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External Marks: 80 Internal Marks: 20 Time: 3 hrs.


UNIT-I Introduction to Marketing; difference between marketing
and selling; core concepts of marketing; marketing mix; marketing
process; marketing environment
UNIT-II Determinants of consumer behaviour; consumer’s purchase
decision process (exclude industrial purchase decision process);
market segmentation; target marketing; differentiation and
positioning; marketing research; marketing information system
UNIT-III Product and product line decisions; branding decisions;
packaging and labeling decisions; product life cycle concept; new
product development; pricing decisions
UNIT-IV Marketing channels: - retailing, wholesaling, warehousing
and physical distribution, conceptual introduction to supply chain
management, conceptual introduction to customer relationship
marketing; promotion mix:- personal selling, advertising, sales
promotion, publicity
1. Kotler, Philip, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy & Mithileshwar
Jha, Marketing Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi
2. 2. Dhunna, Mukesh, Markweting Management, Text and Cases,
Wisedom Publications, New Delhi
3. 3.Sakena, Rajan, Marketing Management, McGraw Hill, New
4. 4. Zikmund, William G, Marketing, Cengage Learning, New Delhi 5.
Panda, Tapan K, Marketing Management, Excel Books, New Delhi

1. Instructions for External Examiner:
The question paper shall be divided in two sections. Section ‘A’ shall comprise of
eight short answer type questions from whole of the syllabus carrying two marks
each, which shall be compulsory. Answer to each question should not exceed 50
words normally.
2. Section ‘B’ shall comprise 8 questions (2 questions from each unit). The students
will be required to attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit. 3.
All questions will carry equal marks 2
Other Suggested Readings:

1. Mc Carthy; E.J. : Basic marketing -A Managerial Approach

2. Rama Swamy & Nama Kumari : Marketing Management

3. Kotler, Philip : Marketing Management Analysis Planning and


4. Still and Cundiff : Basic Marketing.

5. Stanton et. al. : Marketing Management.

Course Contents:- Unit-1
Marketing Management- Meaning, Nature and Scope. Concepts of
Marketing .
Marketing Environment, Marketing Mix, STP (segmenting, targeting and
positioning) approach to marketing.
Marketing Information System- Meaning and Components. Marketing
Consumer Behaviour-Meaning and Importance of study for Marketers.
Product –Meaning, levels and product Mix. New Product development,
Product Life Cycle,
Branding and Packaging decision.
Pricing-Meaning, procedure for setting a price. Price variation.
Distribution Channels- Levels and Roles. Management of Physical
Promotion- promotion Mix- A study of advertising, sales promotion,
personal selling, direct marketing and public relations.
Marketing organization and control.

Marketing: An introduction

Basis of Marketing
It comprises of :

1. Marketer/Seller


1. Market
• Traditional View
• (Unorganized) : Physical Place

Modern View (Organized Market)

The purpose of producing goods is to sell them to the consumers
who demand them.
To sell the goods (and services) we need the medium of market.
• Market is the major source of distribution of goods and services.
• In today’s world a buyer can get so many types of goods in the
• Without market, producers’ and consumers’ activities hardly
make any sense.
• Market is assumed to be a place where goods are bought and
• But in economics, the term ‘market’ does not refer to a specific
place. Rather, it is a mechanism through which buyers and
sellers come into contact with each other and buy and/or sell
goods at mutually agreed prices
Features of Market
• Main features of a market include:
(a) Buyers and Sellers: Buyers and sellers must come into contact with each other for a
market to exist. It is only after the contact between the buyer and the seller, that a
transaction takes place.
(b) Area: You can easily find a market place nearer to a human settlement. But in
today’s world, the market is not limited to a particular place. Today, in the age of
Internet, we have a rapidly growing online market which is not limited to any
geographical area. A buyer can place order to buy a good online. So modern Market
exists physically and virtually.
(c) Commodity: The transaction between buyer and seller has to be over some good or
service. So a commodity becomes the integral part of a market.
(d) Different forms of Competition: Forms of market depends on the degree of
competition among the sellers selling the goods, where the degree of competition itself
is determined by the inter relationship of among the goods and services sold by
different sellers as well on number of sellers present in the market(concept of
MOP…Market operating price).
(e) Money transaction: Money is the mediums of exchange in the modern day world.
Consumers pay money to the seller to buy goods as services in the market. So money
and market are inseparable
Modern View: The real and group of potential buyers of
products and services.

2. Customer
•People or organization who want to
fulfill their needs.

•They can be : wholesaler, retailer,

female, male, infant, (rich)customer

3. Seller
•A person or organization who
provides goods or services to satisfy
the needs of the customers.

•Eg: Archies: Cards, gifts

Mc Donald's: Taste buds
Airline: Air travel
TV Channel/Cinemas: Entertainment
human need is a state of felt deprivation


A human want is the form that a human need takes as shaped by culture and
individual personality

Wants are desires for specific satisfiers of needs. Demands are

human wants backed by ability and willingness to buy.

Desire -> Revealed by Taste & preferences but,

Capability-> Revealed by Purchasing Power(which depends upon income & price)

Demand for a commodity
refers to the qty. for which
an individual consumer or a
household is willing to
purchase per unit time at a
particular price.

So Demand refers to Desire,

Willingness, Purchasing

Demands are human wants

that are backed by buying

Difference between wants and demands is desire
• The basic difference
between wants and demands is desire. ...

• Consequently, for people, who can afford a desirable

product are transforming their wants into demands.
• In other words, if a customer is willing and able to
buy a need or a want, it means that they have
a demand for that need or a want.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy

• Old concept:

Goods and Profit through

Services Sales Sales

• Modern Concept:
Production of
Recognition of goods & Creation of
customer needs Demand

After Sales
Profit Sales


• Marketing is sum total of all those activities which

move goods and services from the producers to
the consumers.

• These activities chiefly include the following:

Gathering and analyzing market information,
Market planning, Product designing and
development, Standardization and grading,
packaging ,branding etc.

• “Marketing is that social process by which
• individuals and groups obtain what they need
and want
• through creating offerings and freely exchanging
products and services of value with others.”
-Philip Kotler

American Marketing Association
• AMA (1960)
Marketing is the performance of business activities
that direct the flow of goods and services from
producer to consumer or user.
• AMA (2004)
• Marketing is an organizational function and set of
processes for creating, communicating and
delivering value to customers and for managing
relationships in a way that benefits both the
organization and the stakeholder.
Nature of Marketing Management
• Customer Focused
• System
• Exchange Process
• Guiding Element
• Surrounded by Customer Needs
• Science as well as art
• Creates Mutually-beneficial relationship
• Part of Total Environment
• Goal –Oriented
Marketing is Sales Promotion

Marketing is offering Solution to Problems?
Pre-existing or expected..

Scope of marketing

Managerial Activities Functional Activities

• Determining marketing • Marketing research
• Product planning and
• Planning, organising, staffing, development
directing, coordinating,
controlling marketing function. • Buying assembling
• Analysing & evaluating • Selling, transportation
marketing functions • Storage, warehousing
• Branding, grading
• Pricing, packaging
• Advertising
• After sales service
Importance of Marketing
a) To provide employment
b) Satisfies need of consumer
c) Helps in determining marketing mix
d) Increase in standard of living
e) Increase in income of business
f) Safeguards recession
g) Creates utility
h) Beneficial to consumers
Role/ Importance
Role in a firm:

1. Collecting information about customer’s need and want.

2. Analyzing the available information taking decision about
production of a product
3. Making available their favourite product to the consumers
4. Consumer satisfaction
5. Attainment of the objectives of the firm
6. Possibility of the long life of the firm and its development

Role in the Economy

1. Collecting information about the need and want of

the consumer.
2. Getting encouraged to start new business activities.
3. Establishing new industrial units.
4. Increase in the employment opportunities.
5. Increase in the per capita income.
6. Improvement in the standard of living of the people.
7. Development of the economy.

Continued…… 1. Introduction to Marketing
• Product=Bundle of utility(Goods + Services +Ideas)
• Values-Consumer’s estimate of product’s overall capacity to satisfy needs
• Cost-Monetary sacrifice for acquisition of product/service(opportunity cost) Products

• Satisfaction-Fulfilment of Needs & Want

Services Ideas

• Exchange & Transactions-Self production, Coercion, Begging & Exchanging

• Exchange-Act of obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something
in return
• Transaction-Trade of values between two or more parties(Monetary or Barter

2. Core Concepts of Marketing

Value, Cost Marketers
Needs, Wants (Goods, Exchange & Relationship Markets
& &
& Demands Services, Transactions & Networks
Satisfaction Prospects

• Relationship- Practice of building long-term satisfying relations with key
parties(Customers, Suppliers, Distributors etc.) in order to retain long term
preference and business
• Networks-The ultimate outcome of relationship marketing is the building of a
unique company asset called marketing network. It includes stakeholders with
whom mutually profitable busines relationship need to be maintained such as
Customers, Employees, Suppliers, Trade partners etc.)
• Market-Consists of potential customers sharing a particular need or want who
might be willing & able to engage in exchange to satisfy that need or want
• Marketers & Prospect-The first party which is actively seeking an exchange than
the other party as known as Marketer & second party is called as Prospect.
• Marketer can be a seller or Buyer

Products Value, Cost

Needs, Wants Exchange & Relationship Markets Marketers &
& Demands (Goods, Services, & Transactions & Networks Prospects
Ideas) Satisfaction

Thank You

Presented by Dr. Satish Kumar, Asst. Professor 36

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