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The Role of Dietary Components

in Leptin Resistance1,2
Joseph R. Vasselli*
Obesity Research Center, Department of Medicine, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, and Columbia University Institute of Human Nutrition,
New York, NY

Introduction The role of fructose and overnutrition in

leptin resistance

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Leptin resistance has been defined as reduced or absent
responsiveness to the feeding and body weight inhibitory Our first topic was presented by Philip J. Scarpace, Univer-
effects of the hormone in obese individuals compared sity of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Sucrose, a natural sweetener,
with normal (lean) controls. Classically, leptin resistance imparts palatability to food and contributes to the con-
has been associated with increased body fat and circulating sumption of excess energy. Fructose, one component of su-
leptin levels, and the effect is thought to contribute to the crose, has been implicated in the obesity epidemic. We
maintenance of obesity. Whereas a great deal is known addressed whether there is a specific role for fructose, be-
about the central nervous system (CNS)3 mechanisms asso- yond its energetic impact, in promoting obesity. We exam-
ciated with leptin resistance, considerably less is known ined the effects in rats of isoenergetic, low-fat diets with
about the role of diet in establishing and maintaining this increasing concentrations of fructose on hyperphagia and
altered hormonal state. Recently, new data have emerged in- weight gain. Compared with a fructose-free diet, fructose
dicating that specific types of dietary sugars or fats are capa- contents of 20 or 40% induced hyperphagia and weight
ble of inducing leptin resistance in the absence of elevated gain, whereas a 60% fructose diet did not. The observation
levels of circulating leptin and/or body fat. These findings that the 60% fructose diet did not result in palatability-
suggest that specific macronutrients may be involved in driven hyperphagia allowed us to examine whether dietary
the induction of leptin resistance prior to the development fructose contributes to obesity through a mechanism inde-
of obesity, and open the possibility that diet-induced leptin pendent of hyperphagia. We examined leptin responsiveness
resistance may play a role in the onset of weight gain leading after 6 mo of feeding a 60% fructose diet and found the fruc-
to obesity. This review will present new findings by 4 inves- tose-fed rats were resistant to the feeding-inhibitory effects
tigators on the role of diet in leptin resistance, including the of peripheral leptin. More importantly, this leptin resistance
effects of type and form of dietary sugar, the effect of dietary exacerbated weight gain in response to a subsequent high-fat
TG saturation, and potential metabolic and CNS mecha- challenge. When fructose was formulated with a high-fat
nisms mediating these effects. These data were presented diet (HFD), there was greater weight gain and the presence
at a symposium sponsored by the ASN and held at the Ex- of leptin resistance compared with a matched HFD without
perimental Biology 2012 Meeting, San Diego, CA on April sugar. Moreover, removal of the fructose reversed the leptin
22, 2012. resistance and halted the excessive weight gain. An examina-
tion of central leptin signaling revealed that the high-fat,
sugar-containing diet associated with hyperphagia resulted
in impaired signal transducer and activator of transcription
This article is a summary of the symposium “The Role of Dietary Components in Leptin 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation, whereas the high-fructose diet
Resistance” held April 22, 2012 at the ASN Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting at in the absence of obesity resulted in an impaired leptin-
Experimental Biology 2012 in San Diego, CA. The symposium was sponsored by the ASN
and supported in part by educational grants from Research Diets, Inc, PepsiCo, and Pharma
mediated decrease in AMPK phosphorylation. In summary,
Science Nutrients, Inc. The symposium organizer has indicated that related reviews from dietary fructose contributes to obesity through 2 mechanisms;
this symposium will be submitted for publication in an upcoming issue of Advances in palatability-driven hyperphagia and weight gain, and im-
Author disclosure: J. R. Vasselli, no conflicts of interest.
paired leptin responsiveness that exacerbates overnutrition-
Abbreviations used: BBB, blood brain barrier; CNS, central nervous system; HBP, hexosamine induced weight gain. These 2 effects appear to be mediated
biosynthetic pathway; HFD, high-fat diet; PSTAT3, phosphorylated signal transducer and by different hypothalamic mechanisms, and both may be as-
activator of transcription 3; O-linked, O-glycan linked; STAT3, signal transducer and activator
of transcription 3.
sociated with fructose-induced energy overconsumption
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: and weight gain.

736 ã2012 American Society for Nutrition. Adv. Nutr. 3: 736–738, 2012; doi:10.3945/an.112.002659.
Carbohydrate-induced leptin resistance and its mediating leptin resistance was identified previously in a
potential metabolic basis study showing that acute infusion or injection of rats with
The next topic was presented by Ruth B Harris, Georgia saturated TG blocks leptin transport across the blood brain
Health Sciences University, Augusta, GA. We previously barrier (BBB), whereas the composite SFA administered as a
showed that rats offered the choice of nonpurified laboratory mixture are without any effect. Moreover, it has been shown
diet, lard, and 30% sucrose solution increase their energy in- that whereas saturated fat fed to rats in a HFD quickly in-
take and rapidly become obese. They are also resistant to duces obesity, this is not the case when polyunsaturated
both peripheral and central leptin administration after fat is used. We tested the hypothesis that leptin resistance
only 16 d on the choice diet. The increase in energy intake can be induced in vivo by low-level administration of satu-
and body fat of rats offered sucrose solution and nonpurified rated TG by gavage to rats maintained on nonpurified labo-
laboratory diet, but not lard (sucrose-fed rats), was not as ratory diet, whereas polyunsaturated TG should not have this
great as that of choice-fed rats, but leptin resistance is also effect. Administration of emulsified TG in small amounts
apparent in these animals after 25 d. Thus, leptin resistance by gavage permits precise control of the amount of TG ad-
under these dietary conditions was associated with the con- ministered, and avoids elevated body fat and leptin levels re-
sumption of sucrose solution rather than obesity per se sulting from HFD feeding. We administered 2 equi-energetic
or the consumption of fat. Phosphorylation of STAT3 TG emulsions varying in saturation level to rats by oral ga-
(PSTAT3) in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of the hypothalamus vage for a single day and, following a washout period, for 11
is routinely used as a marker of leptin responsiveness. We consecutive days. Cream (majority saturated TG) and fish

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found that hypothalamic PSTAT3 was elevated under non- oil (majority polyunsaturated TG) emulsions containing
stimulated conditions in the sucrose-fed rats and that leptin 8.26 MJ/L (2.0 kcal/mL) were administered to rats twice
injections did not increase PSTAT3 beyond these basal levels, daily in a volume of 1.0 mL (5% of total daily ingested en-
demonstrating the presence of central leptin resistance. Rats ergy). After both acute (1-d) and subchronic (11-d) TG ad-
offered a 30% sucrose solution consumed 50% of their en- ministration, the cream group was resistant to the feeding
ergy as sucrose, which would increase activity of any pathway inhibitory effects of injected leptin, whereas the fish oil
that metabolizes glucose or fructose. One such pathway is group was not. After a washout period, a saline gavage group
the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP). The product was added and the groups, while still maintained on a non-
of this pathway, UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, is the substrate purified laboratory diet, were gavaged for an additional 11 d.
for O-glycan linked (O-linked) glycosylation of proteins and Immediately following the gavage series, their intake of 45
transcription factors. Increased activity of the HBP is associ- and 60% HFD was each tested for 24-h periods. The cream
ated with development of insulin resistance due to glycosy- group ate significantly more HFD during both intake tests
lation of the insulin receptor and postreceptor signaling than the other 2 groups. In a final study, again following a
proteins. Some of these proteins are the same as those re- washout period, the groups were gavaged for 18 additional
quired for leptin signaling; therefore, we are exploring the days while still being fed the nonpurified laboratory diet
possibility that consumption of sucrose solution leads to and were then offered 45% HFD ad libitum for 12 d. The
O-linked glycosylation of leptin signaling proteins and leptin cream group ate significantly more of the HFD and gained
resistance. Preliminary studies show that activation of the significantly more body weight than the saline group over
HBP can cause leptin resistance and increase phosphoryla- the 12-d HFD access period, whereas the fish oil group did
tion of hypothalamic STAT3 in a manner similar to that not. These results indicate that administration of extremely
seen in sucrose-fed rats. Glucosamine entry into the HBP small amounts of saturated TG to normal-weight rats con-
is not regulated and rats receiving continuous high doses suming a nonpurified laboratory diet can induce resistance
of glucosamine from i.p. miniosmotic pumps for 2 d were to the effects of injected leptin and elevate feeding in response
resistant to a peripheral injection of leptin. In a second to a HFD both acutely and in the long term. The findings sup-
study, rats were i.v. infused with glucosamine. The infusion port the hypothesis that TG induce resistance to leptin trans-
elevated blood glucose, indicative of the development of in- port at the BBB, with saturation level being the critical factor.
sulin insensitivity. After 150 min, the rats were injected with
leptin and hypothalamic tissue was collected 30 min later. Nutrient influences and mechanisms in
Similar to the effects of sucrose consumption, glucosamine leptin resistance
infusion significantly increased PSTAT3 levels in the nonsti- Our final topic was presented by William A. Banks, Univer-
mulated state in the hypothalamus. Further investigation is sity of Washington, Seattle, WA. Leptin resistance at the BBB
required to directly associate development of leptin resis- has several causes. As a first cause, the saturable nature of the
tance in sucrose-fed rats with activity of the HBP and to de- BBB transport of leptin limits the degree to which leptin can
termine how O-linked glycosylation of specific proteins enter and accumulate within the CNS. At levels seen in thin
interferes with leptin signaling. animals, the relation between serum and cerebrospinal fluid
levels of leptin is near linear, but at levels seen in obese an-
The role of dietary TG in leptin resistance imals, there is little increase in cerebrospinal fluid leptin
Our third topic was presented by Joseph R Vasselli, Colum- levels despite dramatic increases in serum leptin levels.
bia University, New York, NY. One potential mechanism The flattening of the serum-CNS curve begins at relatively

Dietary factors in leptin resistance 737

low serum levels of leptin, perhaps around 300 pmol/L. This gemfibrozil, a drug that selectively decreases TG levels. Fur-
means that the peripheral signal to the brain as mediated by thermore, normal-weight mice given TG directly into the
leptin is greatly attenuated in moderate obesity and perhaps brain have defects in memory. Together, these results show
even at levels of adiposity generally thought to reflect ideal that TG exemplify what is probably a general phenomenon:
body weight. Modulators of the leptin transporter are likely that circulating substances modify behavior by their ability
also involved as a second cause of leptin resistance. The lep- to affect the blood-to-brain transport of hormones involved
tin transport rate is modified by a number of factors, includ- in the gut-brain axis.
ing adrenergics, insulin, glucose, and TG. TG may be major
modulators of the blood-to-brain transfer of information Conclusion
between the gut and brain as mediated by gastrointestinal The above findings clearly demonstrate the saliency of spe-
hormones. TG inhibit leptin transport in a dose-dependent cific dietary components in generating states of leptin resis-
manner. They are apparently the mechanism, at least in part, tance, which in turn are capable of increasing energy intake
by which fasting and starvation modulate leptin transport and elevating body weight gain under appropriate dietary
across the BBB, thus modifying the food-seeking behavior challenges. In addition, it appears that more than one poten-
of the animal. In this scenario, serum TG are elevated during tial biological mechanism may be associated with the dietary
starvation, with the TG inhibiting the anorectic signal to the induction of leptin resistance, including alterations in cen-
brain as conveyed by leptin. Both TG and starvation stimu- tral and peripheral metabolism and/or receptor signaling.
late the transport of insulin and ghrelin across the BBB. We need to learn much more about the generality of these

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Thus, TG, by modulating the influx of gastrointestinal hor- phenomena in determining excess energy intake under com-
mones into the brain, may be one of a host of circulating fac- mon feeding conditions, such as multi-item diet selection
tors that help to determine feeding behavior. TG may also regimens characteristic of human feeding situations. What
affect other central actions of leptin. Recent work has shown is clear from the above findings is that diet-induced leptin
that TG in the serum and brain are correlated with cognitive resistance can occur in the absence of elevated circulating
behavior. For example, obese mice have learning and mem- leptin levels and body fat, rendering it a potential predispos-
ory deficits that can be reversed when they are treated with ing factor for excess body weight gain and obesity.

738 Symposium

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