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1108205064 Cathy

1108213098 Ian

Advantages and disadvantages of distance courses

From the COVID-19 beginning, every country was starting to distance

courses on many platforms. At this part, I would like to talk about three
advantages reasons of distance courses. First of all, you don’t have to get up
early in the morning if your classes were at the eight o’clock. Second, you will
safe enough because you don’t need to ride the motorcycle, walk, or take the bus
to school. And last, we can review the class anytime and anywhere. Because of
teacher will record all the classes if students wanted to reconfirm the content of
the teacher's class which is convenient for students. On the other hands, there
are many disadvantages of online classes, I can list three points. First, it is a very
network-intensive way of teaching. Because sometimes your network reception is
not good, it will lead to offline or the teacher thinks you are not online, which
leads to absenteeism. Second, each teacher uses different software to teach
online, which causes students to open others software to enter the class
immediately after class. Because of it will make students confused in the
software. Last point, students’ grades will be lowered due to online classes.
Because the teacher cannot keep an eye on every student on the computer all the
times, teachers must concentrate on the content of the textbook. This makes
students lazy.
And we have two suggestions here is our reasons. The first one is the
teachers or school can unified the platforms which is let student don’t confuse
different teachers use different platforms. Second, we want to change, school can
be clearly unify, one of school policy. If the school wants students to attend
school, then all students must be in school. This can't just be a part of students.
This not only causes trouble for students during class, but also trouble for

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