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This research project is to find the reasons and to understand the Blood
pressure fluctuation which is a common disease in Pakistan. This questionnaire
consist of different questions about the fluctuation of blood pressure, blood
pressure as a genetic problem, conditions of the body during the blood pressure
fluctuation, age factor, diet etc

So, kindly complete the following questionnaire honestly and with full attention. It
hardly takes few minutes of your precious time. Your response is important to us.

NAME: ________________ DEPARTMENT:_________________

PROGRAM:________________ AGE:____________

RESIDENTIAL AREA:_________________

ANY TYPE OF DISEASE: ________________

Mark the best option.

1. How concerned are you about your blood pressure at this time?
a) Very concerned c) somewhat concerned
b) A little concerned d) not at all concerned
2. What do you think about your blood pressure level today? Do you think it was?
a) High c) borderline high
b) Normal/ ok d) I don’t know
3. Is blood pressure Fluctuation a genetic problem?
a) Yes b) No
4. Do you know how to use Sphygmomanometer?
a) Yes b) No
5. Did you take your blood pressure at home during last 12 months?
a) Yes b) No
6. Does age group affects high blood pressure?
a) Yes b) No
7. Taking a lot of salt in diet contribute to high blood pressure?
a) Yes b) No
8. Do you think hypertension (high blood pressure) is a silent killer?
a) Yes b) No
9. Are you habitual of measuring and analyzing blood pressure values?
a) Yes b) No
10. Do you ever apply traditional methods to treat the blood pressure fluctuation in your
surrounding people?
a) Yes b) No
11. Have you ever check blood pressure without blood pressure apparatus?
a) Yes b) No
12. Any blood pressure patient in your family?
a) Yes b) No
13. Which patients do you observed more in your family?
a) High blood pressure b) Low blood pressure
14. The most common symptom has ever observed during blood pressure fluctuation?
a) Dizziness c) chest pain
b) Headache d) Nausea
15. How often do you see your doctor for blood pressure check-ups?
a) Monthly c) Every 3-4 months
b) Every 6 months d) Once a year
16. Does age group contribute in blood pressure fluctuation?
a) Yes b) No
17. Does high blood pressure affect the ability to perform your usual daily activities?
a) Yes b) No
18. Do you smoke cigarette?
a) Yes b) No
19. Does anyone in your house smoke?
a) Yes b) No
20. Have you recently experienced any stressful condition?
a) Yes b) No


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