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中,⽽不是在政府⼿中。当然,正如⼀款叫“不予播出”(“Not For Broadcast”)的游戏
News is for the service of the people, not the rulers. When the news media serves
someone other than the people, the truth will go dark and die out. Now that we are at
the centre of the streaming media era, we have access to any information we want,
and this has created information gaps, arti cial intelligence algorithms that, in
conjunction with interests from governments or corporations, have manipulated the
minds of the people. In the United States, for example, every election, especially today,
television plays a role in controlling the direction of public opinion to guide the president
to be elected. The news plays an even shaping role in in uencing public opinion. The
gradual politicisation of reporting promotes extremism and democracy will only cease
to exist under such a system. The power of the media, of the press, is immense; they
can make a country partisan and chaotic in the extreme. In the current global epidemic
of the Covid-19, the press is increasingly important, and it is dif cult for companies to
decide whether to disseminate the anti-epidemic mentality or the "freedom" of the
epidemic when public opinion and interests are pressured. Let's go back to the
beginning, when people were still receiving information through newspapers, the right
to freedom of publication was, as it is today, controlled by the government, preventing
people from getting the truth, but only the truth can help us know, can help us decide,
can help us get freedom. I believe that the Fourth Estate is no less essential than pro t
because only truthful information can lead people to a right and prosperous future, and
that people are the constituents of the world, and therefore the world's decisions

should be in the hands of the people, not the government. Of course, like the game
Not For Broadcast, the news should be professional, rigorous and timely, but in that
game, the news is full of entertainment, just as it is now. Many media outlets are putting
down many important headlines and broadcasting opinion gossip to gain attention and
thus ratings, at which point the news has no meaning. However, in addition to external
factors, news networks should also do their part by reporting from a neutral
perspective, revealing a story that, if it is discriminatory, does not in itself meet the very
de nition of journalism, but is more like a statement of individualism, and the presses
ought to join together to promote the progress of human society, not the other way
round, attacking each other, and these attacks are only based on serving the
government or the party. I don't want to criticise any of the press, and I think the future
of journalism is extremely promising, it's just that we need someone to defend the right
and freedom of the press, to defend the Fourth Estate, to let people know the truth
about stories and to clarify where the world is going.

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