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Some Electrical and Optical Properties of ZnSe

M. Aven, D. T. F. Marple, and B. Segall

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 32, 2261 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.1777056

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Some Electrical and Optical Properties of ZnSe

General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York

Single crystals of ZnSe have been prepared by the vapor growth tained by preliminary transport measurements on n- and p-type
technique and optical and electrical measurements on these ZnSe gives tentative values of 0.1 ma and 0.6 ma for the electron
crystals are reported. Analysis of the reststrahlen reflection peak and hole masses, respectively.
gives 0.026 ev for the transverse optical phonon energy. The Reflectance was determined by various methods in the range
longitudinal optical phonon energy is 0.031 ev as calculated from 0.025 to 14.5 ev photon energy and was analyzed by the Kronig-
the transverse phonon energy, the static dielectric constant, Kramers inversion method to obtain the optical constants in the
Ea=8.1±0.3, and the high-frequency dielectric constant, 1 to 10 ev range. A number of peaks appear in the imaginary part
E",=5.75±0.1. The effective ionic charge calculated from the of the dielectric constant.
Szigetti formula is 0.7±0.1. Exciton absorption peaks associated The first set of peaks, 2.7 and 3.15 ev, are believed to be due to
with the valence and conduction bands in the vicinity of r were exciton and interband transitions at r with a spin-orbit valence
observed at liquid hydrogen temperature with the principal peak band splitting of 0.45 ev. The second set of peaks, 4.75 and 5.1 ev,
at 2.81±0.01 ev. The exciton reduced mass 0.1 ma combined with are tentatively assigned to transitions at L with a spin-orbit split-
the room temperature e1ectron-to-hole mobility ratio of 12, ob- ting of 0.35 ev. Other peaks are observed at higher energies.

INTRODUCTION containing single crystal regions of a tenth to one cm3 •

Doped crystals were grown by adding the impurity to
P AST work on ZnSe has been mainly concerned with
its photoluminescent! and photoconductive2 prop-
erties. Recently several workers3 •4 have reported on the
the ZnSe powder prior to the sintering. Native imper-
fections were introduced, when desired, by firing the
synthesis of large single crystals of ZnSe. Larson, crystals in Se or Zn. Sample bars approximately
Pedrotti, and Reynolds" as well as Halsted and Aven 6 1 cm long and 4 mm2 in cross-sectional area were cut
have reported on the edge emission. Marple, Segall, and from the boules described above. Prior to electroding
Aven4 have described exciton absorption and infrared the bars were chemically polished in hot concentrated
reflection spectra. N aOH. The electrode material was In for the n-type
The present paper is an extension of the work de- and In-Ag alloy for the p-type samples. Various sizes
scribed in reference 4. Optical studies now include inves- and shapes of cleaved or polished crystals, depending
tigation and partial interpretation of the optical con- on the type of measurement and the spectral range,
stants at energies higher than the optical band gap, and were used in the optical work.
observations of absorption bands on the high-energy
side of the reststrahlen absorption. The electrical work
to be reported is a preliminary investigation of the Figure 1 shows the reflectance of ZnSe at room tem-
electron and hole transport properties. perature in the range 0.026 to 14.5 ev. Data included
here were obtained on a variety of crystals by several
SAMPLE PREPARATION different methods. In the region 0.026 to 0.05 ev meas-
ZnSe crystals were grown by the vapor growth urements were made on thick mechanically polished
technique first reported by Greene, Reynolds, Czyzak, sections cut from three different boules. Conventional
and Baker7 and modified by Piper and Polich. 8 The arrangements were used with a double-pass CsI prism
starting material was G.E. Chemical Products Plant monochromator. In the 0.05 to 2.5 ev range the reflect-
ZnSe powder which was first sintered in the presence of ance given in Fig. 1 was calculated from the refractive
excess Se in a hydrogen atmosphere. The sintered index. In the 1.8 to 2.5 ev range the index was calculated
material was then passed at the rate of approximately from refraction produced by a ZnSe prism. Interference
0.2 mm/hr through a furnace heated to about 13S0°C, fringes were observed in transmission through a S.3S,u
which sublimed the ZnSe to the cold end of the growing thick mechanically polished crystal in the range 0.4 to
tube. The product was usually a boule of several cm3 2.4 ev with a double-pass CaF 2 prism spectrometer9 and
in a 114,u thick mechanically polished crystal with a
1 R. E. Shrader, S. Lasof, and H. W. Leverenz, Solid Lumines- prism-grating spectrometer in the range 0.04 to 0.5 ev.
cent Materials, Cornell University Symposium (John Wiley & Matching the dispersion and magnitude of the index in
Sons, Inc., New York, 1946), pp. 215-257.
2 R. H. Bube and E. L. Lind, Phys. Rev. 110, 1040 (1958).
the overlapping regions and the reflectance directly
3 A. G. Fisher, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 6, 17 (1961). measured at 0.04 ev made possible a unique assignment
4 D. T. F. Marple, B. Segall, and M. Aven, Bull. Am. Phys.
Soc. 6, 19 (1961).
of interference orders in the analysis of the fringe data,
I; O. W. Larson, L. S. Pedrotti, and D. C. Reynolds, Bul!. Am.
and hence a determination of both the index and the
Phys. Soc. 6, 111 (1961). crystal thicknesses.
• R. E. Halsted and M. Aven, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 6, 312 Reflectance in the 2.5 to 3.8 ev range was twice
7 L. C. Greene, D. C. Reynolds, S. J. Czyzak, and W. M. Baker, 9 The optical arrangement was similar to the equipment de-
J. Chern. Phys. 29, 1375 (1958). scribed by W. W. Piper, D. T. F. Marple, and P. D. Johnson,
8 W. W. Piper and S. Polich, J. App!. Phys. 32, 1278 (1961). Phys. Rev. 110, 323 (1958).
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measured on a cleaved face of a single crystal, first a o.9

few hours after cleaving and again after about 500-hr o. 8 f FIG. 1. Reflectance of
ZnSe for near-normal inci-
exposure to still air. The equipment described in refer- dence as a function of
ence (9) was slightly modified for these measurements, photon energy at room
and a freshly evaporated Al mirror was used for a cali- o. 6 temperature.
bration standard.lO No systematic differences in the two o. 5
measurements were found, and the average values are
given in Fig. 1.
Reflectance in the 3.8 to 14.5 ev range was measured o. 3 /1/\
/ v If'
with a vacuum ultraviolet monochromatorll •12 on three o. 2
crystals. Two of these were measured a few hours after /~
O. I
cleaving and the third after about 800-hr exposure to I/V
air. This last crystal was remeasured after chemical o
0.01 Q02 0.05 0.1 I 2 10 20
polishing with NaOH.13 With the possible exception of PHOTON ENERGY ev

the region above 10 ev, no systematic differences were

found between these four surfaces, and the average cm-l . The optical constants also were measured by
reflectance at each energy for the group, normalized to reflection of polarized light at 80° angle of incidence. 14
match the absolute value found at 3.8 ev, is shown in Crystals used in these measurements had reflecting
Fig. 1. The angle of incidence in all the reflection meas- faces about 6X8 mm, were about 2 mm thick and were
urements was less than 15 deg, and the results were cemented to copper plates which could be cooled by a
analyzed with the theory for normal incidence. cryostat. For the low-temperature measurements the
It is quite difficult to estimate the possible systematic crystal was entirely enclosed in a metal-and-glass shield
errors in the reflectance measurements in Fig. 1 espe- also cooled by the cryostat. No changes in the optical
cially at energies of 2.6 ev and more. Aside from possible constants were observed during a period of eight hours
systematic errors connected with the condition of the near liquid hydrogen temperature. Two cleaved crystal
sample surface, the absolute reflectance near 2.6 ev is faces and two chemically polished surfaces were studied
believed to be correct within ±5% of the value stated, at low temperatures, but only the data for one crystal
with increasing possible systematic error up to ± 15% was included in Fig. 3. The other crystals gave qualita-
beyond 7 ev. Random errors, due to detector noise for tively similar results, but at low temperature the large
example, would influence the shape of small details in absorption peak was shifted by up to 0.01 ev from the
the curve, and are believed to be about ±0.OO5 in the results presented here. The cause of this shift is not
reflectance. known, but is possibly associated with strains or im-
Transmission through three mechanically polished purities in the crystals. Both the transmission and
samples cut from two different boules, with thicknesses reflection data in Fig. 3 were obtained on sections of the
14.1, 114, and 2590 JJ. was measured with the double- same boule. The sharp structure shown in Fig. 3 was
pass CsI prism spectrometer. Figure 2 shows the ab- entirely absent in mechanically polished. crystals.
sorption coefficient in the range 0.031 to 0.08 ev as :Measurements of transport properties in ZnSe are at
calculated from these data. Corrections for reflection present in a preliminary stage. Such measurements are
loss were made with the results shown in Fig. 1. Widely complicated by the tendency of ZnSe (as well as most
spaced interference fringes were observed in the thinnest other wide band-gap II-VI compounds) to compensate
crystal, and although the results for the absorption peak the intentionally added donor or acceptor impurities
at 0.037 ev, are qualitatively reliable, they are less through formation of native imperfections, vacancies or
accurate than the rest due to the difficulties in the interstitials. An additional complication in p-type sul-
analysis of the fringes. fides and selenides of zinc and cadmium arises from the
Optical properties in the absorption edge region, 2.6 relatively large hole ionization energy, between 0.5 and
to 2.9 ev received further study at room temperature 1.2 ev in these materials. The Hall effect apparatus
and near liquid hydrogen temperature. Results for the built for these measurements covered the temperature
absorption coefficient are shown in Fig. 3. Transmission range from room temperature up to about 600°C, and
was measured on two mechanically polished crystals, operated on currents between 10-3 and 10-11 amp. The
one 4.1 and the other 5.35 JJ. thick, for energies where measurements were performed by applying a dc poten-
the absorption coefficient was less than about 2X 104 tial, usually of the order of 0.1 v, across the long
dimension of the crystal. The current through the
10 G. Hass, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 45, 945 (1955). crystal was ascertained by measuring the potential drop
11 P. D. Johnson, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 42, 278 (1952). across a standard resistor in series with the crystal.
12 The same procedure, with almost the same numerical value
was used for Ge. See H. R. Philipp and E. A. Taft Phys Rev The potential drop across the crystal and the Hall
113, 1002 (1959). ' . . voltage were measured by two sets of appropriately
.13 The. mec~~nically polished crystal was immersed for one
mm,:,te m bOllmg 50% NaOH, followed by a rinse in briskly 14 Apparatus and techniques described by S. Roberts, Phys.
flowmg tap water at 70°C followed by a rinse in distilled water. Rev. 114, 104 (1959); 118, 1509 (1960).

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TABLE I. Mobilities and carrier concentrations for doped WAVELENGTH ANGSTROMS

and un doped ZnSe. 4700 4650 4600 4550 4500 4450 4400 4350 4300
n:' ...
..11-- I ~~~mi6l.,

Material (OC)
Temp. range (cm /v-sec)
(em- 3 )
Electrons Holes 27°C 200°C

2. 5
300 -I(

300 OK }
- l-
I- :1I-ITr.~=:~:~NI


ZnSe:Cu 200-400 11 1010

• 23·K

ZnSe:Cu, Se-fired 130-260 16 1011

ZnSe, Se-fired 200-400 15 1010
ZnSe:Ga 27-400 80 106 .5
ZnSe:Ga, Zn-fired 27 150 1016 n'2
ZnSe, Zn-fired 27-250 260 1016 0 J..
I~ (
located electrodes on the faces of the crystal. The

. .,, II
. .J
2.64 2.66 2.68 2.70 2.80 2.86
measurements were performed with an Applied Physics PHOTON ENERGY,.,

Corporation vibrating reed electrometer. Magnetic

FIG. 3. Absorption coefficient a for ZnSe in the absorption edge
fields between 5 and 6 kgauss were used. region as a function of photon energy.
Although measurements were made at a number of
different temperatures, the limited range covered does tion,t5 ignoring the small reflection anomaly at 0.037 ev
not allow a reliable mobility-temperature relationship which is associated with the absorption peak at about
to be established at this time. Table I lists the average the same energy. The static dielectric constant was
mobilities in the temperature range covered for three found to be 8.1±0.3 from capacitance measurements on
types of samples for each conductivity type. The carrier a single-crystal wafer about 0.015 cm thick and 1.5 em
concentrations are given for room temperature for the in diameter. Analysis of the refractive index data gave
n-type samples. The p-type samples had too high resis- 5.75±0.1 for the high-frequency dielectric constant.
tivity for reproducible Hall measurements at room With these constants inserted in the equations at the
temperature, and therefore the carrier concentrations outset the data could be fitted within the scatter in the
for these samples are given for 200°C. data with a resonance energy of 0.026 ev. The absorp-
tion coefficient as calculated from the reflection is
included in Fig. 2 and agrees satisfactorily with the
The reststrahlen reflection peak at 0.026 ev was fitted transmission results where they overlap. The largest
with the classical theory for a single resonance absorp- absorption peak is due to transverse optical phonons at
or near the center of the Brillouin zone. The longitu-
dinal phonon energy calculated from the above resonance
~ energy with the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller formula 16 is
I~ 0.031 ev, in agreement with the structure observed in
luminescence at energies near the absorption edge by
I ~ HalstedP

? I
~ The effective ionic charge sZ has been discussed by
Szigetti 18 and Callen19 among others. With the dielectric

V 0
constants and reststrahlen frequency reported above
the Szigetti formula gives sZ = O. 70. From the stand-
point of effective charge ZnSe i3 intermediate in
.;, 10 2
J "ionicity" compared to the other "fourth-row" com-

pounds, as sZ for CuBr and GaAs are 1.00 and 0.43,
~ respectively.'8,20
We believe that the series of weaker absorption peaks
seen in Fig. 2 are due at least in part to multiple
10 I
o CALCULATED FROM phonon absorption processes involving both the optical
o d= 14.IJl
o d' 114 Jl 10 For a convenient summary see T. S. Moss, Optical Properties
6 d' 2590Jl of Semiconductors (Butterworth Scientific Publications Ltd.,
I I London, 1959), pp. 15-22.
A: 16 R. H. Lyddane, R. G. Sachs, and E. Teller, Phys. Rev. 59,
673 (1941).
o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 17 R. E. Halsted (private communication).
PHOTON ENERGY IV 18 B. Szigetti, Trans. Faraday Soc. 45, 155 (1949).
19 H. B. Callen, Phys. Rev. 76, 1394 (1949).
FIG. 2. Absorption coefficient a for ZnSe in the infrared region 20 G. Picus, E. Burstein, B. W. Henvis, and M. Hass, J.
as a function of photon energy at room temperature. Phys. Chem. Solids 8, 282 (1959).

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II a factor of ten weaker in oscillator strength. Theoreti-

0 cally it is expected to be about i as strong.
S A- V ~\ 11\ It is possible to obtain an estimate of the effective
masses of electrons and holes from the exciton reduced
6 ~
(n2~ V II IL \ - - 2nk t--~
mass given above and the mobility ratio obtained from
the transport measurements. Assuming that in the
5 II \ / ' "\ \ temperature range covered the dominant mobility-
'- /-..... ~

\ln L 2
limiting mechanism is scattering by longitudinal optical
phonons, the ratio of the hole and electron masses is
given by26 mh/me= (JJ.e/JJ.h)i. By using the averages for
r k )
the mobility values in Table I for both electrons and
~20 1 2 4 5 6
"-V ~

holes, the above equation in conjunction with the
exciton reduced mass of 0.1 mo yields approximately
0.1 mo for the effective mass of electrons and 0.6 mo for
FIG. 4. Real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant, the effective mass of holes. These assignments have to
(n2 -k 2 ) and 2nk respectively, for ZnSe as a function of photon
energy at room t~mperature. The refractive inde~ n a~d extinction be regarded as tentative at this time, subject to revision
coefficient k were calculated from the results III Fig. 1 by the after more exhaustive transport measurements and
Kronig-Kramers inversion.
after elucidation of the scattering mechanisms.
In this connection it is worth noting that according
and acoustical branches of the phonon spectrum. A to the carrier concentration figures in Table I, native
spectrum qualitatively similar to Fig. 2 has been ob- imperfections have a strong influence on the position of
served in InSb,21 GaP22 and other materials. However, the Fermi level. ZnSe :Ga, for example, is but weakly
some of the structure seen in Fig. 2 may possibly be due n type, probably because most of the Ga donors are
to impurity absorption. Further analysis of the results compensated by Zn vacancies. ZnSe fired in Zn,
is in progress. which treatment is expected to produce either selenium
A consistent quantitative interpretation of the low vacancies or interstitial zinc, however, is strongly n type
temperature absorption shown in Fig. 3 is obtained by even without the addition of chemical donor impurities.
the assumption that the large peak is due to weakly In p-type samples this effect is less pronounced, both
bound direct excitons formed in the ground state and ZnSe :Cu and Se-fired ZnSe having about equal carrier
that the small secondary peak23 is the first excited state. concentrations.
The sharpness and strength indicate that the absorption Figure 4 shows the optical constants, expressed as
is a direct transition. the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant,
On the basis of our knowledge of the band structure for the energy range 1 to 10 ev, as calculated from the
of the compound semiconductors, it is plausible to as- room temperature reflectance, Fig. 1, by the Kramers-
sume that the smallest "vertical" gap is at r (i.e., at Kronig inversion procedure. 27 In this analysis the reflect-
k=O). Thus we believe that excitons are formed from ance at energies higher than 14.5 ev was extrapolated
the conduction band and upper valence band which assuming12 that d(logR)t/ d (loghv) = - 2.21 in order to
have respectively24 r6 and rs symmetries at k=O. If the bring the phase angle to zero in the transparent region
degeneracy in the rs valence band is neglected,25 the between 0.5 and 2.5 ev.
hydrogenic formula is correct in the limit of weak The small absorption peak at 2.70 ev calculated by
binding. The spacing of the peaks gives (0.020±0.004) the Kramers-Kronig inversion is in satisfactory agree-
ev for the exciton binding energy and (0.1O±0.03) mo ment with the absorption for room temperature given
for the exciton reduced mass. The oscillator strength in Fig. 3. It is interpreted as exciton absorption and the
for the ground state excitons calculated from the ab- onset of direct transitions at r. The bump at 3.15 ev in
sorption and the refractive index (not presented here) the imaginary part of the dielectric constant Fig. 4 is
is about 3 X 10-3 in satisfactory agreement with rough thought to be due to excitons formed from the "split-
theoretical estimates. The first excited state is roughly off", r7 valence band and the r6 conduction band, and
to direct transitions between the bands. That the life-
21 S. J. Fray, F. A. Johnson, and R. H. Jones, Proc. Phys. Soc.
(London) 76, 939 (1960). time of these excitons is appreciably shorter than the
22 D. A. Kleinman and W. G. Spitzer, Phys. Rev. 118, 110 lower-energy ones results from the fact that they can
23 Observations of reflectance at normal incidence made near
undergo autoionization. The reflectance peak associated
liquid hydrogen temperature on one cleaved crystal with spectral with this absorption has also been observed at 23°K. At
resolution of 0.8 A confirm the existence of this second peak and this temperature it is considerably sharper, with peak
give a more accurate measurement of the peak spacing than is
shown in Fig. 3. The width of both peaks at half-maximum ab-
sorption coefficient is 4± 1.5 A. 26 H. Ehrenrei!,:h, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 8, 130 (1959).
24 The notation employed here is given in G. Dresselhaus Phys. 27 For an example and summary of the literature, see W. G.
Rev. 100, 580 (1955). Spitzer and D. A. Kleinman, Phys. Rev. 121, 1324 (1961), or
26 This degeneracy leads to errors which are probably small reference 12. We wish to thank D. S. Story who programmed and
compared to the experimental uncertainty in the line spacing. performed most of the calculations on an IBM 1620 computer.

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reflection at 3.22 ev and half-width very roughly 0.04 for Ge by Phillips.28 The relative magnitude of the
ev. From the energy difference for the two absorptions absorption at 4.7S and 6.4 ev and the width of the peak
at room temperature as evaluated from Fig. 4, one at 6.4 ev are comparable to the corresponding structure
obtains O.4S± 0.04 ev for the splitting of the valence observed in GeP We believe that interpretation of the
band at r due to spin-orbit interaction. structure above 6.4 ev, as well as confirmation of the
We suggest that the absorption peaks in Fig. 4 at assignment of the lower energy structure, will be greatly
4.75 and 5.10 ev are due to transitions between the two aided by improved calculations of the band structure
valence band states and the conduction band at LCi.e., of II-VI compounds, and by more accurate optical data.
k= 271"/ a(-U,~)]' The valence band splitting at L due
to spin-orbit interaction is theoretically expected to be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
about i of that at r. Within the experimental error the
separation of the two peaks, 0.35±0.08 ev, is in accord We wish to thank H. R. Philipp and E. A. Taft for
with this prediction. assistance in obtaining the reflectance data in the 3.8
One may speculate that the absorption peak at 6.4 to 14.5 ev energy range, and for advice on the Kronig-
ev is due to transitions between the valence and con- Kramers inversion calculations, and Henry Ehrenreich
duction bands in the vicinity of XCi.e., k= 271"/ a (1,0,0)]' for stimulating discussions.
This ordering of the different direct-transition band
gaps suggested for ZnSe is the same as that suggested 28 J. C. Phillips, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 12, 208 (1960).


Band Structure of HgSe and HgSe-HgTe Alloys

Lincoln Laboratory,* Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington 73, Jfassachusetts

A detailed analysis of Hall coefficient data obtained at temperatures between 77° and 350 0 K has been
made for HgSe and HgSeo.5Teo.5 samples containing excess donor concentrations up to 1019 em-a. On the
basis of previous magnetoresistance, Seebeck coefficient, and reflectivity data, a spherically symmetric non-
quadratic conduction band exhibiting the E(k) dependence described by Kane was adopted in making the
analysis. Calculations based on a conventional two-band model failed to give quantitative agreement with
experiment, but good agreement was obtained on the basis of a model in which the conduction band and one
valence band overlap in energy. Therefore the materials are semimetals rather than semiconductors. The
best fit to the data was obtained with an overlap energy of 0.07 ev for both HgSe and HgSeO.5Teo.5, with
hole density-of-states masses of 0.17 /no and 0.30 /no, respectively. With increasing carrier concentration,
the optical absorption edge for heavily doped HgSe exhibits a shift to higher energies which is characteristic
of n-type materials with low electron effective masses. Qualitatively, the optical data are consistent with a
semimetal band model rather than with a semiconductor model, since the interband absorption edge ap-
parently occurs at photon energies less than the Fermi energy.

INTRODUCTION ev, without specifying the nature of the experimental

data or the band model employed, while Goodman 7 has
T HE II-VI compounds HgSe and HgTe, which
crystallize in the zinc-blende structure, form a
continuous series of pseudo binary solid solutions.
predicted a gap of 0.7 ev for HgSe on theoretical
grounds. No energy gap values for HgSe-HgTe alloys
Values of 0.01-0.02 ev for the energy gap of HgTe have been reported.
have been obtained by several authors1- s who analyzed In the present investigation, the variation of Hall
the variation of Hall coefficient with temperature on coefficient and resistivity with temperature has been
the basis of a simple two-band semiconductor model. determined experimentally for samples of HgSe and the
Zhuze 6 has reported the energy gap of HgSe to be 0.12 following alloys: HgSeo.75Teo.25, HgSeo.5Teo.5, and
HgSeO.25TeO.75' A detailed analysis has been made of the
* Operated with support from the U. S. Army, Navy, and Air Hall coefficient data for HgSe and HgSeO.6Teo.5 samples
1 I. M. Tsidilkovski, Zhur. Tekh. Fiz. (USSR) 27,1744 (1957). varying widely in net donor concentration. It has not
2 T. C. Harman, M. J. Logan, and H. L. Goering, J. Phys.
Chern. Solids 7, 228 (1958).
been possible to explain these data on the basis of a
3 R. O. Carlson, Phys. Rev. 111, 476 (1958). simple two-band model. Good agreement with experi-
4 J. Black, S. M. Ku, and H. T. Minden, J. Electrochem. Soc. ment is obtained, however, with a band model in which
105, 723 (1958).
5 W. D. Lawson, S. Nielsen, E. H. Putley, and A. S. Young, J. the conduction band and one valence band overlap
Phys. Chern. Solids 9, 325 (1959). 7 C. H. L. Goodman, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B67, 258
6 V. P. Zhuze, Zhur. Tekh. Fiz. (USSR) 25, 2079 (1955). (1954).

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