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ov o f old Scotland, and never low er his flag T h e P eu n i*y ]va u la C h a n ip iou «lilp .

beneath the ‘ stars and stripes’ o f the west­ To the E d ito r o f the B oard :
ern empire. A n d when in after years we In answer to Mr. James Smellie, o f P l y ­
are grown old and gameless, w e w ill often mouth, Pa., as to who is the champion o f
remind our children, that w e knew and central and nortliern Pennsylvani, I must
played with the greatest draught player the say that I cl.iim the friendly championship
w orld has ever produced, the renowned until defeated, o f th eleiritorv nicntioncd In
W yllie. my challenge published July 7ih, 1883,
Since the above speech was delivered, which rends thus ; There being a great
many anxious to start lids game socially
only one short year has passed away, and
(exempt from stake money), but being too
in that little space what changes w e have timid to put the que.stion, I do so, at the
seen ? M cA rt himself in a few days after stime time expecting to be defeated at short
that happy meeting with those congenial notice, hv challenging any one in the slate,
barring Philadelpliia and Pittsburgh, to
souls was cut o ff in his bright career, and play a friendly series o f fifty games, draws
went to his rest in a watery grave. This to count, fo r tlic social champion.ship. In
left a gap in the ranks o f draught playing, accepting please state conditions. This
not easily to be tilled. His noble figure challenge shall remtdn open ten daj's. If
not accepted I claim title. W . C. B r o w n .
and radient smile, his tine humor, keen wit Mr. W alter Agcr, o f Lock Haven, accepted
and repartee ; A ll are g o n e ; and when under date o f .July 8, as follows : I notice
w e look around upon the old familiar faces a challenge from W . C. Brown fo r a series
at Ihe “ Checqucred Board,” and in im agi­ o f games o f checkers. I hereby accept Ihe
challenge, the games to be played on Jidy
nation see the vacant chair ; it makes us 11, 12 iind 13, cither at Altoona or Lock
Bigh and e.vclaim in the language o f his Haven. I f the form er I to have my ex ­
loved Shakespeare ; penses paid and if played liere wc w ill de­
" W e ne’er shall look upon his like again.” fray Mr. Brown’s expenses. W alter
A o e r . The match was contested in A l­
October, 1873. toona and 1 was defeated. I sent Mr.
A ger a challenge for a return match which,
R e g a r d lu s T lia t T o n ru m en t. lie failed to accept I made several efforts
T . H. Brown, Sayre, Pa., writes as to get on another mutch hut to no
follow s : Stir up the players more than Tlieo from his nonacceptance I claim social
you have on the propO'cd tournment of chainpionshi|i, which is in no w ay to in­
central and northern t ennsylvania. Had terfere with Mr. J. Reed, the stale cham­
Bome o f them the .snap o f Mr. Jas. Smellie, pion, so acknowledged. N o w let me hear
it would soon be a fact. It would really from interested ones as I think this will cover
be a grand affair and would unite the what Messrs. Smellie. Adam, Barnes and
fraternity in every way. W h y not at the many others wish to get at in tlie way o f a
Bame time the tournament is held form a tournament. I think it advisable to make
checker association o f the above portion the number o f games tweuty which can be
o f the state? It could be done! making contested in a single day, tlius cutting the
arrangements for an annual meeting similar expenses o f visiliiig player to little more
to your “ Association,” o f the than car fare. This note I hope w ill be
o Bouthern tier and northern Pennsylvania. received by those interested, with a hearty
(n (iji
Sg? W ou ld suggest that you appoint a com ­ good feeling and that the honors w ill be
mittee o f three or more in the counties to carried from place to place until the best
s &
be represented, said committee to w ork up mau has it in his posession. Altoona w ill
rN it their re.s|)eciive counties, and have all subscribe toward getting a badge or
nl 0) possible i o in ; instead o f soliciting sub medal and then Icteach county challenging
d !2 scribers make a nominal entrance fee to de­ add the same amount until Iji.jO has been
fray necessary e.vpences, balan:e be divided eoulrihuted, when this emblem shall be
in two cash prizes, say two thirds to the purchased and handed to the one then
:& -Si first, one third to the second, it would holding the championship, he to transfer
o oi then no doubt cause the boys to work. it to liis victor and be suircndered to the
T io g a county players have never been successful man until worn out. N o w , gen­
heard from on this subject except Mr. tlemen, start the ball rolling, and keep it
Adam . W here are Carbon, Lycom ing. moving. D on’t let it rest tw o months in
Schuylkill and other strongholds? Brad­ one place. I t w ill make rivalrj’^which can
ford, am sorry to say is out no one not help but im prove each and all in this
^I to reprc-ent it, that I know of. M y busi­ great and scientific game. H oping to hear
^ Q.
ness w ill prevent m y attending any meet­ by next week from some one in the w ay o f
ings at present, but w ill assist all I can. a'chaltenge through T h e B o a r d , I remain,
W ou ld be pleased to meet any player com ­ very rcspectfull, W . C. B r o w n ,
o ^ ing this way, who can find me at the R ail­ Box 712, Altoona, Pa.
road Depot. N o w boom the tournment or
9 5 break T h e B o a r d . Birmingham, England, has a new ly or­
in N
o ±! ganized draughts club with rooms at the
(XI cp
O -D H elp us to a new subscriber. Coffee House, 03 Snow Hill.
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B a r k e r ’ s A m e r i c a n C lic c k e r P la y e r .
Many nf our readers write that they cannot afford
to pay fo r a book on checkers, that being the
price o f Janvier’s Anderson, T o tliese v e would
recommend IJaikers American Checker Player.
I t contains tw enty openings, witli o'tt vai iations DC nDC
Of the best analyz'erl play, togetlier with thirty flve
critical positions, twenty-two o f which have been
contributed to this work liy the eelebrated compos­
ers, Messrs. VVardwell and Lyman, containing in
all 179 pages, it is liandsoinely bound in clo'h. (Patent Applied for.)
Price g l. This work has now been in tne bands of
the players, botli in this country and Europe, for
the past three years, and is universally conceded
to be one ol the best works for beginners and ex­ Envelop e O pener,
perienced players that luvs ever l>een published.
The object o f the author in having tlie price so low L e a f Separator,
(g l) is mainly to have it com e within the reach of
every one to procure a copy. Tlie book in reality, Ink Scraper,
to anv person interested in the beaiiiiful. scieiilitic
gam e o f checkers, is w ork gS, as tlie play contain­ P a m p h le t K n ife,
ed in it is nothing more or less than the “ cream of
checkers.” W e w ill send the book b y mail upon P ap er C u tte r.
receipt o f the price,
Elm eb E. B u r l i n g a m e , Elmira, N. Y .
W e w ill supply Barker's American Checker P lay­ S A M P L E mailed to any address, on receipt
er and T he B uari> one year for g l .75. of Hve two-oeiit stamps. Price 75 cvnts per dozen.
8H.OO per gross, net cash. Bpecial discounts to the
T h e B est C h e c k e r B o o k P u b lis h e d .
N early every mail brings us letters asking for
the title of tlie best book on ttie gam e o f checkers.
Onr answer invariably is “ Janvier's Anderson.”
This book is siniplilied and illustrated wuth dia­ F. E . B U N D Y , M a n a g e r,
grams. and is useful alike to the biginner and the
player wiio has years o f experience. The book is
founded on the games o f Andrew Anderson, the
160 Lake St., ELMIRA, N.Y.
best player the world ever saw. These games are
edited, extended, corrected and brought down to B E S T ON E A R T H ! ^
the present time by Julian D. Janvier, the world Never fails to hatch.
renowned analyst. Tlie book contains over 300 Awarded first prem i­
pages distinctly jiriiited from new bevier type. um wherever exh ibit­
There are seveti coltmis o f lariations to the page. ed. The simplest and
The diagrams are small, but very piain, six being most perfectly con-
placed on a page. Tlie book is tigiitly bound, and stiiioted machine in
will lie open at any page w itlioiit being held down. the world. A p erfect
There are'a.iov games, the ojienings ireated o f be­ 'self-regulating incu­
ing Ayrshire Lassie, Bristol, Center, Cross, bator. No old style
Deiiance, Tienny, Boulile Corner, IJimdee, Dyke, complicated regulat-
Edenbnrg, Fife, Glasgow. Kelso, Laird and Lady, „ iiig devices such as
Maid nf the Mill, Old Fourteenth, Paisley, Second batteries. clocks,
Double Corner, Single Corner, Seuter, Switcher, springs, etc. Send for circulars.
W hiiter, W ill 'o the Wisp, twenty-three in all. A N D REW S HATCHER CO., E l m i r a , N. Y.
Price, bound in clolh. Ii.v mail, postpaid, g3 A d ­
dress E l m e r E. B u b i .i n o a m e , Elmira, N . Y .
W e will supplv Janvier’a Anderson, and T h e
B oard one year fo r $.3.7,5.
One o f the most interest and remunerative home
studies for winter evenings. I a ?s.soiis by mail or
o H o y le ’s G a m e s . personally. Great demand for good stenograph­
cn cu ers. Situations procured students when compe­
A Complete Manual of the Laws that govern al' tent. Send fo r circular.
s ir games o f skill and chance, including Card Games,
Chess, Clieckers, Dominoes. Backgammon, Dice, J. W. R O B E R T S ,
Billiards as played in this country .at the present
time, and all Field Games. Entirel.y origiial, or 240 G a k e S t., E l m i r a , N . Y .
rN it thoroughly revised from the anil best A m er­
m (u ican authorilies. The chapter on Checkers is very
d !2 fine. Paper covers, price .50 cents, Adress Elmer
E. Burlingame, Elmira. N. Y.
W e will supply H o yle’s Games and T h e B o a r d , FURNACE R EG U LA T O R !
one year fo r gl.ffl. Controls the furnace by tlie atmosphere o f living
ir .U rooms. N o attention to furnace, except placing
(D a™
TW O V A G I J . I B L E in coal and rem oving ashes. Pays for itself in one
P K I v S E N T S F U E I t : , season by saving o f coal. Address,
P K l C P A I J k , to every P E K F E G T H A T G H E R C O .,
person sending us their address, with 5 one-cent Mention T h e B o a r d . E H m ira, N , Y .
Btatnps. to pay postage This is no humbug. W e
make the offer to introduce our goods. A HAR­
V E S T fo r the agent (and no license to p ay.) En­

tirely new, address,
For Women, Men and CMldrem
-I Mention T h e B o a r d . S o iilli B c i i a , l i i d . That the Peerless Napkin H older fills a long-felt
want is attested by the sale o f over one hundred
K t! thousand pail’s in less than three months. I t is
ELMIRA CHEMICAL CO., simple, cheap and durable. A lw ays ready. Im ­
possible fo r the napkin to fall intxr the lap. T o
Manufacturers o f the mothres. e,specially, does it prove a great boon.
o S The children’s clothes are kept neat and clean.
in N
L IT T L E GIANT, Send ten cents in silver tor sample pair.
agents are reaping a harvest.


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%\xt io a v t L Some three months ago Fadviinced Fergu-
sson |3 fo r a Janvier's 'Anderson. Sluce
A W E iS K LY U A O A Z IN E D EVO TED TO TH E G AM E OF then I have received all kinds o f excuses
CH ECKERS. but no book. Tic has lied to me on several
Snbscrlpliou P ric e , Oue D o lla r per Y e a r .
occasions and I began to suspect all was
not right when I received a letter from a
Contributions of games, positions, checker news, checker friend o f mine that opened m y
sketches, etc., are solicited from all.
W e would deem i l a favor it those sending games eye.s and made mo mad when I found out
would add note.s on the pta.v. Games sliould be how I had been duped. It is not the loss
arranged as printed, in five columns o f ligures. o f ihe money I care so much about as Ihe
Specimen copies w ill be cheerfully sent to all
checker players whose names w e are aide to ob­
meanness o f Ihe thing. I called at the Sun
tain. A hint to the wise is sufficient. office Saturday last and stated my case 10
W e desire to make tlie news department a spe­ the proprietor, Mr. C, C. K ulliraufl. That
cial feature, and ask all to send us items o f check
e r news that come under their notice. Don’ t wait
gentleman informed me that he has heard
tor some one else to write, but send it yourself .several complaints o f Inic, perhaps twenty.
before it gets stale. Said he did not know what to do with tliat
Subscrihere in Europe should send Sl.25, the ex man (Fergusson) as he was worthless. Ho
tra 25c. being fo r postage. In clubs o f two nr more
to g o in one package, only 81.00 eai h need be sent. would look into Ihe miifler and see what
Foreign remittances must be made by money order he could do fo r me Invited me to call
A d v e r t i s i n o K a t e s — 1.5c. a line ; $1.50 an incli again Monday (lo day) when he would have
each insertion. T h e B o a r d is on file at Geo. P.
R o w e l l & Co's, N ew York, where advertising more lime to talk the matter over. Now
contracts can b e made. ’ wheilier Fergu.ssoii has left the city or not I
All remittances should be m ade b y money order, can’t .say. Ills whercahouts are unknown.
registered letter, postal note, or N ew York draft.
Our columns are open to all. W e welcom e the This accounts fo r the checker column be­
letters o f young players as heartily a.s those o f a ing omilled from the issue o f the Sun.
national reputation.
Communications should be written on only one In addition to this w e may state that
B id e o f the paper. By observing this rule, you will Dunlap, o f the 7'uif. long ago pronounced
s a v e the editor m any sleepless nights.
Our 1‘eader.s are requested to solve, the positions, Furgu-sson a.dead beat and fraud. We.also
or prove them unsound if po.ssible. Space will have received the follow in g letter from L.
also be given each week fo r notes and comments
on previously published game.®.. M. Stearns, o f Derry Depot, N . H . :
^Jl communications should be addressed,
Last A pril I sent $3.10io J.H , Fergusson,
E L M E R E. B U R L I N G A M E . checker editor o f the Cleveland Sundaj/
E l k ir a , N. Y.
Sun, fo r a Lym an's Book o f Problems,
the ten cents to pay for legisteiiiig book for
T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 19. 1885.
safe delivery to me. H e has sent me all
kinds o f excuses, but no book, and at last
A FKAVD H XPOSED. about seven weeks ago said that I ’Viumld
F o r some time complaints have reached us get the book o f Lyman, IJial be wouldsend
it to me. I waited but no book. I wrote to-
that J. H. Fergufs ui, who fo r a long time Lyman and be said be bad no orders to
has been checker editor o f the Cleveland semi me a book. H aving u ailed .'■ix mnulhs
Sun, was not filling orders fo r booksadver- I think I am justified in railing Fcrgus.soD
CfG 0) tised fo r sale by him in his column; that a dead beat. Checker players look out for
Irtm !
he would get the money and not return an
s g. I f any others o f our readers have sulTer-
equivalent. Fergusson is a splendid player
cd loss through this man w e wish they
rN it and it seems a pity that he .should be so
m 0) would w rite us. T h e B o a k d is bound to
d !2 little o f a man as to stoop to such perform ­
clear the checker fraternity o f that class o f
ances. Last Sunday the checker column
vampires that is always found hanging
o f the Sun was missing. As w e surmised
around all elasFes o f men. W e have our
«i) i:n Fergusson had run the length o f his rope
eye on a certain eastern man who has been
and was compelled to stop short— we trust
up to the same kind o f w ork i f reporls be
never to go again. The follow in g letter
true. W e shall investigate, and if the
from A n a y Sheean, one o f Cleveland’s best
complaints arc substantiated another explo­
known players, tells the story :
sion m ay be looked for.
^I It becomes my painful duty to inform
you and the checker players o f the coun­
^ Q.
try that J. H. Fergusson, late checker editor
T h e second step towards the match fo r
the English championship has been taken.
Cleveland Sunday Sun,Ini-i “ gone wrong,”
and I am o f the opinion he has departed Messrs. Smith and Jamtson have each
o ^
for “ greener fields and pastures n e w " I made the deposit o f five pounds with (he
«-< (U believe lliat I am justified in saying that he stakeholder, us required by articles.
li-i N is a “ dead beat” o f the lowest order, as he
O ±!
djD io? lacks that first principal o f man, gratitude.
O -D Mr. Labadie is said to be in poor health,
6 0) Some o f his best friends are numbered with
, cn his victims. I could mention names but and consequently not in condition to play a
^ S prefer to let others speak for themselves. match.
o O

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In d e x o f O peninss. 48. 11.15, 24.20, 8.11, 28,24, 1014.

(B v James W yllie, in the Leeds M ercu ry.) 49. 11.15. 24 20. 8 11, 28.24, 9.14.
In favoring us with this contrihulion M r. 50. 11.15, 24.20, 8.11, 9 13.
W y l iu informed us lhat it is the results o f 51. 11.15, 24,19.
suggestions made to him by correspondents 52. 11.15, 24.19, 15.24 , 28.19, 8.11.
from time to time, and he expresses an 53. 11 15, 24.19, 15.24. 28.19, 7.11.
opinion that it would be found interesting 54. 11.15, 24.19, 15.24, 28.19. 10.15.
to students and experts as a concise illustra­ 55. 11.15, 24,19, 15.24, 28,19. ■
tion o f openings and sub openings o f games 56. 11,1-5, 24.19, 15.24, 28.19, 9.14.
which may by conducted in their natural 57. 11 15, 24.19, 15 24, 28.19, 9.13.
termination by independent liui-s o f play. 58. 11.15, 23 18, 8.11, 26.23. ■
H e is, o f Course, quite aware that some 59. 11.15, 23.18, 8.11, 27.23.
openings may be forced into combinations 60. 11 15, 23.18, 9.14.
identical with those which may be devel­ 61. 11.15, 23 18. 15.19.
oped from other openings, but this fact 62. 11.15, 23.18. 8 11, 27.23, 9.13.
does not vitiate the pr emise he has laid 63. 11.15, 23.18, 10 14.
down. Mr. W y llie offers no explanation 64. 11.15, 23 18, 9 14, 18 9. 5.14.
concerning the value o f any openings in 65. 11.15, 23.18, 9.14, 18.9, 6.13.
parlicular, but he wishes it to be under­ 66. 11.15, 23.18, 7.11.
stood that he is w illing at any time to join 67. H 15, 23.18, 9.14, 18.11, 7 16.
issue over a selection from the list, for 68. 11.15, 23.18, 9.14, 18.11, 8.15.
frien d ly games, for a contest for the chum- 69. 11.15, 23, IS, 13.16.
pionsliip, O f fo r any substantial con.sidcra- 70. 11.15, 23 18. 8.11, 27.23, 9 13.
tion that may be proposed by a opponent; 71. 11.15, 23.19. 8.11, 22 17, 9,13.
1. 9.13. 72. 11.15, 23 19, 8.11, 22.17, 9.14.
2. 9.13, 24.20 73. 11.15, 23.19. 9.14, 27 23.
3. 9.13, 24.19. 74. 11.15, 23 19, 9.14. 22.17, 5 9.
4. 9.13, 23.19. 75. 11.15, 23.19. 9.14, 22.17, 6,9.
f). 9.13, 23.18. 76. 11.15. 23.19, 9 14, 22.17, 7.11.
6. 9.13, 22.17, 13.22, 25.18. 77. 11.15, 23 19, 9 13.
7. 9.i;j, 22.17, 13.22, 2(5.17. 78. 11.15, 23.19, 7.11,32.18. *
8. 9,13, 22.18, 11.10. 79. 11.15. 23.19, 7 11. 22.17.
9. 9.14. 80. 11 15. 28.19, 8.11, 23.17, 3.8.
10. 9.14, 22.18, 11.15. 81. 11.15, 23 19. 8.11, 23.17, 4.8.
11. 9 14, 24.20. 82. 11 15, 23.19, 8.11, 22.17, 15.18.
12. 9.14, 22.17. - 83. 11 15. 23 19. 8.11, 32,17, 11.16. •
13. 9 14, 24.19. 84. 11.15. 21,17.
14. 9.14, 23.19. 85. 11,15. 21.17, 9,13. • 86. 11.15. 21.17. 9 14.
16. 10.14. 87. 11.15. 21 17, 15.19.
17. 88. 11.15, 21.17, 7 11.
18. 10.14,24.19. 89.:;^11.15. 21 17. 8 11.
19. 10.14,23 19. 90. 11 15. 21 17, 7.10.
20. 10.14,23.18. 91. 11.15. 22.17.
21. 10.14,22.17. 92. 11.15. 22.17, 8 11. 17.13. 15.18.
22. 10.15. • 93. 11.1--, 24.19. 15,24.
s g. 23. 10.15,22.18 94. 11.15 24 19, 15.24. 27.20. 8.11.
24. 10.15, 24.20, 95. 11 15. 24.19, 15,24, 27.20, 7,11.
rN it 26. 10.15, 24.19. 96. 11 15, 24.19, 15.24, 27.20, 10 15.
CO 0) 26. 10.15, 21.17.
d !2 97. 11 15. 24 19. 15.24, 27 20. 9 14.
27. 10.17, 22.18, 15.22, 26.17. 98. 11.15, 24 19, 15.24, 27.20, 9.13.
28. 11.15, 22.18. 99. Old F'ourieenib.
29. 11.15, 22.18, 15.22, 25.18, 12.16. 100. Old F onrtecnlh, from the 25.22 m ove.
30 11.15, 22.18, 1.5.22, 25.18, 8.11. 101 W liile Doctor.
0) oi
31. 11 15. 22 18, 15.22, 26.17. 102. Black Doctor.
82. 11 15. 22.18, 15 22, 25 18, 10.15. 103. 11.16.
33. 11.15, 22 18. 15 22, 25.18, 9 14. 104. 11 16, 24,20.
34. 11.1.5, 22.18, 15.22, 25.18, 9.13. 105. 11.16, 23.18.
35. 11.15, 22.18, 15.22, 25.18, 10,14. 106. 11.16, 23.18.
86. 11.15, 24,20.
^I 37.,8.11,28.24.
107. 11.16 24.19.
108. 11.16, 22.17.
-I 38. 11.15, 24.20, 12.16.
39. 11.15, 24.20, 8.11.
109. 12.16.
110. 12.16, 22.18,
40. 11.15, 24.20, 7.11. 111. 12.16, 24 20.
41. 11.15, 24.20, 15.19. 112. 12.16, 23.18,
42. 11.15, 24.20, 10.14. 113. 12.16, 22.17.
«-< (U
iri .N 43. 11.15 , 24.20, 9.14.
o ±! 44. 11.15,24.20,9,13.
UD i?
O T3 45. 11.15, 24.20, 8.11, 22.17. Bernd Bros, ’s cigar store, 233 Main street,
46. 11.15,24.20,8 11,28.24,4 8. Danbury, tlonn,. is headquarters fo r check-
O 47. 11.15, 24.20, 8.11, 28.24. 3.8. (iT players in Hint city.

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