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Table A Area of the normal curve.

Table B Sample size requirements to show a difference between two means of size α/δ.
Table C Critical values for the t-test.
Table D Sample size requirements for the independent t-test.
Table E Power table for the independent t-test.
Table F Critical values for the chi-squared test.
Table G Critical values for the Pearson correlation coefficient (r).
Table H Critical values for the F test.
Table I Sample size requirements for the one-way ANOVA.
Table J Power table for the one-way ANOVA.
Table K Sample size requirements for the difference between independent proportions (α = .05).
Table L Required number of events per group for survival analysis (two-tailed test).
Table M Critical values of the Studentized Range test.
Table N Sample size requirements for MANOVA.
Table O Power of the two-group MANOVA.
Table P r to z' transformation.
Table Q z' to r transformation.

TABLE A Area of the normal curve

TABLE B Sample size requirements to show a difference between two means of size α/δ
NOTE δ = difference between means; σ = standard deviation.

TABLE C Critical values for the t-test

TABLE D Sample size requirements for the independent t-test*

NOTE: sample sizes are per group.

TABLE E Power table for the independent t-test

TABLE F Critical values for the chi-squared test

TABLE G Critical values for the Pearson correlation coefficient (r)

TABLE Ha Critical values for the F test*

upper number is 5% level, lower (in bold) is 1%.

TABLE Hb Critical values for the F test*

upper number is 5% level, lower (in bold) is 1%.

TABLE I Sample size requirements for the one-way ANOVA*

numbers are sample sizes per group.

TABLE J Power table for the one-way ANOVA

TABLE K Sample size requirements for the difference between independent proportions (α = .05)
NOTE 1: sample sizes calculated using the arcsine formula, with Fleiss’ correction for continuity.
NOTE 2: line 1: β = .20
line 2: β = .15
line 3: β = .10
line 4: β = .05
NOTE 3: pL = larger probability, pS = smaller probability.

TABLE L Required number of events per group for survival analysis (two-tailed test)

TABLE M Critical values of the Studentized Range test

Reprinted with permission from Harter HL (1979). Order statistics and their use in testing and estimation. Vol.1: Tests based on
the range and studentized range of samples from a normal distribution. U.S. Washington DC. Government Printing Office.

TABLE Na Sample size requirements for two-group MANOVA (T2)

Abridged with permission from Läuter J (1978). Sample size requirements for the T2 test of MANOVA (tables for one-way
classification). Biometrical Journal, 20:389–406.

TABLE Nb Sample size requirements for three-group MANOVA

Abridged with permission from Läuter J (1978). Sample size requirements for the T2 test of MANOVA (tables for one-way
classification). Biometrical Journal, 20:389–406.

TABLE Nc Sample size requirements for four-group MANOVA

Abridged with permission from Läuter J (1978). Sample size requirements for the T2 test of MANOVA (tables for one-way
classification). Biometrical Journal, 20:389–406.

TABLE O Power for Hotelling’s T2 at α = .05 and α = .10*

Modified from Stevens J (1980). Power of the multivariate analysis of variance tests. Psychological Bulletin, 88:728–737, with
permission from the author and the American Psychological Association.
NOTE: power values at α = .10 are in parentheses; values of 1.00 are approximately equal to 1

TABLE P r to z' transformation

TABLE Q z' to r transformation

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