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Quiz in Teaching Arts

True or False
1. When two colors are located directly across from each other on the
color wheel, they are referred to as complementary colors.
2.Formative assessment aims to evaluate student learning at the end of
an instructional unit or program by comparing it against some standard
or benchmark.
3. General rubric contains at least three domains: cognitive, affective, and
4. Summative Tests are examples of formative assessment.
5. Woodcut, etching, engraving, and lithography are traditional
6. Geometric shapes have smooth even edges and are measurable.
7. Value is the lightness or darkness of a color.
8. When you use only one color plus its tints and shades you are using a
monochromatic color scheme.
9. Deep space is used when the artist has objects very close to the
10. There is symmetrical balance when one image is mirrored on the other
side to repeat itself.

11. Assessment done in the beginning of a class or a school year to determine
students’ readiness for the set learning objectives.
12. Assessment done to understand the children’s learning achievements
and to confirm and review the content of the lesson immediately.
13. This is performed at the end of the lesson or chapter in order to check
students’ level of achievement of the learning objectives.
14. A principle of design that refers to the relationship of certain elements
to the whole and to each other.
15. The process of creating an art piece by using a carved screen to
transfer ink onto another surface.
16. It is the 3-D version of a shape and can be measured by height, width
and depth
17. A process in which an object (as leaf or piece of lace) is pressed into a
plane surface to make either a direct printing surface or a matrix.
18-20. the 3 primary colors ___________, __________. _____________
21. red + yellow = _______________
22. red + blue = _________________
23. yellow + blue = _______________
24. a color plus white
25. Painting on a wall or ceiling

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