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Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Dosen Pengampu Dr. Sri Yuliani,
Hari/tanggal Selasa/29 Juni 2021 Semester/Kelas 11/A/B/C/D
Waktu Ujian 07.15-08.45 Sifat Ujian Take Home Test
PetunjukUmum :
1. Berdoa'alah sebelum mulai mengerjakan soal.
2. Tulislah Nama dan NPM anda di lembar jawaban.
3. Bacalah soal dengan teliti dan periksa kembali lembar jawaban sebelum diserahkan
kepada pengawas.
4. Mencontek tidak diizinkan selama ujian berlangsung. Soal :
Part 1: Reading Text 1

The. Oil refining process: Fractional Distillation a mixture Of Thi'S

is how fraCtiönal distillation workse. the different. Many: ukeful. •main. •is: a tall. cylindef.
called products can. be made$rom them bui first .fractionator fractional: distillation
•they: must be.:extracted andßéparated from Inside. there. are; many trays,•: or hOrizontaI:
•one •anOther:;. Glocated or; different: heights:;. Each tray collects The different
hydioearbön components different fraction when it condenses. of Crude Oil
arecalledßfrä•ctions: and they•äte. The .%trude heated itO at. least. •350C, •separated
using. fractional. diSti11ation, This •which. makes. most of :the. The based. on the. principle.
that then.•enters. .and. n-iöVesxup different:. : boil:•. at different through.. the..
fractionator. AS:•: fraction .temperatures•.. For. •example;. crude oil condenses ii.S•
collected: the. trays; made. Substances. w.ith :higher •boiling: points condense fuel)
and made into;petrol •on the trays in the.Cö•lumn.
.fOf cars). Substances.. with :lower.. boiling.. points: When: •the. mixture: Of.• kerosene: and
condense on the higher trays:
ååphthå is. .heated so. that and Thé trays have.valves:; Which aTiöw..thei 'C.apour to cooled; the cool: and. condense more quickly. The liquid from higher.:temperature
than the naphtha. Asthé •each ti:åy.: flows out of the. column. mixture the kerosene.
condenses first. and the iååphthå: condenseS•.Tater...
Part 2: Question 1 to 5 are Essay Questions. Each question is graded 10 points.
1. Why do different substances need to be extracted from crude oil?
To separate different fractions of oil because crude oil have many different types of
hydrocarbons. After being separated, many useful products could be produced.
2. What scientific fact does fractional distillation use?
Fractional distillation process is based on the principle that different substances boil at
different temperature.
3. Which components in the column collect the condensed liquid from each fraction?
Condensed liquid will be collected inside the trays
4. What do the valve do?
The valve will allow the vapor to cool and condense more quickly
5. How does fractional distillation work?
This is how fractional distillation works: the located or different heights. Each tray
collects a different fraction when it cools and condenses.
The crude oil is heated to least 350C, which makes most of the oil evaporates. The
vapour then enters the column and moves up through the fractionator. As each fraction
condenses, the liquid is collected in the trays. Substances with higher boiling points
condense on the lower trays in the column.
Substances with lower boiling points condense on the higher trays. The trays have
valves, which allow the vapour to cool and condense more quickly. The liquid from each
tray flows out of the column.

Part 3: Please analyze the stages of distillation process below. Please arrange based on the correct
process. Each question is graded 8.3 points.

5 As the favour rises through the trays in the column, the temperature falls.
7 The condensed liquid of the fraction is collected in a tray.
6 When a fraction in the vapour cools to its own boiling point. It condensed
1 This is how the distillation process in the fractionator works.
3 Most of the fractions in the crude oil evaporate.
8 The condensed liquid flows out of the fractionator through a pipe from the tray.
2 A fracture is used to heat the crude oil to a high temperature.
4 The crude oil vapour enters the fractionator and rises up the column.
Dosen Pengampu:
Dr. Sri Yuliani,
Disetujui Tanggal:
Ka. Prodi

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