BSR 256 Tutorials

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1. define law in your own words and understanding.

Based on my understanding and in my own words, law can be defined as a rule that is made
by one who is truly have the power to create them. It is a rule that must be followed by others
not only as a guidance, but also acts to control things in one particular situation in order to
achieve something. Besides, various law can be made in order to ensure everything is in
control but by referring to the right and actual Acts. It also will be made in many stages since
it should have not created without any guidelines and checking. Everything must be followed
from step by step till the end. Then, in my own words too, law is made to enforce something
in order to ensure that it will be crucially followed and not to let things go out of the hands.

2. what is federal constitution?

Federal constitution contains 183 articles and it is the highest law in Malaysia. It is a
document written law that have been shaped by two previous documents of the Federation of
Malaya Agreement 1948 and the Constitution of Independence in 1957.

3. how many sources of law? list and explain

There are mainly two sources of law. It can be classified into two which is historical sources
and legal sources. For historical sources it can be said that it had been formed from the
development of the law although they are not recognized as law but it caused from factors
that influences itself. For instance, it can be referred as the religious beliefs, local customs
and opinion of jurists. Next, the legal sources. Legal sources are a legal rule that form a law
and it can be classified by two which is written and unwritten law. Written law can be
explained as the most important sources of law that being used in Malaysia and it refers to
the portion of Malaysia Law which includes the Federal and State Constitution, Subsidary
Legislation and more. Next, unwritten law can be explained as law that are being formed by
informal the legislative bodies. Their sources of unwritten law are English Law, Case Law
and Customs. Hence, all mentioned above are the explanation for both sources of law.

4. Why Federal constitution was called as supreme law of the land?

The Federal constitution was called as supreme law of the land because it is a fundamental law
of the land and a kind of 'higher law' which is used to measure the validity of all other laws.
Besides, any law passes after Merdeka Day will be void if in inconsistent with the Federal
Constitution and may be challenged in the court.


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