Mathematics Science V1 MS 1617

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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science


IFYMS002 Mathematics Science



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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

Notice to Markers

Significant Figures:
All correct answers should be rewarded regardless of the number of
significant figures used, with the exception of question A4. For this question,
1 discretionary mark is available which will only be awarded to students who
correctly give their answer to the number of significant figures explicitly

Error Carried Forward:

Whenever a question asks the student to calculate - or otherwise produce - a
piece of information that is to be used later in the question, the marker
should consider the possibility of error carried forward (ECF). When a student
has made an error in deriving a value or other information, provided that the
student correctly applies the method in subsequent parts of the question, the
student should be awarded the Method marks for the part question. The
student should never be awarded the Accuracy marks, unless a follow
through is clearly indicated in the mark scheme. (This is denoted by A1ft or
B1ft.) When this happens, write ECF next to the ticks.

M=Method (In the event of a correct answer, M marks can be implied unless the M
mark is followed by * in which case, the working must be seen.)
B = Correct answer independent of method
If a student has answered more than the required number of questions, credit should
only be given for the first n answers, in the order that they are written in the student’s
answer booklet (n being the number of questions required for the examination).
Markers should not select answers based on the combination that will give the student
the highest mark. If a student has crossed out an answer, it should be disregarded.

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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

Section A

Question A1

Finds gradient of [M1]

Inverts and changes sign [M1]

or any equivalent form (This mark can be implied) [M1]

(Must be in this form)

Question A2

(B1) 1 (B1) [B2]

Correct shape [B1]

(0, 10

(0, 10) and (3, 1) [B1]

(3, 1)

Question A3



Sets expressions equal to each other and finds a value for [M1]


or (M1) (M1)

Solves and finds a value for (M1)


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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

Question A4


Removes log and solves to find a value of

(This mark can be implied if the 16.0 is then seen)

16.0 to 3 significant figures (Allow follow through provided a more accurate
answer is seen earlier.) If the answer appears with no working, award 1 out of 4.

or the two M marks can be awarded as follows:

LHS written as or RHS written as (M1*)

Other side written as a single log, followed by removal of logs and solving to find
a value of (M1*)

Question A5

Correct order carried out (inverse tan followed by division of 2) [M1]

anything rounding to 40 and 220 (degrees)

anything rounding to 20 and 110 (degrees) (A1) for each [A2]

Ignore solutions outside the range. Any extra solutions in the range lose 1 mark.

Question A6

Attempts to differentiate (sight of is sufficient for this mark) [M1*]

Substitutes into their and sets equal to 2 [M1]


Question A7

Attempts to integrate (sight of is sufficient for this mark) [M1*]

Substitutes limits into their integrated expression and subtracts the right way [M1]

Forms a quadratic equation in [M1]

Factorises or uses formula

or equivalent [A1]

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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

Question A8

Sight of either [M1]

or equivalent [A1]

Substitutes into their [M1]

960 (If the answer appears on its own with no working, this scores 0) [A1]

Question A9

Uses integration by parts in the right direction [M1*]

(A1) (correct first part) [M1*]

(correct answer and [If the candidate has not used [A1]
integration by parts, this scores 0 marks.]

Question A10

Volume [M1*]

Attempts to integrate (sight of or is sufficient for this mark) [M1+]

Substitutes limits into their integrated expression and subtracts the right way [M1+]

(+These marks are not lost if the has been dropped)

or equivalent, or anything rounding to 1.72 If the correct answer [A1]

appears with no working, award 1 mark out of 4.]

Question A11

Figures add up 66. Five known figures add up to 41. Subtract 41 from 66 [M1]


Standard deviation [M1]

= anything rounding to 6.95 (Allow follow through for their value of [Aft]

Question A12


Their 1.47 [M1]


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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

Section B

Question B1

a) Substitutes into second equation [M1]

(A1) for each [A2]

or if candidate has written first equation as and used elimination

(M1) for any correct methods to find both unknowns

(A1) for each

b) Solves quadratic equation by factorising or using formula [M1]

Obtains two critical values (3 and ‐1)

(A1) (A1) [A2]

c) Substitutes into first expression [M1*]

Substitutes into second expression [M1*]

Multiplies second expression by 9 or divides first expression by 9, sets equal [M1]

to each other and solves to find a value for


d) i. [M1]

Solves to find a value for [M1]

or equivalent [A1]

ii. [M1]

(Allow anything rounding to 30900) [A1]

iii. so series is not convergent (or similar explanation) [B1]

e) 6C
4 Allow xCy for yCx and presence of [M1*]

Sets equal to 60 and reaches (There must now be no present)

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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

Question B2
a) i. Please note: this is a ‘show that’ question so all working must be seen.

Sets and reaches [M1*]

Takes logs and reaches [M1*]

(All stages must be seen) (Both M marks [A1]

scored and no errors seen)

or replaces in the formula (M1*)

Writes (M1*)

(A1) (All stages must be seen) (Both M marks scored and

no errors seen)

ii. Substitutes into expression [M1]

900 [A1]

iii. [M1]

Substitutes into their [M1]

= anything rounding to 7040 [A1]

b) Recognises ‘hidden’ quadratic equation [M1*]

Factorises or uses formula [M1]

(This mark can be implied) [A1]

(If the answers appear with no working, award 1 out of 4.) [A1]

c) i. Uses cosine formula in a correct form


Calculates in correct order [M1]

(must be in lowest terms) [A1]

ii. Uses a formula or right-angled triangle (or any other valid method) [M1*]

M mark scored and no errors seen [A1]

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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

iii. Uses correct version of the sine formula [M1]

= anything rounding to 60.9 (degrees) (or 1.06 radians)

iv. Anything rounding to 32.3 (cm) [B1]

Question B3

a) i. [B1]

ii. Please note: this is a ‘show that’ question, so all working must be seen.

Uses formula for surface area [M1*]

Substitutes their into their formula [M1*]

Reaches result with both M marks scored and no errors seen [A1]

iii. Attempts to differentiate (sight of or [M1*]

reciprocal is sufficient for this mark)
Correct answer
Sets equal to 0 and multiplies through by

Reaches [M1]
(cm) [A1]

iv. Attempts to differentiate again (sight of the

constant term or reciprocal is sufficient evidence for this mark)
Correct answer

This is positive (when so there is a minimum (or similar reason [A1ft]

and conclusion) Allow follow through for their values of and

or takes a numerical value below 13 and shows (M1*)

takes a numerical value above 13 and shows (M1*)

Thus there is a minimum (when (conclusion needed) (A1ft)

Allow follow through for their values of and

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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

b) i. [M1]

(A1) for each [A2]

ii. Uses previous result and attempts to integrate (sight of a ln term is

sufficient for this mark) [M1*]

or equivalent* [A1]

Substitutes limits into their integrated expression and subtracts the right [M1]
way round

Uses either the log power law or log addition/subtraction law correctly [M1]

ln 9 [A1]

*If the negative sign is missed, M1 A0 M1 M1 A0 is still possible.

Question B4

a) i. Please note: this is a ‘show that’ question, so all working must be seen.

Attempts to differentiate (sight of term is sufficient for this mark) [M1*]

Substitutes into their inverts and changes sign

Shows that gradient of line is and states that line is a normal (or [A1]
makes a similar conclusion). Both M marks scored and no errors seen.

ii. Area of trapezium [or, if equation of line is found

, integrates , substitutes in limits and subtracts
the right way round]

or equivalent [A1]

Area under curve and attempts to integrate (presence [M1*]

of or is sufficient for this mark)

Substitutes limits into their integrated expression and subtracts the right [M1]
way round

Adds areas [M1]

or equivalent, or anything rounding to 4.42 [A1]

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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

Writes integral in terms of (The limits do not need to [M1*]
have been changed for this mark).

Substitutes limits into their integrated expression and subtracts the right way
round. If the original limits are used, the expression must be changed back [M1]
into terms in

or equivalent, or anything rounding to 13.5 [A1]

(Please note: the question asks for integration by substitution, so if a
candidate uses any other method, this scores 0)

c) i. Correct use of Product Rule [M1*]

Correct use of implicit differentiation (sight of or is enough [M1*]

for this mark)

Factorises out the and reaches (This mark is only available

if there are at least two terms)

or equivalent [A1]

ii. Substitutes into their [M1]



(Allow any equivalent form as long as the coefficients are integers)

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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

Question B5

a) i. x 18 and y 11




Product Moment Correlation Coefficient [M1]

= anything rounding to ‐0.76 [A1]

ii. Strong (or alternative word which conveys same meaning) negative [B1]

iii. their y = ( their x ) [M1]

(or anything rounding to ‐0.2 and 15) [A1]

(Must be in form

b) i. [M1]

or equivalent, or anything rounding to 0.509 [A1]

ii. p(red, then blue) p(blue, then red) [M1]


or equivalent, or anything rounding to 0.436 [A1]

Throughout this part, allow equivalent answers.

c) i. [M1]


ii. A B

One correct entry [B1 ]
0.45 [B1]
0.21 0.15 Two correct entries

All entries correct with

a rectangle but [B1]
condone missing E

iii. (B1ft) (B1ft) [ft on their [B2ft]

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IFYMS002 Mathematics Science

Question B6

a) i. Probability of blight damage is 0.35 (or similar) [B1]

Probability of blight damage is less than 0.35 (or similar) [B1]

ii. for n 20 and p 0.35 [M1]

0.0444 or 4.44% [A1]

This is significant or this is below 5% [M1*]
We reject /accept /conclude treatment has had a significant impact [A1]
(or similar words) ft

Allow follow through on their

b) i. [M1]

Finds Φ their 0.8944) and subtracts from 1

anything rounding to 0.106 or equivalent

ii. Φ 0.44 0.67 [M1]


anything rounding to 105 (grams)

c) i. [B1]

ii. [M1]

3.56 [A1]



anything rounding to 8.35 [A1]

iii. anything rounding to 19.2 (Allow follow through for their ) [B1ft]

anything rounding to 134 (Allow follow through for their [B1ft]


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