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Research question:​ How does the initial temperature (20°C, 30°C, 40°C, 50°C, 60°C(

measured using a water bath)) of the base (NaOH) affect the energy change (joules( measured
using the formula of Q=mc∆t)) in neutralization?

In this lab, we are to solve for the energy change in neutralization through the formula: Q=mc∆t.
This formula will be carried out using the neutralization reaction between the acid of HCl
(hydrochloric acid) and the base of NaOH (sodium hydroxide.) We know that these two
compounds combined will produce ​H​2​O​ (water) and NaCl (salt( ​H​2​O​ and NaCl being the two
products of a neutralization reaction.)) As in order to produce a neutralization reaction, a strong
acid, which has a pH of around 0-3, and a strong base, which has a pH of around 12-14, are
needed as the two reactants (Libretexts.) HCl has a pH of 3.01 and NaOH has a pH of 12-13,
meaning that the reaction of HCI + NaOH = ​H​2​O​ + NaCl, will be successful, as both reactants
are strong (Aqion.)


With the majority of neutralization reactions (including HCI + NaOH = ​H​2​O​ + NaCl,) energy, in
the form of heat, is released to its surrounding, due to the process known as an exothermic
reaction( a reaction that releases energy.) We know that the majority of neutralization reactions
are exothermic, as the net ionic equation of neutralization is H^+ + OH^- = ​H​2​O,​ wit​h this
equation, only bonds are formed (BBC.) Because of this, the enthalpy (the amount of heat
absorbed or released by the reaction) of neutralization will be negative, as ΔH (change in
enthalpy) = ∑D broken (sum of bonds broken) - ∑D formed (sum of bonds formed.) A reaction
with a negative enthalpy is an exothermic reaction, as energy, in the form of heat, is being
released (Johnson.)

When the temperature of a typical strong base is increased, the pH decreases. As seen in the
table below. This happens as temperature plays a significant role in pH readings. An example
being with the dissociation of water, as when the temperature rises in water, molecular
vibrations increase which results in water ionising and forming more hydrogen ions. As a result,
the pH will decrease. This example applies to almost all solutions, when temperature is
increased, the pH of the solution will decrease.
However, the change seen in pH when temperature is increased with a typical strong base is
unimportant, as the base will continue to remain strong, meaning that neutralization will still
happen (Westlab.)

Lastly, the reaction of HCI + NaOH = ​H​2​O​ + NaCl will be carried out in a calorimeter, as a
calorimeter is necessary when measuring energy change in a chemical reaction, due to the
calorimeter’s function of preventing heat loss.

Hypothesis: ​Energy change in neutralization will increase when the initial temperature of the
base (NaOH) is increased.

There are four factors that affect the rate of reactions, these being:

1. Concentration of reactants

2. Physical state of the reactants and surface area.

3. Temperature.

4. Presence of a catalyst.

All four factors can be explained through the collision theory, which states that: “Reactions occur
when reactant molecules effectively collide. For an effective collision to occur, the reactant
molecules must be oriented in space correctly to facilitate the breaking and forming of bonds
and the rearrangement of atoms that result in the formation of product molecules” (Key.)

With temperature (which is what is being changed in my experiment,) through the collision
theory we know that when it is increased, the rate of reaction will also be increased. This
happens as when temperature is increased, a greater proportion of molecules have the
minimum energy needed for an effective collision, as the average kinetic energy of the reactant
molecules will be raised (due to the increase in temperature.) Lastly, because of the increase in
kinetic energy, energy change will also increase (Libretexts.)

Independent variable: ​The initial temperature of the base (NaOH,)

With this experiment there will be five different variations:

1st Variation: The initial temperature of the base (NaOH) will be 20°C
2nd Variation: The initial temperature of the base (NaOH) will be 30°C

3rd Variation: The initial temperature of the base (NaOH) will be 40°C

4th Variation: The initial temperature of the base (NaOH) will be 50°C

5th Variation: The initial temperature of the base (NaOH) will be 60°C

The initial temperature of the base (NaOH) will be manipulated for each variation, using a water
bath. As a water bath allows us to change the initial temperature of NaOH, due to the water
bath’s function of incubating solutions in water at a constant temperature over a period of time.

Dependent variable: ​Energy change in neutralization

Energy change in neutralization will be found through the formula of Q=mc∆t, in which:

Q= energy change (joules)

m= mass of acid + mass of base (g)
c= 4.18 J/g°C (the specific heat of water)
∆t= Tf-Ti, in which:
Tf= initial temperature of the base (NaOH)
Ti= temperature of solution (which will be ​H​2​O​ + NaCl) once acid is added to the base.

Control variable:

Controls Why it needs to be controlled? How it will be controlled?

Mass of acid The equation of: HCI + NaOH = ​H​2​O​ + By using a beaker to
(HCl) / base NaCl, tells us that for every one mole of measure 10 ml of HCI, and
(NaOH) hydrochloric acid, exactly one mole of 10 ml of NaOH. 10 ml is
NaOH is required to react with it. Thus, the identical to 10 grams, due to
the equation of 1 ml=1g.
mass of the acid and the mass of the base
must be the same, in order for a reaction to

Temperature of Since we are measuring how the initial By using a water bath to
acid (HCl) temperature of the base (NaOH) affects make the temperature of the
energy change in neutralization, the acid (HCl) 20°C.
temperature of the acid (HCl) must stay

Calorimeter The same calorimeter should be used By using the same

throughout this experiment, to ensure that calorimeter for each
the same uncertainty that the device has variation/trial.
built within it, stays consistent. As this
prevents the possibility of creating outliers
through the use of another calorimeter.

Thermometer The same thermometer should be used By using the same

throughout this experiment, to guarantee thermometer for each
that the same uncertainty that the device variation/trial.
has built within it, stays consistent. As this
prevents the possibility of creating outliers
through the use of another thermometer.

Water bath The same two water baths (1 water bath for By using the same two water
the acid, 1 water bath for the base) should baths for each variation/trial.
be used throughout this experiment, to
guarantee that the same uncertainty that
the device has built within it, stays
consistent. As this prevents the possibility
of creating outliers through the use of
another water bath.

Stopwatch The same stopwatch should be used By using the same stopwatch
throughout this experiment, to guarantee for each variation/trial.
that the same uncertainty that the device
has built within it, stays consistent. As this
prevents the possibility of creating outliers
through the use of another stopwatch.

Material list:

Beaker Styrofoam cups Plastic lid

Thermometer pipette Water bath

Stopwatch 15 ml closed flask


1. Set up the calorimeter, using: a beaker, styrofoam cups, a plastic lid, and a thermometer.
The calorimeter should look identical to the diagram shown below, the only difference being that
the temperature probe will be replaced with a thermometer.

2. Using a pipette measure out 10 ml (10 ml is the same as 10 g, due to the equation of 1
ml=1g) of HCl into a closed flask (15ml.) When handling HCI one must wear safety glasses
which have side/face shields. While wearing chemical resistant clothing (must be long sleeves)
and chemical resistant gloves.

3. Using a pipette measure out 10 ml (10 ml is the same as 10 g, due to the equation of 1
ml=1g) of NaOH into a closed flask (15ml.) When handling NaOH one must wear safety
glasses which have side/face shields. While wearing chemical resistant clothing (must be long
sleeves) and chemical resistant gloves. Lastly, a dust/aerosol mask is also needed.

4. Place the closed flask of HCl into a water bath, the water bath must be set at 20°C.

5. Place the closed flask of NaOH into a water bath, the water bath must be set at 20°C (first

6. After 10 minutes (use a stopwatch to record time) take the two closed flasks out of the water

7. Record the appearance of NaOH and HCl.

8. Remove the plastic lid of the calorimeter, and pour NaOH and HCl into the beaker.

9. Place the plastic lid back on the calorimeter, as soon as possible, to prevent heat loss.

10. Using a thermometer, record the highest value of temperature of the neutralized solution.
11. Remove the plastic lid of the calorimeter and record the change in appearance of the
neutralized solution, compare the appearance of the neutralized solution to the recorded
appearances of NaOH and HCl.

12. Measure the energy change found in this reaction, through the formula of Q=mc∆t, in which:

Q= energy change (joules)

m= mass of acid + mass of base (g)
c= 4.18 J/g°C (the specific heat of water)
∆t= Tf-Ti, in which:
Tf= initial temperature of the base (NaOH)
Ti= temperature of solution (which will be ​H​2​O​ + NaCl) once acid is added to the base.

13. Use a sink to run cold water for the disposal of the neutralized solution. Continue to run
water down the drain after the flask is completely empty for at least 30 seconds.

14. Repeat steps 1-13, four more times for a total of five trials.

15. Repeat steps 1-14, four more times while changing the variation after every repeat.

First repeat:The initial temperature of the base (NaOH) will be 30°C

Second repeat: The initial temperature of the base (NaOH) will be 40°C
Third repeat: The initial temperature of the base (NaOH) will be 50°C
Fourth repeat: The initial temperature of the base (NaOH) will be 60°C


“Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions - Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions - GCSE

Chemistry (Single Science) Revision - WJEC - BBC Bitesize.” ​BBC News,​ BBC, 5 Mar.


“How Does Temperature Affect PH? Westlab.” ​Westlab Group,​ Westlab, 28 Feb. 2018,

Johnson, Lee. “How to Calculate Enthalpy Change.” ​Sciencing,​ 2 Mar. 2019,
Key, Jessie A. “Factors That Affect the Rate of Reactions.” ​Introductory Chemistry 1st Canadian

Edition​, BCcampus, 16 Sept. 2014,

Libretexts. “18.5: Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rates.” ​Chemistry LibreTexts​, Libretexts,

14 July 2020,



Libretexts. “Neutralization.” ​Chemistry LibreTexts​, Libretexts, 15 Aug. 2020,



PH of Common Acids and Bases,​ Aqion, 26 Oct. 2014,

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