L3 S2 Marketing and Advertising

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Marketing (Licence 3)

A launch: un lancement / to launch a new product. “We plan to launch the new
product next month.”
“Ford plans to launch three new small car models this year to try and recapture
market share.”

A consumer: un consommateur. “The rise in transport cost will mean higher prices
for the consumer”.
A corporate client: une société cliente “Consumer advertising is only a small part
of our marketing mix because we are mainly focused on corporate clients”
Market research: étude de marché ; “Market research shows that there is
demand for another large supermarket”.
PR/ Public relations : les relations publiques : creating and maintaining a good
image with your customers and the public. “After the recent scandal, the company
has started a new PR campaign to help improve public relations.”
The PR officer: le chargé de relations, chargé de com.
A campaign. “Our company will launch a new campaign to market our products to
European customers”
To position a product : positioner un produit. “ to affect the way a product is
presented to the public and how people think about that product”.
“We need to position our product carefully or we’ll miss our target market”.
Direct marketing: marketing direct
Targeted marketing: marketing ciblé
Viral marketing: marketing viral. “Viral marketing is a marketing strategy that
focuses on spreading information and opinions about a product or service from
person to person, especially by using unconventional means such as the internet or
A marketing plan: un plan de marketing, un plan de commercialization.
The marketing mix: le plan marchéage
Definition of the marketing mix : “A planned mix of the controllable elements of
a product's marketing plan commonly termed as 4Ps: product, price, place, and
promotion. These four elements are adjusted until the right combination is found
that serves the needs of the product's customers, while generating optimum income.
Sometimes the first P (Product) is substituted by presentation.”

market research / market survey: étude de marché

market analysis: analyse de marché
A(n opinion) poll : un sondage (d’opinion)
A sampling: un échantillonnage
A database, a databank : une base, une banque de données
A target: une cible
A niche, a market gap: une niche, un créneau
(brand) loyalty: la fidélité (à une marque)
An article, an item: un produit
Consumer goods: des biens de consommation
A loss leader : un produit d’appel
A loss maker : un produit vendu à perte
A domestic appliance : un appareil électroménager
White goods / brown goods : électroménager / appareils électroniques
Staple goods/commodities : les produits de première nécessité, denrées
Manufactured goods : les produits manufacturés
A range of products : une gamme de produits
A choice, a selection : un choix, une sélection
A brand, a make : une marque. Branded goods : des produits de marque
A supermarket brand / a store brand : une marque d’enseigne
The brand image: l’image de la marque
Brand identity : identité de marque. “Gucci has a stong brand identity in the
luxury sector”.
A label : 1/ une étiquette. (2/ un label). To label : étiqueter
To offer: proposer
A package, to package : un emballage, emballer
Available, availability: disponible, disponibilité
A returnable bottle : une bouteille consignée
Disposable, throwavay : jetable
Recyclable : recyclable
Ecological, green, eco-friendly : écologique

Reliable, reliability : fiable, fiabilité
Fragile, breakable : fragile, cassable
Faulty : défectueux
Upscale, upmarket : haut de gamme
Downscale, downmarket : bas de gamme
Trendy, fashionable : tendance, à la mode
Outdated, ‘déjà vu’, old-fashioned : démodé, ‘ringard’
Second hand : d’occasion, de seconde main
retail price : le prix de vente au détail
wholesale price : prix de vente en gros

B2B (B to B) commerce is the use of commercial networks between companies.

B2C (B to C) commerce is business to consumer commerce, that is any sale of
goods or services directly to consumers.
Benchmarking study: étude, analyse de marché comparative. “Benchmarking is
comparing one’s products with that of its competitors in order to improve its quality
of performance”

The four Ps of marketing: the four basic factors of marketing: product, price,
place and promotion.
Macromarketing: Macromarketing is how products and prices create demand and
consequently have an influence on what is sold in a region.
corporate identity: l’image de marque d’une compagnie. « the colors, designs and
words which a company uses to communicate its philosophy and make a statement
about itself and products
We have changed our corporate identity in order to modernise our image. We want
to attract new and younger customers.”

Advertising (Licence 3)

Advertising: le monde publicitaire, la publicité au sens large. “I work in

An advertisement/ advert / ad : une publicité. “Have you seen their latest
A commercial : un spot publicitaire TV (radio).
A teaser : une accroche, une bande-annonce (pour un film)
Advertising campaign : campagne publicitaire
Comparative adverstising : la publicité comparative
An advertiser : un annonceur publicitaire
A catch word, a catch phrase : une accroche, un slogan
A claim : une promesse publicitaire
to promote : faire la promotion de
to appeal to : plaire à
to boost sales: stimuler les ventes
to catch the eye : attire l’oeil, l’attention ; eye catching : qui attire l’attention.
to strike the imagination : frapper l’imagination.
To get/put a message across : faire passer un message
Clever : astucieux, ingénieux
Innovative : novateur, original
Unexpected : inattendu
Entertaining : divertissant
Bland and boring : terne et ennuyeux
Hardsell advertising : la publicité aggressive
Deceptive : mensonger. To deceive : tromper
Leaflet, flyer, handout : dépliant, prospectus
To hand out a leaflet : distribuer un prospectus
a billboard : un panneau d’affichage
a free sample : un échantillon gratuit

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