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Model Techniques

Surface Pattern Technique

Surface Pattern Overview

Most of us use solids to create all our geometry. In some cases where patterns are
common and repetitive, model size and regeneration time can be minimized by creating
surface transform patterns instead of multiple solid feature patterns.

In our example, three radial patterns each contain three features, a datum plane for
reference, a revolved cut, and an advanced round. There are 131 features in the solid
model. It takes 20 seconds to regenerate this model.

By replacing the solid patterns with surface patterns:

• The number of features will be reduced (i.e. the model will be smaller)
• The computation time will be decreased because only the first surface has to be

For better clarification on the second bullet item, lets look at how the surface pattern is
 Create the first hole and put the rounds on it. Don’t worry about creating the feature
so it can be patterned. This eliminates the need for the patterned datum planes!

 Insert > Surface > Copy of all surfaces that make up the feature to be copied.

 Insert > Surface Operation > Transform.

 Select Move > Copy > Done.

 Select quilt surface(s) to transform.

 Select Done.

 For a radial pattern select Rotate.

 Select Csys.

 Choose the coordinate system in the middle of the pattern.

 Select the axis normal to the pattern plane.

In this instance, it is the y-axis.

 Select OK.

 Enter the pattern angle.

 Select Done Move.

 Now pattern the transformed surface.

 The pattern type must be General.

 Remember the total number of instances is

one less than the total number of holes.

 Finish the creation process by creating a cut

using quilt and reference patterning the cut.

 Repeat for the other patterns.

 The new model contains 63 features and regenerates in 10 seconds.

Open Dialog Box

Model Preview On Open

Preview works with parts, assemblies, and drawings. To enable it some
options that must be set. Then each model must be retrieved, regenerated, and saved
under these options.

To use Preview:

 Select File > Open.

 Select Preview from the lower right corner of the Open dialog box. options
save_drawing_picture_file embed – allows drawings to be previewed
save_model_display shade_lod – allows models to be previewed as levels of
save_display yes

Open Filters
Finding models can be simplified by specifying the file type at the bottom of the open

Model Tree

Insert Mode
When working with models with many features, use insert mode to shorten regeneration

Activating Insert Mode:

 In the Model Tree, drag the Insert Here to the desired location.
If the model is too long for drag and drop mode to be efficient:
 In the Menu Manager, select Feature > Insert Mode > Activate.

 Choose the feature to insert after.

Deactivating Insert Mode:

 In the Model Tree, drag the Insert Here back to the end of the model tree structure.
If the model is too long for drag and drop mode to be efficient:
 In the Menu Manager, select Feature > Insert Mode > Cancel.

 Select OK.

As an alternative to using layers, any item in the model tree can be temporarily hidden.
The hide status doesn’t get saved with the model. Hidden components show gray icons
in the model tree.

To hide:
 In the Model Tree, Right click on the feature or component and select Hide.

To unhide:
 In the Model Tree, Right click on the feature or component and select Unhide.

In large Model Tree structures information can be
hard to find. There exists the capability to search for
components/features in the Model Tree.

 Select Edit > Find in Model Tree….

The categories for searching include:

Status, Feature Number, Feature ID, Feature Type, Model Expression, Feature Name,
and Copied Refs

 Search results can be filtered to only show desired selections.

 To Highlight a specified feature in the Model Tree, select Find Select.

 To highlight a group choose Select All.

 The Search window is asynchronous so select Close when finished searching. Options
Override_store_back no * - files are saved to the locations they were retrieved
yes – files retrieved from other locations may be saved to
the current working directory
save_object_in_current yes – saves retrieved files to the current working directory
search_path Specify a single directory where Pro/ENGINEER files can
be found
search_path_file Specify the location and name of a file that
includes a list of search_path statements.


Use default layers and create specific layers when necessary to clear screen clutter.

Please see Layers under Assembly Techniques for more information.


Warnings Overiew
Warnings can be missing references, cuts outside the model, even Geometry checks. In
general, regeneration warnings increase regeneration time.

Viewing Warnings
All warnings are displayed during regeneration. Pro/ENGINEER creates a log file of the
regeneration messages.
 Select Info > Session Info > Message Log.

Correcting Warnings
Each one has to be corrected manually according to the error. Solving warnings can
dramatically improve regeneration times.

Geometry Checks Overview

Geometry checks are special warnings. The software is saying: “Mathematically, what
you want doesn’t work. I have made an assumption of what you want for now. Don’t
press your luck by building on top of this mathematical assumption.”

In general Geometry Checks dramatically expand regeneration time. Most can be solved;
the rest we live with. There are many types of Geometry Checks with many ways to fix
them. options

show_geom_checks_on_creation no * - don’t show

yes – show


Accuracy Overiew
There are two types of Accuracy in Pro/ENGINEER: Relative and Absolute. Most times
Relative Accuracy is good enough. However changing the Accuracy can eliminate
Geometry Checks that specify “tiny cuts”.

Relative Accuracy is the relation between

the diagonal length of the bounding box and
the shortest line segment in the model. By
default Relative Accuracy is .0012. So if a
box is a 10 inch cube, the default Relative
Accuracy is .0012*sqrt((10)^2
+(10*sqrt(2))^2) or .01739 of an inch.

Absolute Accuracy is the relationship between the shortest line segment and an absolute
measure such as a foot, inch, or centimeter as determined by the model’s units. In other
words, Absolute Accuracy of .001 specifies an Accuracy of one-thousandth of the
model’s base units.

The issue is regeneration time. The tighter the accuracy, the longer it takes
Pro/ENGINEER to regenerate the model. Geometry Checks and other warnings may fail
during an Accuracy change. options
Default_abs_accuracy Specify a numeral value. .0012 is the default
Enable_assembly_accuracy yes * - users can change the Absolute Accuracy of an
Enable_absolute_accuracy no * - only allow Relative Accuracy to be set.
Yes – provide the option of Absolute Accuracy

Accuracy and Geometry Checks

A very common geometry check reports tiny cuts in the model. The fix for this error is to
manipulate the accuracy of the model.

External References

External References
Please see External References under Assembly Techniques.
Assembly Techniques
Display Options

Display Modes overview

Display modes can have a dramatic effect on graphics regeneration. Display modes
include shaded, wireframe, hidden line and no-hidden line. Shaded mode is typically
faster than the others. option
display shaded *
hiddenvis – Hidden lines shown.
hiddeninvis – No hidden lines shown.
fasthlr no *
enable_hlr_hashing no *
hlr_for_quilts no *
shade_surface_feat yes *
shade_with curves * - display curves when model is shaded
no – don’t display curves when model is shaded
edge_quality_display The higher the quality, the longer it takes for regeneration.

Fast HLR
Under Hidden Line Removal, choose Fast HLR to enable hardware acceleration of
dynamic spinning with hidden lines, datums, and axes.
Note: Plotting is not available when the Fast HLR option is enabled.

View States
Sometimes it is useful to combine view states. For example, the manufacturing
workpiece is easier to see as wireframe while the reference model is easier to identify if it
remains solid.

 Select View > Model Setup > Component Display….

 Select Create.

 Give it a descriptive name.

 Select Wireframe.

 Select the workpiece component.

 Select Done Sel > Done.

 The workpiece is now wireframe while the

reference part is shaded.

Move the Spin Center

By default the spin center is always at the origin of the model. Sometimes it is easer to
work on a particular section of a model if the spin center is local to that section.

 Open the desired model/assembly.

 Select View > Reorient.

 Under Type select Preferences.

 Choose the appropriate radio button for your


 Select OK.
The new spin center is only used during the current


Envelopes Overview
An envelope is a special kind of part created by the user to represent a pre-determined set
of components (parts and sub-assemblies). It is used by substituting it in a simplified
representation to replace the components it represents. Envelope parts are generally
created with simple geometry and take less memory than the components they represent.
Envelope parts, when substituted in simplified representations reduce memory usage,
while still giving the user the ability of representing the geometry of the replaced
components. The envelope can be made to look similar to its components using the
different options offered during envelope creation. You can use envelopes to select
components in an assembly for a simplified representation.

You can use envelopes in multiple simplified representations, and display them in any
representation by using the visibility option. You can also create an envelope while a
simplified representation is active, without the entire Master Representation being in

Pro/ENGINEER stores envelopes as individual part files. When it retrieves a simplified

representation containing envelopes, it only retrieves the assembly file and the envelope
part files. Envelope parts do not appear in the assembly BOM. They appear in the
Information window along with information concerning the part geometry and the list of
reference components. Envelopes must have both geometry and a (non-empty) list of
reference components.

Note: Although the system stores envelopes as part files with a .prt extension, you can
only use them as envelopes in the assembly in which you created them.

 From the Menu Manager, select Design Mgr > Envelope.

 Select the components to be represented by the envelope.

 Select Done.

 Select Create.

 Give it a descriptive name.

 Copy from a start part.

 Place the component.

 Create the black box geometry in the new envelope component.

 Complete the part when finished.

 Select Simp Rep > Create > Substitute > By Envelope.

 Select the appropriate envelope from the list.

 Select Done.

Beginning with 2001, you can create envelopes from shrinkwraps, and you can use zones
to select components and create envelope parts.
This document does not explain how to create shrinkwraps.

 From the Menu Manager, select Design Mgr > Envelope.

 Select the components to be represented by the


 Select Done.

 Select Create.

 Give it a descriptive name.

 Select Surface Subset Shrinkwrap or Faced Solid


 Choose the appropriate Level and Attributes.

 Select OK.

 Select Done.

 Now create the Simplified Rep to show the new envelope part.


To make large assemblies more manageable, you can define specific regions within a
model, called "zones". You can use zones to help organize the assembly based on
components’ locations. You can use zones to select components in an assembly for a
simplified representation, to create component display states and to define envelope parts.

You can create an assembly zone based on:

• datum plane references or non-datum planar references
• closed assembly feature surfaces
• 2-D elements such as curves
• or by specifying a distance from an entity.

You can use flat datum planes or extruded or revolved surfaces to define what is inside
the zone or outside the zone. For example, if you define a zone to include everything on
one side of a datum plane, that side is a "half-space" of the datum plane. You can
combine any number of half-spaces.
Using closed surfaces to define the boundaries of assembly zones provides powerful zone
capability, allowing you to manage almost any collection of components or any area of
the assembly. You can sketch a closed section and extrude it to get a surface with capped
ends. This closed section then defines the zone’s boundaries, and you can specify that the
zone includes components that are inside or outside the quilt. The system includes
components in zones as follows:
• If a component lies in more than one zone, the system includes it in both zones.
• If a zone intersects a component’s bounding box, the system includes it in that

 From the Menu Manager, select Design Mgr > Zone.

 Select the plus sign.

 Input a name and select Enter.

 Select Half-Space, Inside-Outside or Distance From.

 Make the appropriate model selections: datum plane, quilt or


 Preview if desired.

 Select OK.

 Create a new Simplified Rep.

 Select Simp Rep. > By Rule.

 Select the appropriate zone.

 Select Evaluate.

 Select Done.


Layer Tree

Layers can be used to:

• Reduce screen clutter

• Prevent improper references during component assembly process

• Prevent improper references during feature creation in assembly mode

Layers in assembly mode allow you to expand or collapse each layer. A layer can be
expanded if the active model is an assembly and there are layers of the same name in any
of the components, or if you choose Show > Layer Items. Expanding the layers shows all
component layers and layer items.

You can customize the Layer Tree so that it includes layer items and layers of other
associated objects, including model layers in Drawing mode or submodel layers in
Assembly mode.

Multiple Selection

To select multiple items in the Layer Tree, click on each item you want to select. To
select multiple items in a range, use the Shift key. Select an item and then hold the Shift
key while selecting another item. Both items and all items in between are the included in
the selection. Holding the CONTROL key allows multiple, nonsequential selections.


You can select Tree > Highlight to highlight appropriate graphics items. When Tree >
Highlight is selected, all visible graphics items corresponding to selections in the Layer
Tree are highlighted or unhighlighted in green in the graphics window. This includes the
use of the Select All and Unselect All tools.

When Tree > Highlight is selected, and the process of highlighting the requested items is
time consuming, a stop sign is available in the lower right corner of the active graphics
window. You can use the stop sign as you do during retrieval of large objects. If you
click the stop sign, the system prompts you to continue the highlighting process, stop
highlighting (highlighted items remain highlighted and unhighlighted items remain
unhighlighted), or abort (all graphics items are unhighlighted).

Creating by Default
Layers can be automatically generated by Pro/ENGINEER if they are specified in the or config.sup files. Use the def_layer option to make Pro/ENGINEER
automatically create specified layers.
This is useful when company wide layer changes occur. Users don’t have to worry about
reviewing old files for layer correctness. Simply open the old files and the layer(s) are
created and populated automatically. options
Blank_layer Blanks the specified layer.
Display_layer Shows the specified layer.
Def_layer <layer type> <layer name>
Layer_change_regen_drawing yes * - regenerate drawing on layer change.
No – don’t regenerate for drawing layer change.

Simplified Reps

Simplified Reps

By default there are three simplified reps of every component and assembly:

 Master Rep contains all the information about the model,

including dimensions, x-sections, geometric tolerances, etc.

 Geometry Rep is a solid representation of the model for

assembly purposes. Geometry Reps are also good for Mass
Property information.

 Graphics Rep is a wireframe model. It has no physical

properties, but serves as a visual aid.

As a result, to modify a part’s geometry requires a Master Rep and the minimal
requirements for assembling is a Geometry Rep. Because of the amount of information
available in each Rep, the memory (RAM and swap space) required decreases
significantly from Master Rep to Geometry Rep to Graphics Rep.

Simplified Reps on the Fly

Simplified Reps on the fly

You may create a simplified rep on the fly. In other words you can create a simplified
rep while opening an assembly or drawing without retrieving the master rep of the entire
assembly or views into memory. options

Please ensure the following options are set prior to using this functionality.

 open_simplified_rep_by_default yes *
Master Rep
Geometry Rep
Graphics Rep
<Rep Name>

Create a Simplified Rep on the fly

 Open an assembly or drawing.

 Select Create New Simplified Rep or Create New Drawing Rep.

 Click OK.

On-Demand Simplified Reps

How On-Demand Mode Works

On-Demand mode swaps out the simplified reps automatically according to the task
being performed.

A few rules:

 On-Demand mode isn’t available when a master rep is retrieved.

 You cannot assemble a Graphics Rep Model. You can assemble a Geometry Rep or
Master Rep Model.

 To assemble to a Graphics Rep, double click on the assembly component on the

screen. This will convert it to a Geometry Rep. Then assemble the new component
to the Geometry Rep component. Once the assembly process is complete, both the
assembly reference component and the new component will remain as Geometry Rep
models. After saving and re-opening the assembly as a Graphics Rep, all components
will appear as Graphics Rep.

 From the Graphics Rep assembly, select Modify > Modify Part from the Menu
Manager to swap a part out for it’s Master Rep. Once the Master Rep is in memory
dimensions can be modified.

 You do not have to create a simplified rep to use this functionality. options

Please ensure the following options are set prior to using this functionality.

 open_simplified_rep_by_default YES
Master Rep
Geometry Rep
Graphics Rep
<Rep Name>
 save_model_display wireframe (displays component as wireframe)
shade_low (lowest shaded graphics memory resources)
shade_med (mid-range shaded graphics memory resources)
shade_high (highest shaded graphics memory resources)
shade_lod (variable shaded graphics memory resources)

The save_model_display should be set to one of the shade options to allow you to see a
shaded graphics rep model. The level of shading is up to you. All of these options will
require less memory than loading Geometry or Master Rep of the model.
Open a simplified rep

 Open an assembly.

 Select Graphics Rep.

 Check Enable On-Demand Updating.

 Click OK.

Setting Preferences
The On-Demand Simplified Rep Settings dialog box will appear the first time (each
Pro/E session) you open a rep.

 Check the radio button for Geometry Representations.

 Check Work in On-Demand mode.

 Check Remove added components from rep when no longer required.

 Check Automatically Erase models when no longer required.

 Select OK.

Changing Preferences

Preference settings can later be accessed through the Preferences

pick in the Menu Manager. This pick may be grayed out if a
simplified rep other than the default three doesn’t exist. In this case,
create a new simplified rep and then select Preferences.

Custom Regeneration

Custom Regeneration
Custom regeneration can only be used in assembly mode.

 Open an assembly.

 From the Menu Manager, select Regenerate > Custom.

If only a few features don’t need regeneration:

 Select the Skip Regen radio button.

 Choose the features to skip regeneration.

If only a few features need regeneration:

 Select the Skip Regen radio button.

 Select the Select All button.

 Select the Regenerate radio button.

 Choose the features to skip regeneration.

 Select OK when done.

Search Paths

Search Paths
Without a PDM system, the option (search_paths) are virtually unavoidable.
But search paths add to model retrieval time. In general, the fewer search paths, the

Search Path file

Search path lists can become quite extensive. They may dynamically change based on
the current model, or because of company policies. To make search paths more
manageable, use a search path file. This file contains a list of search paths. Different
search path files can be configured for use with different models. options
Search_path Specify the individual search path to be included.
Search_path_file Specify the search path file to be included.
Inheritance Features

Inheritance Features Overview

With Release 2001, Pro/ENGINEER continues to provide
new technology to support the complete product
development process by introducing Inheritance Features.
Inheritance features allow engineers to create unique,
independent yet associative variants from a design model,
which can be used in downstream processes such as
analysis and manufacturing. This technology allows
manufacturing engineers and structural analysts, for
example, to make process-specific changes to a design,
even though they may not have ownership of the design
model. However, this is done with no loss of associativity Inheritance Features allow
independent, yet associative
with the original design, ensuring any subsequent changes process variants to be created.
are seamlessly propagated. The result is a smoother, yet
flexible product development process.

A fully detailed model, containing all The "as cast" model, created by temporarily
necessary design information. removing some design content.

Creating Inheritance Features

As prerequisites, the units of the variant model must be the same as the original model
and there must be a model to copy the inheritance feature from.

 Open a new part.

 Select Insert > Shared Data > Inheritance….

 Select Open.
 Open a file to copy.

 Select a coordinate system.

 Select Var Feats >Define.

 Select the features to copy.

Please note parents will be included

for all select children.

 Select Done Sel.

 To change feature selections, use

Add, Remove, Suppress, and

 Select OK.

 Select Var Dims > Define.

 Select dimensions to vary.

Please note only the selected

dimensions can be changed in the
Inheritance Model.

 Select Done Sel.

 To change feature selections, use

Add or Remove.

 Select OK.

 Copy notes and change Dependency

as required.

 Complete the feature.

In the model tree of the variant model there will be an

Inheritance feature. The Inheritance feature includes all
the copied features and notes from the original model.

Inheritance Features allow

independent, yet associative
process variants to be created.
Now additional features may be added to the model or specified variable dimensions may
be modified.

External References

External References Overview

Pro/ENGINEER provides multiple tools to create External References. Some of these
tools are Relations, Publish/Copy Geometry features, Skeleton models, etc. External
References are powerful modeling time savers when used properly. However, they do
add to regeneration time and can introduce undesirable regeneration behavior when used
incorrectly. So Pro/ENGINEER also provides tools for showing and even prohibiting
External References.

Examples of external references include:

• Assembly Cuts
• Assembly Relations that drive part features
• Copy Geometry features
• Skeleton References
• Up to Surface when the surface is part of another model

Global Reference Viewer

Global Reference Viewer

The Global Reference View can show external

 Select Info > Global Reference Viewer.

 Select Filter Setting….

 The Ref Type will determine which type of external

relation is shown.

 Specify Ref Extent to be External.

 Specify Displayed Objects to be All Objects.

 Select Show Reference Graph.

 Highlight the feature and select the show parents icon.

If there is an external reference, is will show up as a separate component in the reference


External Reference Control

Global External Reference Control

Pro/ENGINEER provides reference control tools for specifying system behavior when
you create external references among features in a design. To specify reference control
settings, you use the Reference Control dialog box. You can:
• Specify global scope settings that apply to all components in the current session
except objects that have an object-specific scope setting and objects that have a
less restrictive object-specific scope control.
• Specify object-specific scope settings for external references.

Use External Reference Control to prevent the creation of some or all types of External
 Select Utilities > Reference Control.
The Reference Control dialog box allows you to restrict creation of external references by
narrowing the scope of components you are allowed to reference. You can define the
scope globally (for the entire environment) and for specific objects. When both global
and object-specific settings are defined, the system enforces the more restrictive setting.
When making object-specific settings, the Reference Control dialog box displays the
following two areas:

• Scope of Components to be Referenced—This area allows you to specify which

components you can create external references for. You can choose to create
external references for all components (this is equivalent to having no scope
control at all), for components of the same subassembly only, to skeleton models
only, or for no external references to be allowed.
Note: The reference capability of a skeleton model is not affected by the scope setting of
its associated subassembly.
• Reference Handling—This area allows you to specify how the system will behave
when you create an external reference to a feature, part, or model that is outside
the specified scope.
The following options are available when the scope is set to Subassembly, Skeleton
Model, or None:
• Prohibit Out-Of-Scope References—The system aborts the action if you attempt
to create an external reference that violates the scope. The system also displays a
message identifying the part or model whose scope has been violated.
• Copy Out-Of-Scope References—The system allows you to create out-of-scope
references as a local copy only.

When making global (environmental) reference control settings, the Reference Control
dialog box expands to include the following two areas:
• Publish Geometry Settings—Allows you to further restrict selection of external
references to only publish geometry within the settings you make under Scope of
Components to be Referenced. For example, if you specify Subassembly under
Scope of Components to be Referenced, and you also select Restrict Selection to
Publish Geometry, then when working with a part in a subassembly, you can
make references only to publish geometry of other objects in the subassembly
only, including the skeleton of the subassembly. If you clear the Restrict Selection
to Publish Geometry option, you can make external references to any entity of any
object in the subassembly.
• Selection Feedback Settings—Allows you to distinguish between components
available for referencing and components that are not available. Out-of-scope
references are highlighted with a user-defined color, which you can define within
this section. You can also disable the selection of out-of-scope references or
invalid components. Options
External Reference Control can be implemented through the file.

Set the following variable.

allow_ref_scope_change Yes * - allow changes

No – Prevents users from making changes to the
External Reference Control dialog box.
default_ext_ref_scope all * - allows all external references from any model
none – prohibits all external references outside current
model and its children
subassemblies – prohibits external references outside
current assembly, its components and their children.
skeleton_model – Higher skeletons on branch and
components in the assembly
default_object_invalid_refs copy * - produces warnings when creating prohibited
external references.
prohibit – prevents creation of prohibited external
ignore_all_ref_scope_settings no * - Follows the External Reference Control settings
for each object according to its settings
yes – global external reference rules override object
specific External Reference Control settings
model_allow_ref_scope_change yes * - allows scope changes for a component
no – prevents scope changes for a component
scope_invalid_refs copy * - produces warnings and creates prohibited
external references as a backup copy of the model.
prohibit – prevents creation of prohibited external

To prevent external references and prevent users from creating them anyway, add these options to the config.sup file.

allow_ref_scope_change no
default_ext_ref_scope none
default_object_invalid_refs prohibit
ignore_all_ref_scope_settings no
model_allow_ref_scope_change no
scope_invalid_refs prohibit

Distributed Computing (DCAD)

Distributed Computing Overview

When modeling techniques can’t streamline your models enough, distributed computing
can be utilized. This process is in-depth enough to be excluded from this document.

If you have questions about using distributed computing please review the
Pro/ENGINEER on-line help and search the index for “Distributed Computing
Technology”. For more understanding, please log a call with Technical Support.
Assembly Creation Techniques (top-down)

Top Down Design Overview

Utilizing top-down assembly techniques in general speed up model regeneration, reduce
warnings, and provide more flexibility for down-stream changes.

Top-down design is too large a topic to cover here. If there is interest, PTC offers a class
devoted to top-down design.

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