5 JAN ESSAY Benefits of Healthy and Nutritious Food

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Benefits of Healthy and Nutritious Food

The human body needs nutrition. This intake can be obtained from eating healthy foods
every day. Healthy food can be prepared yourself or buy ready-made food and can be sure it is
healthy. As we know the function of food for humans is as energy intake to be able to continue to
survive. Good food for the body will produce good energy. On the other hand, bad food will give
you bad energy. Good food for the body is usually known as nutritious food. Nutritious food
contains nutrients that are very good and beneficial for the body. Choosing what food to eat is
crucial for all of us as humans. Because eating bad food will have a bad impact on the body's
metabolism and trigger disease. Reporting from the Minnesota Food Charter website, healthy
food is food that is fresh and can increase nutrients in the body when consumed. Healthy food
usually contains balanced nutrition that is good for the body.

Some literature explains that the ideal body is one indicator of a healthy body. The ideal
body can be seen from the aspect of body weight. Healthy and nutritious food is able to keep
body weight at normal or ideal numbers. Healthy food will neither make you overweight nor
underweight. Healthy and nutritious food will also not increase bad cholesterol and blood sugar
levels in the body. On the other hand, a healthy diet will keep sugar, uric acid, and fat levels in a
stable condition. Experts in the health sector have also often argued that nutritious food will not
interfere with the function of organs in the body. It is even able to condition blood pressure so
that it is in a stable position. Besides being able to be enjoyed by the tongue, healthy nutritious
food will also be well received and processed by the body so that it becomes positive energy.

It is very important to maintain a healthy body. Health and endurance can be maintained
by exercising and eating healthy foods every day. No need to bother looking for healthy food,
because we can process it ourselves. For example vegetables, eggs and meat that can be
processed into various types of food. In addition, there are fruits that can be consumed directly or
processed into other foods. There are many more healthy foods that we can eat.

The ideal body can be obtained by eating healthy and nutritious foods on a regular and
balanced basis. Make sure the portion between the main and supporting food ingredients is the
same or balanced. So always eat 4 healthy 5 perfect foods. There are so many benefits that can
be obtained when we want to eat healthy foods. Not only healthy for the body, but also brings
many good benefits. Therefore, let's get used to eating healthy foods from now on!
The study of language is made possible by linguistics. When studying linguistics,
everyone must consider learning the language or the ability of individuals who can effectively
process and use the word, both orally and in writing. Language is something that can be said to
be very important for life because it allows us to communicate with one another and interact with
the general public. Phonetics, phonology, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, syntax,
sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and comparative linguistics are some of the
branches of linguistics (Santoso, 2014). The goal of this study is to delve deeper into the science
of semantics. The study of the meaning or meaning contained in a language, code, or other type
of representation (Siana, 2017).

So, this study will analyze the lexical and contextual meaning contained in the Chelsea –
the 5th Stand Application. The important value contained in this study is that the teacher can
emphasize contextual meaning to students in class so that students can better understand the use
of contextual meaning so that students can express ideas, emotions, and thoughts beautifully. The
study of contextual meaning is given to students of English Department, especially for those who
want to conduct the research in the same field. As a result, to inform the listener or reader about
the meaning in every context. It also provides new information to readers who are interested in
semantics, particularly contextual meaning. The author anticipates that this study will provide
additional information and references to help the reader better understand the lexical and
contextual meanings used in Chelsea FC – the 5th Stand application.

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