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Ratio Ratiois the relationship between the quantities of same kind, In ratio the quantities are compared as the multiple or parts of other quantities. If ratio is a: b then a is called antecedent and b is called consequent. Ratio of the quantities is expressed after removing the common factor between the quantities. Generally, the ratio is useful in comparison. If the quantities A & B are compared & their ratio comes out asp:q We can say A/B = piq or A & B can be expressed as pK, qk respectively. This provides a scope of comparison in terms of multiples of p & q. In Equalities in the Ratio Ifa ratio is given as a: b & a quantity x is added in both antecedent & consequent then atx a > bee? pitas @ atx a > bax

GP ejitasp (i) and (i) was considering x = +ve ife=-ve (i) and (i) inequalities will reverse Ratio as a part of total value If two quantities A & B are in the ratio p:qthen A_p td q =A-=pK, B=qKk $0 A+B=(p+qk pc ape A+B” p+q Py o A= peq(’+8) Pp SoAwill be 5g Part of total sum of the quantities similarly B will be oa part of total sum of the quantities. Example 1. Given that for two quantities a & b, 2a = 3b. What will be the ratio (4a + 5b) : (2a + 3b)? Solution: a8 fax aba =5 = a= 3K, b= 2K 4atSo _ 4x3K+5%2K 8° 2a+db ~ 2x3K+3xOK 2K 14 1K = 6 So the required ratio is 11: 6 Example 2. lfa:b=3:58&a:c=6:7 then what is, a:b:c? Solution. a:b=3:5 a:c=6:7 In this case the common quantity is ‘a’ so we will make a's value as constant. Sowe can say a:b = 6 : 10 (multiplying by 2) anda: 7 soa;b:c=6:10:7 Example 3, 10a® ab _ 10 W gap cbr 77 What willbe a:b (a) 2:3 (b) 2:5 ©) 3:4 (@) 3:7 Solution, 10a’ +ab _ 10 54 Reasoning & Aptitude OF 108? + ab = a0ab — tobe = Wattab _ 30ab-10b* ab ab > 8)44 = 30-af2 rof2)s4 = 30. (2) Assuming 2 . y b = 10r = 29-1o( 2) or 10x? = 29x-10 = 10-2914 10=0 10 28 ad = 35 10 er = re Zod Hence option (b) Types of Ratio If two quantities A & B have their ratio as P:qthen * Duplicate ratio of A: Bis P?: q? * Triplicate ratio of A: Bis P®: q? * Sub-duplicate ratio of A: Bis VP: /q * Sub-tiplicate of A: Bis YP :9q Example 1. ‘The ratio of two quantities A & B is 4: 9 whatis the triplicate ratio of sub-duplicate ratio of A & B. Solution. ‘The sub-duplicate ratio of A & Bis J4: 9 = 2:3 The triplicate ratio of 2 : 3 is 2°: 3° = 8:27 Proportion Proportion is comparison of two equal ratio. When the two ratios are equal then all the quantities ‘comprising the ratios are called in proportion i.e, a. 2 ib ~ g (ne a, b, 8d are in proportion & ‘dig called as fourth proportion of a, b & c, If three quantities a, b, c are taken then here cis called as third proportion of a& », b is called as second proportioy nN OF mean Proportion of a & c. Example 1. MADE Eng, bes ao b= vac ; | ao proportion is the geometric mean of | $0 mem tties. Here the quantities b and c willy, two aye proportion’ similaryif@,b, Cdare, in ‘con continued proportion then a_b_¢ rinetne wey we can say that if the terms ae GP. then they will be in continued proportion, 80 “Find out the mean proportion of 3 & 27 also find ou. their third proportion. Solution. For mean proportion 3, x, 27 are in proportion 2S | fe xo = x = 3x27orx=9 ‘So mean proportion of 3 & 27 is 9 For third proportion 3, 27, x are in proportion 3 27 ie oak. = = oF = x = 243 | So third proportion of 3 & 27 is 243. ie. Applications of Proportion Proportion is very much useful in removing the complexity of the problems in ratios. There are some. basic rules that have to be taken care of: | ita, b, c,d are in proportion (Componendo-dividendo rule) = (invertend rutey | b = g (alternendo rutey | | CE nave EASY * Ratio, Proportion & Variation | 55 ariation o AB const. vi 80 AB, = AB, = A.B, = ..Ab,=K se basic meaning of variation is respective change Trarthatic, use of variation makes problems very easy irgporoact. tis the relationship between the changes | oftwo quantities Let us assume there are two quantities A & B if any Shange is done ‘A & that change results the change in B then the quantities are called in variation. One thing has tobe remembered the change we are counting is mutiple ‘cnange not the differential change i.e. If quantity is 60 | hattnenitbecomes 80 then the change willnot be taken as (+20). [tl be taken as 80/60 = 4/3 Direct variation : For two quantities a & b if the nature of changes are similar then they will be directly varying Le. it axb then if ‘a’ becomes twice then ‘b’ will also be twice. Hfabecomes 2/3 times then b wil also be 2/8 times. Example 1) Two quantities A & B are varying directly. Initially, ‘Awas 30 & B was 50, what has to be the value of B ifA becomes 24? Solution. Here AaB Change in A is 24/30 times = 4/5 times So the change in B will be the same So B will be 4/5 times of 50 = 4/5 x 50 = 40 In other way we can make it as o = x= 2y 50 > 3 Inverse Variation ied in variation the nature of changes in the two ntites are inverse then the quantities will be in inverse variation? Me, Aad 8 then Aum 3S 8 Example 1. ‘Acar running with some speed increases its speed to 4/3 times & reaches its destination 30 minutes earlier. What time it will take if it runs with original speed? Solution. Here we know that speed « 1/time ‘So we can use variation property Let us assume the initial speed as ast Now by the property of inverse variation (speed), x (time), = (speed), x (ime), & initial time Sxt= Ssxitime), 3 = St = (ime), = 3 given that (time), — (time), = 30 mins. > + = 30 ort = 120 mins. So the car will take 120 mins with original speed. Compound Ratio & Concept of Partnership If there are two ratio a:b and c: d then their compound ratio will be a xc: b x d. This leads to the concept of partnerships the main part of the partnership is the division of profit between the partners. The profit among the partners is always divided in the compound ratio of investment ratio and time of investment ratio i.e. Ifthe partners’ investment ratio is P, : P, :P, & the ratio of their investment time is t, : t, : t, then the ratio of profit = Pt, : P,t;: Pty So there may be three cases of the profit sharing. Case 1. If the ratio of investment is unity i. the invest equal amount then PyrP,:Pyetitst So ratio of protit sharing will be Example 1. It three persons A, B, C invests rupees 20000 in a business for 3 years, 2 years & S years respectively then what will be the ratio of their profits 56 a |_* Reasoning & aptitude Solution. Sini thea, th® investment is same for althe persons $0 Profit will be divided in the ratio of IxB:tx2:155 18. 3: 2:5 will be the profit ratio. Case 2, {the investment time is same for all the persons ©, +t: l= 1:1: 14, then the profit willbe shared in the ratio of their investment ie. the ratio of profit will be Py: Py:P, Example 1. A, B, C invest rupees 10000, 15000 & 20000 Fespectively in a business for 2 years each, what will be the ratio of their profit? Solution, Since the investment time is constant. So profit will be shared in the ratio of their investment ie. ratio of profit Case 3. ‘When the investments variable we have to look for the effective investment value for the profit sharing. Example 1. A.B, C invested rupees 10000, 15000 & 20000 respectively. Next year A & B invested 5000 more while C withdrew 10000 rupees. What will be the ratio of their profit after 3 years? Solution. Here we will see the effective investment value of A, B&C respectively. Effective Investment Value of A = 10K +15K+15K 40K EIVofB = 15K +20K+20K = 55K ElVofC = 20K +10K+10K = 40K So ratio of profit will be 40K: 55K: 40K = 8:11:8 Example 2. - rare contains alcohol and water in the ratio py adding 10 litre of water the ratio becomes 2 116 out the amount of alcohol in the mixture MADE Eng, (b) 30 2 @ 0 9.2 Ans. (©) aR The amount of alcoho! The amount of water = K 4K 2 By adding water 45 = 4 = K+20 = 0 or K = 10 ‘So amount of alcohol = 4 x 10 = 40 litre Example 3. ‘The present ratio of ages of Ram & Shyam is 5:4 48 years ago the ratio of their ages was 16:11. The present sum of their ages is (@) 90years (b) 105 years (©) 80years (@) 110 years Ans. (a) Let the ages be 5K, 4K 5K-18 _ 16 aR=nB i aft om So sum of the ages = 50 + 40 = 90 Hence option (a) Example 4. ‘The income of Ram and Shyam are in the ratio 2:3 and their expenditures are in the ratio 3 : 5. feact saves Rs.1000 then Ram's income is (@) 8000 (©) 6000 (©) 5000 (@) 4000 ‘Ans. (d) j Let income be 2x, 3x and expenditure be dy, 5y Soincome is 4000 Hence option (d) Qoga [33] Solved Examples 414. Divide Rs, 800 among A,B, Cand D so that A 2nd together get thrice as much as C and D togethet 6 Gots four times of what C gets and C gets 1.5 ir as much as D. Now the value of what B gets's | (a) 300 (b) 75 0) 18 (@) None of these rr MADE ERSY © Ratio, Proportion & Variation | 57 Ans. (a) (@) Rs.3000 (b) Rs. 4000 A+B4+C+D=500 (©) Rs. 6000 (d) Rs. 9000 Here A +B = 3 (C +D) ‘Ans.(c) $04 (C+D) = 2. If 4 examiners can examine a certain number of answer books in 8 days by working 5 hours a day, for how many hours a day would 2 examiners have to work in order to examine twice the number of answer books in 20 days. @é6 (o) 7 © 8 (a) 9 Ans. (c) Man. Day. Hour = constant =4.8.5= 160 Next — Man. day. hour = 160 x 2 (twice as earlier) 2.20.h= 160 x2 h=8 3. Inamixture of 40 litres, the ratio of milk and water is 4:1. How much water must be added to this mixture ‘so that the ratio of milk and water becomes 2 : 3? (@) 2Olitres (b) 32litres (©) 40litres (d) 30litres Ans. (c) Let water is x 4x:x= milk : water 32:8 = 4x: x(since total 40 liters) B22 282s a0iive ars o" 4. The ratio between two numbers is 3: 4 and their LOM is 180. The first number is: @o (b) 45 (© 15 (a) Ans. (b) Let number are x and 4x Six dx = HOF x 180 Clearly HCF will be x. 12s? = x x 180,2= 15 numbers will be 45 : 60 5. The incomes of A and B are in the ratio 3 : 2 and their expenditures are in the ratio § : 3. If each saves Rs. 1000, then, A’s income is Let incomes are 3x: 2x expenditures are Sy : 3y then Ax - Sy = 1000 (1) also 2x By = 1000 (2) from (1) and (2) we get Gx 10y = 2000 As income is 6000 |. Divide Rs. 680 among A, B and C such that A gets, 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4th of what C gets. Now the share of C is? (@ Rs. 480 (&) Rs. 300 (©) Rs. 420 (A) None of these Ans. (a) 680 =A+B+C 2 1 = = 40, 4B= Ac 5B andB= 70, 4B=C 2

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