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Teens Online Ministry Program - June 27, 2021


General Objective:

Appreciate that the Bible (Word of God) is our GUIDE in life,

Teaches us what is right and wrong.

-Class Rules and Instructions on messenger video call



During this series, the children will begin to memorize the books of the Bible. In order
to memorize all of the books, A day before your class may start give each child copies
of the "Old and New Testament Books of the Bible" so that they can write it down ahead
of time on their notebooks.

These may help them to memorize the books of the Bible, so today, start by having the
children look in their Bibles and read the name of each book on New Testament. Then
have them memorize it during weekdays. Also encourage them to continue memorizing
the other books of the Bible.


Bible Reference:
Psalm 119:105 says "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."
Psalm 119:133 says, "Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over

The story about King Josiah on 2 Kings 22:1-20 (The Book of the Law is Found)
YouTube Link:

Now that we know the Bible is the Word of God, let us look into what the Bible means to
us. Today, we will discover that the Bible is our guide, just like an owner's manual is a
guide for how to operate a car. When your family goes on a trip to a strange place, it is
important to have some kind of guide to know where to go. What would they use for
that? Right a map, A map is a guide. Or imagine walking through a dangerous part of
the African jungle. Would you not want a guide to show you the way? Of course you
would. Psalm 119:105 says "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." A
light on the path helps us see where to go. And Psalm 119:133 says, "Direct my
footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me." Just as we need to follow an
owner's manual to operate a car, or a map to get to our vacation spot, we need to follow
the Bible to live Godly life. A long time ago, about 600 years before Jesus was born, the
people of Judah lost God's Word. They had no guide to follow, so naturally they did
what was wrong in God's eyes. But then God's Word was found. Let's find out what
Recall the story about King Josiah on 2 Kings 22:1-20 (The Book of the Law is

God's Word is our guide in life. But it does no good if we don't know what His Word
says. That's why it is important to read and study the Bible. The people in Josiah's time
had an excuse, they didn't know where the Word of God was, so they couldn't read it.
But we have easy access to the Bible. We have no excuse for not knowing what God's
Word says.

God's Word is like a lamp, a light to guide us. The closer we are to that light, the
better we can see what is right from wrong. The closer we are to that light, the
easier it is for us to follow God, and be protected from turning towards sin.


Explain that the Bible uses "keys" to help us find verses. When we refer to verses, we
need to use these keys in the proper way. Write the following references on the board,
and explain each as you go.
In this activity let us explain to the how to read the key word in the Bible.
John 3:16 Point to the : and describe how the colon is used to separate chapter from
verse. The way you would say it is John chapter three verse sixteen.
Acts 2:4,7 Point out the , and describe how it is used when referring to two verses in a
chapter that are not together. The way you would say it is Acts chapter two verses four
and seven.
Romans 8: 1-17 Point out the - and describe how it is used when referring to a series of
verses in a chapter. Say Romans chapter 8 verses one through seventeen.
Mark 5:22-24, 35-43 Point out the the , again and describe how it is also used when
referring to more than one series of verses in a chapter. Say Mark chapter five verses
twenty-two through twenty four also verses thirty five through forty-three.
Hebrews 4:14; 5:1-10 Point out the ; and describe how it is used to refer to verses in
more than one chapter. Say Hebrews chapter four verses fourteen and chapter five
verses one through ten.
John 3:16a and John 3:16b Describe how the a means the first part of a verse and the
b means the last part of a verse.
John 3:16f Describe how the f means to read the reference verse but then continue
reading the next few verses as needed.
After describing the different types of reference keys, see how well the theyhave
learned. Ask for volunteers to answer and try to correctly write references as you say
them. Give each one of them an opportunity to write a Bible reference on a paper.


VIII. ACTIVITY: Let us recite the first 10, 20 books in the O.T.
1. Genesis
2. Exodus
3. Leviticus
4. Numbers
5. Deuteronomy
6. Joshua
7. Judges
8. Ruth
9. I Samuel
10. II Samuel
11. I King
12. II King
13. I Chronicles
14. II Chronicles
15. Ezra
16. Nehemiah
17. Esther
18. Job
19. Psalms
20. Proverbs


Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me
in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of
heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
-Malachi 3:10 NIV

God’s PROMISES “and see If I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour
out so much blessing that THERE WILL BE NO ROOM ENOUGH TO STORE IT”
-Encourage them to OBEY GOD in giving their tithes and offering faithfully.


Date Bible Verse Remarks

(√) kapag nagawa
(×) kapag hindi nagawa
June 28, 2021 Mathew 5:3-4
June 29, 2021 Mathew 5:5-6
June 30, 2021 Mathew 5:7-8
July 1, 2021 Mathew 5:9-10
July 2, 2021 Mathew 5:11-12


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