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Sexual, and
Material Self
Group 2
Phase 3: Orgasm

is the climactic yet shortest phase of the

sexual response cycle, typically lasting
only several seconds.
involuntary muscle conractions,
including spasms of the feet
peak in heart rate, blood pressure, and
breating rate
Flush may appear over the entire body
sudden release of muscle tension

In female, the vaginal muscle contract and

the euterus undergoes repeated

In male, repeated contraction occur at the

base of the penis and semen is ejaculated.
Phase 4: Resolution
during resolution, the body return to its normal
level and swelled and erect body parts return to
their previous size and color.
Refractory Period
is one significaant difference between the sexual
response cycle of males and females.
it occurs during the male's resolution phase

this period can last from a few minutes

to several days, depending on male's
age, the frequency of sexual activity and
additional factors.

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