leads onto conservatory, which ean be used as a_ There are 5 bedrooms and two bathrooms, one ensuite. Ravenscourt Flat has__6 bedrooms and a fully fitted kitchen. The main entrance is 7, (@ What kind of home do you live in? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of home? Compare your ideas with other scudents premium plus 04 (@EEED You will hear someone talking about the different types of homes in a new village called Marlberry. Which types are mentioned? SanvoR, ‘On the ground floor there is the master ‘bedroom, with ensuite bathroom, There are 4 and another bathroom upstairs. (© Doyou think Mariberry sounds lke a good place to liver | PREMIUM | UNIT O01 (& ead the text about Maribenyand Functions | expressing opinions answer these questions 1 Whatis unusual about Marlberry? 2. What are che conditions of Buying a house in Marlberry? MARLBERRY - the child-free village The village of Marlberry is beautifully clean and tidy, a group of well designed houses ‘overlooking a lake. There are no fences dividing the gardens. There are no skateboards here, either. ‘No footballs. No loud music or shouting. Something feels strange. ‘What can it be? To buy a property 4 the village, you have to be over 50 with no dependent family, and you must sign a contract @ 00 you agree with these opinions about gated communities? agreeing not to sell pr anyone with children. Vi grandchildren and other young visitors are allowed, but for no more than three weeks a year. Fifteen percent of people in the Uniced States live in gated ‘communities (areas of housing which you cannot enter unless you live there). Are there many gated communities in your country? Expressing opinions 1A setts much sae living in a gated comunity. 2 cant hep thinking that isn a good idea to physical separate rch and ‘poor people. 3 [think that i ore about ving with similar people than being safe. 4 If you ask me, people have argh to protect themselves (Z 06 you stil ehink Mtatbemry would be a good place to live? Discuss iia your ideas with other students and Bive your reasons, (BIEESP which word(s) do you chink are stressed in the opinions in (GHEE You will hear five people Exercise 2” Listen to check. giving their opinion on Marlberry. @ Work in pairs. Scudent A make a list of advantages of gated Match the speakers A-E with the communities. Student B make a list of disadvantages. Argue in opinions 1-5, favour of gated communities or against them. 1 Docs bleve tac ii fo children co be banned froma i anima Speaking 2. Doesnt relly mind children, but @_ Work in groups. f you lived in a gated community, which of these hates the way that chelr parents are things would you wane? Why? ‘obsessed with them, + ahigh level of security to protect residents 3 Likes to live in a well-organised and + acommural area, where residents could meet peaceful environment with rules thar «paar naiae everyone keeps + apalicy t exclude certain eypes of people (such as children) 4 Doesn't mind children, but wants to Peg teatiie ciblenbie wanes + a caretaker to look ater the place bee with people who are the same age and have similar interests, @ Tell another group of students what your group decided, Note any 5. Dislikes children because they make differences of opinion. toa much noise and mess Language Review | uniro1 | Grammar (@ Underline che correct alternative. 1 Inwincer ie usually snows snowing in my courery. 2. What do you doar you doing? You wil break the gass tableifyou are nor careful 3 dont need to take an umbrella because it doesnt reins raining nov. 4 "Which languages are you speaking/do you speak? "French and Spanish’ 5. Sarah stulesfis studying in her bedroom, She's got an exam next week 6 | staysam staying John's at while he ison holiday 7. Uknowfam knowing why you want to move house! Your neighbours are so noisy! 8 Sorry | haven't got time to talk now: | leanfar cleaning the bathroom il phone you back later 9. "Who plays/is playing the piano in the corner” ‘Ido sornetimes, when | have time! 10 ‘Can we watch a filmy ‘No, because the DVO player doesn’ work/a't workng’ @ Complece the sentences wich the correct form of the present simple or the present continuous 1 He ike) his English teacher but she (peak) ‘ery fast so sometimes he (not understand) her. 2 1 (wear) my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong. 3. Who (move) the furniture about Upstairs? t's Sarah. She (paint). the living room because she (want) to sell her it 4 Your car (make) Do you think it ieall igh? a very strange noise 5. | won't go.ournow asi¢ (rain) and (rot have) an umbiala 6 tsa lovely day today, The sun (shine) and the birds (sng) 7 te(snow) very heavily and you (noe have). ‘any boots so I (nat chink) ‘we can go our @ Complete the text with the words in the box. arent some any ) MY FAVOURITE ROOM My favourite room is the living room. There 1 two very large windows which look out onto a park so its very quiet In fact, there any noise except for birds singing! On the other side of the room there 3a floor to ceiling mirror.! love reading so there 4 books everywhere. | buy 5 every week — sometimes one or two and. sometimes twenty The only problem is that there 6 enough bookcases to put them in! | like having space so there 7 a lot of furniture in the room. There any cushions on them.1 need to buy. 0 There ___" piano in the commer although | don't have. "2 time to play love art so there "3 pictures on every wall. here are__14 ‘unusual objects in the 100m, too.On the top of the piano there. 1 two fossils from Iceland. One day I want to go back there and get. +6 more! Vocabulary (4 Underline the odd one out in each group. 1 frying pan place bed fridge 2 bath towel hoc water bookshelf 3 ng lecticiy crockery furniure 4 bathroom kitchen office window 5 sofa stool kon armchair 6 fidge radio. candle television (© Complete the sentences wich che correct word, 1 Chairs tables and stools ae all kinds of 2. taces, cups and mugs are examples of 3. You can pue rubbish ina 4 Youcan dry your hands with a 5 You can keep food ters cold ina 6 Youcan cook food inan oven or 7 You can wash your hands in a 8 Youcarrywaterina G Underline the uncountable noun in each pair. 1 music song 5 television electricity 2 char furiwe 6 raf car 3 hocwater sink 7 city countryside 4 wotk job 8 accommodation fat Siena 8 two sofas but there. ° es A place by Premium | Unit 02 Introduction (Can you find these things in the pictures? beach bay waves rocks saiingboar palm uees sand surfboard herbour sunset (2IHEBD seen to a description of one of the pictures on this page Which picture is being described? @ Discuss these questions with other students, + What country do you tink these piceures show? + Would you like to goon holiday here? Why/Why now (@ boplain what kind of holiday you like best and why. + abeach holiday + an activity holiday + arouringhoiday {prefer touring holidays becouse I dont like just staying in one place al the time ~ it can get boring. ke the excitement of exploring lots of new places eat) 5 Fs 5 3 a 3 e 3 g 8 ES a Ee iS a3 cs fe cy = ict cl a 5 = Ss = te) Unit. PREMIUM | UNIT O2 | Functions | describing a picture Grammar | quantifiers (@ Read che description and complete che cexe with in, at or on. @ Look ar these examples and answer the questions. "this picture | can see a bay. _? the lf chereis a small andy ‘There arent many clouds in the sky ‘beach. —_} the background I can see some sheep and a small bling There isn't much iter an the beach. (onthe hilside. ts. 2 beautiful sunny day, with jus a few clouds in the 41 Do you use much or many with sky and the water i very calm. There aentt many people on the beach. countable nouns? Someone is standing —$ the left and a couple of people the 2. Doyouuse much or many with middle ofthe picture are walking by the sea.| chink ic would be nize to Une CabETOO have aholcay here because ical looks very peaceful and relaxing @ Complete the cable with the quantifiers in the box. You may put (PEEP Now liscen co check your answers, more than one in each column. @ Complete the labels with the correct prepositions. Fann een | some aloe afew alle | { fowmuch nocmuch | affirmative negative question + 900 grarhiiar Heference: page 15265 Rewrite these sentences. Replace the countable word racks with the uncountable word sarid and make any other necessary changes. There aren't many rocks. There isn't much sand. 1 How many rocks are chete? 2. There are usca few rocks 3 There ate alor of rocks Speaking 4 There arent any rocks on that beach @ Work in pairs. Studenc A look ac the photo on page 172. Describe @ eee is Lapets Fuel Wha can you it carefully co your parener. Student B listen and try to draw the lo chere? Read the text on page 17 photo Student A is describing. Compare your drawing with the and answer the questions photo, Then look at the photo on page 174 and describe it in the 1 Are there many/much things to do at same way for Student A. Land's End? 2 Do manyrimuch people vst Lands SPEAKING Skil ind? A good way to describe @ picture in detail is to look at what, 3 How many/much mites sit ro New is im each section af the picture. The words in Exercise 3 will ‘York from Lands End? help you do this. 4 How many/emuch seals ae there? 5. How mary/much does it costco park your car 6 How many/much time can you spend at Land!s End? | PREMIUM | UNIT 02 Writing | a postcard (4 Choose one of these postcards to send to a friend or your family Ce tT] Celene ‘tthe very end of mainland Britain, Fight inthe south-western corner With ‘amazing views ofthe Atlantic Ocean, and plenty of things todo and see, itis one of ‘the most popular places to visit in Comal You can see the famous Land's End signpost, which tells you how far it is ‘across the sea ta New York (3147 males} or {0 John 0'Groats, at the other end of the country (874 miles). Hf you're interested in wildlife, you can sae hundreds of seabirds and wild flowers, anc maybe even a few seals. Ges and you can stay all day. (& Choose the correct alternative for each question in Exercise 4 (& Read the postcard and choose the correct alternatives. ok sing wey Hine in St hes, Corral | ote sal ut ere ar at] ch ahing too. Te own realy cay a here areit many/inac? © Now write your posear + ite two sentences describing the place ce because the streets act Fa Yo Smit + Write one sentence describing the weather ates ace Oy dean Hire + White one or twa sentences saying whac you are doing on ve an’ and tere awa | YO Newtown Road ae ving what yo ind ie ay gpd pas for 8. | Deford Writing a posteard “ye weather aee/it? grea They $4 re ere ere ter a Yor shire Having a lovely ie in rere else i Enna We ae eal ling ving att elaing i ee un 204 ce yOu son ating a lot ofenany? ice creams! Seetanions each Coersat UK fe oe enka PREMIUM | UNIT 02 | Reading (1 what kind of activities do you think you can do in Cornwall? Read the first paragraph of the text to check your ideas. © Read the rest of the vext quickly. March the paragraphs A-F with the activities 1-6. ELCOME TO CorNWALL'S ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND Tra cul eek Ra offers a lot of different outdoor activities. Whether you choose an exciting extreme sport or prefer to take Cee ee ca eee ae Ce eee en ee eu ced Cee Me re Re oa A Forget the car and explore Cornwall on two wheels. Why not ride along the Camel tral -a seventeen mile track that follows the banks of the Camel River ~ enjoying the scenery at your own pace? Its good for you and good for the environment. B Fora really relaxing time on the water, sit back and admire the scenery on the King Harry Ferry between Trelissick and the Roseland, twas recently named one of the world's top ten ferry rides. © Go diving and discover the peace of the underwater world with warmer water than anywhere else in the UK. Explore historic, shipwrecks and find out all about them in our visitor centres, Or simply admire the beauty of the natural world under water. D Toke a pleasure paddle up the calm rivers and canals, explore the coastline on a canoeing adventure or learn to surf in a sea kayak. Kayaking is one of the earliest forms of adventure — and it environmentally friendly, too. E fyou want to do more than take a gentle walk along the coast path, then coasteering is the activity for you. Together with an experienced guide, you'll follow the coastline, swimming through the sea, climbing across rocks and jumping from rock to rock or into the water below. An incredible adventure F For something really thriling on dry land, try mountainboarding ‘A cross between a skateboard and a snowooard, you can ride your mountainboard at speed down Cornwall's grassy hills, jumping ‘over bumps and rocks as you go. A perfect sport for Cornwall warm climate, G@ These friends are going on holiday to Cornwall. Read the texts A-F in. Exercise 2 and decide which would be the best activity for each person. 1K really like to find out something about the history of the ate. 2. Ie like to go on a boat — just so long as| don't have to actually do anyching except sit back and relax 3 Idlike to do something thet involves imbing and swimming, 4 elke o get some gentle exercise, but | don't wane to get wet ~ and | dont ike animals. 5 Kdlike co do something really exiting, bbuc Im not keen on the sea 50 ‘would have to be inland HAM SKILS— Use the information from your first reading to help you identify the right text to match each person and then read the text more carefully to check your answers, Make sure the text matches all the information about the person, learning tip Vocabulary | outdoor activities @ How many outdoor activities are mentioned in the text? Which of them do you think are extreme sports? Can you think of any other extreme spores? ms @ Discuss these questions with ocher students. + Which of these activities or sports have you ec? + How would you descrbe them? Try to use some ofthese words and phrases, gentle exercise good for you excicing enjoyable relaxing | environmentally friendly thrilling different exhilarating @ book again at Exercise 2. Find word(s) or phrases that mean: 1 very exciting 2 healthy 3 the opposie ofan extreme sport 4 something that doesnt harm the natural world @ The schwa (o/) is the most common English sound. It is used for most unstressed syllables. Look at the words in Exercise 2 and try to mark the schwa where it occurs. Practise saying them correctly eter etm recs st ns Mie re topic, go through the cext afterwards and Te eee poe tet maa eats the topic heading in your notebook or pees ua aad the same topic. Make a note of where you Poirier ee | PREMIUM | UNIT O2 Listening (1 Where do you think these beach destinations are? Which ane Jooks most appealing to you? Why? © Choose one of the pictures and describe it to your partner. Can your partner guess which one you are describing? @ What do you know about any of these beach destinations? Seychelles Maldives Mallorca Canary islands ‘Maka Cuba Morocco Cabo Verde Spain Greece Italy Denmark Poland (QED You will hear a radio programme abouc unusval beach estinations. Listen and answer the questions 11 Which places does the programme mention? 2. Which three places does Rob Buckley recommend fora beach holiday? PREMIUM | UNIT O2 | (© Listen again and choose the correct answer, People may not want ov the Seychelles othe Maines because A they 0 far, B theyre oo expensive C theyre no: very relirg 2. According co Rob Buckie. the problem wich Malas that A isnt warm enough fora winter holiday. B thete ate too many ours C everyone speaks Engh 3 Essaouira was mostly bul Ar inthe 60s and 70s B inthe ealy 20th cencury C inthe Tah century. 4. The weather in Cabo Verde ‘A warm an cry. B hocand hur Cyveryhocand dry. 5. According 0 Rob Buckley, he Polish River is popula wrth A there are hundreds of klomeres of beaches B ieiqute cheap. C the weathers no¢ 0 hot & Which of these three destinations would you most like to visit? Why? Grammar | articles (4. Look at the rules for when to use @ and the. Find examples of these rules in audioscript 07 on pages 139-140. Articles We use the indefinite article, a: 1 to tal about something or someone that has not been mentioned belore 2 before a noun that is one of many 3 with some quantifiers: afew, a ot of 4 to mean every or each: once a week the We use the definite article, she: 1 total about someone or something that has been mentioned belore 2 before a noun that isthe only one 3 beiore a particular date or period of time: the third of Apri the 1960s 4 with an uncountable noun ora plural noun forma 5 with plural and compound nouns: the United Arab Ermirates, the Philippines. « s2e grammar referencs: paga 154 + « Grammar note | zero article ‘We do not use the: 1 when you are talking about something in general: like Bice cream, @ cats often hunt at right 2 before a specific year (7966) or month (Apri) 3. before most streets, cites, countries, languages, names and meals. S20 Grammar reference: page 154 «= © Complete the sentences with a, the or @ (zero article). 1 Portugal is beautiful parcof Europe. is in south-west comer of Europe. 2 like visiting beaches and mountains. | realy ike —— beaches in Cabo Verde 3 __Maldives are a group of islands off the coast of Afi 4 Only few people in Cabo Verde speak English fluently bu in Malca there are___ thousands of people who can speak English 5. The Portuguese arrived at Cabo Verde in 1$th century ir gained independence in 1875 6 ‘Does Essaouira have beach” "Yes, beach isa mife lang” @ There are seven mistakes in this text. Find the mistakes and correct them. You could try Cabo Verde. Its group of ten islands off a west coast of Africa. Islands each have their own character. Itwas the Portuguese colony, and the Portuguese i still widely spoken there. It's famous for its music, a kind of Portuguese! African mix. 10 Premium | UNIT G3 | Speaking (ESP Listen to Suzana and Michael ‘deciding what to buy their friend for his birthday. Look at the pictures. What do they decide to buy him and why? (@THEEp whac other presents do they mention? Why do they decide not to buy them? Listen again to check. HAM SKILLS Suzana and Michael are doing an exer speaking task. Which of the following things do they do/not do? * ask each other's opinion give reasons for their opinions * listen to what each other say and respond ‘+ say something about each of pictures * describe eac of the pictures Which of the things above do you think are good things to do ina speaking exam? Functions | deciding together (ATED) Liscen again co the language thar Suzana and Michael use ‘and put phrases you hear under these headings, + Asking for an opinion or making a suggestion + Dsagesing with a suggestion + Agreing with a suggestion (© Work in pairs. Write down che names of three people in the class. + Decide which ofthe presents opposite to give each person. + Say why they would/wvould not be a good idea + Try 1. use some of the language the Exam Reviser 53, @ Tell your classmates what you have chosen for them and why. Are they happy with their presents? Reading 1 Look at the quotes below and discuss these questions. + Do you oF would yous like to be an only chile? + What are the advantages and disadvantages? + Whae do you think iis ike ta be the parent ofan only child? natalie portman “Tdon’ ike being an only child. I's strange to think my children won't have cousins from my side and I won't have anyone to talk about my parents with sarah michelle gellar “T consider I was lucky being an only child” vanessa mae ‘As I'm an only child, 1 don't think Mum took it well (when Teft home}, but you have to respect that your child is going to Aly off and start their own life’ (2 D0 you think only children are spoil and selfish? Read the text on. page 27 quickly to see if the author agrees with you. READING SKILLS if you are reading quickly to get a general idea, you will not nged to read every word. If me is short, try reading the fi line of each paragraph, This will usually give you the main ik 7

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