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BSCS (1st semester)

Sec (B)

Roll # 248

Topic: - Education System in Pakistan

Submitted To: -

Mr. Naveed Ahmed

Submitted By: -

Minahel Noor Fatima

Education System in Pakistan


Education is the simple process of learning and knowing. It is not

restricted to the schools only. Education starts from the mother’s lap.
Parents and family inculcate good manners and make responsible
citizens out of their children.

Home is called first school of the children, but the formal education
starts from the school, where they are taught, how to behave and
understand what is going on around them.

What is Education?


The word “Education” means “TO KNOW”.

Education is,

1. Increase in,
 Stock of skills
 Knowledge
 Understanding possessed by individuals or society.
2. Delivery of knowledge, skills & information from teachers to
What is an Education system?

1.The system of education includes,

 All institutions that are involved in delivering formal education.

 The institutions that are directly involved in financing, managing,
operating, or regulating such institutions (like government
ministries and regulatory bodies, central testing organizations,
textbook boards, and accreditation boards).

2.The rules and regulations that guide the individual and institutional

Importance of Education in Islam

Islam is the religion of peace, and it is one of the most sacred and
trustworthy religions, which has given us guidance in every aspect of
life. Islam has given us education with knowledge which has no limits.
The Holy Quran is the most sacred book of Allah revealed on Prophet
Muhammad (SAW), for the upliftment guidance and enriched messages
to the humanity.

This importance of education is basically for two reasons.

 Education makes man a right thinker. Without education, no one

can think properly in an appropriate context you. It tells man how
to think and how to make decision.
 The second reason for the importance of education is that only
through the attainment of education, man is enabled to receive
information from the external world.
It is well said that,

"Without education, man is as though in a closed room and with

education he finds himself in a room with all its windows open
towards outside world."

When the Quran began to be revealed, the first word of its first verse
was 'Iqra' that is, read..

The Importance of Education, According to Sayings of

Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

On the Necessity of Knowledge

‘The seeking of knowledge is

Obligatory for every Muslim”.

(-Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74)

Every Muslim means every Muslim. The Prophet (PBUH) drew no lines

On Sharing the Treasure

‘Acquire knowledge and impart

It to the people”.

(-Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 107)

The Prophet (PBUH) directed Muslims to not only gather knowledge,

but also to pass it on for wider benefit of the people.
On A Father’s Best Gift

‘A father gives his child nothing

Better than a good education”.


Not wealth, not gold, not empires, not assets. It is a good education
that is the best gift a father can provide to his children.

On the Virtue of Teaching

“God, His angels & all those in heavens & on earth,

Even ants in their hills & fish in the water, call down

Blessings on those who instruct others in beneficial knowledge”.

(-Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74)

A good teacher gathers blessings from everyone, even Allah Almighty.

On Striving for Knowledge

“One who treads a path in search of knowledge

has his path to paradise made easy by God…”?

(-Riyadh us-saleheen, 245)

The path to seeking knowledge leads straight to paradise.

Education in Pakistan

Education in Pakistan is overseen by the Federal Ministry of Education

and the provincial governments, whereas the federal government
mostly assists in curriculum development, accreditation and in the
financing of research and development.

The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan says,

“The state of Pakistan shall remove illiteracy and provide free and
compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period.”

The education system in Pakistan is generally divided into six levels:

 preschool (for the age from 3 to 5 years).

 primary (grades one through five).
 Middle (grades six through eight).
 High (grades nine and ten, leading to the Secondary School
Certificate or SSC).
 Intermediate (grades eleven and twelve, leading to a Higher
Secondary School Certificate or HSSC), and
 University programs leading to undergraduate and graduate

Literacy Rate:

The literacy rate ranges from 98% in Islamabad to 23% in the Torghar
District. Literacy rates vary regionally, particularly by sex. In tribal
areas female literacy is 9.5%, while Azad Jammu & Kashmir has a
literacy rate of 74%.

Moreover, English is fast spreading in Pakistan, with more than 92

million Pakistanis (49% of the population) having a command over the
English language. On top of that, Pakistan produces about 445,000
university graduates and 80,000 computer science graduates per year.

Current Literacy Rate in Pakistan 2020

As of January 2020, Pakistan vows to raise literacy rate from 58% to

70% in four years by providing school access to approximately 22.8
million students, improving the education system for all age groups
through the application of modern technological resources.

 Primary: 22,650,000
 Post-Secondary: 1,949,000
 Secondary: 2,884,400

Literacy rate by Province

Literacy rate by Pakistani Province 1951-2018

Province Literacy rate

1972 1981 1998 2018

Punjab 20.7% 27.4% 46.56% 64.7%

Sindh 30.2% 31.5% 45.29% 62.2%

KPK 15.5% 16.7% 35.41% 55.3%

Balochistan 10.1% 10.3% 26.6% 55.5%

The Economic Survey of Pakistan 2019 report says that literacy rate
has increased in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from 54.1% to 55.3%, in Punjab
from 61.9% to 64.7% and in Balochistan from 54.3% to 55.5%.In Sindh,
the literacy rate has decreased from 63.0% to 62.2%.
Problems in Education

Following are the problems in education in Pakistan.

Education System is based on

1.Unequal Lines

The educational system of Pakistan is based on unequal lines. Medium

of education is different in both, public and private sector. This
creates a sort of disparity among people, dividing them into two

2.Regional Disparity

Regional disparity is also a major cause. The schools in Baluchistan (The

Largest Province of Pakistan By Area) are not that much groomed as
that of Punjab (The Largest Province of Pakistan By Population). In
FATA, the literacy rate is deplorable constituting 29.5% in males and
3% in females.

3. Ratio of Gender Discrimination

The ratio of gender discrimination is a cause which is projecting the

primary school ratio of boys & girls which is 10:4, respectively. For the
last few years there has been an increase in the growth of private
schools. That not only harms the quality of education but creates a gap
among haves and has not.
4.Lack of Technical Education

The lack of technical education is the biggest flaw in the educational

policy that has never been focused before. Therefore, less technical
people mean less.


The allocation of funds for education is very low. It is only 1.5 to 2.0
percent of the total GDP. It should be around 7% of the total GDP.

6.Untrained Teachers

The teachers in government schools are not well trained. People who do
not get job in any other sector, they try their luck in educational
system. They are not professionally trained teachers, so they are
unable to train a nation.


Poverty is also another factor that restricts the parents to send their
children to public or private schools. So, they prefer to send their
children to madrassas where education is totally free.

8.Theoretical (Not Practical) Education

This is the biggest and actual problem due to which the Pakistani
Education System is unable to educate and equip the students with
practical skills. On the contrary, the students only read books to pass

Due to this issue, even degree holders do not have any skill to utilize
and earn a handsome amount of money to live a happy life.
They only depend on the jobs with meager salaries which also need
practical skills in this modern age.

A very serious part is that so-called educated degree holders dawdle

around for jobs while on the other side, a local engineer called “Mistry”
who has no degree at all and is considered as an illiterate, earns
millions per year and provides jobs to the degree holders.

At some points, these degree holders are provided internships by

these non-degree holders.

It is a big slap to the Educational System of Pakistan.

9. Outdated (20 years old Syllabus)

Yes, you read RIGHT!!! We are teaching 20+ years old syllabus to our
students which is just a joke with the education.

How can we improve the education system in Pakistan with the old age
syllabus? We cannot compete with the modern world of Education with
this quality.

We need to come with a fresh and latest knowledge which can be

compared to the foreign updated syllabus to overcome the challenges
of quality education in Pakistan.

We teach students the history of the computer (same for other

subjects as well) at BS level (I think it can be listed in top jokes of the
10. Limited Fields Offered

In Pakistan, there are few subjects which are considered as a field and
these fields are imposed on students like Medical and Engineering. If
one wants to be respected in Pakistani society, he/she must be a
Medical Doctor or an Engineer.

No!!! This is wrong. All minds are not the same and they are not
supposed to do the same thing. Everyone has different creativity, and
that creativity can only be utilized if he/she chose his interest.

11.No Career Counselling (difficult to Choose Field)

Most of the students, they have no idea at the primary level that what
field he/she should choose to specialize in. It is very unfortunate that
there is no counseling provided in Pakistani schools and even colleges.

I have seen BS students regretting their decision of coming to their


I like the European system in this regard where one year before field
selection is for counseling. They are provided with an environment to
explore dozens of fields and then chose the best-suited field at the
end of the year. In this way, they find their actual interest and field.

12. Education Become a Profitable Business

Education is considered as a profitable business in Pakistan. Day by

day, new institutes are opening not to provide quality education but to
benefit from the lack of schools by govt. and earn a huge amount by
charging very high fees.
The perceptions of the students and their parents are not much
different as well. They are taught to study and pass exams to get a
degree and then offered a job to earn money.

They have no vision to contribute to society or country through

education. It becomes a business. Parents invest in children to get
Return of Invest later.

13.No Check and Balance

The worst part of the education system in Pakistan is that there is less
or no check and balance on both govt. and private sectors.

Several Govt. schools and colleges even have no subject teachers or if

they might have as well, they do not come to teach and there is no one
to ask why?

There are hundreds and thousands of ghost schools across the country
that never opened in years, but thousands of employees are getting
their salaries every month without any output.

Govt. has already policies and laws regarding these issues but need to
implement those laws in real means to overcome the loss of the whole

14. Rattalization (Cramming)

Students are taught to do “Ratta” of the questions and answer without

any concept and just paste that Ratta in the paper to pass the exam.

It is because students do not understand the English language and they

are taught everything in English. The funniest part is that Teachers
who teach English as a subject cannot speak English themselves.
15. No or Less Security

Yes, unfortunately, we are facing terrorism as well. The terrorists

mainly target schools and other educational institutes which created
fear in society.

Due to which parents do not allow their children to go to schools. Govt.

need to provide strict security to the educational institutes and assure
the parents that their child is in safe hands.

Drawbacks of the Education System in Pakistan


We discussed the flaws in the Educational System of Pakistan, now we

are listing the drawbacks of Education System in Pakistan that caused
by those flaws and issues.

1. Child out of School

It is estimated that presently more than 55 million age 10 Pakistanis

are unable to read and write and there are 7 million children of age 5
to 9 years are out of schools.

The worst part is that in rural areas, more than 52% of girls are not
enrolled in school. This is not enough; you know 67% of women as well
are illiterate.

These statistics are growing every year which affect every out country
from every aspect either it is political instability or less economic

 Poverty
 Not enough schools in rural places as compared to their
 No awareness.
 No output from already degree holders.
 Low-Quality Education.
 Non-Responsible Politicians.
 Wadera, Choudhry, Nawabs do not allow.
 Sexual Harassment.
 No Security.

2. Child Labor

Because of the worst education system in Pakistan, parents don’t enroll

their children in school, instead, they make them earn money at a very
young age in hotels/local shops etc.

Reasons why Parents do not Enroll Child in School:

 Poverty (They want their child to earn two times food for them).
 No Quality Education (Child learn nothing in years)
 Graduates are unemployed.
 Graduates could be an inspiration and motivation for others but
they themselves are unemployed.
 Why would parents want their child to waste years for just
getting graduated and then do nothing?
3. No Respect for Degrees

Best was the time when there was big respect for degree holders. Now
very few of them achieve that respect otherwise the most non-
respectful people of the society these days are unemployed degree

Because they do not know the local and basic skills and learn nothing in
graduation which makes him dependent on the job. If a job is not
provided, he/she becomes a burden on the society.

4. No Higher Education

At first, parents do not enroll their children at school. If a child has

good luck and gets enrolled, he/she only continue to study up to matric
or maximum F.SC level and do not go for graduation.

Sometimes this decision is from parents’ side but mostly from students
themselves as well because they also get to know the reality that
nothing can be learned in real so better to leave.

5. No Major Invention/Exploration

Due to the flaws in the education system of Pakistan, and low quality of
education students are unable to explore something new and invent
something for the betterment of the society because they followed
only camming(Ratta) and there was no real concept taught to them.

Even those students who are given assignments to write an essay on

Pakistan Education System. They copy from the net and submit and do
not think over it.
Suggestions for Improving Education System in Pakistan

1. Free Education: As stated in article 25-A, every citizen of

Pakistan should be given free education.
2. Scholarships: Govt. should provide scholarships for higher
3. Focus on the Parents: Why do I say this? because often and
especially when it comes to girls, parents are the biggest obstacle
to achieving an education. So, what do we do? we mobilize
4. Practical Education: There should be an educational emergency
to prioritize Practical studies over theory. Right from the school
level, practical works should be made compulsory.
5. Career Counseling: It should be compulsory in every school in
govt. as well as the private sector.
6. Remove Ratta System: Govt. should come up with a new system
to remove cramming (Ratta) system.
7. Teachers Qualification: There must be a standard qualification
to be able to teach in schools as in majority private schools FA
pass teachers are hired.
8. Teachers Training: Teachers should be given proper training
before allowing them to teach.
9. Standard Syllabus: One syllabus should be made for country-
wide schools to avoid disparities.
10. Proper Planning: Government and Private both should sit
together and draft a master plan for the right education and
then the government should follow this plan sincerely.
11. Unity: Governments must develop partnerships with
communities, NGOs, and the private sector to delegate
responsibility effectively to achieve universal primary education.
12. Political Influence: There should not politically influence in
the syllabus as nowadays, every govt. just put their leader’s
praise and history in books.
13. Student Political Parties: There should be a complete ban
on Student Political Bodies in Universities and colleges.
14. Faculty: There should be strict monitoring of faculty being
hired in government and private educational institutes.
15. Technical Training Centers: Make the vocational and
technical training centers more efficient so that skilled youth
could be produced.
16. Policy Planners: Special Policy planning units should be
established in provinces.
17. Special Grants: If needed special grants should be provided
to the provinces where the literacy rate is low.
18. Freelancing: Students must be taught the modern age
digital skills and how to utilize them through freelancing on the
internet. Pakistan is on 4th number in freelancing in the whole
world. If Pakistani students can reach this level without any
proper guidance, Imagine, If they will be given a proper training
to do online freelancing and other businesses, they can be on 1st
very soon and the economy will be boosted. Govt. must think over

The reforms required in the education system of Pakistan cannot be

done by the government alone, public-private participation and a mix of
formal as well as non-formal education can pull out majority of
country’s population from illiteracy. Similarly, to make the youth of the
country an asset, attention should also be paid to vocational and
technical training.

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