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Report Title

Anodic Protection

By: Onel Israel Badro

Supervised by: Dr. Barham H. Ali

Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Department

College of Engineering
Salahuddin University-Erbil
Academic Year 2020-2021


Anodic protection (AP) is a potential control electrochemical technique

suitable for preventing corrosion of a metal in aggressive environments,
such as sulfuric acid (H2SO4. In this technique, the metal to be protected
must exhibit passivity at relatively low current density so that the passive
current density is at least one order of magnitude lower than the corrosion
current density care must be exercise in selecting a material that shows a
wide enough passive potential range. Furthermore, AP is normally used
when coatings and cathodic protection methods do not provide adequate
protection against corrosion.


Abstract 2

Table of Contents 3

Introduction 4

Applications of Anodic Protection 6

Advantages 7

Design parameters 8

Conclusion 10

Reference 11


In contrast to cathodic protection, anodic protection is relatively new.

Edeleanu first demonstrated the feasibility of anodic protection in 1954 and
tested it on small scale stainless steel boilers used for sulfuric acid
solutions. This was probably the first industrial application, although other
experimental work had been carried out elsewhere. This technique was
developed using electrode kinetics principles and is somewhat difficult to
describe without introducing advanced concepts of electrochemical theory.


Anodic protection is a technique to reduce corrosion on a metal by

polarizing it into its passive region and maintaining it there. It is used
primarily on carbon steels, stainless steels, nickel alloys, and titanium in
environments such as sulfuric and phosphoric acids, sulfite digesters, and
aqueous ammonia. Anodic protection cannot be used if the passive film is
too readily damaged or is not very protective, as may occur in chloride
solutions or at high temperatures.

The large currents required temporarily to passivate and repassivate the
metal correspond to high corrosion rates, but the initially high corrosion is
followed by low corrosion in the passive region. The electronic control
necessary to passivate and hold the metal at the required potential is the
potentiostat, which maintains a constant potential with respect to a
reference electrode. Any electronic conductor (e.g., steel, graphite) can
serve as the cathode, while the metal to be protected is the anode.

The applied current is proportional to the corrosion rate of the protected
system, making anodic protection less expensive than cathodic protection
for extremely corrosive environments. The figure below is a small
comparison between Anodic and Cathodic Protection.

Applications of Anodic Protection

Applications are:

• Applicable in extremely corrosive environments.

• Low current requirement.
• Acid coolers in dilute sulphuric acid plants.
• Chromium in contact with hydrofluoric acid.
• Storage tanks for sulphuric tanks

The most interesting field of application is the storage of concentrated

sulfuric acid, where anodic protection reduces the corrosion rate by two
orders of magnitude, thereby reducing metal contamination and hydrogen
The design of the anodic protection of a storage tank made of austenitic
stainless steel for sulfuric acid, requires the knowledge of above key
parameters to determine the size of the potentiostat. For AISI 316 stainless
steel tank, with total surface area of 100 m2, containing concentrated
sulfuric acid (67%) key parameters. In figure below is shown Anodic
protection of a steel storage tank containing sulphuric acid.



Anodic protection possesses unique advantages. For example, the applied

current is usually equal to the corrosion rate of the protection system. Thus,
anodic protection not only protects but also offers a direct means for
monitoring the corrosion rate of a system.

Anodic protection can substantially decrease corrosion rate. The primary

advantages of anodic protection are its applicability in extremely corrosive
environment and its low current requirement. Anodic protection has been
most extensively applied to protect equipment used to store and handle
sulfuric acid. Anodically protected heat exchangers used to cool sulfuric
acid manufacturing plants have represented one of the more successful
ventures for this technology. These heat exchangers are sold complete with
the anodic protection systems installed and have a commercial advantage in
that less costly materials can be used.

This is mainly because of the limitations on metal chemical systems for

which anodic protection will reduce corrosion. In addition, it is possible to
accelerate corrosion of the equipment if proper controls are not
implemented. However, anodic protection has its place in the corrosion
control area, provided some important basics are satisfied.


Anodic protection is an electrochemical technique for maintaining passive

a metal with an active–passive behavior when placed in an aggressive
environment. With reference to Fig. 5, by applying an anodic polarization,
potential is moved from point ① of free corrosion condition to point ②
within the passive interval and maintained in it, provided that initial anodic
current density exceeds the critical passivation current density, icp then
protection current drops to the passivity current density, i p


Anodic protection feasibility depends on the anodic curve characteristics of

the metal, especially on the following key parameters:

• critical passivation current density, icp, which is the current that the
system should be able to supply in order to bring the material to passive

• passive current density, ip, which measures the corrosion rate once
passivity is established;

• passivation interval that defines the operating potential range

(Ep<E<Ep+300 mV).

Obviously, both passive current density ip, and critical passivation current
density icp, depend on metal and environment as far as type, composition,
and temperature are concerned. For example, in most environments,
titanium passivates better than steel because of its low values of icp and ip.
Austenitic stainless steels, and particularly those containing molybdenum,
passivate better than ferritic stainless steels because, like titanium, their i cp
is lower 3.


To conclude with, in contrast to cathodic protection, anodic protection is

relatively new. anodic protection in 1954 in tested it on small-scale
stainless-steel boilers used for sulfuric acid solutions. The applied current is
proportional to the corrosion rate of the protected system, making anodic
protection less expensive than cathodic protection for extremely corrosive
environments. Also, anodic protection can substantially decrease corrosion
rate. Anodic protection has been most extensively applied to protect
equipment used to store and handle sulfuric acid.


[1] Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control Zaki


[2] handbook of corrosion engineering second edition 2016.

[3] Fundamentals of corrosion – Mechanisms, Causes and Preventative

Methods. Philip A. Schweitzer, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC (2010).

[4] Handbook of corrosion engineering first edition by McGraw-Hill 2000.

[5] Analytical Methods in Corrosion Science and Engineering by CRC

Press 2005.


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