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Art of the Western World- Romanesque and Gothic Architecture

From the short film on various architectural forms of art of Gothic and
Romanesque, we understand that Romanesque is western in style. Romanesque
began as a derogatory word derived from Romanesco. The area of Rome was
conquered originally by the heirs of Rome, the Barbarians.

The most striking feature of medieval culture is the passion for pilgrimage and the
journey to their shrines, which include travel for salvation, giving thanks and also
asking for penance. Pilgrimage is considered to be a dynamic transforming
element in the society that enables exchange of thoughts and liquidity.

To name a few churches that belong to the Roman Empire, the church of Mary
Magdalene of Vezelay is of the foremost places in France with her relics. An ideal
element here is the precious jewels and great workmanship, for instance the
cloak of Virgin Mary. Similarly, the Autun Cathedral in Burgundy displays various
human figures such as angels on the corners of the tympanum and trumpets on
the edges. Another scene, most moving of all, is the Dream of The Magi. The
concept of monasticism began after the fall of Roman Empire where self sufficient
communities cut off from the world.

According to the practicality of the Christians, they transformed the roman form
by adding transept, towers for vertical form, and choirs with radiating chapels.

By 1066, the spread of Romanesque began. The Anglo Saxon churches were
destroyed by the Normans and replaced by normal also known as, French

The Durham Cathedral is an exceptional example of one of the largest cathedrals

with Gothic characteristics, such as pointed arches, ribbed vaults and flying

The size and height of a cathedral is also marked as a significant aspect. A brief
idea on Amiens, Chartres, Reims, Beauvais and Notre Dame in Paris is given
regarding their unprecedented heights.
England was the first to adopt Gothic style, favoring length over height. Eccentric
strainer arches were installed to support the crossings of the tower. Clearer facial
expressions on the human figures were now seen.

School of Chartres has a unique feature of significant change in style of sculpture

as you move from the west to north. Soon these individual sculptures bloomed all
over Europe and not just France. An idea on the west faced and spanning
windows is also explained. The art of tainted glass makes Chartres stand out.

Stuti Parikh

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