Natural Vegetation - Worksheet

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Worksheet on Natural Vegetation

Class – VII Mithil Patil, 7217

Name & Roll No. ______________

What is a Biome ?

natural piece of land which has flora and fauna and its own habitat. .

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follows :

Biomes , climate and vegetation vary with the latitude and altitude . As latitude and altitude
increase the climate and vegetation also changes . For example the trees of tropical rain
forests usually grow closer to the equator . While the mosses and lichens of the Tundra
usually grow close to the poles . The land located in the temperate region of the world
between about 30 to 60 degree north latitude and 30 to 60 degree south latitude is where
most of the food in the world is grown . This region include biomes such as temperate forests
and grasslands , which usually have moderate temperatures and fertile soil that is ideal for
agriculture .
Where do we find temperate regions of the world ?
we find temperate region of the world from 30 to 60 degree north latitude and 30 to 60 degree south
_______________ .
Name any one biome located in the temperate region .
______________ .

Compare the vegetation near the poles and vegetation near the equator .
Near the poles = they support lichen or mosses
= very poor vegetation due to very cold climatic condition and snow throughout the year
Near the equator = they support tropical rain forest and the trees like rubber tree, banana tree, etc.
=very long and have broad leaves to obtain sunlight
=hot and humid temperature, very warm and wet in temperature
____________________________________________________________ .

Why is the temperate region of the world a good place to grow food ? Give examples .
temperate region have the most fertile soil among the tundra and equator region, which supports
most of the plants and trees then tundra or equator region. They also has the best temperature
consisting of warm and plentifully of rainfall
_______________________ .
Explain the relationship between temperature , Vegetation and moisture . Give your answer
with respect to Desert and rainforest biome .
Desert biome rainforest biome
temperature desert have very hot temperature in day rainforest have a warm an humid
and in night extremely cols tempreture temperature
Vegetation vegetation is very less here. Only shrubs vegetation here is the most among
like cactus, etc grow here which have the 2 other region. Many trees and plant
thorns which prevent water loss. grow here like rubber, banana, etc. which
have broad leaves and are tall to absorb
most of the sunlight
Moisture there is very less moisture due less there is a lot of moiture present in
_____ . amount of water present here this regeion as this region is always
wet and humid
Examine the following description and answer the questions that follow :
Plant 1: Is tall , with broad leaves that turn colour in autumn .
Plant 2 has waxy coating ,spines and a long and shallow root system .
Plant 3 has needle like leaves and a cone shape .
What is the common name of plant 1 and which biome is most suitable for its growth.?

read maple tree. found in deciduous forest

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What is the common name of plant 2 and in which biome it is grown ?

cactus. found in desert

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Explain the conditions suitable for the growth of plant 3 .

plant 3 is coniferous tree. they have neddle like leaves and a cone shape so that snow doesn't stay on
their leaves. the temperature is extremely cold here with snow throughout the year
____________________________________________________________________________________ .

Compare & Contrast


Tropical Grasslands Temperate grasslands


both the region have plenty of rainfall
and support most of the plants and trees
_____________________________________________ .


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