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Grupa A Klasa .................... Liczba punktów ......

/ 20
Imię i nazwisko ....................................................

1 Przeczytaj tekst. Wpisz: there is / there isn’t / there are / there aren’t. ( ... / 5 p.)

(1) There is a comfortable bed in Helen’s room but (2) ________ a sofa. (3) ________
two bookcases with lots of amazing books and a wardrobe. (4) ________ a small table
next to the bed and a lamp. On the floor (5) ________ a green carpet but (6) ________
Helen’s dog, Fluffy. Fluffy is in the living room with Helen’s parents.

2 Przeczytaj poniższe zdania i uzupełnij je przedimkami a, an lub the. ( ... / 5 p.)

1 I have got a wardrobe in my room. The wardrobe is big.

2 There is ________ umbrella in the hall. ________ umbrella is next to the door.

3 There are cushions on ________ sofa. ________ cushions are blue and white.

4 There is ________ bookcase in ________ living room.

5 There is ________ apple on the table. ________ apple is red.

6 There is ________ lighthouse on the island. ________ lighthouse is 100 years old.

3 Poniższe zdania uzupełnij wyrazami z ramki. Dwa słowa zostały podane dodatkowo ( ... / 5 p.)

i nie pasują do żadnego zdania.

bookcase bedroom chimneys rooms fridge mirror bathroom kitchen

1 There is a new fridge in the kitchen.

2 Is there a ________ in the hall? Yes, there is.

3 We have got a bath and a shower in the ________.

4 There are hundred ________ in the palace.

5 There are two ________ on the roof of my house.

6 There is a sofa and a ________ with many books in the living room.

4 Z podanych zdań ułóż rozmowę pomiędzy Tomkiem a tatą na temat bałaganu w ( ... / 5 p.)

pokoju Tomka.

And what’s that under your bed? I am sorry, dad. It is not so bad.

There are books and notebooks on the floor. Tidy up now!

Tom, your bedroom is very untidy.

Dad: (1) Tom, your bedroom is very untidy.

Tom: (2) _____________________________________

Grupa A | strona 1 z 2
Dad: (3) Not so bad? __________________________

Tom: (4) Oh, yes. ____________________

Dad: (5) Tom? ______________________

Tom: Ups! That‘s my lunch.

Dad: (6) _________________________________

Grupa A | strona 2 z 2
Grupa B Klasa .................... Liczba punktów ...... / 20
Imię i nazwisko ....................................................

1 Przeczytaj tekst. Wpisz: there is / there isn’t / there are / there aren’t. ( ... / 5 p.)

(1) There is a comfortable bed in Helen’s room but (2) ________ a sofa. (3) ________
two bookcases with lots of amazing books and a wardrobe. (4) ________ a small table
next to the bed and a lamp. On the floor (5) ________ a green carpet but (6) ________
Helen’s dog, Fluffy. Fluffy is in the living room with Helen’s parents.

2 Przeczytaj poniższe zdania i uzupełnij je przedimkami a, an lub the. ( ... / 5 p.)

1 I have got a wardrobe in my room. The wardrobe is big.

2 There is ________ umbrella in the hall. ________ umbrella is next to the door.

3 There are cushions on ________ sofa. ________ cushions are blue and white.

4 There is ________ bookcase in ________ living room.

5 There is ________ apple on the table. ________ apple is red.

6 There is ________ lighthouse on the island. ________ lighthouse is 100 years old.

3 Poniższe zdania uzupełnij wyrazami z ramki. Dwa słowa zostały podane dodatkowo ( ... / 5 p.)

i nie pasują do żadnego zdania.

bookcase bedroom chimneys rooms fridge mirror bathroom kitchen

1 There is a new fridge in the kitchen.

2 Is there a ________ in the hall? Yes, there is.

3 We have got a bath and a shower in the ________.

4 There are hundred ________ in the palace.

5 There are two ________ on the roof of my house.

6 There is a sofa and a ________ with many books in the living room.

4 Z podanych zdań ułóż rozmowę pomiędzy Tomkiem a tatą na temat bałaganu w ( ... / 5 p.)

pokoju Tomka.

OK, dad. Tom, your bedroom is very untidy. That ‘s my lunch.

Not so bad? I am sorry, dad. And what’s that under your bed?

Dad: What a mess! (1) Tom, your bedroom is very untidy.

Tom: It is not so bad.

Grupa B | strona 1 z 2
Dad: (2) ___________________________ There are books and clothes on the floor.

Tom: Oh, yes. (3) __________________________

Dad: Tom? (4) _____________________________

Tom: Ups! (5) ____________________________

Dad: Tidy up now!

Tom: (6) ____________________________

Grupa B | strona 2 z 2

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