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The following docs will be used to introduce the Duffy Mock IO summative in class


 Mock IO Proposal form

 Mock IO Outline template
 List of Duffy poems and Bodies of Works
 Mock IO Rubric

These documents will be shared with the students on ManageBac. The deadline for
the proposal submission is Friday, 15th January at 3 pm (mentioned in the
proposal form).

The summative date is not fixed as yet - it will be released by the DP office and the
students will be informed. However, the date of the proposal will remain unchanged.
Students will be given written feedback and the feedback will be released on the day
of the summative during class. They will write the 10 bullet points in class based
on their proposal and the feedback given. They will keep the rest of the template
ready before the summative.

On the day of the summative, you would be paired with another student from
your class. Each student would take turns to make their oral commentary for 10
minutes, and will be asked post-IO questions by their partner for 5 minutes.
Both the students and the speaker’s outline must be visible on the screen. Each video
of 15 minutes or a continuous video of 30 minutes should be recorded and uploaded
on ManageBac. A list of suggested post-IO questions will be provided to you for the
exam. Through your questions, you basically have to help your partner cover points
which have been overlooked or underdeveloped related to style or the
global issue.

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