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Eating disorders are a huge problem in America and are especially prevalent in western

societies. The thing that many professionals point to as the reason for its prevalence is the

western beauty ideal which focuses on thinness. A person’s low self-esteem and constant western

media intake may lead to a negative body image.

The western ideal body is thin, tall, and white. It’s shown on runways, tv shows,

magazines, x rated media, and social media. Many of those who are considered famous because

of their beauty fit this standard. For a while, up until the late 90s, this beauty standard only

seemed to affect the white girls but in a more recent study it seems the beauty ideals have started

leaching into ethnic minority communities. Those who consume more western media and look at

social media, runway shows, or reality tv shows tend to fall into the hole of thinness. Those who

have depression and anxiety or already have low self-esteem may follow after this idea as well.

For many the leading factor is a want for their peers to like them. For those who go to a

predominantly white school they may start wanting to diet or eat less. Their peers may call them

fat as a teasing bit or may not talk to them if they are noticeably overweight. At home a young

girl might see her mother’s bad relationship with food and may follow after her. They might also

be pushed into diets or eating very little from a young age and accept that as a normality.

While there is some difference between racial standards of beauty and how eating

disorders affect them, it can also be different with gender and exactly what kind of eating

disorder they develop. Only a small percentage of men have an eating disorder, which usually

comes from their job or sport. Those who’s interest require them to be leaner such as jockeys or

swimmers might lead to an obsession with eating or food. For other guys however, their eating

disorder may stem from wanting to fit the western idea of the ideal male body. The ideal is broad
shouldered, tall, and muscular. This can lead to men who think of themselves as wimpy to start

working out excessively.

Eating disorders effect everyone differently depending on their race, gender, or raising

but the effect it has on them is strikingly similar. Through looking at what ideals we up hold and

what message that sends to our teenagers we might be able to get a hold on this widespread


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