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Physica B: Condensed Matter 560 (2019) 204–207

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Fabrication and characterization of Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) thin films grown T

on glass substrates
Khalid Mehmood Ur Rehmana, Xiansong Liua,∗, Muhammad Riazb, Yujie Yangc, Shuangjiu Fenga,
Muhammad Wasim Khana, Ashfaq Ahmadd, Mudssir Shezada, Z. Wazire, Zulfiqar Alif,
Khalid Mujasam Batoog, Syed Farooq Adilh, Mujaeeb Khanh, Emad H. Raslani
Engineering Technology Research Center of Magnetic Materials, School of Physics & Materials Science, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, PR China
Department of Physics, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan
Computational Physics Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Yibin University, Yibin 644007, PR China
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan
Department of Physics, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Optics Laboratories, P.O. Box 1021, Islamabad 444000, Pakistan
King Abdullah Institute for Nanotechnology, King Saud University, P. O. Box. 2455, Riyadh-11451, Saudi Arabia
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh, 11451, Saudi Arabia
Department of Physics, College of Science, King Saudi University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh, 11451, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: In this paper we highlight the fabrication of Zinc Telluride (ZT) thin films grown onto glass substrates at 300 °C
ZnTe thin films with varying thickness, in the range of 200 nm–1000 nm, by adopting the simplistic thermal evaporation
Structural properties technique with base pressure of 10−6 m bar. In addition, their structural and optical characterizations are also
Optical measurements studied by exploring the influence of substrate annealing temperature and thickness of the samples. The mor-
Thermal evaporation
phology, crystalline nature and composition analysis of the thin films were done by X–ray diffraction and
scanning electron microscopy. These results revealed that the sample having thickness around 1000 nm show
crystalline nature while the samples having lower thickness demonstrate amorphous structure. The optical
characterizations are described in the form of transmission spectra, refractive index, and absorption coefficient.
The band gap values obtained by probing optical data, show that all the samples have direct band gaps in the
vicinity of 2.25 eV. This suggests possible applications of ZnTe in optoelectronics devices in the visible region of
electromagnetic spectra.

1. Introduction community of researchers [1,2]. Group II-VI semiconductors offer a

wide range of electronics transport and optical properties making them
A sufficiently small layer of a specific material in the prescribed competing candidates for silicon and other semiconductor materials in
range (micrometers ‘μm’ to nanometer ‘nm’) grown on to a particular photovoltaic and future electronics applications [5,6]. Currently,
substrate is accepted as a thin film. Thin film deposition contains dif- polycrystalline Cadmium Telluride thin film solar cells are also offering
ferent growth practices employed in device fabrication by the re- high efficiency and long term stability [7]. Zinc Telluride “ZnTe” (ZT),
searchers working in the emerging fields of electronics and spintronics has a direct band gap of 2.26 eV, and is therefore suitable for devices
[1,2]. The main motivation of groups working in this area lies in the operating in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum [8–10].
size reduction of thin layer and increased performance of the final de- Similarly to other deeply explored II–VI group members (like; CdTe,
vice [3]. Traditionally, ferromagnetic and ferroelectric thin films are in CdS, ZnSe, and ZnS), ZT is seen as an attractive material for the fabri-
use, for quite a long time now, in computer motherboards in order to cation of high refractive-index materials and in several optoelectronic
enhance their memory [3]. In addition, fields like oxide based elec- devices with special attention paying to the visible region of spectra
tronics [4], thin film based batteries and thin films of organic and in- [11,12]. It is presently well established that ZT films can be prepared by
organic oxides, to name a few, have opened up new horizons for a large a variety of physical vapor deposition (PVD) experimental techniques

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Liu).
Received 22 November 2018; Received in revised form 18 February 2019; Accepted 19 February 2019
Available online 20 February 2019
0921-4526/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K.M. Ur Rehman, et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 560 (2019) 204–207

including thermal evaporation [1,9], sputtering [13,14], molecular

beam epitaxy (MBE) [15,16], metal organic vapor phase epitaxy
(MOVPE) [17,18], Electrodeposition [19,20], isothermal close space
sublimation [21,22], atomic layer evaporation [23], electron beam
evaporation [24], and pulsed laser ablation [25,26]. In general, stoi-
chiometry, growth parameters, growth mode and choice of substrate
[27–33], will impose a great influence on the transport, optical and
structural properties of ZT thin films. In this paper we prepared and
characterized ZT samples with different thickness. We also highlight the
effect of film thickness on structural and optical properties.

2. Materials and methods Fig. 1. XRD pattern of ZT samples; (a) ZnTe 1000, (b) ZnTe 600 and (c) ZnTe
2.1. Materials

In thin film discipline an important issue with epitaxy is the sub-

strate selection. A suitable candidate usually opted for this purpose is
quartz. For this study the microscope glass slides, easily available in
open market, are chosen as substrate. Usually, above mentioned glass
slides are not perfectly cleaned, hence, in order to meet the quality
standards the following route was adopted:

(1). Cleaning ultrasonically in acetone (05 min)

(2). Dipping in de mineralized water (03 min)
(3). Cleaning ultrasonically in methanol (05 min)
(4). Dipping in de mineralized water (03 min)
(5). Cleaning in propanol vapors (at 100 °C)

For the evaporation of ZT onto the processed glass substrates

(5 × 5 cm), we used as a source high purity (99.9%) ZT. Thermal
evaporation (resistive heating) was carried out using Edward 700 va-
cuum system. The distance between source and substrate was kept fixed
at about 24 cm. In order to measure the growth temperature (300 °C) a Fig. 2. SEM images of ZnTe thin film samples all shown at the same scale; (a)
K-type thermocouple was utilized. An in-situ thickness monitoring ZnTe 1000, (b) ZnTe 600 and (c) ZnTe 200.
setup based on optical transmission technique installed with the growth
system assisted in obtaining the deposition rate. The samples chosen for patterns for respective samples. This suggests that there seem to be a
this study have 200 nm, 400 nm, 600 nm and 1000 nm thicknesses. For connection between film thickness and substrate annealing tempera-
the best sample in terms of crystallinity, in our growth conditions, the ture. The crystalline structure is highly dependent on the thickness of
evaporation rate was noticed as 0.8–0.9 Å/s. Additionally all above ZT films all grown at substrate temperature of 300 °C and annealed to
samples were annealed in air and temperature was kept constant at 450 °C for an hour. The morphological analysis of all annealed chosen
450 °C for an hour. ZT thin films was done by SEM and results are shown in Fig. 2. The
microstructures contain average grain sizes within the range of
2.2. Methods 78–98 nm. In short, an increase in the thickness of the ZT samples
showed an increment in the average grain size.
In order to investigate the microstructure of the sample, we used an
optical microscope. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was
3.2. Optical analysis
carried out in continuous mode Analytical X'Pert Pro diffractometer
using Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å). A Hitachi S-4800 scanning
The transmission as a function of wavelength for different thickness
electron microscope operated at 20 KV was used for studying the mi-
ZT samples prepared at 300 °C substrate temperature is depicted in
crostructures of the samples. For optical characterization a UV/VIS/NIR
Fig. 3. The transmittance spectra helped us to calculate absorption
spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer lamda-19) was used.
coefficients of the respective ZT samples.
Considering the fundamental absorption limit, the transmission T is
3. Results and discussion
written as [27],
3.1. Structure and morphological analysis T = A exp (−α t) (1)

In Fig. 1 we demonstrate XRD results for structural analysis of ZT with

thin films (samples) having thickness 1000 nm, 600 nm and 200 nm A=16 n
o n1 (n 2+k 2) [{ (n
o+n)2+k 2 }.{ (n
1+n)2+k 2 }] −1

Here, n and k stand for real and imaginary parts of the refractive index, n and n are
These results show that the ZT samples prepared at substrate tem- o 1
perature of 300 °C and, annealed in air upto 450 °C for an hour, having refractive index of the air and substrate respectively. For k2 ≪ n2; the
thickness of 1000 nm, as shown in Fig. 1 (a), has cubic structure (FCC) major variation of T arises in the exponential term, with A ≈ 1 [34], we
with a prominent peak in < 111 > direction. However, other ZT sam- obtained:
ples having thickness approximately 600 nm (Fig. 1 (b)), 400 nm (not
T ≈ exp (−α t)
shown) and 200 nm (Fig. 1 (c)), do not show specific signs of crystalline
structure as there are no well-defined dominant peaks seen in the Where α is the absorption coefficient and t stands for the thickness of

K.M. Ur Rehman, et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 560 (2019) 204–207

Fig. 5. Refractive index vs. Wavelength of ZnTe samples with different thick-
Fig. 3. Transmission vs. Wavelength of all chosen ZnTe samples with different ness.
thickness prepared at substrate temperature of 300 °C.

the film.
Fig. 4 ((a) to (d)), show fitting of above equation (1) on to the ex-
perimental data obtained for different thickness ZT samples. The results
clearly support decent fitting in transparent as well as in the middle
absorption region.
In Fig. 5 we highlight the results of refractive index vs. Wavelength
for all analyzed ZT Films. The refractive index show exponential de-
crease with increasing wavelengths, but around wavelength of 1000 nm
the value of refractive index becomes nearly constant. We can use an
empirical formula for the n dependence of wavelength λ as:
λ2 (2)

where a and b are constants and their values can be obtained from the
fitting analysis of Fig. 4.
The square of the absorption coefficient vs. the incident photon
energy (h f) is shown in Fig. 6 ((a) to (d)), and extrapolating will give the energy
band gap (E ). The Eg of the samples is
g assessed by using the well-known for-
mula given by equation (2) as follows [35],

α≈(hf − Eg )½ (2)
Fig. 6. Energy gaps of ZnTe samples, solid line represent extrapolation; (a)
Fig. 6 ((a) to (d)), clearly shows that direct optical band gap of thin ZnTe 200, (b) ZnTe 400, (c) ZnTe 600, and (d) ZnTe 1000.

Table 1
Summary of different obtained parameters from data of ZnTe Thin films.
Sample Name Fitting parameters Refractive index n Thickness d Energy
used in Equation by Equation (2) at (nm) gap E
(2) fixed λ = 550 nm (eV)

a b

ZnTe 200 2.72 1.46 E5 3.20 303 2.244

ZnTe 400 2.68 1.36 E5 3.13 481 2.262
ZnTe 600 2.73 1.27 E5 3.15 645 2.265
ZnTe 1000 269 1.18 E5 3.08 890 2.248

films of different thickness. The obtained values are in good agreement

with those quoted in the available literature [10]. In Table 1 we present
the comparison among main results i.e., refractive index, film thickness
and energy gaps of all samples. This information is obtained from the
data analysis of Figs. 4–6.
Fig. 4. The fitted data to the experimental curves of ZT samples, solid line
represent fitting; (a) ZnTe 200, (b) ZnTe 400, (c) ZnTe 600, and (d) ZnTe 1000.

K.M. Ur Rehman, et al. Physica B: Condensed Matter 560 (2019) 204–207

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