The Great City Backdrops

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Mario Barbati

Project Development
Tim Hitchcock

Mario Barbati, Anna Fava

Art Director

Maps: Guido Barbati, Mario Barbati
3d modeling: Guido Barbati
Texture map artist: Mario Barbati


Cover Artist

Interior Artist
Raffaele Marinetti, Hugh Vogt

Special Thanks
Anna Fava

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing,
LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing,
LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Table of Contents
Foreword 3 Second Floor 44
Janazar Krumm 45

The Headquarters 4 Janazar’s Friends, Family, and Colleagues 46

Adventure Seeds 47
Ground Floor 6
Lesur Brown 11
Temple of the Silver Lady 48
Quentin Fargus 12
First Floor 13 Temple General Features 50
Headquarters NPCs 15 Ground Floor 51
Captain Lubor Agres 15 The Temple Staff and Occupants 55
Denorra 16 Adepts 55
Adventure Seeds 21 Cyruette  55
Gramut the Decrepit 56
The Golden Eel 22 Eban Kalristo  57
Marcoso Kval 22 Imar Havemolt 57
Ground Floor 23 Paerth Atham 58
Admir 24 Priestess Mareshti 59
First Floor 31 Adventure Seeds 59
Adventure Seeds 32
The Curiosity Shop 60
The Tower of Janazar 33 Naboo 60
Tower Rooms 34 Ground Floor 62
Ground Floor 34 Shop Customers 63
Fespod Gardner  35 On Purchasing Magic Items 64
Cumak Gardner  36 Display Items 65
Cinnamon Gardner  38 First Floor 67
Geneyse Krumm 39 Adventure Seeds 70
First Floor 43


T hese backdrops represent the initial concepts for what eventually grew into several years
of design and development known as the Great City. Since their release, the Great City,
or rather Azindralea blossomed into a full campaign setting, underwent a revolution in an six-
part adventure arc, and most recently a changed game systems (sort of) with the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game release of the new Great City Players Guide.

So now we’ve come full circle, and I’ve been tasked with returning to the start and updating
some of the original setting material for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The compilation
contains the five original Great City Blueprints Backdrops pieces, with shiny new Pathfinder
stat-blocks, and a streamlined, simplified format. Some changes were made to the text, to
incorporate themes and changes that occurred in the Great City, as well as updating some
of the classes in order feature material from the recent Great City Players Guide. However, as
much as possible, the original manuscripts have been left intact.

Tim Hitchcock
Dec 17th, 2009

The Headquarters

The Headquarters

T he Great City’s military falls under the

command of four generals, appointed every
eight years or so from the ranks of commanding
glass panes before twining off into single jutting
iron spire. Though The Headquarters is squat, the
spire extends high above the skyline and is clearly
officers who have proven themselves to both the visible from anywhere in the city. Midnight veins
senate committee and the current military council. thread through its rough hewn, dusk-gray granite
Collectively, all these officers are known as the Kharel, flagstones. Engraved in the lower bricks, hundreds of
a title once used by the ancient Kortezian clans, names proudly denote the Great City’s commanding
which loosely translates to “warrior without fear of officers, each entry highlighted by the officer’s title,
death.” While most of the Kharel own properties rank, and the dates which the served. Every ten feet
elsewhere within the Great City, they spend the or so, the stone is parted by high-arcing windows
majority of their time within the Army Ward training
troops, analyzing military data, and developing new
strategies. While on duty, members of the Kharel SHADOWGLASS
reside at a large two-story complex informally
dubbed The Headquarters. Dwarven glassblowing techniques created
this durable, one-way ebon-tinted glass. When
viewed from the exterior side, everything
Currently, the Kharel consists of General Henrik
behind blurs and twists into intangible
Prostolom, General Ariana Blackwell, General Uril
shadowy shapes. From the opposite side,
Krakon, and most recently the empirical appointee
the view is crystal-clear and during complete
General Valdain Krymont-Atregan.
darkness, the glass enhances any shapes
beyond as if the viewer possessed darkvision
As with many of the Great City’s older structures,
with a 60 ft-range (though the effect is
The Headquarters’ dramatic features provide
non-magical). Unfortunately, shadowglass
a striking example of Kortezian empiric period
is extremely heavy, difficult to work with,
architecture. Its conglomerate design consists of four
and provides no special benefit when
smaller towers centered on a single 100ft-diameter
used in sections less than two square feet.
central tower. Capping the core, a blossoming
Shadowglass has a hardness of 5, 6 hp per
flower of great stone scythes clasp around a twisting
inch of thickness, and a Break DC 22.
cage of black iron framing hundreds of stained-
ARMY WARD (K-Town, Soldier Land, Blood Ward) CASTLE
0 120 240


The Headquarters
5 3

14 4


7 - The Headquarters (Army Ward)


framed in iron and set with panels of the deepest every four hours. Guards request papers from any

shadowglass. non-ranking military or civilian who approaches. If

19 insulted or threatened, they immediately call for help.
The main entrance is carved into one of the four AY

outer towers and faces south towards Hero’s Way.

15 ’S W
OR 6
Guard Soldier (4)
Chiseled into the two stair risers that climb to the G LA
XP 400
main entrance is the following phrase:
Male/female human fighter 2
LN Medium humanoid (human)
“Upon the blood of my father, mine own,
Init +0; Perception +2
and of my children’s— So shall we serve.”
3 16 11 DEFENSE 4
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed EE
The risers lead to a pair of colossal outer doors
10 15 N(+4 E
R armor, +1 shield)

that bow to the curvature of the tower, extending 9 hp 14 (2d10+3) RT


Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0; +1 FO

beyond the entrance on a steel track. Bound in OF vs. fear
18 IE
alternating layers of chestnut and brushed steel, OFFENSE LD

they are over two feet thick and M ORITURI STREET

near impenetrable. Speed 30 ft.
The steel plating that sheaths the stiles and rails is Melee bastard sword +5 (1d10+2/19–20)


embossed with strange creatures with serpent-bodies Ranged heavy crossbow +2 (1d10/19–20) 7


and the faces of leering gargoyles. The inset panels,



eight high and four wide, are carved to resemble M


20 controlled by a guard Str 15, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8 YA

snarling lions. A mechanism RO


17 and shut at a Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 14


permits the track doors to slide open

Feats Alertness(B), Blind-Fight, Exotic Weapon
moment’s notice.
Proficiency, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bastard
13 sword)
Reinforced Iron-Plated Doors thickness 3, hardness OF HEROES 11
8, hp 50, Open Lock DC 30, Break DC 30. WAY OF SALT SEA Skills Climb +3, Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +3,
Linguistics +0, Perception +0, Sense Motive +0,
Survival +4
Creatures: four guards protect The Headquarters’
C A (T D )
Languages Common, Kortezian
front doors around the clock,20alternating
16 in shifts 5 M
(T O 5
SQ bravery +1 over fifty candles whose ever-dripping tallow leaves
Gear masterwork chain shirt, light steel shield, translucent scars upon the gray flagstone. Fifty feet up,
bastard sword, heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, quiver, the pressed tin ceiling shimmers from the candle-light
81 gp. revealing a faded mural of half naked warriors wrestling
The Headquarters

lions, crocodiles, and other fierce beasts.

Ground Floor
Creatures: Both at the main doors and on the
balcony above, are positioned guards to greet or
GF1. Entrance and Stairs defend against anyone entering the complex.
Beyond the main doors, a 30-foot diameter chamber
serves as the complex’s entrance hall. Guard Soldiers (8) CR 1
The room is set in perfect symmetry with short ten-
hp 14; See page 5
foot halls entering and exiting at opposite ends of the
room each adjacent to one of two matching staircases
GF2. Grand Hall
that coil upwards with a delicate curve.
The banisters are carved with a serpentine pattern, Doors open into a 70-foot-diameter room. Doors
each ending at an oversized newel post carved to symmetrically positioned around the perimeter. Framing
resemble a lion’s head. The polished chestnut stairs the center of the room, eight marble columns pass
connect at a small landing above the exit hall to form through a second-floor mezzanine and extend upwards
a wide arch. The remainder of the room is open, to the ceiling. Light spills in from the stained glass roof
illuminated by a tremendous iron chandelier with panels above creating a dazzling montage as it strikes
a mosaic of patterns and mathematical symbols on the

WORD ON THE STREET Regardless of the time of day, a wash of colors

from the glass panels illuminates the room. Each one
Characters asking around of the street or
delicately cut to amplify or diffuse light depending
otherwise researching The Headquarters
on its angle and intensity. The light patterns formed
can make Knowledge (local) or Gather
work in tandem with the floor mosaic, creating
Information checks to learn the following
different colored shadows at different times of day,
information about the shop. Scale either check
in different seasons. The glass is equally responsive
using DC 10 + soldier’s HD.
to changes in temperature and moisture, thus the
1. The Headquarters or HQ is home to the
entire room function as an elaborate weather clock.
Great City’s army intelligence, formed from
a council of commanding officers and four
All of the doors lead to rooms on the ground floor.
generals, appointed by committee.
The single doors connect to rooms along outer wall
2. Once known as the bungling son of a of the core tower while the double doors connect to
wealthy aristocrat, Captain Lubor Agres is rooms in the smaller exterior towers.
rumored to be the forerunner in this year’s
candidacy for General. Creatures: two soldiers guard this area at all
3. Headquarters is heavily guarded and those times. They immediately arrest anyone with proper
arriving without proper paperwork risk fines, clearance or identification.
arrest and detainment.
4. Master Cartographer Quentin Fargus finally
Guard Soldiers (2) CR 1
believes he has discovered the way to the
fabled paradise beyond the Great Ocean. hp 14; See page 5
5. Some of the higher-up COs are also
frequent patrons of the Yei Ling House of GF3. Meeting Room
Pleasure. Blond ash double doors set into the center of the east
6. General Prostolom is having an affair with wall open into a circular meeting room. The walls are
one of the young female guards. Though the finished in a white plaster while the floors are laid with a
couple attempts to be discreet about things, diamond pattern of red and beige sandstone. Along the
she frequents his room quite a bit. room’s eastern perimeter, two more single doors exit to
7. Somewhere in the building is a secret the north and south. Arranged throughout the room rest
entrance to an ancient cistern beneath several circular tables each seated with an appropriate
the original foundation. Deeper passages number of chairs. Like much of the furniture, they are
exiting from the cistern connect to the crafted from chestnut and carved with sweeping florets
Dungeon under the Mountain. and lion’s heads. Two shadowglass windows allow light
to enter from the west wall.
The Headquarters
1 square = 5 ft

The southeast door leads to a small private effect, the ghostblade can summon it to his hand
chamber used for a number of purposes from private as a swift action,
interrogation, temporary imprisonment, or as a Manifest Spirits (Su): Using his ancestral weapon,
covert listening chamber allowing individuals to a ghostblade can summon forth the spirits that
The Headquarters

eaves drop on seemingly private meetings. haunt him, allowing them to interact with the
physical world. He can manifest spirits for 18
The northeast door leads to the Office. rounds per day. Temporary increases to Charisma,
such as those gained from spells like eagle’s
Creatures: During the day there is a 50% chance splendor, do not increase the total number of
1d4 Korvash-Et-Mortand commanders are using the rounds that a ghostblade can manifest spirits
meeting room along with an appropriate number per day. A ghostblade can manifest spirits as
of low ranking troops in order to discuss upcoming
a free action. The total number of rounds of
strategies or events. If interrupted without good
manifest spirit per day is renewed after resting
cause, they respond in an unfriendly manner.
for 8 hours, although these hours do not need
to be consecutive. A ghostblade can terminate a
Korvash-Et-Mortand CR 6 manifestation as a free action and is fatigued after
XP 2400 the manifestation for a number of rounds equal to
Male/female human ghostblade 7 2 times the number of rounds spent channeling
(Great City Players Guide 15) the spirit. A ghostblade cannot initiate a new
LN Medium humanoid (human) spirit manifestation while fatigued or exhausted
Init +2; Perception +2 but can otherwise enter manifestation multiple
DEFENSE times during a single encounter or combat. If a
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex) ghostblade falls unconscious, his manifestation
hp 44 (7d10+6) immediately ends.
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2 Spirit Powers (Su): As a ghostblade gains levels,
OFFENSE he learns to channel spirits in new ways. A
Speed 30 ft. ghostblade gains the benefits of spirit powers
Melee ancestral mw bastard sword +11/+6 only for as long as he Manifests Spirits. The
(1d10+2/19–20) Commander possesses the following powers:
Ranged heavy crossbow +9/+4 (1d10/19–20) Blindsense (Su): The spirits watch over the ghostblade,
Special Attacks haunted, manifest spirits (19 rounds/ alerting him to things he cannot perceive. The
day), spirit power, spirit powers (blind sense, ghostblade gains the blindsense ability.
corrupting strike +2d6, frightful moan, read past), Corrupting Strike (Su): The ghostblade’s ancestral
strengthen spirits (1) weapon turns incorporeal and can be used
to make a touch attack that deals 2d6 points
of damage. Against ethereal opponents, the
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 10
ghostblade adds his Strength modifier to
Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 21
attack and damage rolls. Against non-ethereal
Feats Alertness(B), Combat Expertise, Dazzling
opponents, he adds his Dexterity modifier to
Display, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(B), Shatter
attack rolls only.
Defenses, Weapon Focus (bastard sword)
Frightful Moan (Su): A ghostblade can channel a
Skills Bluff +7, Climb +8, Craft (weaponsmith) +8,
spirit’s frightful moan as a standard action. All
Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (history)
living creatures within a 30-foot spread must
+7, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Knowledge (religion)
succeed a DC 13 Will save or become panicked
+5, Linguistics +5, Perception +0, Sense Motive
for 3 rounds. This is a sonic, necromantic, mind-
+9, Stealth +7, Swim +8, Use Magic Device +7
affecting, fear effect. A creature that successfully
Languages Common, Kortezian
saves against the moan cannot be affected by the
SQ haunted, manifest spirits, summon ancestral
same ghostblade’s moan ability for 24 hours.
weapon, weapon bond
Read Past (Su): Upon a successful strike, the
Gear +2 chain shirt, ancestral mw bastard sword,
ghostblade’s spirits tear at the target’s psyche.
heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, quiver, 15 gp.
The target must make a DC 13 Will Save to avoid
SPECIAL ABILITIES having his past revealed to the ghostblade. If he
Haunted (Su): The ghostblade’s soul is fails, the ghostblade knows the target’s name,
supernaturally bound to the souls of his place of birth, members of his family, alignment,
ancestors. He can use the blade to activate allegiances, and personal secrets.Read past is a
the Manifest Spirits ability. Furthermore, if his mind-affecting effect. “
ancestral weapon is within line of sight and line of
Strengthen Spirits (Su): The ghostblade chooses one interrupted without good cause, they respond in an
spirit power he knows and enhances in one of the unfriendly manner.
following ways:
Empower: The ghostblade can choose to increase Field Sergeant CR 4
by half all variable, numeric effects of the chosen

The Headquarters
XP 1200
spirit power for its duration. Doing so costs Male/female human fighter 5
2 rounds from the number of rounds he can LN Medium humanoid (human)
manifest spirits that day. Init +0; Perception +2
Extend: Any numeric measurements of the chosen
spirit power’s range or area increase by 100%.
Doing so costs 3 rounds from the number of AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+7 armor, +1 shield)
rounds he can manifest spirits that day. hp 35 (5d10+8)
Focus: Add +2 to the DC of any saving throws Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1; +1 vs. fear
against the chosen power. OFFENSE

Maximize: The ghostblade can choose to maximize Speed 30 ft.

all variable, numeric effects of the chosen spirit Melee mw bastard sword +11 (1d10+6/19–20)
power for its duration. Doing so costs 3 rounds Ranged mw heavy crossbow +7 (1d10/19–20)
from the number of rounds he can manifest STATISTICS
spirits that day. Str 16, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8
Weapon Bond (Sp): A ghostblade can always sense Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 18
the location of his ancestral weapon as if using the Feats Alertness(B), Blind-Fight, Exotic Weapon
locate object spell. Proficiency, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bastard
Summon Ancestral Weapon (Sp): A ghostblade sword), Weapon Focus (heavy crossbow), Weapon
can summon his ancestral weapon from any Specialization (bastard sword)
location, at will. It takes three rounds of complete Skills Climb +2, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +3,
concentration after which the weapon magically Knowledge (engineering) +3, Linguistics +0,
appears in his hand. If the weapon is on another Perception +0, Ride +5, Sense Motive +0, Survival
plane of existence, the ghostblade must make a +5, Swim -5
DC 30 Spellcraft check or the attempt fails and Languages Common, Kortezian
he must wait 24 hours before making another SQ armor training +1, bravery +1, weapon training
attempt. (heavy blades +1), armor training +1, bravery +1,
weapon training (heavy blades +1)
GF4. Meeting Room Combat Gear oil of bless weapon, potion of cure light
Blond ash double doors set into the center of the south wounds (2)
wall open into a circular meeting room. The walls are Other Gear +1 chain mail, masterwork light steel
finished in a white plaster while the floors are laid with a shield, mw bastard sword, mw heavy crossbow, 20
diamond pattern of red and beige sandstone. Along the bolts, quiver, 141 gp.
room’s southern perimeter, two more single doors exit to
the east and west. Arranged throughout the room rest GF5. Parlour
several circular tables each seated with an appropriate The room is decorated, almost floor to ceiling portraits
number of chairs. Like much of the furniture, they are of the Great City’s generals. Brass plaques mounted
crafted from chestnut and carved with sweeping florets to their picture frames name some of them, but the
and lion’s heads. Two shadowglass windows allow light identities of most of the austere faces must be speculated.
to enter from the north wall. The furniture in this room consists of two couches and
four oversized lounge chairs all upholstered with dark-
The southwest door leads to a small private maroon leather and trimmed with copper finishing tacks.
chamber used for a number of purposes from private The sour scent of apple-flavored pipe tobacco tinges the
interrogation, temporary imprisonment, or as a air. Two shadowglass windows allow light to enter from
covert listening chamber allowing individuals to the southwest wall, and there appear to be no other exits.
eaves drop on seemingly private meetings.
Creatures: The parlour is occasionally used by high-
The southeast door leads to the Office. ranking officers who sit and ponder the deeds of the
men and women whose portraits adorn the walls.
Creatures: During the day there is a 50% chance While the room get little use during the day when
1d4 commanders are using the meeting room along the officers are training troops or performing similar
with an appropriate number of low ranking troops tasks, there’s a 75% chance that 1d4 of them occupy
in order to discuss upcoming strategies or events. If this room after supper or in the early evening having
a polite chat or a sharing a bottle of either wine or desks piled high with scribble-covered parchment.
an after dinner aperitif. The pipe smoke is from
Colonel Robelus Anmigan, who sometimes comes Creature: During the day, a half dozen scribes (LN
downstairs for a late evening smoke and glass of fine male/female human expert 3) attempt to complete
The Headquarters

Logian brandy when he has trouble sleeping (which the massive amount of clerical work associated
has become an increasing number of night out of the with running a military. The cabinets hold records
week). of thousands of conscripts, payroll information,
hundreds of order slips and receipts for horses, new
Colonel Robelus Anmigan CR 13 equipment, contact names of farmers, smiths cooks,
projected budgets, and all manner of confusing and
XP 25600
boring paperwork.
Male/Female human fighter 14
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Perpetually confused, the clerks despise
Init +1; Perception +3
interruptions. If interrupted once they attempt to
brush the individual off and go back to work. If
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+10 armor, +1 Dex, +1 further pressed, the yell “I’m Busy! Leave Me Alone!”
natural) and angrily throw balls of crumpled paper until a
hp 129 (14d10+52) guard comes to resolve things. At which point, the
Fort +14, Ref +8, Will +8; evasion, +4 vs. fear poor clerk bursts into tears with complaints of being
OFFENSE too bust and completely overwhelmed.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 bastard sword +25/+20/+15 (1d10+13/19–20) GF7. Library
Ranged +1 composite longbow +16/+11/+6 (1d6+1) The door opens in the center of a 15-foot long room,
STATISTICS neatly bisected by a short shelf of books. Two larger
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 bookcases cover the far walls on the opposite sides of the
room. Each section has it own study table, seated with
Base Atk +14; CMB +18; CMD 29
four chairs and centered on a shadowglass window to
Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Great Cleave, Great
allow good reading light.
Fortitude, Greater Weapon Focus (bastard sword),
Greater Weapon Specialization (bastard sword),
Library Door: Whenever it is unoccupied
Iron Will, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Mounted (according to Lesur’s working hours) the door to the
Combat, Persuasive, Power Attack, Quick Draw, library is kept locked.
Toughness, Weapon Focus (bastard sword),
Weapon Specialization (bastard sword) Books: Valuable books fill the library. Topics include
Skills Climb +14, Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +7, military histories, encyclopedias of weapons and
Intimidate +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7,
Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nobility) +4,
Linguistics +2, Perception +3, Ride +9, Survival BIBLIOPHILE
+9, Swim +12
Languages Azindralean, Common, Goblinoid, Deep appreciation for books has perfected
Kortezian your ability to quickly locate important
information from their pages and has made
SQ armor training +3, bravery +4, weapon training
you a master of using them to answer all
(heavy blades +3, bows +2, axes +1), armor
manner of questions.
training +3, bravery +4, weapon training (heavy
Benefit: Provided you have a book on the
blades +3, bows +2, axes +1)
subject in question at hand, you can use it to
Combat Gear brooch of shielding, potion of cure make Knowledge skill checks, even if you are
moderate wounds untrained in the specific knowledge.
Other Gear +1 mithral full plate, +1 amulet of natural Each minute you spend attempting to
armor, +1 cloak of resistance, +2 bastard sword, +1 research an answer grants you a +1 bonus to
composite longbow, 20 arrows, quiver. the appropriate Knowledge check, however
the total bonus is limited to the size of the
GF6. Office book. Every 100 pages a book contains grants
This long, narrow room has few furnishings and plain the reader a +1 bonus, so a 500 page book
white walls. Two rows of filing cabinets line east wall, potentially grants a +5 bonus to the relative
split by a single door of blond ash. Two more doors exit Knowledge skill check, but only if the reader
at opposite ends of the room, while two shadowglass spends at least 5 minutes looking for the
windows allow light to enter from the northwest. The answer.
remainder of the room holds two workbenches and two
armor, techniques for developing war machines and and began digging. He told no one of his tasks,
siege engines, technology in warfare, steam-driven taking out sacks of dirt and rock during the day
devices, arcane warfare, and many others when everyone was out drilling troops. Months later,
he struck a marble slab and beneath it, a gaping
Creature: The library is run by Lesur Brown, an cavernous hole. Soon after, he built a ladder and

The Headquarters
aged historian with fragile bones and a long gray excitedly descended into the depths. Though rumors
beard. He’s very particular about the books, which abound concerning the cistern’s existence, Lesur
he values more than his own life, particularly those keeps his discovery secret. Recently, he’s taken to
that deal in his favorite subject, dungeon-craft. He spending lots of time fishing in the murky waters
is helpful to a fault, though he permits no one in the or making charcoal sketches of the lost reservoir by
library without him, and keeps it locked when leaving candlelight. In the vastness, he has found peace in
it unattended. His normal hours are late mornings to the dripping echoes and the solitude. What Lesur
early afternoons most of the week when the light is is soon to discover is that the cistern is home to
best. He doesn’t permit reading by candlelight, or for an aboleth who has been waiting for the historian
that matter, any open flame source within the library. to share his discover with a few more individuals,
Neither does he loan books out as he considers his before he strikes.
collection irreplaceable.
Description: Lesur stands a few inches over
Lesur Brown 5-feet tall; a frail ancient-looking man with a long
Lesur secured his position as the Headquarters beard and course dry hair like gray straw. His pale
librarian decades ago; in fact, none of the current skin wrinkles into thick folds and is blotched with
staff can even recall who appointed him. A few years reddish-brown age spots. His back stoops slightly
back, Lesur lost his wife of many years. While he and he often uses a cane to walk. He wears simple
was never taken for a socialite, following her death brown robes tied with a knotted rope and wooden
he withdrew even farther from society, becoming sandals, and for some strange reason often carries
somewhat of a recluse and the library became his about a fishing pole.
private sanctuary from the rest of the world. One
day, while going through some architectural tomes,
Lesur Brown CR 6
Lesur made a startling discovery. According to faded
blueprints from the empirical ages, the Headquarters XP 2400
seemed built atop an ancient cistern. Testing his Male human expert 7
theory, Lesur cut a small hole in the floorboards LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Perception +2
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +1
deflection, +1 Dex)
hp 31 (7d8)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mw dagger +7 (1d4–1/19–20)
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Bibliophile, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Knowledge
[history]), Weapon Finesse
Skills Appraise +11, Craft (architectural drafts)
+13, Craft (siege weapons) +13, Diplomacy +0,
Intimidate +0, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +13,
Knowledge (engineering) +13, Knowledge (history)
+13, Knowledge (local) +13, Knowledge (nobility)
+13, Linguistics +13, Profession (engineer) +12,
Profession (scholar) +10, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Azindralean, Common, Celestial,
Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Infernal, Kortezian,
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds (2)
Other Gear ring of protection +1, bracers of armor
+1, mwk dagger, mwk draftsmen’s kit, 135 gp. Quentin
GF8. Cartography Room
The Headquarters

Double doors open into this spacious circular room.

Numbered bins of tightly rolled charts and maps line
the walls, and aside from the occasional ink stain on the
floor, everything is immaculate and neatly organized.
Placed throughout the room sit four round drafting
tables, their wooden tops covered by thick cardboard
mats for cutting and pinning chart paper. On one of the
tables sits a large abacus and a collection of numbers
and figures and a journal with notes speculating about
the nature of the lands beyond the Great Ocean.
Various tools for drafting maps can be found neatly
placed in cubbies above the bins, including compasses,
sextants and other strange devices for measuring and
calculating. A massive star chart has been painted on
the ceiling while the west wall is painted with a map of
the known world (though it’s only fully visible when the
door is closed).

Creature: Master cartographer and retired gnome

commander Quentin Fargus works tireless hours
in the map room, toiling away at his speculations
of what must lie beyond the Great Ocean. At first,
he comes off as distant and preoccupied, however
should anyone feign the slightest interest about
his work, he excitedly drags them about the room
incessantly jabbering about his wild speculations,
insisting on showing them every detail of his work.

Quentin Fargus Quentin Fargus CR 5

As former commanding officer, Quentin and his XP 1600
troops traveled the known world. Over the years, his Male ranger 3/expert 4
reputation grew, naming him one of the foremost N Small humanoid (gnome)
explorers of the Western Highlands, the Sliver Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11
Glacier, and the Lost Islands of the Great Ocean. DEFENSE
Though he has long since retired, he still obsesses AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1
over the fabled lands beyond the Great Ocean. While size) (+4 dodge vs. giants)
others (perhaps even greater explorers than himself) hp 48 (3d10+4d8+14)
have followed his example, none have successfully Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; +2 vs. illusions
found these fabled lands, perhaps with good reason. OFFENSE
After decades of study, Quentin recently unlocked
Speed 20 ft.
a series of patterns in the landscape that appear to
be some sort of geometric code; a code he believes Melee +1 gnome hooked hammer +9/+4 (1d6/1d4+1
ancient outsiders established to seal the fabled plus trip)
lands from the mortal reach. After uncovering the Special Attacks favored enemy (+2 goblinoids), +1
miraculous codes, Quentin is now more excited than on attack rolls against goblinoid and reptilian
ever to find someone to take him to these lands, a humanoids
place he believes to be a paradise where death has Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st)
no power. At Will—1/day— speak with animals (burrowing
mammals only, duration 1 minute)
Description: Quentin is a wiry for a gnome, with 7/day—1/day— dancing lights, ghost sound,
a slight pot-betty and a receding brownish-gray prestidigitation
hairline. Despite approaching old age, he remains STATISTICS
quite spry, excitable, somewhat impatient, and Str 10, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 10
speaks almost too quickly for mortal comprehension. Base Atk +6; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Deft Hands, Endurance, Self-Sufficient, Skill First Floor
Focus (Appraise) (Appraise), Two-Weapon
Fighting, Weapon Focus (hammer, gnome FF1. Stairs
The circling stairs meet here forming a small landing
Skills Appraise +1, Bluff +5, Craft (alchemy) +7,

The Headquarters
before entering into a impressive looking balcony. To one
Craft (cartography) +12, Craft (painting) +8, side, you notice a small crank connected to rope and
Disable Device +6, Fly +0, Heal +0, Knowledge pulley system that runs to the chandelier.
(dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +10,
Knowledge (nature) +8, Linguistics +5, Perception Creatures: A single guard waits here. As soon as an
+11, Sleight of Hand +0, Stealth +0, Survival +12 unknown person walks through the door, he lines up
(14 when tracking), Swim +7 a shot and prepares to snipe them.
Languages Azindralean, Common, Gnome,
Kortezian, Orc, Sylvan Field Sergeant CR 4
SQ favored terrain (urban), track, wild empathy,
hp 35; see page 9
favored terrain (urban), track, wild empathy.
Gear masterwork studded leather, +1/+1 gnome hook
Chandelier Holder: A crank wheel at the top of the
landing allows an individual to raise and lower the
chandelier in order to light the candles. If the cord
GF9. Storeroom
is cut, the chandelier plummets to the floor dealing
The door to this room is locked. Inside the barrels and 5d6 points of damage to anyone underneath (DC 15
crates pile to the ceiling. Reflex negates).
A single window to the southeast allows a little light
to enter. FF2. Balcony
A 15-foot-wide chestnut plank balcony encircles the
The crates hold various supplies including
center of tower, stopping midway through each of the
uniforms and bedding, as well as dried goods,
marble columns in the center. Sections of 3-foot-high
cheeses, tobacco.
wrought-iron railing with a chestnut handrail circle the
edge of the balcony, each safely anchored between two
The barrels contain mostly water and wine, but a
of the columns. The drop from the balcony is about
few are filled with brandy or other liquors.
20-feet and from the ledge one has a clear view of the
weather clock. The columns continue up another 20
GF10. Armory
feet, passing straight through the stained glass ceiling.
The door to this room is locked. Inside, rows of armor As with the ground floor, doors encircle the exterior wall.
and weapons racks line the walls. There are a dozen single doors and two sets of double
One of them stuffed in the southeast corner conceals doors opposite the main stair landing. Similar 10-foot-
a window. wide corridors open into the west and east walls. Each of
these opens into a small foyer with two doors in opposite
The racks hold dozens of mundane and corners.
masterwork weapons. For the most part, they are
common weapons, though there are a few exotic Creatures: four soldiers guard this area at all
pieces among them. times. They immediately arrest anyone with proper
clearance or identification.
GF11.Secret Maps
The secret door creaks, revealing a dark, tiny room. Field Sergeant CR 4
Inside the air hangs still, stale and moldering.
hp 35; see page 9
Sprinkled with dust, cobwebs, and mouse droppings,
the room seems entirely forgotten.
Guard Soldier (3) CR 1
A powerful illusion covers this room, protecting hp 14; see page 5
its secrets from outsiders. Around the room, dozens
of secret maps hang on the walls. Some contain FF3. Parlour
records of places unseen, such as lost cities, sunken The double doors swing inward opening into a large
ships, and fabled sites most believe as mythical. parlour. On either side of the entrance, small chestnut
Others contain maps of the various lands labeled bookcases partially conceal a matched pair chestnut
with war tactics, and plans for invading surrounding tables. Across the room, opposite the double doors,
countries; even those the Great City is at peace with. a couch and two lounge chairs face a tremendous
chestnut mantel. Similar to the downstairs parlor, the
The Headquarters
furniture is upholstered in dark-maroon leather. The feet This room is a privy. The sealed barrel is full
of the mantel are carved to resemble giant clawing lions and could stand to be removed. When in use, a
paws. On the mantelshelf rest twenty different drinking privy’s door is latched shut. Anyone barging in and
cups of every possible size and shape, from a crude interrupting someone’s privy time is bound to start
fur wrapped bull’s horn to gold plated goblet inlaid a fight.

The Headquarters
with gemstones. Above the mantel, hang two crossed
greatswords partially covered by a metal shield painted Headquarters NPCs
with a lion-headed serpent. Aside from the shadowglass
windows set into the northern wall, no other exits are
Captain Lubor Agres
The once talentless Captain Agres was appointed
Books: The shelves hold a variety of mundane to his position by the good graces of his father’s
texts, including a collection of home remedies, a friends; or perhaps the emptiness of their wallets. At
bawdy collection of prostitute tales, a travel guide of the time of his conscription, Lubor’s sword-fighting
different cities, and the memoirs of General Greer. style was more theatrical than deadly and even his
father speculated that his son only chose the uniform
FF 4 -11. Commander’s Room because he was too socially inept to approach
women on his own. He had even less success as a
Rooms 4 –11 are entirely similar, with exception of
foot soldier. By the end of basic training, his platoon
some of their owner’s personal belongings as noted
members despised him for being a selfish bungling
in the other sections.
fool. After basic, he was assigned a two-year stint
as guardian in the Uthmar Mines. Three-months
This room appears to be someone’s personal quarters.
in, he decided to take a nap while on guard duty.
A single bed juts from one wall, accompanied by night
As he snoozed, a troop of goblins snuck past his
table set with a candle in a tin cup. Near the foot of
position and raised a camp of miners and guards,
the bed, but off to one side stands a chestnut dresser.
leaving few survivors. Days later, survivors found
A small fireplace takes up a corner of the room, and
the straggling Lubor wandering back towards the
between the fireplace and the dresser stands an armor
camp and wasted no time cutting his throat. The
and weapons rack. The room has a single window and
three soldiers made a pact never to tell of their deed
no other exits.
and when they returned, the simply reported Lubor
among the missing. Then strangely, three weeks later
FF 12 -15. General’s Room
Lubor returned to base-camp spouting a tale of epic
Rooms 12 –15 are entirely similar, with exception of proportions and dragging a rope threaded with the
some of their owner’s personal belongings as noted heads of 20 goblins behind him. From that point
in the other sections. on, Lubor quickly excelled, meeting every challenge
and becoming one of the Armies most brilliant and
This pleasantly sized room appears to be the private strategic thinkers, in fact more than a few speculate
quarters of a high-ranking military person. As soon as the young captain is fast on his way to becoming a
you enter, you notice the armor and weapons rack. general.
Opposite the rack, rests single bed framed on the
window side by a night table, and the wall side by a Still, however well it was hidden, the truth of Lubor
matching chestnut dresser and set of shelves. A leather Agres’s death remains. The current Captain Agres is
lounge chair sits comfortably between a small stone not a human, but a strange shapeshifting aberration
fireplace and the room’s single window. There are no known as a phasm. Out of curiosity, the phasm stole
other apparent exits. Lubor’s identity and quite enjoys the calculating
profession of commanding troops. He also very
FF 16-19. Privy much enjoys the handsome inheritance left to him
Rooms 16 – 19 are entirely similar. by Lubor’s father along with the Headquarters close
proximity to the Yei Ling House of Pleasure.
This room stinks of human waste. A barrel with clean
water is pushed into the closest corner; near it is a box Description: Miraculously, Lubor Agres has grown
of clean rags. In the opposite corner are several brass better looking with age. Though most estimate he’s
basins and two small barrels. The first appears nailed in his late-forties, his appearance is closer to a man
shut while the second is filled with dark water, rose half his age. Well-built, he stands about 6-feet-tall
petals, and dirty rags. with chiseled features and piercing green eyes. He
A few more floral bouquets lie scattered throughout keeps his curly auburn hair cut just above shoulder-
the room, though they provide little defense against the length. When not in uniform, he dresses in the most
stench. Flies crawl and swarm about the brass basins fabulous and expensive clothing he can find.
and barrels in the far corner
Lubor Agres
attempts to flee and witll transform if he believes
opponents could slay him.
Base Statistics In his natural form Lubor Statistics
are as follows:
The Headquarters

AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15

Melee slam +14 (1d4+1)
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +13; CMB +14; CMD 27
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes,
Deceitful, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility,
Persuasive, Spring Attack, Strike Back, Weapon
Focus (longsword)
Skills Acrobatics +14, Bluff +20, Climb +15, Craft
(vinting) +14, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +20*,
Escape Artist +14, Intimidate +19, Knowledge
(local) +16, Linguistics +4, Perception +15, Sense
Motive +0, Stealth +14, Survival +13
Languages Azindralean, Common, Goblin, Kortezian
SQ alternate form, bravery +1, resilient
Gear light steel shield, mithral chainmail, +1
Amorphous (Ex) A phasm in its natural form has
immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, polymorph,
and stunning effects. It is not subject to critical
hits and, having no clear front or back, cannot be
Lubor Agres CR 9 flanked.
Resilient (Ex) A phasm has a +4 racial bonus on
XP 6400
Fortitude and Reflex saves (included in the
— phasm fighter 2
statistics block).
CN Medium aberration (shapechanger)
Alternate Form (Su) A phasm can assume any form
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent, tremorsense
of Large size or smaller as a standard action (as
60 ft.; Perception +15
beastshape I with no limit to duration). A phasm
can remain in its alternate form until it chooses to
AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 22 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +1 assume a new one or return to its natural form.
dodge, +5 natural, +1 shield) Skills
hp 114 (15d8+2d10+36) *When using shapechange, a phasm gains a +10
Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +11; +1 vs. fear, amorphous circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.
Defensive Abilities amorphous
Speed 30 ft. Though an appointed member of the
Melee +1 longsword +16/+11/+6 (1d8+2/19–20) Headquarters’ guard, most feel the slight young
TACTICS woman did little to earn he position saves to meet
Before Combat Lubor remains detached, almost the personal fancies of old General Prostolom.
calculated at all times, nevei giving an indication Ironically perhaps, these speculations bear some
of when he is about to initiate combat truth, however Denorra is actually both a talented
During Combat Lubor fights in human form rogue and General’s niece. As the two meet in
to protect his cover, though if he can draw private to stage their intimate affair, Denorra relays
opponents into private or concealed areas, has no all the goings on of the Headquarters, covertly
qualms about shifting into his more terrible, true keeping him abreast of possible threats and political
form. rivalry.
Morale Lubor If battling in a Lubor, the phasm fights
until he feels overpowered or badly threatened. Denorra possesses a shy and slightly unfriendly
Usually this occurs if the creature is dropped demeanor. About 18 years old or so, she’s a
below twenty hp. Once droped to threat range, he somewhat plain, but pretty girl. She seems diligent
Denorra Prostolom
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 22
Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Fleet, Martial
Weapon Proficiency, Toughness, Weapon Focus

The Headquarters
Skills Acrobatics +14, Bluff +9, Climb +10, Diplomacy
+12, Disable Device +11, Intimidate +10,
Knowledge (local) +7, Linguistics +8, Perception
+11, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth
+15, Survival +6, Swim +9, Use Magic Device +9
Languages Azindralean, Common, Kortezian, Orc,
SQ rogue talents (fast stealth, resiliency +9, stand
up, surprise attack), trapfinding, trapsense +3
Other Gear +2 chain shirt, +1 cloak of resistance, +1
longsword, mwk shortbow, 20 arrows.

General Valdain Krymont-Atregan CR 15

XP 51200
Male human ghostblade 16
(Great City Players Guide 15)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Perception +2
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 98 (16d10+10)
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +6
in her concern for the Headquarters security and her Speed 30 ft.
uniform is always in top shape. Melee ancestral +2 wounding bastard sword
+23/+18/+13/+8 (1d10+5/19–20 plus wounding)
Description: Denorra has a coffee complexion, Ranged +1 heavy crossbow +19/+14/+9/+4
wide almond eyes, and full lips. She wears her hair (1d10+1/19–20)
pulled back into rows of tight braids all bound into Special Attacks haunted, manifest spirits (35 rounds/
a single ponytail at the nape of her neck. On the left day), spirit powers (blind sense, corrupting
side of her throat is a faded green tattoo written in strike +6d6, draining touch, frightful moan,
elvish that reads, “freedom before death”. malevolence, read past, spirit armor (+3), visage
of death), strengthen spirits (5)
Denorra Prostolom CR 9 STATISTICS
XP 6400 Str 16, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 12
female rogue 9 Base Atk +16; CMB +19; CMD 31
N Medium humanoid (human) Feats Alertness(B), Combat Expertise, Dazzling
Init +4; Perception +11 Display, Deadly Stroke, Exotic Weapon
DEFENSE Proficiency(B), Greater Weapon Focus (bastard
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +4 Dex, sword), Improved Feint, Lunge, Shatter Defenses,
+1 dodge) (improved uncanny dodge, uncanny Weapon Focus (bastard sword)
dodge) Skills Bluff +14, Climb +9, Craft (weaponsmith)
hp 44 (9d8) +11, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +14, Knowledge
Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +4; evasion (history) +10, Knowledge (nobility) +10,
Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +6,
Perception +0, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +14,
Speed 35 ft.
Stealth +14, Swim +9, Use Magic Device +10
Melee +1 longsword +9/+4 (1d8+2/19–20)
Languages Azindralean, Common, Kortezian
Ranged mw shortbow +11/+6 (1d6/x3)
SQ haunted, manifest spirits, summon ancestral
Special Attacks sneak attack (+5d6)
weapon, weapon bond Frightful Moan (Su): A ghostblade can channel
Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds a spirit’s frightful moan as a standard action.
Other Gear +3 chain shirt, cloak of resistance +1, All living creatures within a 30-ft spread must
ancestral +2 wounding bastard sword, +1 heavy succeed a DC 19 Will save or become panicked
The Headquarters

crossbow, 20 bolts, quiver. for 3 rounds. This is a sonic, necromantic, mind-

SPECIAL ABILITIES affecting, fear effect. A creature that successfully
Haunted (Su): The ghostblade’s soul is saves against the moan cannot be affected by the
supernaturally bound to the souls of his same ghostblade’s moan ability for 24 hours.
ancestors. He can use the blade to activate Malevolence (Su): When the ghostblade strikes
the Manifest Spirits ability. Furthermore, if his an opponent, he can loose the spirit’s ethereal
ancestral weapon is within line of sight and line of manifestation into the target’s body. The target
effect, the ghostblade can summon it to his hand can resist this ability with a successful DC 19 Will
as a swift action. save. If the target fails her save, the ghostblade
Manifest Spirits (Su): Using his ancestral weapon, can command her as the spell dominate monster.
a ghostblade can summon forth the spirits that The ghostblade must concentrate each round to
haunt him, allowing them to interact with the maintain this effect. A creature that successfully
physical world. He can manifest spirits for 19 saves is immune to that same ghostblades’
rounds per day. Temporary increases to Charisma, malevolence for 24 hours.
such as those gained from spells like eagle’s Read Past (Su): Upon a successful strike, the
splendor, do not increase the total number of ghostblade’s spirits tear at the target’s psyche.
rounds that a ghostblade can manifest spirits The target must make a DC 19 Will save to avoid
per day. A ghostblade can manifest spirits as having his past revealed to the ghostblade. If he
a free action. The total number of rounds of fails, the ghostblade knows the target’s name,
manifest spirit per day is renewed after resting place of birth, members of his family, alignment,
for 8 hours, although these hours do not need allegiances, and personal secrets. Read past is a
to be consecutive. A ghostblade can terminate a mind-affecting effect.
manifestation as a free action and is fatigued after Spirit Armor (Sp): This spirits shield the ghostblade from
the manifestation for a number of rounds equal to attack. The ghostblade gains +3 shield bonus to AC.
2 times the number of rounds spent channeling Visage of Death (Su): Once per round, after landing
the spirit. A ghostblade cannot initiate a new a successful attack, the spirits manifest upon the
spirit manifestation while fatigued or exhausted ghostblade’s flesh to create a terrifying visage.
but can otherwise enter manifestation multiple Any living creature within 60 ft that views the
times during a single encounter or combat. If a ghostblade’s manifestation must succeed a DC 19
ghostblade falls unconscious, his manifestation Fortitude save or immediately take 1d4 points of
immediately ends. Strength damage, 1d4 points of Dexterity damage,
Spirit Powers: As a ghostblade gains levels, he learns and 1d4 points of Constitution damage. A creature
to channel spirits in new ways. A ghostblade gains that successfully saves against this effect cannot
the benefits of spirit powers only for as long as he be affected by the same ghostblade’s visage of
Manifests Spirits. The Commander possesses the death for 24 hours.
following powers: Strengthen Spirits (Su): The ghostblade chooses
Blindsense (Su): The spirits watch over the three spirit power he knows and enhances in one
ghostblade, alerting him to things he cannot of the following ways:
perceive. The ghostblade gains the blindsense • Empower: The ghostblade can choose to increase
ability by half all variable, numeric effects of the chosen
Corrupting Strike (Su): The ghostblade’s ancestral spirit power for its duration. Doing so costs
weapon turns incorporeal and can be used 2 rounds from the number of rounds he can
to make a touch attack that deals 6d6 points manifest spirits that day.
of damage. Against ethereal opponents, the • Extend: Any numeric measurements of the chosen
ghostblade adds his Strength modifier to attack spirit power’s range or area increase by 100%.
and damage rolls. Against nonethereal opponents, Doing so costs 3 rounds from the number of
he adds his Dexterity modifier to attack rolls only. rounds he can manifest spirits that day.
Draining Touch (Su): A ghostblade that strikes a living • Focus: Add +2 to the DC of any saving throws
target with his ancestral weapon attack drains 1 against the chosen power.
point from any one ability score he selects. On • Maximize: The ghostblade can choose to maximize
each such successful attack, the ghostblade heals all variable, numeric effects of the chosen spirit
5 points of damage to himself. power for its duration. Doing so costs 3 rounds

from the number of rounds he can manifest Spellcraft +10, Stealth +9, Survival +9
spirits that day. Languages Abyssal, Common, Kortezian
Weapon Bond (Sp): A ghostblade can always sense SQ armor training +2, bravery +2, weapon training
the location of his ancestral weapon as if using the (heavy blades +1), armor training +2, bravery +2,
locate object spell. weapon training (heavy blades +1)

The Headquarters
Summon Ancestral Weapon (Sp): A ghostblade Combat Gear potion of haste, deathblade poison
can summon his ancestral weapon from any (Injury DC 20, 1d6 Con/2d6 Con), 3 doses purple
location, at will. It takes three rounds of complete worm poison (Injury DC 24, 1d6 Str/2d6 Str)
concentration after which the weapon magically Other Gear +1 mithral full plate, +2 amulet of natural
appears in his hand. If the weapon is on another armor, +2 belt of giant strength, two-bladed sword
plane of existence, the ghostblade must make a DC (+1 frost and +1 shock), 3 mwk javelins.
30 Spellcraft check or the attempt fails and he must SPECIAL ABILITIES
wait 24 hours before making another attempt. Aura of Despair (Su): Uril radiates a malign aura that
causes enemies within 10 ft of him to take a -2
General Uril Krakon CR 15 penalty on all saving throws.
XP 51200
(blackguard 3.5 OGL SRD)
Male fighter 8/blackguard 8 Uril Krakon
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Perception +6
Aura despair 10 ft; moderate evil
AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 22 (+10 armor, +3 Dex, +2
hp 112 (8d10+8d10+24)
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +7; +2 vs. fear,
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 frostbrand two–bladed sword +21/+16/+11
(1d8+8/19–20 plus 1d6 cold) and +1 shocking
two–bladed sword +21 (1d8+8/19–20 plus 1d6
Ranged mwk adamantine javelin +20/+15/+10 (1d6)
Special Attacks channel negative energy (3d6, DC 15,
5/day), smite good 2/day, sneak attack +2d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th)
At Will—detect good
Blackguard Spells Prepared (CL 8th)
3rd—inflict serious wounds (DC 15)
2nd—bull’s strength
1st—cause fear (DC 13), corrupt weapon, cure light
Str 18, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 14
Base Atk +16; CMB +20; CMD 33
Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes,
Command Undead, Exotic Weapon Proficiency,
Great Fortitude, Improved Sunder, Improved
Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Leadership,
Persuasive, Toughness, Weapon Focus (two-
bladed sword), Weapon Specialization (two-
bladed sword)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +2, Bluff +4, Climb
+13, Diplomacy +16, Heal +9, Intimidate +15,
Knowledge (religion) +9, Perception +6, Ride +12,
Channel Negative Energy (Su): Uril can channel OFFENSE
negative energy as a 6th level cleric. Speed 30 ft.
Dark Blessing (Su): Uril applies his Charisma Melee +3 axiomatic longsword +33/+28/+23/+18
modifier (if any) as a bonus on all his saving (1d8+15/17–20 plus 2d6 vs chaotic creatures)
The Headquarters

Fiendish Servant: Uril can summon a fiendish Str 19, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 13
warhorse, Blackdamp, to serve him. Base Atk +20; CMB +24; CMD 35
Poison Use: Uril is skilled in the use of poison and Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Great Fortitude,
never risks accidentally poisoning himself. Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (longsword),
Greater Weapon Specialization (longsword),
Blackdamp CR— Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Iron
Male fiendish heavy horse (companion) Will, Improved Shield Bash, Iron Will, Leadership,
LE Large magical beast (extraplanar) Lightning Reflexes, Mounted Combat, Persuasive,
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Power Attack, Ride-By Attack, Shield Master,
scent; Perception +10 Spirited Charge, Toughness, Weapon Focus
(longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +7, Climb +13, Diplomacy
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, +7 natural, –1
+9, Handle Animal +12, Intimidate +12,
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge
hp 84 (8d10+40)
(geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5,
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +5; improved evasion
Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +5,
DR 5/good; Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 13
Linguistics +6, Perception +7, Ride +13, Survival
+9, Swim +11
Speed 50 ft. Languages Azindralean, Common, Giant, Goblinoid,
Melee 2 hooves +8 (1d6+3), bite +13 (1d6+6) Gnoll, Kortezian
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. SQ armor mastery, armor training +4, bravery +5,
Special Attacks smite good (1/day; +6) weapon training (heavy blades +4, bows +3,
STATISTICS spears +2, light blades +1), armor mastery, armor
Str 23, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 11 training +4, bravery +5, weapon training (heavy
Base Atk +8; CMB +15; CMD 29 (33 vs. trip) blades +4, bows +3, spears +2, light blades +1)
Feats Blind-Fight, Endurance, Improved Natural Combat Gear boots of speed
Attack (bite), Improved Overrun, Run(B) Other Gear +4 mithral full plate, +2 heavy steel
Skills Perception +10, Stealth +7 shield,+2 belt of physical perfection, +3 axiomatic
SQ blood bond, docile, empathic link, share spells, longsword, ring of evasion; heavy warhorse, private
speak with blackguard residence in Castle Ward.
Docile (Ex): Unless specifically trained for combat General Ariana Blackwell CR 13
(see the Handle Animal skill), a horse’s hooves XP 25600
are treated as secondary attacks. Female human fighter 4/wizard 5/eldritch knight 5
Blood Bond (Ex): If Blackdamp witnesses Uril being N Medium humanoid (human)
threatened or harmed, he gains a +2 bonus on all Init +2; Perception +0
attack rolls, checks and saves. This bonus lasts as
long as the threat is immediate and apparent.
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+8 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 85 (4d10+5d6+5d10+19)
General Henrik Prostolom CR 19 Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +8; +1 vs. fear
Male human fighter 20 Speed 30 ft.
LG Medium humanoid (human) Melee +1 flaming rapier +15 (1d6+5/15–20 plus 1d6)
Init +1; Perception +7 Ranged +1 javelin +14 (1d6+3)
DEFENSE Special Attacks hand of the apprentice (7/day)
AC 28, touch 11, flat-footed 27 (+13 armor, +1 Dex, +4 Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 10th)
shield) 5th—baleful polymorph (DC 19), false vision (DC 19)
hp 200 (20d10+90) 4th—dimensional door, phantasmal killer (DC 18),
Fort +17, Ref +9, Will +9; evasion, +5 vs. fear scrying
DR 5/— 3rd—arcane sight, blink, clairaudience/clairvoyance,
dispel magic DEFENSE
2nd—detect thoughts (DC 16), invisibility, obscure AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex, +7 natural, +2
object, see invisibility, spider climb size)
1st—disguise self, identify, magic missile, silent image, hp 44 (14HD)
true strike Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +9; improved evasion

The Headquarters
0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, mending, read Immune paralysis, sleep, SR 12
STATISTICS Speed 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 12 Melee sting +3 (1d3–2 plus poison) and bite +3
Base Atk +11; CMB +13; CMD 25 (1d2–2)
Feats Arcane Armor Mastery(B), Arcane Armor Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; 5 ft. with tail
Training(B), Combat Expertise, Improved Critical Special Attacks deliver touch spells
(rapier), Improved Familiar, Improved Feint, STATISTICS
Leadership, Lunge, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Str 7, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Spring Attack, Still Spell, Weapon Finesse, Base Atk +11; CMB +9; CMD 21
Weapon Focus (rapier), Weapon Specialization Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse
(rapier) Skills Diplomacy +5, Fly +15, Perception +8, Sense
Skills Climb +12, Handle Animal +11, Intimidate +11, Motive +8, Stealth +19 (+23 in forests), Survival +6
Knowledge (arcana) +16, Knowledge (engineering) Languages Draconic, telepathy 60 ft.
+12, Knowledge (geography) +12, Knowledge SQ empathic link, share spells, speak with master
(history) +12, Knowledge (local) +14, Knowledge SPECIAL ABILITIES
(nobility) +12, Knowledge (planes) +12, Linguistics
Poison (Ex) Sting; save Fort DC 14; frequency 1/
+13, Ride +13, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +19,
minute for 10 minutes; effect sleep for 1 minute;
Swim +13
cure 1 save.
Languages Azindralean, Common, Goblin, Draconic,
Elven, Kortezian, Sylvan; empathic link
SQ armor training +1, arcane bond (pseudo dragon),
Adventure Seeds
bravery +1, diverse training • Marol Agres suspects that his nephew isn’t
Gear +2 mithral breastplate, +1 cloak of resistance, +1 all that he seems. His suspicions compounded
flaming rapier, +2 head band of mental prowess (Int, following the recent passing of his brother, and
Cha) Lubor’s subsequent inheritance of his father’s sizable
fortune. He offers to pay players to investigate Lubor
Spell Book all spells prepared plus:
and bring him whatever evidence they can find
5th— cloudkill, cone of cold, dominate person, hold
about his miraculous rise through the military ranks.
monster, telekinesis, wall of force
Marol still has a more than a few contacts within
4th— charm monster, fire shield, globe of
the military and can manage to get them all jobs as
invulnerability, hallucinatory terrain, illusory wall, Headquarter guards.
remove curse, solid fog, stone skin, wall of ice
3rd— fireball, fly, haste, hold person, slow, suggestion, • Cartographer and noted explorer Quentin Fargus
tongues, vampiric touch is partial correct in his recent discoveries; the Fabled
2nd— alter self, blur, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, Lands do exist- however they are no paradise. On the
hideous laughter, acid arrow, minor image, protection contrary, the ancient formulas open a gate between
from arrows, resist energy, scorching ray world where fiends have become native outsiders
1st— alarm, charm person, endure elements, and cannot be banished. An astral deva contacts
expeditious retreat, feather fall, grease, sleep players and tasks them with subtly altering Quentin’s
0— all cantrips work so that his calculations cannot open the gate. A
SPECIAL ABILITIES low-profile task requiring the utmost secrecy. At first,
Diverse Training: Arianna adds her PrC level to the job is simple and the trusting Cartographer fails
her fighter levels for the purpose of meeting the to notice any significant changes. But when Quentin
prerequisites for feats. She also adds her level to cross-references his current notes with his prized
possession (an ancient map of the Fabled Lands), he
any levels in an arcane spellcasting class for the
becomes delusional and paranoid, even murderous
purpose of meeting the prerequisites for feats.
of any who would deny night him the rewards of
discovering paradise before his death. Players must
Daxis (pseudo-dragon familiar) CR — locate his secret room, and find his map before the
NG Tiny dragon dark forces of the world become aware of it.
Init +2; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60
ft.;Perception +8
The Golden Eel

The Golden Eel

L ocated on a prime spot facing the harbor

prominently rests the Dock Ward’s most
celebrated and most expensive inn, The Golden
In truth, Marcoso is a vampire. He has never
left the city, but instead, simply faked his death as
Mardano and returned as his own wayward son.
Eel. Golden Eel caters to the pleasure of the port’s In the interim, a demonic cohort of his agreed to a
wealthier clientele, particularly traveling merchants pact whereby she would act as Marcoso’s mother
and rich nobles who come to sample its exquisite for a few short years, until he could re-establish
cuisine. It is also a favored spot of higher-ups within himself. Marcoso maintains an excellent front. He
the local navy, who often rent its private conference keeps prices at his inn expensive, dissuading casual
room to discuss strategies over a fine cooked meal eyes from prying and he does a remarkable job of
and imported brandy. maintaining a low public profile. Those few he keeps
contact with include Blood Senator Eldon Vulgrax,
For several generations now, the inn has been Tax Warden Plank, merchant council representative
owned and operated by the Kval family. Immigrants Shaunis Caeil, Lord Cruik Ironhull and other high-
from a neighboring land, they bought the ranking naval officers. With these esteemed guests,
establishment from the local navy and converted he is never less than cordial. Still he remains rarely
it from rundown barracks into a glorious inn. The seen. Instead, he entrusts the Inn’s caretaking to his
current owner is Marcoso Kval. small, but able-bodied staff, which consists of Mira
the widow and her three sons, the renowned Chef
Marcoso Kval Panobla, and a tough ex-con named Admir.
Once the family blacksheep, Marcoso ran away
from home at the age of ten. As rumor has it, he Marcoso is a prominent member of a small
stowed away on a ship and eventually became a cabal dedicated to the demon lord of blood. The
royal privateer. After years at sea, he returned home cabal maintains loose connections with similar
to mourn the passing of his father Mardano Kval organizations including the infamous Jadru Neeler
and stayed on with his mother to keep the business and the perverse eugenic manipulating Ghurophites.
going. She eventually passed as well, though he had Thus, the Golden Eel provides Marcoso with a
at one time threatened to sell the establishment, he valuable location within the city, as well as access
has since kept on with it for the last decade. At least, to its port and direct contact to the many private
this is the impression he has given the locals. conversations high-society members share within
Marcoso Kval
DR 10/magic and silver; Immune cold, undead traits;
Resist electricity 10
Weaknesses vampire weaknesses
Speed 30 ft.

The Golden Eel

Melee +1 rapier +12 (1d6+5/18–20) and
slam +10 (1d4+4 plus energy drain)
Special Attacks blood drain, children of the night,
create spawn, dominate (DC 17), energy drain (2
level, DC 17)
Str 19, Dex 19, Con —, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 18
Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 26
Feats Alertness(B), Combat Reflexes(B), Deceitful,
Dodge, Improved Initiative(B), Improved Two-
Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes(B),
Mobility, Persuasive, Toughness(B), Two-Weapon
Fighting, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (rapier)
Skills Appraise +8, Bluff +18, Climb +10, Diplomacy
+15, Disguise +10, Fly +10, Intimidate +13,
Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +9,
Linguistics +8, Perception +16, Sense Motive +16,
Stealth +13, Survival +7
Languages Azindralean, Common, Infernal,
SQ armor training +1, bravery +2, change shape
(dire bat or wolf, beast shape II), gaseous form,
shadowless, spider climb, weapon training (light
blades +1),
Other Gear +1 ring of protection, a black onyx ring
intricately cast into wreath of thorny roses

Ground Floor
his walls. He largely hunts elsewhere, traveling far
outside of town to avoid suspicion, or has feasting GF1. Grand Foyer
on special items brought in by Panobla. Still, he
Two massive oak doors provide entrance to the
serves as master over several vampire spawn that
Golden Eel. They swing inward and are almost never
inhabit the Dock Ward.
locked as the inn is open 24 hours. Still, all the Inn’s
Marcoso’s primary motivation remains to keep the
employees have a key to the front door.
inn running smoothly and accommodate his guests,
Oak Front Doors: 2 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 20;
thus keeping its secondary function as a meeting
Break DC 23, Open Lock DC 25
place for his cabal undetected.
During the day and early evening, a woman named
Marcoso Kval CR 7 Mira runs the front desk. Mira invites guests into
XP 3200 the check in room located behind and to the left
Male human vampire fighter 6/aristocrat 1 the counter. Here she sits behind a large chestnut
LE Medium undead (augmented, human) desk. Clients sit opposite of her while she takes their
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16 deposits and gives them a room key. During this
DEFENSE time, she also summons a bellhop, her 13-year-old
son Edram to take their belongings upstairs.
AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+1 deflection, +4 Dex,
+1 dodge, +6 natural)
Late night, an ex-con brute named Admir runs
hp 76 (6d10+1d8+39); fast healing 5
the inn. He conducts business at the front counter,
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +8; +2 vs. fear though he still requests a room deposit. There is no
Defensive Abilities Channel resistance +4 bellhop after 10 pm.


20 16 5 (T


The Golden Eel


3 10 14


13 11





1 2




0 120 240
2 - The Golden Eel Inn (Dock Ward) FEET

Admir Admir CR 2
Admir is a burly ex-con whoseTeyes
HE Hfall
too long on XP 600 6
individuals before he speaks. This quality makes his Male human fighter 2 rogue 1
presence somewhat unsettling. Marcoso has cleaned NE Medium humanoid (human)
Admir up nicely, and he wears a black silken tabard Init +1; Perception +3
over well-polished chainmail. He is clean-shaven DEFENSE 4
(both face and pate) though, he has a tiny near his
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1
right temple indicating he has been in at least one
scrap. Careful observation (Search DC 20) reveals
hp 18 (2d10+1d8+3)
a faded ring tattoo of skulls and roses on the ring
finger of his right hand. A Knowledge (local) skill Fort +3, Ref +3, Will –1; +1 vs. fear
1 check (DC 15) denotes it as a prison tattoo that one OFFENSE
gets for shoving a fellow inmate. Allow Admir to Speed 30 ft.
make an opposed Sense Motive check (+3) against Melee mwk battle axe +6 (1d10+2/19–20) or dagger
the PC’s Search check to see if he catches anyone +4 (1d4+2/19–20)

noticing his tattoo. Ranged dagger +3 (1d4/19–20) or shortbow +3 (1d6/

Admir works the front desk late nights. During the
13 13
TO THE SALTSHACKS day, he retires to one of the rooms upstairs, sleeping Str 14, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
(11) from early morning just past noon. After that, PCs
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 15
can encounter him patrolling the inn, or occasionally 13 13
Feats Combat Casting, Power Attack, Shield Focus,
working security for unloading cargo ships down at
Stealthy, Throw Anything, Weapon Focus (battle
the docks. Marcoso isn’t above dominating Admir
for use in special projects under the assumption that
the convict is replaceable if the law should find him Skills Acrobatics +4, Bluff +4, Climb +5, Diplomacy
guilty of any crimes. +3, Escape Artist +5, Knowledge (local) +5,
19 Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +5,
Admir’s primary motivation is to keep a steady job,
but he’s capable Gutters,
of almost Theif offered
anything Last the
right amount of money; including betraying Marcoso,
Survival +4
Big Sloppy)
Common, Kortezian,
whom he doesn’t realize is a powerful vampire. SQ bravery +1
Combat Gear potion of bull’s strength, dust of dryness glisten youthfully, though fine wrinkles are beginning
(filled with water) to blossom in her soft peach complexion. She wears
Other Gear masterwork chain shirt, light wooden a long burgundy-hued cotton dress and bodice and
shield, mwk battle axe, daggers (2), shortbow, a white blouse.Widowed young, Mira began working
quiver with 20 arrows. at the Golden Eel to help support her two sons Durn

The Golden Eel

and Edram. While she suspects more to Marcoso
Two massive oak doors swing inward opening to a and his Inn than is readily apparent, she has done
spacious and lavishly decorated foyer. The walls are her best to avoid prying. Marcoso respects this
striking, deep lacquered wood paneling set in finely quality and has kept her well paid for it, as she lends
carved frames offset by a rich-hued ebon-wood floor, the place an air of normalcy.
decadently covered with a large, rich-hued carpet. Wide Mira’s primary motivation is to support her
open arches to the left and right lead to other areas of children and as far as she’s concerned, Marcoso has
the inn. There are no windows in this room, however it always helped her accomplish that. While she won’t
is brightly lit by a massive overhead chandelier, hanging defend Marcoso over her own children, she remains
down from the high, 15 feet ceilings. firmly sided with him.

At the far end of the room is a long counter top of Edram (N male human commoner 1): Edram is
veneered with a heavily burled wood. Behind it stands a Mira’s eldest son. Edram remembers life before the
fair-haired woman in her early thirties. She wears a long inn and isn’t nearly as spoiled as Durn, though he
burgundy-hued cotton dress and bodice and a white still appreciates tips. He wears his brown hair cut
blouse. On top of the desk rests a small silver bell, a just above his shoulder, and carries himself with the
leather-bound writing book, and a quill and ink set. As awkward posture of a teenager growing into his body.
you enter, she looks up and asks in a polite voice, “May He dresses in knickers and a jacket with a high collar.
I help you?” Edram works two jobs– one as the bellhop during
check in hours, the other as Panobla’s dish-boy (after
Mira (N female human commoner 3): A fair-haired the dining room closes).
woman in her early thirties, Mira’s light green eyes Edram’s primary motivation is to help his mother
and his little brother, keeping them safe and out of

Admir Creatures: The richly woven foyer carpet has

been enchanted. Upon command, it animates and
attempts to smother targets, as designated by
Marcoso or the desk clerk. It acts likewise if a patron
suddenly bears arms and threatens or charges
aggressively towards the desk clerk.

Animated Carpet CR 5
N Large construct
Init-1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception –5
AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+7 natural, –1 size)
hp 52 (4d10+30)
Defensive Abilities hardness 5; Immune Construct
Fort +1 Ref +1 Will -4
Spd 20 ft. fly 10 ft (clumsy)
Melee Slam +7 (1d6+4)
Space 10ft ; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks constrict, grab
Str 20 Dex 8 Con — Int — Wis 1 Cha 1
Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 19
SQ Construction points (constrict, grab, fly)

Developments: To the left of the counter is a small
private room with an oak check-in desk and some TIPPING THE STAFF
chairs. Within the desk is a locked panel containing
36 sets of keys, three sets for each room. Both Mira The Golden Eel is a high end Inn and as
and Marcoso possess a key to open the panel. such, its servants expect tips, usually in the
The Golden Eel

Customers receive one key with the room; a second form of silver pieces for adults and coppers
key can be requested for an additional fee of 5 sp. for the boys. If the boys aren’t tipped, Durn
The desk keeps a third key in case of emergencies. in particular, they perform slightly under par.
The establishment charges a fee of 50 gp to replace Perhaps not promptly removing bedpans or
lost keys (citing client safety, they claim the cost is more likely not replacing them with clean
needed to replace the locks). ones.

GF2. Formal Dining Area

The dining area is relatively small and private, with
Available upon reservation only, the formal dining only ten tables. Still, its lavish décor is overwhelming.
room only accommodates forty people, and then The floors and lower half of the walls are set with terra
only if seated in groups of four. Serviced by four cotta tiles inlaid with blue-green glass mosaic. The
attractive servers, two females and two males upper walls and ceiling are white washed stucco framed
(N human commoner 1). Though there are a few by thick chestnut timbers. The centerpiece of the room
exceptions made to regular patrons, guests of the is a dais that supports a massive glass tube aquarium
inn generally have priority over walk-ins. Regardless, surrounded by four white marble pillars. The pillar is
only those wearing the proper attire of a Kortezian some how light from inside, illuminating a life-size
aristocrat or military officer are permitted into the copper-oxidized statue of a mermaid and two-dozen
dining room. Kitchen hours run from one hour live baby golden eels. The room is finished with brass
before noon, until five hours past sunset. The dining fixtures, velvet and chintz upholstered furniture, and
room remains open a few hours after the service blood-red gossamer tablecloths.
closes, but offers nothing but drinks during this
time. The NPC description section contains a sidebar The north and south walls each share a pair of large,
of possible patrons. There is no menu at the Inn, intricately patterned, stained-glass windows that look as
instead Chef Panobla prepares four dishes for the though imported from an abandoned monastery. Their
afternoon and six for the evening, based on whatever heavy glass panes allow little light to pass through them,
strikes his fancy during the day. Afternoons he serves safeguarding the privacy of dining patrons. Instead,
a two-course meal, while dinner is a full four courses. light comes from the aquarium and the small, tastefully
Meals are extremely pricey, but extraordinarily good. ornate brass candelabras centerpieces at each table. A
Regardless of the fare, Panobla’s ingredients remain large swinging door to the west leads to the kitchen.
incredibly fresh, exquisitely prepared and seasoned
with rare and exotic spices. Afternoon meals cost 25 Glass Tube Aquarium: 1 in. thick; Hardness 1; hp 2;
gp each including coffee, while evening meals cost Break DC 10
50 gp each including coffee. Drinks are extra and
Panobla only serves the finest wines and brandies
If the tank breaks, it spills water and eels across
(between 20 to 1,000gp a bottle). To assuage the
the floor in a 30-foot-radius centered on the
high costs, the GM may permit on of the PCs’
aquarium. Anyone trying to move in this area must
patrons to treat them to a meal as reward for prior
move at half speed or make a successful Balance
services well done.
Skill check (DC 12). A failed save results in slipping
on an eel and falling prone.
Typical Fare
Anyone falling into the glass is dealt 2d6 slashing
• Raw deep crab legs cold marinated in hand-pressed
damage from shards of glass.
limejuice and spicy sea peppers.
• Thrice backed tojanida stew over a bed of fresh
seaweed greens and sprinkled with fresh sea cat’s Marcoso demands 500 gold pieces from whoever
milk cheese. breaks the glass tube aquarium, to replace it.
• Baby octopus in aspic and drenched with octopi
GF3. The Waiting Room
• Black pepper crusted, grilled walrus steaks braised This is a waiting room for those patrons who have
with oyster sauce. arrived early for their reservations.
At any time during business hours, up to six
• Flambé urchin stuffed with orange fey berries and
patrons may occupy the room. Any of the patrons
set with honey-glazed lotus petal-wrapped shrimp.
described in area GF 2 might also be found here.
• Whole cracked chuul claw boiled in a broth of
clams, onions, saffron, and clover mead.
This small waiting room contains four oversized chairs
OPTIONAL PATRONS The muscular woman is Pyrelle (NE female half-
elf fighter 5), a hardened privateer whose mercenary
At any given time during business hours there
avarice has made her and her crew the scourge of
are between 12 + d20 patrons eating in the dining
pirates everywhere. She has a fierce reputation for
room. These are typically wealthy nobles from the

The Golden Eel

burning ships along with their crew, and draw-and-
city, however they may also include one or more of
quartering survivors in lieu of taking prisoners.
the following patrons:
She cares little for who patronizes her ventures,
Geshard (diner patron only)
provided they pay her well. Over the years, she has
fought for neighboring kingdoms, with equal relish.
Sitting alone at a table in the corner is an Her three associates include her skipper, and her
unnervingly quiet nobleman with greasy black first and second mates (all NE human fighters 2).
hair and deep-set hazel eyes. Contrary to the They are in port to pick up a few new contracts and
evening’s menu, he is eating steak tartar. He seems to sample Panobla’s fine cuisine before heading
preoccupied and aloof. back out to sea.
This patron is Geshard (LE male vampire spawn).
One of Marcoso’s spawn, he has come to bring If intruded upon, catch some one listening in
him news that a powerful vampire hunter has on their conversation or are otherwise offended,
discovered some of the organization’s enclaves they refuse to fight within the restaurant. Instead,
in the neighboring kingdom and to prepare for Pyrelle challenges the offender to a duel outside the
betrayal. If approached, he is curt and excuses restaurant following dinner.
himself almost immediately to use the bathroom.
Shalan Harlack
Instead, he goes to his room, locks the door and
exits through the window. If followed, he informs At this table sits a well-dressed elf with long silver
the pursuer that he is in grave trouble and needs hair and bright blue eyes is cheerfully enjoying his
to meet with them later that evening, alone in meal with an equally well-dressed female human.
mouse alley with an important message. He attacks The elf is Shalan Harlack (NG male human ranger
anyone foolish enough to show up. 5), a vampire hunter investigating the Golden Eel
and Marcoso. The female is a local prostitute,
Pyrelle and the Privateers whom he has paid to make him appear engaged,
Seated at this table are two couples in their while he studies the place. Shalan also has room
early thirties. All of the patrons are dressed upstairs. If characters confront him he is cordial
in an amalgam of garishly decorated naval and well-spoken. He asks happily if the PCs are
finery collected from top ranking officers of staying at the inn or in the nearby area and invites
several bordering ports. A muscular woman them for a game of darts at another tavern nearby
with a noticeably milky left eye dominates their later in the evening.
conversation, though the majority of it is on the Should any PC meet him later, he explains who
subject of the ruthless commandeering pirate he really is and alerts them to his suspicions.
ships. At this point he leaves on his own and never
returns, mysteriously vanishing into the night (see
Adventure Seeds).

thickly upholstered in brocade tapestries depicting the in the candlelight. In the center of the room is a small
struggles between heaven and hell. Patterns of clouds wooden cocktail table.
drip into twists of orange and silver threaded flames
while weaves of golden haired angels thrust swords into GF4. The Washroom
leering demons and snarling toad-like beasts that swim Only open during dining hours, this small
in rivers of fire. The walls are wood-paneled like those washroom is attended by Mira’s second son Durn.
of the lobby, as is the wooden plank floor. Portraits of The boy sits outside the room and when approached,
stoic looking nobles, all with dark hair hang on three offers his services. He keeps a small cart with brass
of the walls. Four are men, one is a woman, but all are bedpans and hot wash towels near him, as well as
depicted as lean and pale, painted with the same angry a small mirror. Patrons come to wash up or preen
brush strokes. They rest in frames of gilded plaster, but themselves while he holds a mirror and flatters them.
the nameplates are blank. A large stained-glass window Likewise, he offers bedpans to those requiring use of
occupies the fourth wall. Light creeps against it but the washroom.
refuses to enter, instead throwing the shadow of passing
street pedestrians into the room to dance like ghosts
The Golden Eel

1 square = 5 ft

Durn (N male human commoner 1): Durn is a to the far corner that says, “Place Pans Here When
small skinny boy with dirty blonde hair, about the age Finished”.
of 10 or 11. He wears knickers and a nice jacket with a
high starched collar, which appears unbearably itchy. GF5. The Stairwell
Durn manages the washrooms and runs other small In this section of the inn, a gorgeously curved walnut
errands. He has grown accustomed to good tips and stairwell winds around an alcove, climbing to the second
his services become steadily less unreliable to those floor. The banister and elegantly curved handrail are
who do not tip well. about three feet-tall. A dark green and brown carpet
runs the length if the stairs and the path is illuminated
Durn is typically encountered by the downstairs by large white candles that rest on sconces along the
washroom during restaurant hours and services the outer wall. A open hallway, blocked only by the rail
upstairs twice per day, once in the early evening and overlooks the staircase.
once in the morning
His primary motivation is to get silver tips. GF6. The Kitchen
The text below assumes the kitchen is in operation
This plain white-tiled room is completely empty except when the characters enter. If not, unlit and locked-up
for a small, neatly carved sign with an arrow pointing and the stove is not hot.
This room is obviously a tremendously large, well-
stocked and fastidiously cleaned kitchen. Directly in Chef Panobla
front of you, a large black iron stove belches heat into
the room, slightly cooled by the draft of the propped
door opening into a back alley. Strong but pleasurable

The Golden Eel

smells waft throughout the air, particularly the sweet
scent of roasted garlic. Deeply scarred butcher-block
counters line the walls and you count dozens of racks
from which hang rows of spoons and whisks, graters,
small pots, and sauté pans.
Several mixing bowls are laid out, and the plucked
and cleaned carcasses of dozen small game birds lie on
a well floured board.
Nearby a lank chef whistles as he pounds away at a
thick paste inside a hefty granite mortar.

The strong garlic scent that wafts from the kitchen

is not actually garlic, but a mixture of specially
prepared herbs. The scent leaves guests talking
about the rich garlicy aromas of the inn, immediately
dissuading all thoughts of vampires.

Creatures: The lank man with the mortar and

pestle is the incomparable Chef Panobla. Genuinely
engrossed with his craft, he is slow to notice anyone
entering as he works.
Marcoso and is the vampire’s key connection to
Chef Panobla the assassin’s guild. Panobla is fully aware that
his patron is a vampire, though this troubles him
Chef Panobla appears to be in his early forties, little as he is both capable of protecting himself
he keeps lightly graying hair close cropped and has and has tasted human flesh on several occasions,
a thin, neatly waxed mustache. While at work, he considering its preparation one of the most
always wears a white chef’s coat. Strangely, Panobla distinguished cuisines (second only to fey). His
always carries a cleaver and a set of four chef knives, primary motivation is to continue cooking for the
which on occasion he has been spotted speaking Golden Eel and building his reputation as a master
to pleasantly about the preparation of the coming chef.
evening’s dishes.
During most hours of the day, Panobla single-
A cheery personality Chef Panobla greets almost handedly mans the kitchen and happily does his own
every on he encounters with a welcoming hello. Over purchasing and prep-work. Thankfully, the dinning
the years, he has become a local celebrity, and his area is small.
innovative recipes are the talk of the town. Once
a year (at New Year’s), Panobla prepares his most
He remains a few hours after closing to clean his
exquisite and famous recipe–whole stuffed baby
kitchen, before retiring for the evening or running a
dragon turtle. The inn closes a week in advance for
special errand. In either case, he leaves for his small
Panobla to prepare the feast, and it is rumored that
but modest house several blocks away on Westerly
he uses over 500 different rare ingredients in the
Lane. In the morning, he usually goes shopping
stuffing. This even is usually booked solid month
for fresh meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables for the
in advance and often is by invitation only. The cost
afternoon and evenings fare. He usually returns to
to attend is usually upwards of 1,000 gp. However,
the Inn before the afternoon rush.
Marcoso has given out free invites in the past to
individuals that he desired to sample personally.
Chef Panobla CR 3
In addition to being a master chef, Panobla is also XP 800
an accomplished assassin who maintains a high Male human expert
profile public persona to mask his involvement in NE Medium humanoid (human)
the nefarious trade. He has occasionally used the Init +2; Perception +2
conference room to broker assassinations, and DEFENSE
is a unsurpassed poisoner. He works closely with
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +2 Dex)
The Golden Eel
hp 28 (5d8+2) Iron Strong Boxes (2): 1/2 in. thick; Hardness 10;
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4 hp 15; Break DC 23, Open Lock DC 25.
OFFENSE Each strongbox holds one of Panobla’s prize
Speed 30 ft. possessions, a pair recipe books. One contains his
Melee mwk dagger +6 (1d4+1/19–20) or mwk personal recipes for exotic foods the other contains

The Golden Eel

his recipes for exotic poisons. Either tome easily
throwing axe +6 (1d6+1)
fetches 100-300 gp to the proper buyer.
Ranged mwk dagger +7 (1d4/19–20) or mwk
throwing axe +7 (1d6)
GF8. The Stables
Around the back of the Golden Eel you detect the
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 12 unmistakable smell of horse stables. Attached to the
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 16 main building, they have both a large, barred entrance
Feats (Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Skill Focus for animals and a small side door for the stable
(Crafy (cooking)), Weapon Focus (throwing axe) hand. Overall, the stables look small as if they’d only
Skills Appraise +7, Bluff +5, Craft (alchemy) +9, Craft accommodate a half-dozen animals.
(cooking) +15, Craft (poison–making) +10, Craft
(wine–making) +10, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +6, The stables are small and poorly equipped for
Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (history) more than a single nights stay. Primarily used by
+8, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nature) dining patrons coming from the other side of town,
+9, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Linguistics +10, anyone staying longer is better off finding a proper
Perception +2, Stealth +7 livery. The stables are watched over by Durn, who
Languages Azindralean, Common, Kortezian once finished with his bedpan duties takes the pans
Combat Gear potion of darkvision, potion of invisibility; out back and dumps them into the nearby sewage
Other Gear +1 bracers of armor, 2 mwk cleavers drain before shoveling out the stables.
(throwing axes), 4 mwk chef knives (daggers),
unguent of timelessness. First Floor

Hot Iron Stove: 1/4 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 10;

FF1. Stairwell
Break DC 24; Special: anyone touching the stove
while it is in use is dealt 1d6 points of fire damage This is the same stairwell as described in area GF5.
cumulative per round touched. At the top of the stairs is a small lobby, 15 ft above
the ground floor. A 10-foot-wide door lined hall leads
west and to the south, a smaller 5-foot-wide arch
Oak Backdoor: 2 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 20;
opens to a small alcove opposite a door.
Break DC 23*, Open Lock DC 20*
*only locked at night.
FF2. Washrooms
GF7. The Storage Room Both these washrooms are identical to the
washroom on the ground floor.
This large pantry is stocked full of casks of imported
Each also contain a small basin of hot fresh water
wine, dried grains, and rare pickled vegetables. Smoked
with towels soaking in it, and a hamper for used
meats, peppers, and other spices hang from the ceiling.
towels. Edram occasional drops hot rocks from
kitchen stove into the water in the basin to keep it
All in all, there are several thousand dollars worth
warm. A sign on the basin says, “Please, No Double
of rare spices, herbs and wine. In addition to the
food and wine, Chef Panobla keeps a regular supply
of blood available to Marcoso’s special patrons in a
FF3. Private Conference Room
special locked crate.
At the end of this hall, a DC 22 Perception check
Locked Crate: 1 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 5; Break reveals a secret door built into the wood paneling.
DC 17, Open Lock DC 20.
Room Secret Door: 1 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 10;
Treasure: Inside the locked crate are total of 24 pint Break DC 17; Open Lock DC 20 (the secret door can
bottles containing human blood. Each bottle was be locked from the inside only).
enchanted with a gentle repose spell. Also in the box
is a wand of gentle repose (10th) with 26 charges. The panel slides back to reveal a nicely sized
conference room complete with a massive 10-foot-
A DC 20 Perception check finds a concealed hollow long ebony lacquered table polished to an obscene
in the floor beneath two 50 lb crates of coarse grain glossy sheen. Surrounding the table are a dozen ebony
are two iron strong boxes. captain’s chairs with dramatically red silk cushions.
Running the length of the two walls on either side the on the room door from both inside and outside.
table are huge coastal maps of the surrounding lands. Room doors open inward.
Another stained-glass window takes up the far wall that
facing the street. Bedroom Door: 1 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 10;
Break DC 17, Open Lock DC 18
The Golden Eel

Ironically, his conference room is frequently used

both by Marcoso’s cabal, Pyrelle’s Privateers, and This well furnished room contains a large dresser, a
the royal navy. If Geshard (from the dining room) hope chest, and a single queen-sized bed. Everything
needs to discuss his findings with Marcoso, the two in the room is luxurious. The sheets are satin, and the
convene here. mattress is overstuffed with goose down. Beneath each
bed is a brass bedpan.
The maps are quite exquisite (see treasure At the far end of the room, a lead-paned window faces
section), however anyone attempting to steal them out into the streets below.
triggers the suggestion map trap.
Adventure Seeds
Suggestion Map Trap CR 3 • A noble patron of the Golden Eel seduced
Type magic; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 28. by tales of Panobla’s incredible talents, offers to
EFFECTS send characters to the Golden Eel for dinner as an
Trigger touch; Reset automatic addition a prior reward. While having dining at the
Effect spell effect (suggestion, 7th-level wizard, DC 14 restaurant, they are approached by Shalan Harlack,
Will save negates) the vampire hunter who, after informing them of his
Anyone affected by the trap wakes in the middle suspicions, mysteriously vanishes into the night.
of the night and feels the need to go for a midnight Shalan’s comrades track down the PCs as being his
stroll alone and unarmored around the town (making last known contact, and hire them to finish his work.
them an easy target for vampires).
• A PCs is attacked by Geshard, one of Marcoso’s
Developments Marcoso keeps his coffin in the spawn. They track him down only to discover
captain’s nest directly on top of the Inn. In stark that Geshard’s insidious master runs a reputable
contrast to the rest of the inn, the small room is restaurant in town.
little more than a dusty, cobwebbed attic and is only
accessible by a small, long ago sealed hatch in the • Authorities suspect the lovable Chef Panobla of
corner ceiling of the first floor lobby. Marcoso himself leading a double life and pay them to investigate him
accesses the room by turning gaseous and slipping without offending his reputable employer Marcoso
through the cracks in the walls. Kval. Unbeknownst to the PCs, Kval is quite partial to
Sealed Hatch: 2 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 20; his Chef and is more than willing to use his powers
Search DC 25; Break DC 22. to protect both of their secret identities.

FF4. Master Suite

The door to this area is locked. If given the
corresponding room key from the front desk, it works
on the room door from both inside and outside.
Room doors open inward.

Bedroom Door: 1 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 10;

Break DC 17, Open Lock DC 18.

This well-furnished room contains a large dresser,

two private hope chests, and separate queen-sized
beds. Everything in the room is luxurious. The sheets
are satin, and the mattresses are overstuffed with
goose down. Beneath each bed is a brass bedpan. At
the far end of the room, a lead-paned window faces a
back alley.

FF5. Single Bedroom

The door to this area is locked. If given the
corresponding room key from the front desk, it works
The Tower of Janazar
The Tower of Janazar

J anazar’s Tower has long been a source of

interest to sightseers passing through the
resident district. Dozens of local tales speculate
reclusive in their execution. As for the accusations
and speculations of townsfolk, neither Janazar nor
Geneyse care enough to pay them any heed.
the alien origins of the elaborate spire jutting from
behind the high cobbled walls that run length of the For the most part, the tower itself draws more
northern bend of Lords’ Promenade, separating it attention than its occupants. The structure’s most
from the Temple District. Some claim that the tower impressive and identifiable feature is ability to rotate.
was once an old temple, others claim Janazar himself Massive gears and arcane infused machinery allows
built it to rival and antagonize the ostentatious Janazar to manipulate the inner structure of the
displays of the nearby priests. tower situating it in either of two opposing positions.
The map on page 37 represents Position A. In
While most locals speculate that Janazar still lives, Position B, the waiting room rotates 180-degrees
very few claim to have seen him in a number of years. (see the isometric view on page 41). Janazar controls
Instead, they deal largely with his young apprentice the mechanism using the control table in his
Geneyse, who aptly oversees both the impressive personal lab located on the second floor. A trap door
tower and the grounds. Rumors abound concerning beneath a desk in the Parlour leads to the serviceable
the half-elven girl. Some say she his illegitimate machinery and rotating gears beneath the tower.
child while others accuse him of lasciviously taking
the girl as his lover. A number of Janazar’s harshest The text below provides a street side description of
adversaries cogitate that the wizard conquered death Janazar’s tower.
by shedding his aging flesh and placing his soul
within the young girls body. On the north side of Lord’s Promenade, positioned
arrogantly behind a massive iron gate monogrammed
In truth, age and acclaim have made Janazar weary with a oversized gilded “J” stands Janazar’s Tower.
and the sagely wizard has simply delegated his The diameter of a small house, it clears a full three-
social responsibilities to his daughter and apprentice stories, with a taller spire that dwarfs the surrounding
Geneyse. While his arcane pursuits remain as courtyard trees. The carved quartzite facade depicts
ambitious as ever, he has become increasingly thick serpentine coils in braided patterns that helix along
10 19 5

15 19
The Tower of Janazar

12 20


17 15
14 6

20 5

0 120 240
2 - The Tower of Janazar (Residence Ward) FEET

18 19 13
its perimeter. Flakes of minerals deposited in the stone Teleportation
12 Trap CR 9
8 make the tower glisten during the day, and at night,
4 Type magical; Perception DC 34; Disable Device DC 34
they catch light from lanterns and streetlamps bathing

the tower in an eerie yellow glow. In stark contrast to the
glittering tower, the building serving as its foundation Trigger location; Reset automatic
seems strangely out of place. A large austere structure, Effect spell effect (teleportation circle); single target
its rough gray granite walls supported by heavy fluted (5ft-radius teleports activator).
columns give it a somber appearance, not unlike a
mausoleum. 16 Interior Walls: all interior walls consist of iron rods
holding a framework of stones, set with concrete.
Iron and Concrete Wall: thickness 6, hardness 8, hp
Tower Rooms
70, break DC 40.
General Features: Unless otherwise noted, use the Interior Doors: All interior doors are made from
following statistics to determine the properties of ironwood stained to match the appropriate decors of
tower features. various rooms. Consider individual doors unlocked
ARISTOCRAT STREET (SHORTHREAD LANE) Walls: All exterior walls are made from unless otherwise noted in the room description.
thick blocks of marble and granite seamlessly Ironwood Door: thickness 3”, hardness 8, hp 50,
welded together by arcane fires. In addition, several
11 Open Lock DC 30, Break DC 30.
spells have been placed that block both scrying and
13 Ground Floor
Exterior Tower Walls: thickness 1 1/2 feet, hardness
12, hp 650, break DC 50.
Exterior Windows: all the tower windows are set GF1. Entrance

with the highest quality glass. While one might Hanging on thick hinges chiseled into the cobbled

presume breaking into the tower through its ward wall, a massive iron gate, twenty-feet-wide and

ten-feet-tall bars a graveled pathway leading through


windows to be an easy feat, Janazar set all of them


with the same arcane trap. Anyone attempting to the wooded courtyard where Janazar’s Tower rests. The

enter a window from the exterior is teleported to a gate’s centerpiece is a weathered iron plate in the shape

locked cell in the city jail. of a shield embossed with three columns. Mounted to
Tower Window: thickness 1, hardness 1, hp 1, the plate is a large gilded letter J.
Break DC 5.
Janazar keeps his front gate closed at all times, and them to watch the gardens and report any unusual
anyone meddling with the locked iron-gate triggers activities.
the alarm system. Typically, Geneyse sends her
familiar to inspect such situations and either sends Creatures: During daylight hours, a mute half-

The Tower of Janazar

Fespod and Cumak to shoo them away or takes a orc named Fespod, and his son Cumak tend to the
more appropriate action. gardens.
Iron-Gate: Thickness 2”, Hardness 10, hp 60, Break For the most part, the groundskeepers keep to
DC 28. themselves and their work, though they treat invited
guests with cordiality if approached. Fespod reads
Alarm System CR 1 lips well, and cautiously watches all conversations
while Cumak does the honor of speaking for both
Type magical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 25.
of them. Conversations going beyond gardening or
EFFECTS obvious attempts to probe for information about
Trigger touch; Reset automatic; Bypass hidden lock Janazar or the tower piques their suspicions and they
Effect spell effect (message, sent to Janazar, Geneyse, immediately report all such activities to one of the
Fespod, Cumak, and Cinnamon warning them the wizards’ familiars.
there is someone tampering with front gate)
Fespod Gardner
GF2. Garden Janazar hired Fespod several years ago after his
The courtyard is equally impressive, with a spotlessly friend Amwa Swain told him of the story of how
clean gravel path circling the complex, highlighted by a prejudiced townsfolk burnt the half-orc’s bakery to
single row of neatly spaced alders. Propped against the the ground, killing his wife and leaving him alone
western courtyard wall stands a large stable. To the east, with two small children. When the poor half-orc tried
two ancient silver oaks shade the tower from the early to confront his accusers, they beat him almost to
morning sun. death. They tried to break Fespod’s neck by stomping
on it, but only succeeded in crushing his voice box,
During all times, both Janazar and his daughter leaving him mute. Janazar hired the half-orc on
let their crow familiars run the yard. The intelligent the spot, allowing him to live on his property for a
birds spend their time playing in the high branches few years until he was able to purchase a modest
of ancient oaks where the spectacular view permits two-story home nearby. Fespod and his family have
worked for the wizard ever since, and all maintain
extremely close relations with the old man and his
daughter. Though a peaceful being, Fespod would
defend Janazar with his own life. Prior to owning
the bakery, Fespod earned his money as a skilled
huntsman (prowess he has since passed down to his
son) and is highly capable of keeping the grounds

Description: Fespod looks more human than orc,

though slopping brow and strong lower jaw make his
heritage readily identifiable. Even though he is now in
his mid-forties and has lost his hair, his broad frame
remains bound with ropes of powerful muscle and
his fists are thick and brick-like. At work, he wears
the simple cotton cloths of a gardener along with a
broad brimmed leather hat to shade the sun from
his eyes. Both armed and unarmed he is a capable
combatant and wields his quarterstaff potently.

Fespod Gardner CR 7
XP 3200
Male half-orc ranger 8
N Medium humanoid (orc)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 56 (8d10+12) Cumak Gardner CR 3
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +5 XP 3200
Defensive Abilities orc ferocity Male half-orc ranger 4
The Tower of Janazar

OFFENSE N Medium humanoid (orc)

Speed 30 ft. Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
Melee +1 quarterstaff +12 (1d6+3) DEFENSE
Ranged mwk longbow +12 (1d8/x3) AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
Special Attacks favored enemies (+4 humans; +2 gnolls) hp 28 (4d10+6)
2nd—cat’s grace Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
1st—animal messenger, entangle (DC 11) Defensive Abilities orc ferocity
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10 Speed 30 ft.
Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD 23 Melee mwk greatclub +10 (1d10+4)
Feats Diehard, Endurance, Improved Two-Weapon Ranged mwk longbow +6 (1d8/x3)
Fighting, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Stealth) Special Attacks favored enemies (+2 goblinoids)
(Stealth), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus STATISTICS
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills Acrobatics +11, Climb +12, Craft (woodworking)
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 19
+9, Heal +8, Intimidate +0, Knowledge
Feats Endurance, Nimble Moves, Point Blank Shot,
(dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (geography)
Weapon Focus (greatclub)
+7, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +10,
Skills Climb +11, Intimidate +0, Knowledge
Profession (groundskeeper) +7, Spellcraft +8,
(geography) +4, Knowledge (nature) +4,
Stealth +15, Survival +10 (+14 following tracks),
Perception +7, Profession (groundskeeper)
Swim +6
+4, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +8, Survival +7 (+10
Languages Azindralean, Common
following tracks), Swim +10
SQ hunter’s bond, favored terrain (+4 Forests, +2
Languages Azindralean, Common, Orc
Urban) swift tracker, wild empathy, woodland
SQ favored terrain (+2 forests), hunter’s bond, orc
stride, orc blood, hunter’s bond, favored terrain
blood, wild empathy
(+4 Forests, +2 Urban) swift tracker, wild empathy,
Combat Gear oil of magic weapon, cure moderate
woodland stride, orc blood, orc blood
Combat Gear potion of spider climb;
Other Gear masterwork studded leather, mwk
Other Gear +1 leather armor, +1/+1 quarterstaff, mwk
greatclub, mwk longbow, quiver with 20 arrows.
longbow, quiver with 20 arrows and 10 silver
arrows, 44 gp.
Hugin (Genyse’s raven familiar) CR —
Cumak Gardner N Tiny magical beast
Barely seventeen, Cumak Gardner has grown Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
more burly than most men and well-skilled in the DEFENSE
woodsman’s arts his father taught him. While he too AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural,
is grateful for the life Janazar has given his family, he +2 size)
longs to travel and adventure, hoping to one see the hp 12 (6HD)
world. Still, his loyalties remain with his family first Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +7; improved evasion
and should anything or anyone threaten his sister OFFENSE
or father, he acts accordingly. When not working, he
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
spends his free time in alehouses listening to the
stories of adventurers and waiting for the day that he Melee bite +7 (1d3–4)
is grown enough to leave his family. Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks deliver touch spells
Description: Cumak’s features seem even less
brutish looking than his father’s, although they Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 7
remain hard and chiseled. He is slightly taller as well, Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 9
over six feet, but his shoulders are narrower and he Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse
isn’t quite as muscular. Like his father, he dresses in Skills Appraise +0, Craft (alchemy) +4, Diplomacy
simple cotton clothes and wears a broad brimmed +2, Fly +5, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge
leather sun hat. He wears his coarse black hair (engineering) +1, Knowledge (history) +1,
cropped to the scalp. Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (nobility) +3,
The Tower of Janazar
1 square = 5 ft

Knowledge (planes) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, +2 size)

Perception +6, Spellcraft +6 hp 38 (16HD)
SQ empathic link, share spells, speak with master Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +12
SR 21
Hugin (Janazar’s raven familiar) CR— OFFENSE

N Tiny magical beast (augmented animal) Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8 Melee bite +9 (1d3–4)
Special Attacks deliver touch spells
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+2 Dex, +8 natural,
STATISTICS N Medium humanoid (orc)
Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7 Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 13 DEFENSE
The Tower of Janazar

Feats Alertness, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
Finesse hp 6 (1d8+2)
Skills Craft (alchemy) +16, Fly +13, Knowledge Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4
(arcana) +13, Knowledge (dungeoneering) Defensive Abilities orc ferocity
+5, Knowledge (engineering) +11, Knowledge OFFENSE
(geography) +8, Knowledge (history) +8,
Speed 30 ft.
Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8,
Melee whip –1 (1d3–1)
Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (planes)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st)
+8, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +7,
1st—calm animals, speak with animals
Perception +8, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +13
0 (at will)—guidance, purify food and drink, resistance
SQ empathic link, scry on familiar, share spells,
speak with animals of its kind.
Str 8, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
GF3. Stables Base Atk +0; CMB –1; CMD 12
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency
The faint smell of horse dung tinges the sizeable six-
horse stables built along the west wall. Skills Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +0, Knowledge
Individual stalls face the courtyard wall cobbles, while (nature) +7, Perception +6, Spellcraft +5, Survival +8
the front section’s open-faced three-quarter timber Languages Azindralean, Common, Druidic, Orc,
walls allow fresh air and sunlight into the stables while Sylvan
keeping them dry. Everything in the stable appears well SQ nature bond (Animal domain), nature sense,
maintained and the stalls look better cleaned than orc blood, speak with animals (4 rounds/
most. day),(effective druid level -2), wild empathy +1
Gear mwk whip, mwk leather armor.
Creatures: During the early mornings and late
afternoons Fespod’s daughter Cinnamon waters and GF4. Foyer
feeds the horses, and tends the stables. All other Stone doorposts symmetrically carved with dour-faced
hours, she works elsewhere in the district, teaching gargoyles frame a set of iron-plated stone double doors.
horsemanship or tending and tutoring the brats of Each gargoyle bears a similar expression of disgust.
wealthy nobles. Cinnamon is complementary of all
guests, though she speaks curtly to anyone showing The enchanted gargoyles guard the door for
obvious cruelty to their mounts. Janazar, directing visitors and dealing with unwanted
visitors. Whenever someone other than the Krumms
Cinnamon Gardner or the Gardners approaches, the eyes of all the
Hardly a pretty girl, Cinnamon feels much more at gargoyles suddenly pop open and stare as they speak
peace around animals than people. Just the same, the following proverb:
she is smart and well educated for a fourteen-year-
old, having had the good fortune of growing up “Those of strong decisive will
under Geneyse’s able tutelage. She now splits time fear not their destiny,
teaching horsemanship, tutoring wealthy nobles’ for they understand how to shape it.
children, and tending Janazar’s stables. Neither do those of strong decisive conscious
for they understand how it shapes them.”
Description: Cinnamon’s heritage plainly shows
in her features, even more so than her father. She Should an unaccompanied trespasser attempt
has a prominent lower jaw and tusks, and dark gray to pass through the door, eerie rays shoot from the
eyes that glisten like wet hematite. Already she has gargoyles’ eyes striking and petrifying anyone within
developed the body of a woman, though her figure range and leaving the trespasser helpless on the
causes her more embarrassment than pride and she wizard’s doorstep.
hides it beneath the same plain cotton clothing as
her father. She wears her long hair in several thick Gargoyle Trap CR 6
braids, pulled back and tied together in a ponytail.
Type magical; Perception DC 31; Disable Device
DC 31.
Cinnamon Gardner CR 1/2
XP 200 Trigger location; Reset automatic reset
Female half-orc druid 1 Effect spell effect (flesh to stone, Fort DC 21 negates);
multiple targets (all targets within 30ft). her grandfather. Regardless, Geneyse dotes on her
father with full-admiration and desires little, but to
When locked, the iron-plated door to the tower is remain with him in the tower and continue studying
almost impenetrable. Of course, one could always his work. Still, she is a young woman and both

The Tower of Janazar

break in through one of the glass windows on appreciates and enjoys social interactions, and takes
the lower floor, making it apparent that Janazar’s to town at least once a week to chat at the market or
principle motivation for hanging the door was to dine with friends at one of the city’s more upscale
aesthetic. Indeed, the wizard stole the door from establishments. In public, she takes great effort to
a demon fortress years ago and couldn’t think of a play down her family name (it having been a source
better way to display it. of trouble in the past), and she dresses modestly, as
appropriate to whatever occasion she is to attend. In
The pair of ominous-looking doors open inward the past, many suitors have approached her and by
revealing a 20-foot-wide, 10-foot deep foyer. The room spurning them all, she has garnered the reputation
has no windows, but illumination shines from a crystal of being conceited. Such rumors amuse her and in
cherub suspended from the high, 15-foot ceiling by a truth, she is very down to earth but simply prefers
golden chain. Ceramic tiles line both walls, each hand the company of women.
painted with a landscape from a different country.
Description: Though nearly twenty-four, Geneyse’s
Depending on the rotation tower, the north wall is girlish face and tiny frame give her the appearance
in one of two positions: of a teenager. Her features are decidedly pixieish,
right down to her deep green eyes, turned-up nose,
Position A: More of the hand-painted tiles line the freckles and pointy ears. Her hair glistens a pretty
north wall, though a stark gray stone pillar divides it shade of blonde and auburn, though she wears it
evenly. On either side of the pillar is a wooden door. cropped short on the premise that working in the
A sign hanging on the left door reads “Kismet”, the laboratory with long hair is hazardous.
sign on the right door reads “Luck.” The enchanted
doors provide benefit to characters depending on
their interpretation of the gargoyles’ message.
Position B: Tiles line all walls, though a thorough
DC 25 Perception check reveals scratch marks on
the wooden floor. An appropriate DC 12 Knowledge
check (such as dungeoneering or engineering)
indicating a rotational plate in the floor capable of
rotating the entire back wall.

GF5. Waiting Hall

You enter into a large, nearly forty-by-forty foot
pentagonal-shaped room. The rectangular section
of the room has 10-foot-high ceilings, however the
tapering far corner climbs into a high arched cathedral
ceiling to accentuate a massive spiral staircase. The
floors, wainscoting, and beams are all hewn from
red mahogany and stained with a deep wine colored
lacquer, while aging whitewash flakes from the rough-
finished brick walls. Two pairs of overstuffed plush velvet
armchairs sit in opposing corners of the room.

Creatures: The waiting room is where Geneyse

receives and interviews guest.

Geneyse Krumm
The half-elven daughter of the great Janazar
Krumm, Geneyse has inherited much of her father’s
considerable talent and if provoked, she is extremely
capable of defending of herself. She looks hauntingly
like the deceased mother she never knew, something
that has become troubling to both her father and
Geneyse Krumm CR 5
XP 1600 Reading Orbs
Female half-elf wizard 6 Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
The Tower of Janazar

N Medium humanoid (elf) Slot —; Price 6,000 gp

Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6 DESCRIPTION
DEFENSE A reading orb is a small spherical glass
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +1 Dex, +1 ball enchanted to follow a reader around
natural) a designated area and shed light upon her
hp 24 (6d6+3) whenever she opens a book to read. The ball
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6; +2 vs. enchantments and hovers about a foot in front of the reader
effects about two feet above her head and shines
Immune magical sleep effects a concentrated beam of light straight down
OFFENSE on the reading material, bathing a 5-foot-
square area in bright light. The light remains
Speed 30 ft.
concentrated and doesn’t disperse beyond the
Melee mwk dagger +3 (1d4–1/19–20)
specific area, though it can be seen by others
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 6th)
as if it were the brightness of a small candle
3rd—dispel magic, displacement, fireball, major image (providing low-light in a 30-ft-radius).
2nd—darkvision, hypnotic pattern, identify, flaming Arcane spellcasters making a successful
sphere, see invisibility Spellcraft (check DC 15) can attune reading
1st—burning hands, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, orbs for other activities besides reading,
silent image, ventriloquism including applying a disguise or make-up, or
0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, ghost sound, using certain tools such as a healer’s kit or
mending, message lock picks. Regardless, a reading orb can only
STATISTICS be attuned to a single activity at a time.
Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14 CONSTRUCTION
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 13 Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, floating
Feats Alertness, Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, disk, light; Cost 3,000 gp .
Eschew Materials, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll,
Skill Focus (Spellcraft)(B)
Skills Appraise +11, Craft (alchemy) +12, Diplomacy GF6. Parlour
+6, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge This room appears to be a parlour or private reading
(dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (engineering) room of some sort. Dark mahogany woodwork and
+10, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge trim give it an austere seriousness, while the well-worn
(history) +10, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge lacquered floor hints of the room’s frequent use. A
(nature) +11, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge window in the east wall allows some sunlight into the
(planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception room, but the tall oaks just outside block most of it. Small
glowing orbs magically suspended provide the majority
+6, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +15
of the room’s illumination. They fly about the ceiling,
Languages Azindralean, Common, Draconic, Elven,
autonomously settling over the heads of individuals
Gnome, Kortezian,Orc, Sylvan,
seeking knowledge from various tomes resting in the
SQ arcane bond (raven), extended illusions +3
rows of tall bookshelves that frame the southern section
rounds, elf blood of the parlour. Between the two shelves, an elaborately
Gear +1 amulet of natural armor, +1 bracers of armor, carved, antique walnut reading desk rests on a soft, faded,
mwk cold-iron dagger, 140 gp. goat-hair carpet woven in an archaic pattern. Also stuffed
Spellbook Geneyse has access to her father’s library into the corner are two comfortably upholstered reading
and uses his spellbooks. chairs. Opposite the reading section, a display case in
the northwest corner contains a collection of fossils and
Developments: In Position A, the east door leads minerals set behind various magnifying lenses.
to the Apprentice’s Laboratory while the west door
opens to the parlour. The other two doors connect The glowing globes are an invention of Janazar’s.
the room to the foyer. In Position B, the east door He calls them “reading orbs”, having engineered
leads to the Apprentice’s Bedroom while the west them after discovering that reading in darkness hurt
door opens to the dining room. The other two his aging eyes.
doors open into a solid brick wall, blocking further
passage. When the tower rotates into Position B, While they sparkle gorgeously, the minerals in the
this brick wall blocks off the Foyer from Waiting display case have little value beyond what a geologist
Room. might use for research.
The Tower of Janazar

When the tower is in Position A the west door clean water that function as basins. Shelves filled with
leads to the Waiting Hall. In Position B, the west cooking equipment occupy the remainder of the space.
door leads to the Privy (room GF11), it smells like A 10-foot-wide opening in the exterior north wall serves
The Tower of Janazar

lilacs and butterscotch. The privy door automatically as both a window and a fish tank. Two panes of glass
locks in this position. are set a half-foot apart, in between several exotic eels
swim through twisted branched of black coral. Directly
Anyone succeeding a DC 18 Perception check beneath the window is a ten-foot long butcher-block
to search the floor around the desk, notices it countertop.
partially covers a hatch. This desk is quite heavy
(1,200 pds). The locked hatch leads to small crawl The noisy clatter of metal and china fills the room
space permitting Janazar access to the giant gears as magically animated pots, pans, and other kitchen
and machinery beneath the tower. Janazar uses utensils fly through the kitchen, boiling water, searing
telekinesis to move it whenever he needs to access meat on the coils, stirring cauldrons and scrubbing dirty
the hatch. plates in a barrel of suds and lye.

Machine Room Hatch: thickness 2 in., hardness 8, Creatures: As soon as unidentified individuals
hp 35, Open Lock DC 30, Break DC 30 enter the kitchen, the animated utensils and
Individuals entering the alcove can attempt to cookware swarm the intruders and beat them
jam up the tower’s machinery with a Disable Device senseless.
check (DC 33) or manipulate it with a successful
Knowledge (engineering) check (DC 28). A swarm of greasy knives, slop-covered wooden
spoons, flame-blackened pots, half-rusted scouring
GF7. Dining Room pads, and other strange kitchen apparatus flies
A freshly polished walnut dining table with six towards you, dripping water, soapsuds, and gruel.
perfectly placed matching chairs sits in the center of
what is obviously a formal dining room. Along the east Animated Cookware Swarm CR 2
wall leans a china cabinet, the top portion displaying a XP 200
complete set of formal clay dishware from an ancient N Tiny construct (swarm)
civilization. The lower section of the cabinet forms Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
a serving station covered with a fine lace throw and
Perception –5
several carefully placed pewter platters. All the cabinet
drawers beneath the counter are closed.
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2
When the tower is in Position A the west door size)
leads to the Privy (room GF12), it smells like nutmeg hp 16 (3d10)
and ginger. In Position B, the door leads to the Fort +1, Ref +3, Will –4
Waiting Hall. Immune construct traits
The cabinet is locked for good reason, it holds Speed 5 ft., fly 50 ft. (good)
Janazar’s good tableware. Melee swarm +4 (1d2–1)
Space 2 1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Cabinet: thickness 1 in, hardness 5, hp 15, Open STATISTICS
Lock DC 25, Break DC 18.
Str 8, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
A Knowledge (history) check determines that
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 12
the tableware is a mixed set of near perfect
Skills Fly +10
reproductions and authentic pieces of the elaborate
SQ Hardness 8
settings used by the high priests of an ancient and
powerful civilization. A DC 20 Appraise skill check Hardness (Ex): An animated object has the same
estimates the complete sets’ worth at 3,000 gp, hardness it had before it was animated.
perhaps more to the right collector.
Tactics: The glowing metal coils were designed for
GF8. Kitchen cooking food indoors and glow with intense heat.
The coil deals 1d6 points of fire damage to anyone
The room is brutally hot, and smells of a peppery spice
touching them.
and burnt pork lard. Doors allow egress through both
Spilling the barrel of soapy water makes the floor
the east and west walls. An extended metal countertop
dangerously slippery. Anyone attempting to take
stretches half the length of the south wall. Set into its
more than a partial action on the sudsy floor must
surface, several strange metal coils glow with arcane
make a Reflex save DC 15 or they are thrown off
fire along with deeply hammered indents filled with
balance and suffer a –2 penalty to AC, Attacks, and
Reflex saves. Individuals failing the Reflex save by This is Geneyse’s private laboratory. When she isn’t
more than –10 (or rolling a 1), instead fall prone. using it, she keeps it locked. The door in the north
wall leads to her bedroom.
GF9. Apprentice’s Bedroom

The Tower of Janazar

Geneyse’s private quarters are on the ground floor, When the tower is in Position A the east door leads
allowing her to better attend the more mundane to the Waiting Hall. In Position B, it leads to the Privy
tasks of running the tower. She keeps the doors to (room GF12), it smells like nutmeg and ginger.
her personal quarters locked at all times, and wears
the keys on a chain around her neck. GF11. Privy
This small, private room smells of lilacs and
This room is obviously someone’s permanent living butterscotch. In the corner, just opposite the door sits a
quarters. It is decorated tastefully, with the walls painted porcelain chair in the shape of a basin, partially filled
a light lavender color complemented by light maple with a greenish liquid.
trim, door and window frames and crown moldings.
Two freshly made single beds with neatly folded silk Room GF11 is Geneyse’s private bathroom.
comforters extend from a shallow alcove in the west wall The door automatically locks when the tower is in
accented on either side by matching maple hopechests. Position B. The porcelain seat is a toilet, and the
A window in the north wall spills soft amber sunlight bowl connects to an ultra-dimensional space. Similar
into the room. There are doors in the northeast corner, to a portable hole, the fluid magically sucks away
the southeast corner and the southern wall. anything placed within it.

The northeast door leads to the kitchen and smells GF12. Privy
like peppery spice and burnt pork lard. This small, private room smells of nutmeg and ginger.
The door in south wall leads to Geneyse’s In the corner, just opposite the door sits a porcelain chair
laboratory and smells like chemicals. in the shape of a basin, partially filled with a greenish
When the tower is in Position A the southeast liquid.
door leads to the Privy (room GF11), it smells like
lilacs and butterscotch. In Position B, it leads to the The porcelain seat is a toilet, and the bowl
Waiting Hall. connects to an ultra-dimensional space. Similar to a
portable hole, the fluid magically sucks away anything
Hopechest thickness 2 in; Hardness 8; hp 10; placed within it.
Break DC 23, Open Lock DC 25
The hopechest contain Geneyse’s personal GF13. Stairs
belongings, including her robes, work clothes and
A massive wine-stained mahogany staircase spirals
several silk gowns worth 500 gp each.
upward into the tower while a blood-red carpet pills
Anyone searching the chest can attempt a DC 25
down its rises an onto the Waiting Room floor. Rows of
Perception check to uncovers a secret panel in the
intricately carved post support the worn banister coiling
bottom which conceals a string of pearls 800 gp, a
around the perimeter of the steps eventually leading to
handwritten book of elvish poems given to Geneyse
the four dour-faced gargoyles carved in a stack that form
by her father worth 600 gp and matching set of boots
a most presumptuous newel post.
of elvenkind and cloak of elvenkind
The massive mahogany staircase leads to the first
GF10. Apprentice’s Laboratory
and second floors of the tower.
Two rows of identical shelves line the west and east
walls. The shelves overflow with rolls of parchment, glass
First Floor
tanks holding insects, small wooden boxes of minerals
and powders, jars of colored liquids and bitter smelling
unguents, steel calipers and other tools. A cluttered FF1. Stairs
desk rests between them, its surface marred with dark The massive mahogany staircase leads to the
stains, cuts, and globs of melted wax. Another desk ground and second floors of the tower. The staircase
facing a window in the west wall is half buried beneath door leading to Janazar’s bedroom is locked.
a collection of greasy cogs and a partially assembled
clockwork device along with several pan balances FF2. Master Bedroom
apparently measuring several different colored dusts. These living quarters appear well used. The occupant
The south wall is engraved with a massive chart of both haphazardly kicked a silk comforter towards the foot
alchemical and arcane glyphs and symbols. Doors block of the four-poster bed where it drapes sloppily onto the
exits in both the north and east walls. worn wood floor. The doors to a plain oak wardrobe set
into the wall just to the right side of the bed hang open,
exposing rows of various wizardly robes all of which leather spines embossed with faded gold-leaf titles
smell vaguely of camphor. Twin windows separated by written in languages slowly fading from the memories
a stone column provide sunlight, while additional light of civilized races. The fifteen-foot-high ceiling arches
The Tower of Janazar

and heat comes from a glowing fireplace. Arranged into a great dome, with its curved panels painted
comfortably before the hearth sit two large armchairs to resemble all the constellations of the night sky
both upholstered in dark-blue ocean patterned tapestry. with every enchanted star glowing brightly. Beneath
A painting on the wall over the bed depicts a beautiful it, someone has seared a massive pentagram into
elven woman, while another over the mantle depicts a hardwood floor. Arranged comfortably before the
younger version of the tower’s half-elven apprentice. You hearth stand two large armchairs, both upholstered in
readily note the similarity between the two women. a deep-green forest tapestry. In the corner, adjacent to
the door a plain oak table serves as reading desk, proven
Janazar spends most of his time in his Laboratory, by the thick dictionary of ancient languages resting
though he can be encountered here when sleeping or upon and another upholstered chair waiting invitingly
preparing for the day. Other times, he and Geneyse for company. A second table mounted with mysterious
spend a quiet time here in front of the hearth. The instruments, levers, dials, compasses, and other alien
hearth fire is a permanent illusion, and though it mechanical devices faces the window from across the
provides both light and heat the illusory fire cannot room. Before it sits a plain, but extremely comfortable
leave the hearth and is noncombustible. Anyone looking cowhide chair.
placing their hand into the flame, discovers it feels
warm, but takes no damage. Janazar can verbally Janazar’s impressive laboratory crowns his
command the fire to become bright or dimmer, or Tower. From here, he controls all its workings with
simply appear as glowing embers. the tower control panel. A work of arcane and
architectural brilliance, only individuals with a deep
FF2. Bathroom understanding of architecture and engineering can
Dullish-brown sandstone tiles cover the entirety of manipulate it. Just understanding how the tower
this odd, small room. Its noticeably hot and humid air controls work requires a Knowledge (architecture and
feel heavy and beads of moisture cling to everything. engineering) check DC 30. Operating it requires less
Opposite the door sits a porcelain chair in the shape of effort, but more patience. A full change in position
a basin, partially filled with a greenish liquid. Taking up takes almost 30 minutes, though that time can be
the adjacent corner of the room, a rectangular cast iron decreased incrementally with a second Knowledge
tub large enough to accommodate a walrus rests within (architecture and engineering) check. A base DC
a sandstone dais. A tiny flight of stairs leads up to the 15 reduces the time by ­–5 minutes; every additional
tub. Hovering above it is a grayish cloud of steam. +1 the DC increases reduces the rotation time by
another –1 minutes to a minimum rotation time of 1
The grayish cloud above the tub is magically bound minute. The problem is that speeding up the rotation
steam elemental that services the bathroom, heating increases the possibility of damaging the tower’s
it to comfortable temperatures, warming baths, inner machinery causing it to break down and jam
and providing showers. While the elemental can in a single position. The chance of breaking down
be temperamental, binding magic prevents it from is +3% per each minute, for example speeding up
leaving the room. the rotation time to 15 minutes increases the chance
that the tower machinery will break down to 45%.
The porcelain seat serves as a toilet, and the bowl Attempting to rotate the tower in a single minute
connects to an ultra-dimensional space. Similar to a imposes an 87% chance that the rotating machinery
portable hole, the fluid magically sucks away anything breaks down.
placed within it.
In Position A, the view reveals the entirety of the
Residential District, while in Position B one can see
Second Floor
all of the Temple Districts (an advantage distained by
many high clergy members of the district’s various
SF1. Stairs temples).
The massive mahogany staircase leads to the
ground and first floors of the tower. Janazar keeps The hearth fire here functions identically to the one
the staircase door leading to his Laboratory locked. in Janazar’s bedroom. Anyone searching the back
wall of the hearth can attempt a DC 28 Perception
SF2. Master’s Laboratory check to uncover a secret that opens into a small
Rows of curved shelves line the entire perimeter of alcove where the wizard keeps the remainder of
the top tower level, interrupted only by the staircase his valuable magic items. Items include: 1,500 pp,
exit and a stone hearth and adjacent pair of windows. 4,200 gp, 6,500 sp, a pair of ruby earrings 525 gp, a
Ancient tomes overflow from the shelves, their cracked maximize metamagic rod, 3 applications of unguent of
should anyone other than his daughter mention his
wife, he becomes angered and storms off. Should
Janazar Krumm anyone be foolish enough to threaten or challenge
him they quickly learn the potency of his spellcasting,

The Tower of Janazar

and woe be it to anyone threatening his beloved

Description: Janazar appears as the wizard’s

wizard, an aged man with a long white beard,
piercing blue eyes who wears oversized pointed hats
and dresses in outdated robes embroidered with
mystic symbols.

Janazar Krumm CR 15
XP 38400
Male human wizard 9/shadow mage 7
(see Great City Players Guide 59)
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 14* (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
(*shadow defenses)
hp 76 (9d6+7d6+21)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +11
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +7 (1d4–1/19–20)
timelessness, a flask of curses, a deck of illusions, pipes of Ranged mwk dagger +9 (1d4/19–20)
haunting, and a periapt of wound closure. Special Attacks blinding ray (8/day)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 16th)
Janazar’s library has over 500 books on almost 8th—demand, shadow evocation (90% real), sunburst
every subject. The books range in price from 50 7th—power word (blind), prismatic pray, greater
to 500 gp. Using the library for 2 hours research, shadow conjuration (90%), spell turning
provides a +4 circumstance bonus to any single 6th—geas, guards and wards, legend lore, shadow walk
Knowledge skill checks. The circumstance bonus is 5th—contact other plane, dismissal, dream, nightmare,
non cumulative, however if the skill check fails the persistant image, shadow evocation (50% real)
individual can spend another 2 hours to attempt a 4th—arcane eye, locate creature, phantasmal killer,
second check (without the bonus). rainbow pattern, scrying, shadow conjuration (50%)
3rd—arcane sight, dispel magic, displacement, illusory
Creatures: Janazar spends the majority of his script, minor image, suggestion
time in his laboratory and only on rare occasions or
2nd—arcane lock, detect thoughts, locate object,
emergencies is he encountered elsewhere.
misdirection, minor image, rope trick
1st—animate rope, disguise self, floating disk, hold
Janazar Krumm
portal, identify, silent image, unseen servant
A brilliant wizard now in his twilight years, 0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect poison, light,
JanazarKrumm has had equally incredible fortune prestidigitation, read magic
and loss. Long retired from professional adventuring,
he spends his days studying and experimenting in his
lab, conversing with colleagues, and spending time Str 9, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 21, Wis 13, Cha 17
his beloved daughter. He prefers to let his daughter Base Atk +7; CMB +6; CMD 17
deal with people with whom he is not acquainted. If Feats Brew Potion, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft
forced into a social situation he remains cordial, but Wondrous Item, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell,
keeps his discussions curt, distant, and formal. All Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell Penetration,
in all, he tries to avoid becoming involved in politics Toughness
and similar events that detract him from his work Skills Appraise +8, Craft (alchemy) +24, Fly
or family. He rarely discusses his past adventures +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge
(except begrudgingly with his old friend Tighe) and (dungeoneering) +13, Knowledge (engineering)
+20, Knowledge (geography) +16, Knowledge can travel through Plane of Shadow as though
(history) +16, Knowledge (local) +16, Knowledge affected by a teleport spell. All the benefits and
(nature) +16, Knowledge (nobility) +13, Knowledge risks associated with the spell apply to this form
The Tower of Janazar

(planes) +16, Knowledge (religion) +13, Linguistics of dimensional travel—including the number
+15, Perception +4, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft of companions he may take along, chances of
+21 failure, and so on. The effects of both abilities are
Languages Azindralean, Celestial, Common, determined by Janazar’s class level (CL 16).
Draconic, Ignan, Kortezian, Sylvan Shadow metamagic (Su): Janazar can cast Shadow
SQ arcane bond (raven), control light and shadows, spells affected by metamagic feats with less effort
extended illusions +4 rounds, improved shadow than other spell casters. The level increase of all
casting, invisibility field (9 rounds/day), shadow such spells is reduced by -2. This cannot reduce
defenses, shadow focus, shadow metamagic, the cost below the base spell’s actual level. While
shadow travel on the Plane of Shadows, Janazar can effectively
Gear bracers of armor +3, mwk silver dagger, +2 “double Maximize” any shadow spell, by virtue
headband of mental superiority, staff of charming, of the plane’s trait to normally Maximize shadow
goggles of the night spells. The caster can opt to also apply the
Spellbook spells prepared plus 0– acid splash, dancing Maximize Spell feat, if he possesses it, to gain the
lights, daze, detect magic, disrupt undead, flare, double effect.
ghost sound, light, mending, message, open/close, Shadow defenses (Su): Shadow substance
ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue; continuously swirls around Janazar granting him
1– burning hands, charm person, detect secret doors, concealment (and therefore making him immune
mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement; to sneak attack and other precision–based
2– darkvision, flaming sphere, magic mouth, see damage). Janazar can dismiss the shadows as a
invisibility; 3– tongues; 5– permanency; 6– analyze free action, while resummoning them requires a
dweomer, disintegrate. move action.
Improved Shadow Casting (Sp): whenever Janazar Janazar’s Friends,
casts shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, Family, and Colleagues
greater shadow conjuration, greater shadow While Janazar practices his reclusion with fervency,
evocation, or shades the effects of these spells are a handful of people remain who make it their practice
increased by +30% (max 100%). to stop by for intermittent visits. Within the course
Control light and shadows (Su): Janazar manipulates of a month, any of the following individuals make
both light and dark as further aspects of shadow. stopovers to the Tower.
When casting spells with the [Darkness] descriptor
he may opt to produce a range of effects ranging The Gray Consortium: Like many other aging
from total darkness to illumination equal to wizards Janazar shares and debates his research
torchlight. He may alter the amount of darkness and knowledge with a secret alliance of likeminded
produced at the casting time, and as a move powerful spellcasters. Every so often, they get
equivalent action, he may alter it each round the together to discuss arcane theory, history, politics
spell is in effect. Similarly, when he casts spells and other heady subjects, which would bore the
life out of men of other professions. His colleagues
with the [Light] descriptor, he may opt for effects
include, but are not limited to, the following:
that range from torch light up to effects equal to
daylight. He may control this in the same way as
darkness spells, using a move action every round Moirgone the Withered (CN male human
to alter the amount of light present as a result of (Kortezian) wizard 11); a putrid necromancer who
the others joke might as well become a lich, as he
her spell. Where appropriate, a shadow mage of
already looks and smells like one.
the Gray Consortium treats spells with either the
[Light] or [Darkness] descriptor as though they had
the Shadow subtype. Lubor Smythe (N male human (Azzywog) bard 8);
Shadow Focus (Ex): Whenever a shadow mage of the a once cheerful bard taken to singing dirges that the
group now affectionately calls Lubor the Lugubrious.
Gray Consortium casts a shadow spell, he adds +1
to the save DC. This bonus stacks with those from
Thessaly DeCirgen (CN female human
his Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats.
(Azindralean) wizard 9); a charming if not somewhat
Shadow travel (Sp): 7/day— Janazar can travel
pompous transmuter best known for her work with
through the Plane of Shadow as though affected binding raw chaos.
by a dimension door spell. 1/day— Janazar
Carmet the Oblivious (N female human (Kortezian) a wealthy noble whose family trades horses. He
wizard 6/ shadow mage 3); the youngest member became smitten with Geneyse following a rare trip
of the congress. She claims to have perfected a she and Cinnamon made to the town market to
memory-enhancing potion using quicksilver as a purchase some items for the stables. For a while

The Tower of Janazar

primary ingredient. afterwards, Rothburn would occasionally stop by
under the pretext of visiting with Cinnamon, however
Kored Ironbeard (LN male dwarf expert 4/ sorcerer she has grown weary of his charade and refuses
6); the renown dwarven stone-sorcerer and principle to speak to him. Recently he’s taken to straggling
architect behind Janazar’s Tower. around the gate and considers sneaking into the
Taighe Morningblood (N male human
(Azindralean) fighter 7/ rogue 3); An old adventuring Adventure Seeds
partner, Taighe drops by on occasion to drink • Janazar’s tower is a source of mystery, but more
Janazar’s wine a converse about the good old days (a importantly a source of great knowledge. Initially
subject which he rarely tires of, but one that readily characters make appointments to secure training
wears on the elderly wizard’s patience). Even though in the arcane arts, purchase new spells, or research
he looks haggard, gray, and is missing several teeth lost lore. At first, only Geneyse services these
Taighe still has a fair amount of fight in him and appointments, though as player characters increase
more than a few thugs have been beaten senseless in power, the aging wizard most certainly takes an
by the old coot having misjudged him as a easy active interest in their training or research and may
mark. even hire them to perform special tasks. Below are a
few possible adventure hooks.
Synmarieth the Elf King (CG male elf ranger 7,
wizard 10); Long ago, Synmarieth’s daughter defied • A rival of Janazar’s seeks to acquire a spellbook,
him, fleeing the safety of her homelands to travel artifact, or similar item that he believes Janazar
the world with a much younger Janazar. The couple possesses and hires characters to steal it for him.
fell in love and as things go, settled down had a
child. Unfortunately, adventuring wizards have a • While Janazar generally stays clear of politics, he
way of making powerful enemies, one of which sent has several powerful and influential allies working
assassins to murder him in his sleep. They struck within the system. These include Judge Bao and the
viciously, stabbing his wife first hoping to crush the Night Enforcers. Acting upon Janazar’s request, the
wizard’s will. Instead, Janazar fell back at them with law man has significantly damaged the effectiveness
all the rage and wraith he possessed, annihilating the of several criminal organizations, most notably,
assassins, and hunting down and slaying those who Meershalix and his Dragon Claws, thus the upstart
sent them. Although Synmarieth begrudges Janazar crime-boss now seek to assassinate him. While
for the loss of his daughter, he occasionally stops by Janazar believes himself capable of handling his
to visit his granddaughter Geneyse. She has grown own affairs, Judge Boa isn’t as convinced and hires
to look so much like her mother that seeing her characters to protect the “old bear”, whether he likes
has become difficult for the king and coupled with it or not.
dealing with Janazar, visiting now pains him greatly.
Deep down the elf king knows his daughter’s death • A local noble recently caught sight of Geneyse
wasn’t Janazar’s fault, however he can’t help but hold walking through the Residential section. Immediately
the human accountable and the whole situation has smitten with her beauty, he desperately seeks to woo
made him melancholy for many years. Still, he knows her. Unfortunately, he has little information on the
how much his granddaughter loves her father and reclusive wizard’s daughter and hires inquisitives to
anyone harming the old wizard risks inciting the Elf meet with her in order to acquire further information
King’s rage. about the mysterious girl and her father.

Amwa Swain, City Councilwoman (NG human • Janazar stole his front door from the fortress of a
(Azindralean) expert 5); A friend to both Janazar demon he defeated. After suffering through several
and his wife in younger years, Amwa played crucial decades as a blob of primordial slime, the demon
part getting the city council to solicit the Great City has finally reformed his physical body and now he
as a place for the wizard to erect his magnificent wants his front door back. The demon purchases
tower. She also hosts an annual memorial service a nearby dwelling and moves in, slowly gating in
for Janazar’s wife and occasionally played the role of a small army of fiends. Once he releases them,
surrogate mother to Geneyse when she was younger. his violent and plundering forces place the Tower,
Janazar, and the surrounding district in grave danger.
Rothburn Allyns (LN human (Kortezian) aristocrat
3); Rothburn is teenage son of Strathburn Allyns,
Temple of the Silver Lady

Temple of the Silver Lady

T he Temple of the Silver Lady is the epicenter

of the Great City’s oldest and possibly least
understood religion. The original temple predates
away from the prying eyes of other religious factions
within the blossoming non-secular district.

the other structures of the Temple district by at least Currently, the temple’s current residents include
a century, and may even predate the city itself. The six adepts under the matriarchal guidance of high
earliest record of the religion describes a sacred priestess Cyruette.
meadow marked by eight menhirs centered round
a huge geode which reflected moonlight so brightly, Read the following text when players approach the
that it appeared the night stars had fallen from the Temple of the Silver Lady:
sky to dance amongst the mortal worshippers.
In the north western corner of the Temple Ward,
Later records describe the addition of a small bordering against the Wall of Revered Ancestors sits one
marble temple and a life-size stone effigy of the Silver of the most mysterious structures in the Great City, a
Lady. About this same time, a renaissance of industry monstrous dome of pure mica-schist isinglass known as
and commerce gave rise to the sectioning of the the Temple of the Silver Lady.
Great City, forcing many other religions to relocate
near the Temple of the Silver lady, creating the During the day, the isinglass surface refracts
foundation for the Temple district, as well as dozens images of the sky and surrounding structures so
of other districts around the country. vividly, the dome almost seems to disappear. At
night, it catches the moon’s reflection, mirroring
At some point, a master carver reshaped the each phase upon the spherical surface creating the
menhirs into the intricately carved phase columns, illusion of a second moon rising from the earth,
though records aren’t explicit as to who enchanted except during the new moon when the temple turns
them or even when they were enchanted. During this black and opaque. During the moon’s crescent
same period, there some mention of the addition phases, the temple sheds low-light in a 10-ft-radius,
of moon fountains, added to replace the function during the quarter-moon phases the low-light
of the great geode, dragged into the main temple increases to a 15-foot radius, 20-ft radius during
for safeguarding. Finally, the priests constructed the gibbous and a full 30-ft during the full moon.
great dome, sealing the temple and its courtyards

Temple of the Silver Lady



0 120 240
4 - Temple of the Silver Lady (Temple Ward) FEET
18 16 1
17 7
The original temple was a crescent shaped building
PILGRIM’S PROMENADE constructed of white marble facing an open semi-
WORD circular courtyard. When the isinglass dome was
constructed, workers erected it right over the original
Characters asking around of the street or temple and the courtyard. Therefore, the older
otherwise researching the Temple of the Silver 3
northern chambers (including the Library, the Hall
Lady can make Knowledge (local) or Gather of the Moon, and Priest Quarters) do not receive
Information 10 19 the following
checks to learn 5
light from the outside, except through their windows.
CLERIC STREET information about the shop. Scale either check Conversely, the interior Courtyard looks much as
using DC 10 + Cyruette’s HD.
15 1. The Temple has no external entrance and its
19 it did before the construction of dome, especially
night when the moon spills down through the
parishioners use secret portals to enter.
19 isinglass.
2. The Silver Lady was
SQUARE worshiped here long
before the Great
ELEVENCity was built and the BLESSED WAY
Anyone examining the Temple exterior 8finds no
12 dome covers their 20ancient moon grove. visible doors or windows, and subsequent searches
3.11The religion is matriarchal and run by a high won’t reveal any. In fact, the alchemically prepared
priestess. isinglass acts as a one-way mirror allowing light
19 some famous thieves attempted
4. “Once to pass through, but preventing individuals on the
to break into the dome, but a blast of outside of the dome from peering in. Anyone foolish
21 moonlight shot out and knocked all of them enough to tamper with the isinglass dome triggers

out”. the trap, instantly alerting the high priestess who

5. An ancient and sacred order of knights rushes to alert her clergy and then takes immediate
called the moon warriors serves and action against perpetrators.
17 protects the Temple Silver Lady. 15
6. Reveals the location of a single phase Entering the Temple 6 of the Silver Lady remains
column portal (determine randomly). one of the church’s mysteries, at least to outsiders.
7. Garners players a proper Most Great City citizens are familiar enough with
20 introduction 5 to church parishioners and clergy members to know
one of the temple members or associates
(determine randomly). its members uses secret arcane portals to enter the
temple, each7 based the moon’s present position.

PHASE COLUMNS Northern Light House in the Dock Ward.
Temple of the Silver Lady

AND MOONGLOW FOUNTAINS First Quarter: This portal opens into a secret room
Each of the eight magnificent stone columns in the basement of a storage facility in Army
that arch across the north end of the courtyard Ward. Imar Havemolt, an ageing sergeant loyal
bares intricately carved arcane symbols and lost to the church that currently recruits new initiates
rhymes pertaining to specific moon phase. Powerful into the order of the moon warriors owns the
works of divine magic and architecture, the priests building.
refer to them as the phase columns. When the Waxing Gibbous: This portal opens into the pantry
appropriate moonlight falls upon a column and of a small shack belonging to Priestess Mareshti
the proper incantation is spoke, the column located at the intersection of Jewel’s Way and
bursts into a pillar of translucent glowing flame Fang Alley in the Trade Ward.
opening a magic portal that connects the moon Full Moon: This portal opens into a mural engraved
glow fountains to one of several secret locations into far wall the tomb of St. Lharium, the first
outside the temple. The waning fountain is keyed moon warrior of the Silver Lady.
to waning moon signs, as is the waxing fountain Waning Gibbous: This portal opens into the
keyed to waxing moon signs. Only individuals residence of Paerth Atham, a retired moon
bearing the Silver Lady’s crescent holy symbol warrior living in a small stone cottage facing the
and speaking the appropriate rhyme (as written Court Under the Mountain in Castle Ward.
upon each of the phase columns) can activate Third Quarter: This portal opens into the attic of
passage through the portals. Anyone attempting the Kalristo Family Manse at the intersection
to enter the temple must first make contact with of Noble’s Walk and Court Street. The Kalristo
a temple priest capable of activating the phase family have long been followers of the Silver Lady
columns, and then perform the passage rhyme and are among the Churches most powerful and
from memory. The portals effectively serve the dual generous patrons.
purpose of allowing parishioners, priests and their Waning Crescent: This portal opens into a baptismal
guests, entrance to and from the Courtyard, while pool run by Gramut the Decrepit in the Prophet’s
protecting the sanctuary from unwanted guests. Court.

The phase column portals link to the following Operating the Phase Columns
In order to operate a column, one must first
New Moon: This portal opens into the hollow of
interpret it with a successful Decipher Script
a gigantic tree stump in the darkest section of
skill check, or by using read magic, comprehend
Pantheon Gardens.
languages, or a similar type of spell. Activating an
Waxing Crescent: This portal opens into a crescent interpreted column requires a successful Spellcraft
shadow that forms in the water beneath the or Use Magic Device skill check.

Several key locations around the city maintain Isinglass Dome: The isinglass dome engulfs the
entrance portals, all under strict church sanction. entire temple. All windows built into the exterior
While the portal entrances help to dissuade thieves, temple walls press directly against the isinglass
marauders, and other temple threats, they primarily dome.
contribute to the airs of mystery and ritual connected
to the goddess of the noon. Enchanted Isinglass Dome: thickness 2 in.;
Hardness 20; hp 600; Break DC 50.
Temple General Features
Symbol of Stunning Trap CR 7
Lighting: All light in the temple comes from Perception DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
natural sources, providing low or no light, EFFECTS
depending on the time of day and phase of the
Type magical; trigger proximity (alarm); reset
moon. Both the dome and the alchemically
automatic; bypass hidden lock Effect spell effect
treated glass doors amplify low light, spreading it
(symbol of stunning 20th-level cleric, Fortitude Will
throughout the complex. Still, the dome absorbs
DC 23 negates).
the harshest of the sun’s rays, and the temple never
receives more than low light.
Doors: Every door in the temple is made from
alchemically-treated glass. Frosted and elaborately
Temple of the Silver Lady
1 square = 5 ft

4 - Temple of the Silver Lady

etched with ancient symbols, it is impossible to see intricately etched, glass double-doors that lead to the
through the doors, though they remain translucent temple’s inner sanctum.
enough to allow light to pass through them, thus all
of them glow softly. Every clergy member possesses The previously open-aired courtyard and now
keys to her own room, as well as the kitchen, larder, the largest section of the Court of the Silver Lady
privy, and library. Room descriptions denote doors embraces the oldest and most sacred elements
as locked or unlocked. Unless otherwise noted, all of the temple. Here worshipers come to pray and
temple doors possess the following statistics. contemplate in solitude, spending hours with
Frosted-Glass Temple Door: thickness 1 in.; thoughts adrift in the moon fountains, deciphering
Hardness 1; hp 10; Break DC 10, Open Lock DC 18 the ancient phase columns or simply gazing upwards
into the night skies.
Ground Floor
At almost any hour of the day, one may expect to
encounter one or two introspective adepts wandering
GF1. Court of the Silver Lady
the courtyard deep in thought. Additional priests
A towering atrium shelters a large circular courtyard service the courtyards to aid individuals entering or
washed in the pale light that filters through its isinglass exiting through the moonglow fountains.
dome. A lush blanket of natural grass covers the floor
while long hedged gardens of pale moonflowers and Enchanted Glass Double Doors: thickness 2 in.;
cereus blossoms line the path of every walkway. In Hardness 6; hp 40; Break DC 20*
each of the adjoining gardens, a gargantuan forty-foot Strong Abjuration; CL 20th; casting dispel magic on
diameter stone fountain sinks slowly into the soft earth. the doors turns them into ordinary glass (Hardness
Carved into crescent fonts, their shimmering waters 2; hp 2; Break DC 15).
catch the moonlight and reflect it in pale erupting
beacons. To the north, eight massive columns of white GF2. Moonglow Fountain
weathered granite climb to the pinnacle of the dome,
The tremendous fountain in the western garden rests
each scarred by ancient astrological runes of long dead
evenly on he soil, its base devoured by the surrounding
priests. Behind them, a cobbled path leads to a pair of
flowers. Its pale coral crescent-shaped inlay arches away
eight 10-foot-long stained glass murals line the room’s
Cyruette perimeter.
Temple of the Silver Lady

The priestess and her clergy perform most

of their formal services in the hall before small
congregations, saving the courtyard services for
larger informal gatherings and holidays. In addition
to the courtyard entrance, sliding glass doors in
the southeast and southwest corners lead to long,
curved, lightless passages. Temple priestesses
usually keep these doors locked.

At any given time, at least one of the adepts

prepares, cleans, or otherwise attends the Hall of the
Moon. 1d4 adepts and 1d10 + 10 congregants attend
a typical service.

GF5. Priest’s Room

The door opens into fanning quadrilateral-shaped
room lit by a single large window set into its curved
exterior wall. Spartan furnishings include three
matching bed, nightstand, and shelf sets; and a single
but elegantly crafted, mahogany writing desk and chair.

This chamber serves as the larger of the temple’s

two priest dormitories. At any given time, 1 or 2
adepts occupy this room.

Tucked beneath every bed is a stick broom.

Each nightstand holds a few random personal

from the center of the court, and its waters flicker with items such as a hairbrush or comb, loose change
small silver scaled fish. (2d10 coppers or silver pieces), a half-full glass of
water, nail polish, a chewed pencil, or some costume
This is the waxing pool. During the appropriate jewelry.
moon phase, moonlight striking its surface reflects
as the identical phase, lighting the entire chamber. Crudely carved into the underside of both the desk
and chair are the initials N.L.
GF3. Moonglow Fountain
The eastern fountain lies askew, the southwest lip of Each armoire contains a half dozen priest’s robes
the basin dipping to allow garden flowers to climb into and a few articles of less formal city clothing.
the pool. Unevenly settled, the water level is too shallow
to support fish, though the coral inlays continue to hold GF6. Priest’s Room
up remarkably. The door opens into cramped room lit by a large
window set into its curved exterior wall. Spartan
This is the waning pool. Identical to the waxing furnishings include three matching bed, nightstand, and
pool, the moonlight of appropriate moon phase shelf sets.
striking its surface reflects as the identical phase.
Creatures: The temple’s male adepts share these
GF4. Hall of the Moon smaller and less comfortable chambers. At any given
The courtyard’s double doors enter into scallop-shaped time, 1 or 2 adepts occupy this room.
auditorium of pale, cold marble, 60-feet across at its
widest and two-thirds as deep. Sitting symmetrically on Each armoire contains a half dozen priest’s robes
either side of the room, two rows of four 10-foot-long and a few articles of less formal city clothing.
stone pews face a giant crystalline moon orb grown
from a massive geode. Above the geode hovers a life-size Nightstands (3): thickess 1 in.; Hardness 5; hp 3;
naked statue of the Silver Lady carved from a single Break DC 17
mass of flawless alabaster. Hanging from ceiling chains, Each nightstand holds a few random personal
Temple of the Silver Lady

items such as a hairbrush or comb, loose change hangs from the ceiling, casting star-like flickers across
(2d10 coppers or silver pieces), a half-full glass of the shadowed walls. Silk sheets flow over the overstuffed
water, nail polish, a chewed pencil, or some costume mattress and garlands of fresh flowers draped across
jewelry. Anyone searching the nightstand can attempt the windowsill and door frame. The remaining furniture
a DC 18 Perception check to discover a small silver consists of a small wooden nightstand, a marble
dagger beneath one of the nightstands. bookcase, and a matching writing desk and chair.

GF7. High Priestess’s Chambers These simple quarters belong to high priestess
This small room appears to be the private quarters Cyruette, a young and excessively devout woman
of a female priest. A gorgeous crystal and silver mobile bent on restoring the faithful and increasing the size
of parishioners by enticing them with recently revised
Imar Havemolt
scriptures. The simple furnishings are consistent
with those of the other temple priests. Cyruette rarely
Temple of the Silver Lady

uses her room, except to be alone or sleep.

The bookshelf contains several religious texts,

inside one is a folded scroll. Resting on the top of the
shelf is a stick broom.

Sitting on the desk are jar of ink, a blotter, two

feather quills, a lump of wax, a crescent moon
stamp, and several sheets of fine vellum. In the
desk’s drawer holds the private journal of the high

The nightstand contains folded robes and a few

personal items including a mirror, a comb and some
hairclips, on it is a jewelry box containing seven silver
holy symbols, each representing a different phase of
the moon.

Three large drawers beneath the bed hold more

clothes, robes and other garments.

Treasure: crystal and silver mobile worth 250 gp,

one of the glass chimes on the mobile is a chime
of opening, a divine scroll with three spells (break information about the Silver Lady. Less obvious
enchantment, commune and plane shift), seven silver information pertaining to these subjects still requires
holy symbols (125 gp each), silver mirror (15 gp), fine the appropriate Knowledge skill check, however the
silver and pearl comb (120 gp), 5 silver and pearl individual is granted a +2 cumulative circumstance
hairclips (50 gp each), fancy bedding (25 gp). bonus per every additional hour of research he
pursues (maximum +20). The bonus is applied to
GF8. Privy a single specific question only and regardless of
time spent researching, once a character attempts
White, hexagonal tiles cover the walls, floor, and ceiling the check, he can never apply the circumstance
of this irregularly shaped room. A large hole in one corner bonus again to that question (as there is simply no
of the room encircles a small brass grate. Nearby, is a more information in the library pertaining to the
neatly balanced stack of bedpans and a bucket of soapy researchers subject).
water. Several small towels hang on wall pegs.
Unless occupied, the door to the privy is unlocked. During the day, a single priestess attends the
There is nothing valuable in this room. needs of other adepts and church patrons who
frequent the library to study and research. At night,
GF9. Silver Library its doors are locked.
Six, 15-ft-long alabaster inlaid wooden bookshelves Anyone searching the bookcase along the west wall
occupy the south section of this large room; one on can attempt a DC 25 Perception check to find a false
either wall and two pairs, set back to back between compartment hidden behind some old texts on the
them forming three book-lined aisles. An equal amount bottom shelf. The compartment has a built-in safe.
of simple wooden reading desks with chairs rest beneath
one of two large windows in the wider back corner of the Small Iron Safe: thickness 1 in.; Hardness 10; hp
room. The single visible doorway in the room is the one 30; Break DC 28, Open Lock DC 30; Inside the safe is
entering from the south corridor. a tome of understanding +2.

Library books contain a variety of religious and GF10. Refectory and Kitchen
astrological texts, as well as several hundred The temple maintains a small and simple combined
years of history pertaining to the construction of kitchen and refectory to service the resident priests.
the Great City and surrounding lands. Using the Propped into the western corner, a stone table and
library guarantees a success for individuals seeking bench combination offers seating. Lining the opposite
common local knowledge, historical facts about the wall is a long stone kitchen countertop with inset
city, known location in the city and history or other washbasins. A single window in the western external
wall provides the room its sole source of illumination. Description In her early forties, Cyruette’s long
tresses are beginning to silver and slight etchings
During breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the entire have started to wrinkle her pale, moon-washed skin.

Temple of the Silver Lady

clergy gathers here to share their meals together. Still, her figure remains strikingly fit and attractive
A rotation chart determines which adepts prepare and she is often mistaken for a much younger
meals and serve on cleaning crews. woman. She dresses mostly in the frail silks and soft
cotton robes appropriate to those of a high priestess.
GF11. Larder
The door to this unlit and oddly shaped pantry opens Cyruette CR 11
inward and its cool dry air washes everything with the XP 12800
pleasant aroma of dried herbs. Dozens of boxes, barrels, Female human cleric of the Silver Lady 12
jars, and other sundries cramp the room, while strips of N Medium humanoid (human)
meats, peppers, fruits, and other foods dangle from the
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Darkvision 60ft.
ceiling. Threaded in long strands, the drying foodstuffs
Perception +5
indiscriminately stain the items and floor beneath.

The crates and barrels in the lard hold enough food AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
to comfortably feed twenty people for about a month. hp 60 (12d8+6)
None of the barrels or crates are locked. Crates Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +13
contain dried foodstuffs, including grains, dried OFFENSE
fruits, vegetables, and spices. The barrels contain Speed 30 ft.
water, wine, and ale. In all, the value of these meager Melee +3 spiked chain +11 (2d4+2)
foodstuffs might be about 100 gp. Special Attacks channel Positive energy (6d6, DC 18,
5/day), moonbeam (30 ft. ranged touch, 8/day,
The Temple Staff  6d6+6 cold damage),
and Occupants Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 12th)
6th—extended true seeing, forbiddance (DC 21),
Adepts nightmareD (DC 21)
Within the temple, adepts dress in plain robes and 5th—atonement, commune, plane shift, extended
display a silver holy symbol as appropriate to the tongues, symbol of sleepD
current moon phase. They do not arm themselves 4th—air walkD, extended dispel magic, freedom of
within the temple and try to avoid conflict whenever movement, heightened searing light (DC 19), sending
possible. The staff consists of six 1st-level clerics, five 3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyanceD, invisibility purge,
2nd-level clerics, three 4th-level clerics, two 5th-level locate object, meld into stone, prayer, remove curse
clerics, and one 6th-level clerics. 2nd—aid, augury, bear’s endurance, glitterdust, lesser
restoration, zone of truth
Cyruette 1st—bless, bless water, divine favor, entropic shield,
The daughter of a young priestess and moon sanctuary, remove fear, sleepD
warrior, Cyruette was born into the church and 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, read magic,
raised within the temple. Her non-secular education resistance
consists entirely of the books in the Silver Library D Domain spell; Domains Knowledge, Moon
making her probably the most devout and well- STATISTICS
versed priestess the temple has ever had. For the Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 21, Cha 14
last decade she has held the title of high priestess, Base Atk +9; CMB +8; CMD 20
a position she well deserves and manages capably. Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Extend Spell, Great
Unfortunately, her religious duties have taken a Fortitude, Heighten Spell, Lightning Reflexes, Turn
painful toll on her personal life, something she
Undead, Weapon Finesse
frequently writes about in her journal.
Skills Craft (silversmith) +8, Diplomacy +12, Heal
+14, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (history)
Cyruette never married or had children of her own.
+8, Knowledge (nature) +12, Knowledge (planes)
For awhile, she retained an intimate relationship with
Paerth, but as the years passed he grew distant from +10, Knowledge (religion) +12, Spellcraft +12
her and it became painfully obvious to her that his Languages Azindralean, Common,
romantic interests were drawn to many places. Now SQ aura, lore keeper (32), moonsight, remote
approaching middle age, she frequently dreams of viewing (12 rounds/day)
bearing her own children and is considering seeking Other Gear +2 chain shirt, +3 spiked chain, +2
an unattached affair. headband of inspired wisdom.

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 deflection, +1 Dex,
MOON DOMAIN +1 natural)
Temple of the Silver Lady

hp 40 (4d8+4d8+4)
Granted Powers: You gain the supernatural
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +13; +4 vs. fey and plant–
strength and clarity of the moon.
targeted effects
Moonbeam (Sp): As a standard action,
you can unleash a beam of frigid moonlight OFFENSE
targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged Speed 30 ft.
touch attack. This beam deals 1d6 points of Melee mwk dagger +6 (1d4–1/19–20)
cold damage + 1 point for every two cleric Special Attacks channel positive energy (2d6, DC 13,
levels you possess. You can use this ability 4/day), moonbeam (30 ft. ranged touch, 5/day,
a number of times per day equal to 3 + your 2d6+2 cold damage), wild shape (Small–Medium
Wisdom modifier. animal; 4 hours/day)
Moon Sight (Ex): At 6th level, you gain low- Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 4th)
light vision. At 12th level, you gain darkvision, 2nd—augury, delay poison, glitterdust, sound burst (DC
allowing you to see in the dark up to 60 feet. 16)
At 20th level, your darkvision increases to a 1st—bless water (2), cause fear (DC 15), sanctuary,
range of 120 ft. sleepD(DC 15)
Domain Spells: 1st—sleep, 2nd—glitterdust, 0 —(at will)—guidance, mending, read magic, stabilize
3rd—blink, 4th—air walk, 5th—symbol of sleep, D Domain spell; Domains Healing, Moon
6th—nightmare, 7th—control weather, 8th— Druid Spells Prepared (CL 4th)
symbol of insanity, 9th—meteor swarm.
2nd—heat metal(DC 16), summon swarm, warp
wood(DC 16)
1st—calm animals(DC 15), faerie fire, goodberry, magic
Gramut the Decrepit
For most of her life, Gramut the Decrepit, the old 0—(at will)—create water, detect magic, detect poison,
witch who lives in Prophet’s Court made her living
purify food and drink
as a fortune-teller. Both a longtime parishioner and
retired priestess of the Temple, Cyruette appointed
her to the position of guardian of the Waxing Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 18, Cha 13
Crescent. Base Atk +6; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Brew Potion, Eschew Materials, Lightning
She sleeps little, mostly in late morning and early Reflexes, Quick Draw, Stealthy
afternoons when the sun hits her house hardest. The Skills Craft (alchemy) +7, Diplomacy +8, Escape
remaining hours she spends running the baptismal Artist +0, Handle Animal +7, Heal +14, Knowledge
pools, anointing new seekers into the church fold. (geography) +7, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge
She is equally inquisitive of outsiders prying for (nature) +11, Knowledge (planes) +7, Knowledge
information about the Temple, and immediately
relays her suspicions to Cyruette. Gramut the Decrepit

Description: Its tough to gauge Gramut’s precise

age, though she has easily seen the better two-thirds
of a century. Her skin is dull and mottled and her
face, deeply creased and framed by stalks of dry,
brittle colorless hair. The passing years have turned
her eyes a grayish milky color and she often requests
individuals move closer to her so she can better
see them. Arthritic and stooped, Gramut moves
slowly. Recently, her ailments have become such that
walking is difficult without a cane.

Gramut the Decrepit CR 7

XP 3200
Female cleric of the Silver Lady 4/druid 4
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Perception +9
Aura chaos
(religion) +8, Linguistics +6, Perception +9, in his brother’s death. This includes permitting
Profession (baptist) +9, Profession (healer) +10, outsider’s use of his family’s phase portal.
Spellcraft +10, Stealth +6, Survival +14

Temple of the Silver Lady

Languages Azindralean, Common Description: Eban is a young and handsome man
SQ aura, lore keeper 23, nature bond (animal with dark, sharp features and a pubescent dusting
companion), nature sense, trackless step, rebuke of facial hair. He dresses in the fine clothes of a
death (1d4+2, 7/day), resist nature’s lure, wild nobleman.
empathy +5, woodland stride
Combat Gear potions of cure moderate wounds (2) Eban Kalristo CR 6
Other Gear +1 ring of protection, +1 amulet of natural XP 1200
armor, +1 cloak of resistance, silver holy symbol, Male human expert 5
mwk dagger, 70 gp. LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Perception +2
Pungy (Dog Animal Companion) CR– DEFENSE
N Small animal AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +1
Init +5; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8 dodge, +1 shield)
DEFENSE hp 29 (5d8+7)
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +1 Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
hp 24 (4d8+8) Speed 30 ft.
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4 Melee +1 rapier +5 (1d6+2/18–20)
Speed 40 ft. Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Melee bite +6 (1d4+2) Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 18
STATISTICS Feats Dodge(B), Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Finesse
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 15 (19 vs. trip) Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +5, Disguise
Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus +5, Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +5, Knowledge
(Perception) (+2) (geography) +4, Knowledge (history) +3,
Skills Acrobatics +3 (+11 jumping), Perception +8, Knowledge (local) +2, Linguistics +2, Perception
Survival +3 (+9 scent tracking); Racial Modifiers +2, Perform (Sing) +4, Ride +7, Survival +2, Swim
+4 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Survival when +5
tracking by scent Languages Common
SQ bonus tricks (come, defend, down), link, share spells. Gear studded leather armor, buckler, +1 rapier, 50 gp.

Eban Kalristo Imar Havemolt

The black sheep of his family, Eban’s formal Imar converted to the temple about five years
rejection of the Silver Lady has sliced a deep rift in ago, while seeking solace to cope with the death of
his family, one that may cost him both his title and his wife who passed from plague. His then sparing
inheritance. Baptized into the faith at a young age, partner Paerth Atham introduced him to Cyruette,
Eban desired to follow in the steps of his uncle and who hired him to train moon warriors. Since Paerth’s
older brother, both of whom were decorated moon retirement, his affection for Cyruette has blossomed,
warriors. Near the time of his sixteenth birthday, his though he has yet to express his feelings to the
uncle returned home, badly scarred and bearing the priestess.
melancholy news that his nephew had been slain
defending one of the Lady’s temples from raiders Anyone knocking heads with Imar is in for a fight.
in the north. Eban’s uncle never fully recovered and Though he isn’t a moon warrior himself and his
spent the last few years of his life in a drunken angry allegiance to the church is only spiritual, he still
haze blaming the church for his ruined life and the commands a good many men and is willing to
death of his nephew. While the rest of his family deploy them in the Temple’s defense.
refused to listen to his rants, young Eban became his
eager disciple. Description: Imar is a burly and hardened looking
man in his late 30’s with a thick graying body hair, a
Though he dares not speak openly against the barrel chest, and thighs like tree trunks. He keeps his
Temple, Eban may secretly finance or aid covert balding pate shaved, though most of the time salt
attempts to undermine it or prove them culpable and pepper stubbles his head and face. He has wide
set, deep brown eyes separated by a slightly offset probing him too deeply about the Temple, though he
nose. investigates himself as he still has difficulty talking to
Temple of the Silver Lady

Imar Havemolt CR 9
Description: Though in his late 40’s, Paerth still
XP 6400
possesses the physique of a man half his age,
Male human fighter 10 which he keeps well maintained by regular sparing
LN Medium humanoid (human) matches. He has brownish gray hair, warm brown
Init +2; Perception +0 eyes, and round face only slightly wrinkled by the
DEFENSE passing years.
AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+10 armor, +1
deflection, +2 Dex) Paerth Atham CR 7
hp 90 (10d10+35)
XP 3200
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +3; +3 vs. fear
Male fighter 3/monk 3/moon warrior 2
(Great City Players Guide 50)
Speed 30 ft. LN Medium humanoid (human)
Melee +1 halberd +17 (1d10+8/x3) Init +3; Perception +7
Ranged +1 composite longbow +13 (1d8+1/x3) DEFENSE
AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +1
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
Base Atk +10; CMB +13; CMD 26 hp 46 (3d10+3d8+2d8+8)
Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Greater Trip, Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +7; +1 vs. fear, evasion, +2 vs.
Improved Trip, Power Attack, Spring Attack, enchantment
Toughness, Weapon Focus (halberd), Weapon OFFENSE
Focus (halberd), Weapon Specialization (halberd),
Speed 40 ft.
Whirlwind Attack
Melee +1 spiked chain +10 (2d4+3)
Skills Climb +11, Craft (weaponsmith) +8, Handle
Ranged mwk dagger +10 (1d4/19–20)
Animal +8, Intimidate +8, Ride +10, Survival +10,
Special Attacks flurry of blows, evasion, stunning fist
Swim +9
(4/day, DC 16)
Languages Azindralean, Common
Moon Warrior Spells Known (CL 2nd)
SQ armor training +2, bravery +3, weapon training
2nd (1/day)—glitterdust
(pole arms +2, heavy blades +1), armor training
1st (2/day)—sleep (DC 13)
+2, bravery +3, weapon training (pole arms +2,
heavy blades +1)
Other Gear +1 full plate, +1 ring of protection, +1 Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
composite longbow, +1 halberd, 300 gp. Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 24
Feats Combat Expertise(B), Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
Paerth Atham Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Improved Disarm(B),
Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike,
Once one of the temples greatest martial
champions, Paerth now live alone in semi-retirement. Stunning Fist, Weapon Focus (spiked chain)
He no longer ranks among the moon warriors but Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +7, Escape Artist +8,
instead, remains within the church serving as the Handle Animal +5, Heal +7, Intimidate +5,
watcher of the waning gibbous portal from his Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (nature) +5,
modest cottage in the Castle Ward. At one time, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +7, Sense
Paerth was intimately involved with Cyruette, though Motive +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Swim +7
he ended the relationship over his own mixed feeling Languages Azindralean, Common
about his sexuality. Although the temple places no SQ armor training +1, bravery +1, fast movement,
taboos against sexual orientation, Paerth suffered maneuver training, still mind, armor training +1,
terrible guilt concerning his feelings and believing bravery +1, fast movement, maneuver training,
he’d somehow disgraced his position as captain of still mind
the guard, he formerly relinquished his position to a Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds
younger knight. Other Gear +1 ring of protection, +1 bracers of armor,
+1 spiked chain, mwk dagger (2), 55 gp.
Paerth is a private man and avoids outside SPECIAL ABILITIES
interruptions. Anyone attempting to interact
Moon Blessing (Su): Once per day for 2 minutes,
with him finds him both secretive and strangely
Paerth can bless his weapon temporarily granting
remorseful. Still, he becomes suspicious of anyone
it the properties of alchemical silver.
4/day), moonbeam (30 ft. ranged touch, 5/day,
PARISHIONERS 2d6+2 cold damage)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 4th)

Temple of the Silver Lady

At any time during the day, players may
2nd—bull’s strength, comprehend thoughts, glitterdust
encounter temple parishioners in addition to
(DC 16), inflict moderate wounds (DC 16), spiritual
those NPCs with listed stats.
Twenty or so 1st – 4th level commoners
attend a typical service, occasionally 1st—cause fear (DC 15), detect languages, doom (DC
interspersed with a few experts or aristocrats. 15), magic weapon, obscuring mist, sleep (DC 15)
0—(at will)—detect magic, guidance, read magic,
Moonglow (Sp): At will, Paerth can imbue an item Domains Knowledge, Moon
with moonglow causing it to shine a dull silvery STATISTICS
light in a 30-foot-radius. Moonglow only creates Str 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 12
shadowy light and lasts for as long as the moon Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 14
warrior concentrates. Feats Blind-Fight(B), Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Moon Domain: As a moon warrior Paerth gains (spiked chain)(B), Toughness, Weapon Focus
the granted power of the Moon Domain and the (spiked chain)
ability to cast domain spells. Skills Diplomacy +6, Heal +9, Knowledge (arcana)
+7, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (planes)
Priestess Mareshti +7, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +5,
Protectorate of the Waxing Gibbous is an annually Spellcraft +9
appointed position granted to various priestesses
within the Temple. The protectorate acts as a liaison Adventure Seeds
between the Temple and the local community. • A two-bit rogue has been mugging temple
Responsibilities include soliciting new followers, goers, seeking to muscle information from them
running small ceremonies and study groups, concerning the secret locations of the various phase
teaching literacy, and providing and organizing other portals.
helpful community services. The current appointee
is a somewhat standoffish young priestess named
Thus far, he’s only stalked marks outside the
lighthouse and the Herod forest, though the temple
has concerns as to who this mysterious rogue is and
Interacting with her is difficult, though individuals why he seeks his information.
taking time to deal with her diplomatically find
her reasonable. She has the authority to arrange
While their moon warriors are more than capable
audiences with Cyruette; likewise, she alerts the high
of remedying the annoyance, Cyruette nurtures a
priestess of individuals that raise her suspicions.
deeper concern that the rogue works for a dangerous
unseen opponent. She requires outsiders to find the
Description: Mareshti is a young woman in her
rogue and act as her moles in order to reveal the true
mid-twenties with icy-cold blue eyes and dark
tresses. She dresses in plain clothes, in accordance
to her vows, but wears a small silver gibbous moon
• A drunken nobleman hires the players to retrieve
pendant around her neck.
his brain-washed daughter from the evil grasp of
the heathen moon-worshiping infidels that he fears
Priestess Mareshti  CR 3 intend to sacrifice her to hungry werewolves. He
XP 800 claims church agents kidnapped her after the death
Female medium cleric of the Silver Lady 4 of his wife, leaving the poor man distraught. Thus
N Medium humanoid (human) far, he’s been unable to find anyone brave or clever
Init +0; Perception +5 enough to penetrate the temple and rescue her. In
DEFENSE truth, the noble is the young woman’s lecherous
stepfather, and she fled both his house and his
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor)
advances in the wake of her mother’s death. The
hp 26 (4d8+8)
church took her in began training her as a priestess.
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +7
If questioned, they deny any knowledge of the
OFFENSE woman and become aggressively defensive if the
Speed 30 ft. issue is further pressed.
Melee spiked chain +5 (2d4+1)
Special Attacks channel Positive energy (2d6, DC 13,
The Curiosity Shop

The Curiosity Shop

O ne of the most popular establishments in the

Trades Ward is the Curiosity Shop. Located
on Innkeeper Street, a short block away from Market
customers, especially those who appear humored
by the loquacious stories he tells connected to
the numerous items in his shop. He has a natural
Square, the Curiosity Shop specializes in antiques, curiosity, which at times seems insatiable; though in
curios, bric-a-brac, and other rare junk collected over recent decades, his interest has shifted from bizarre
several hundred years by the shop’s proprietor; a items toward those who collect them. He seems
silver-tongued jann from the far wastes who calls particularly fond of quirky eccentrics.
himself Naboo.
Most of the time, he works the front desk (the
Most locals love the Curiosity Shop as it attracts a better to see the shocked expressions of first time
wide array of customers to the area. A fair percentage patrons) and monitors the upstairs showroom
of Naboo’s business comes from sailors, soldiers, with his magic moose head. Indeed, his primary
and other worldly travelers who require mementos motivation is to keep his shop running and his
of their exploits. Outside of his shop Naboo is reputation in tact, as the establishment has made his
somewhat of a recluse, though he’s been supportive life both comfortable and entertaining. Ultimately,
enough of the surrounding district, pays his taxes any who might jeopardize Naboo’s current situation
and is considered an upstanding citizen. Most find find themselves up against a powerful opponent.
him friendly, if not charming (though many chalk up
his charm to good business sense) and his prices are Naboo has two personalities. His “happy
moderate enough. He also has a knack for finding genie shop owner” persona is more than a little
“lost” items or procuring certain items that one dramatized and in truth, he’s far more levelheaded
might consider “hard-to-get”. than he lets on. Those who know him better (such
Shop hours are just before noon until a few hours as longtime clients that deal in serious artifacts or
after dark, though Naboo often engages in additional magical items, or anyone he plays cards with) note
business after hours. he is far less chaotic, and can be quite stern when
dealing with finances and legalities. Some who have
Naboo encountered this side of Naboo might even consider
Naboo approaches all who enter his shop him dangerous. He has scores of contacts, both
with a wide grin and a jovial greeting. He loves legitimate and unscrupulous, and any problems he
cannot deal with directly he has both the money and Spellcraft +9, Stealth +13
connections to have someone else fix. Ultimately Languages Auran, Azindralean, Celestial, Common,
there are many people who owe him favors. Draconic, Dwarven, Infernal, Kortezian
SQ elemental endurance, rogue talent (quick disable,
Naboo only shows his serious persona when he’s

The Curiosity Shop

trap spotter, weapon training), trapfinding, traps
in the Secret Room upstairs, where he specifically sense +2
deals with favored clients or runs private high-stakes Other Gear +2 chain shirt, +1 falchion, +2 belt of
card games. For the most part, he only uses this incredible dexterity, ring of keys (including front
room after normal store hours, but on rare occasions door key to Curiosity Shop, key to the iron strong
he shuts the store down during the day, so he can box, key to the secret door, key to his apartment).
use the room for negotiations with elite clientele.

Naboo is a tall, sandy-haired humanoid with earthy Change Size (Sp): Twice per day, Naboo can
skin and large, thick hands. He keeps his hair and magically change a creature’s size. This works
long mustache in braids decorated with beads and just like an enlarge person or reduce person spell
golden threads. Both his hair and skin glisten with (Naboo chooses when using the ability), except
oil. He is muscular, well built and smells like freshly that the ability can work on the efreeti. A DC 13
dug soil. As suiting to his personality, Naboo dresses Fortitude save negates the effect. The save DC is
dramatically in loose fitting silks and chintz. He Charisma-based. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-
is also overly fond of jewelry and drapes his body level spell.
with decadent layers of necklaces, bangles, rings, Elemental Endurance (Ex): Naboo can remain on
bracelets, giant hoop earrings, and a diamond stud the Planes of Air, Earth, Fire, or Water for up to 48
through his right nostril. hours at a time. Failure to return to the Material
Plane before that time expires causes a janni to
Naboo CR 10 take 1 point of damage per additional hour spent
XP 9600 on the elemental plane, until it dies or returns to
Male jann rogue 6 the Material Plane.
N Medium outsider (native)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12 During the evenings, when he’s not around,
Naboo employs a semi-retired soldier named
Doyle Dunbar to keep an eye on things. Doyle is a
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +4 Dex, +2 semi-retired, mid-ranking captain in the city guard
dodge, +1 natural) (uncanny dodge) who supplements his income by moonlighting as
hp 78 (6d10+6d8+15) Naboo’s night watchman. He has two sons, both
Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +8; evasion soldiers in their twenties, and an older daughter
Resist fire 10 (married to, as he puts it, “an idiot candle-maker”).
OFFENSE His wife has since passed away from a wasting
Speed 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (perfect) sickness several years ago. Her death has left him
Melee +1 falchion +15/+10 (2d4+4/15–20) with a persistent melancholia and acute insomnia.
Special Attacks change size, sneak attack +3d6,
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th) Description: Despite his fifty some ought years, Doyle
3/day—invisibility (self only), plane shift (willing is still a tough looking old soldier, square-jawed and
barrel-chested. His face is worn from years of war and
targets to elemental planes, Astral Plane, or
life, though his deep green eyes burn through it with
Material Plane only), speak with animals
deep sorrow and determination. Bald on top, he keeps
1/day—create food and water, ethereal jaunt (for 1 hour)
the rest of his thinning, gray wispy hair in ponytail.
His magnificent suit of platemail is lacquered in deep
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13 shades of red and blue, well oiled and cared for.
Base Atk +10; CMB +13; CMD 29
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical Doyle Dunbar CR 3
(falchion), Improved Initiative(B), Iron Will,
XP 800
Martial Weapon Proficiency, Mobility, Weapon
Male human fighter 4
Focus (falchion)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Skills Acrobatics +13 ( (+9 jump)), Appraise +17, Bluff
Init +0; Perception +0
+11, Craft (trapmaking) +17, Craft (jewelrymaking)
+13, Diplomacy +13, Disable Device +10, Disguise DEFENSE

+8, Escape Artist +13, Fly +17, Linguistics +11, AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +2 shield)
Perception +12, Ride +7, Sense Motive +12, hp 26 (4d10+4)


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19 T
The Curiosity Shop



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2 - The Curiosity Shop (Trades Ward) FEET


Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1; +1 vs. fear
No sign hangs out front, only a giant question mark
OFFENSE dramatically scrawled into the door marks the location.
Kitsch little sayings about curiosity are painted around
16 Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk longsword +8 (1d8+4/19–20) the doorframe, and the embroidered mat on the
27 stoop exclaims, “Enter To Delight Your Senses!” The
Ranged longbow +5(1d8/x3) BARREL STREET

building doesn’t have real windows, instead, two large

amateurish murals are painted on the façade. Both

Str 14, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8

depict massive glass curio cases filled with the types of
strange charms and baubles one might expect to10

Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 16 find

Feats Cleave,
13 13 Power Attack, Skill Focus (perception), inside.
Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon
3 13 13 Specialization (longsword) Ground Floor
Skills Climb13+0, Handle Animal +2, Intimidate HORSESHOE ALLEY
+3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Profession
GF1. Ground Floor Showroom
3 13 13 (guard) +4, Perception +4, Ride –2, Survival +4,
13 Swim +013 The door opens into a small room cramped with all
Languages Common, Kortezian sorts of outlandish junk. You’re immediately assaulted
SQ armor training +1, bravery +1, armor training +1,
28 by the scents of incense, mildew, rust, and oils. Directly
29 across from the door, occupying the center of the room
bravery +1
is a long, slender, J-shaped glass display case. Padding
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds
lightly across the glass countertop is a live miniature
ES WARD Other Gear masterwork half-plate, masterwork heavy
Coin, Merchants'
shield, mwk longsword,Row,
longbow, quiver
tabby cat that looks small enough to fit into the palm
of your hand. Behind the display case, the walls are RESIDENTIAL
with 20 arrows, 20 gp. completely buried by towers of crooked shelves and
mixed cabinets brimming with small and peculiar
Read the following text when PCs approach the knick-knacks, ugly fetishes, and other oddities. To your
Curiosity Shop: left are two large casks and to your right is a strange suit
of green enameled plate armor, propped onto a display
Walking down Innkeeper Street you arrive to a small, stand and posed as if it means to embrace the next
two-story Tudor, wedged tightly between two private individual to approach it.
residences that can only be the fabled Curiosity Shop.
Shop Customers
WORD ON THE STREET During business hours, the store has 2d4
customers. Possible customers include the following:
Characters asking around of the street or
otherwise researching the Curiosity Shop can

The Curiosity Shop

Ghrom Farone: Ghrom is a portly man with grayish
make DC 12 Diplomacy or Knowledge (local)
leathery skin who looks to be in his mid-fifties. He
checks to learn the following information
keeps heavy wool cloak draped over his shoulders,
about the shop.
and dresses in simple travelers clothes. He claims to
1. If there’s something you’ve always wanted,
be a buyer and collector of ancient religious artifacts
its might be at the Curiosity Shop or the
and Naboo is in fact currently putting together a
House of Pleasure, if there’s something you
crate for him. He’s just stopped by to complete
never wanted or something you lost in the
his second deposit and confirm final shipping
Gambling Hall, its definitely there.
2. The Curiosity Shop piques the interest
of all sorts of folk, so watch your purses Kel Shartham: Kel is a middle-aged sailor with a
inside the store. It’s a favorite stop for both few days of scruff on his face and more than a few
tourists and thieves. sun-faded tattoos. He’s looking for a souvenir for his
3. Although Naboo has a strict policy against niece, preferably some cheap costume jewelry.
purchasing stolen goods, any seller
prepared to give Naboo an interesting Daiana Goldenleaf: The elderly widow of a rich
history for an item, can usually fence it. noble, Daiana is one of Naboo’s best customers.
4.The gambling hall pawns off a lot of their She collects dolls from around the world. While
winnings through the Curiosity Shop. she is in the shop, she spots the mummified pixies
5. Though he seems friendly enough, you’d now transformed into kewpie dolls and becomes
never want Naboo to catch you stealing infatuated with them. She rudely interrupts
from him. He keeps his own collection of characters speaking with Naboo to inquire about
“sticky fingers” to prove it. their purchase.
6. Naboo has choice clients, and is
sometimes able to order special items for The Immigrant: An odd dwarf with a thick accent
reliable customers. and the clothes of a foreigner barges in and loudly
declares he’s looking for a decanter of endless water.
If pressed for an explanation, he becomes quiet and
The front door is unlocked during business hours asks if the inquiring character can keep a secret.
(just before noon until a few hours after dark). Next, he proudly states he intends to use the device
The display case and shelves contain various shop to become a firefighter. Then he turns serous and
goods (see Display Items paragraph on page 65). threatens to box the ears of anyone attempting to
The crates contain shipping items. One barrel is steal his million gold piece idea. If anyone attempts
filled with water in case of fire, the other is filled to tell him otherwise or questions the practicality of
with beads. The suit armor is actually a gaudy lamp his idea, he turns defensive, extremely stubborn and
and entertainment piece. When a command word altogether unreasonable.
is spoken (something Naboo is proud to show
potential buyers), its gauntlets light up and a warbled The Vacationers: A middle class family consisting
hollow voice sings religious hymns. The tabby is an of a man, his wife, and their two young children
ordinary cat (albeit an unusually small one) that lives happily browse the shop marveling at many of its
in the shop as its mouser. oddities. They are in town visiting the woman’s
parents and have stopped by the shop to show
Reinforced Mahogany Front Door: thickness 3 in.; the kids on her uncouth father’s suggestion.The
Hardness 8; hp 35; Break DC 28, Open Lock DC 30 children are absolutely amazed with the shop,
however the parents are trying hard to mask their
Creatures: Naboo is typically found in this appall, and attempting to convince their children to
room during store hours, in addition to any other leave the shop.
customers that happen to be milling about (see shop
customers below). At night, Doyle Dunbar guards Peytar: Another of the shop’s frequent visitors
the room. In the event of a break in, Doyle hides is a professional pickpocket named Peytar. Naboo
next to the armor and uses his feather token to alert hasn’t caught on to the thief yet, primarily because
Naboo. If possible, he waits until burglars trigger the he targets customers and not the shop itself. Still,
trap on the door to the stairwell before moving in to such a thief is hardly good for business. For details
apprehend them. see FF1.

confronted. He despises making scenes and drawing
Peytar attention to himself as the antithesis of his life’s
The Curiosity Shop

Description: Peytar is fair-skinned and has a

charming, round boyish-face, which he keeps
powdered to hide his freckles. He’s only slightly
pudgy; enough to show off his ability to dine
indulgently. He wears his hair fashionably in long
blond curls and dresses in all the lace and finery of
the upper class. The faint scent of jasmine perfume
clings to him like a shadow.

Peytar CR 5
XP 1600
Male half elf rogue 6
CN Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 natural)
(uncanny dodge)
hp 30 (6d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2; evasion, +2 vs.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +5 (1d4/19–20) and sap +5 (1d6
plus nonlethal)
Ranged mwk shortbow +7 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks slow reactions, sneak attack 3d6
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Deft Hands, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Sleight of
Hand) (Sleight of Hand)(B), Weapon Finesse(B),
Weapon Focus (sap)
Peytar is a local pickpocket and high-up thieves Skills Acrobatics +10, Appraise +8, Bluff +6,
guildsman that frequents many of the fine Diplomacy +0, Disable Device +13, Disguise +6,
establishments of the Trades Ward disguised as the Escape Artist +9, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (local)
wealthy heir to an ancient but powerful merchant +8, Linguistics +6, Perception +9, Perform (Act)
house from a nearby city. He has gone through great +4, Sleight of Hand +16, Stealth +11, Use Magic
trouble to create and maintain his persona and Device +6
has made more than a few significantly flamboyant Languages Azindralean, Common, Elven, Kortezian
purchases from the Curiosity Shop in order to SQ elf blood, rogue talent (fast stealth, finesse rogue,
assuage any suspicions Naboo may have had about slow reactions), trapfinding, trap sense +2
his authenticity. Regardless of his skill, there is Combat Gear potion of spider climb, potion of cat’s
always the chance that Peytar might blow his identity. grace, 2 thunderstones, flask of acid
Should this happen, Naboo acknowledges his guild Other Gear +1 amulet of natural armor.
affiliation and simply runs him out of the shop.
Anyone foolish enough to get the law involved, is On Purchasing Magic Items
only asking for further trouble from both Peytar and
his fellow guildsmen. Naboo’s specialty is buying and selling oddball
items, wondrous items in particular. He keeps
many of such magic items locked up in the secret
While an excellent pickpocket, fighting isn’t
room, and maintains a great list of contacts from
Peytar’s cup of tea (so to speak) and if at all possible
which he can attempt to get others. Regardless, he
he avoids combat and attempts to flee when
doesn’t display such items openly but instead takes
queries about specific items and then asks characters 5. A small leather pouch with a pile of miniature
to return and purchase them when they become bones on top. When a command word is spoken,
available (within the hour if the item is in stock, the bones assemble themselves into a tiny
or up to week if he needs to get them elsewhere). skeleton. The skeleton dances eerily for one minute
Regardless, he does his best to make it seem to before tumbling apart, back into the pile of bones.

The Curiosity Shop

clients as if he keeps no such items on the premises. 6. A masterwork set of six silver and glass syringes,
Determine chance that Naboo has a specific all in various sizes. Naboo brags, “They were only
wondrous item as follows: used once”. If asked what for, he cannot recall.
minor item (60%), medium item (15%), major 7. A set of thick leather goggles. The lenses are long
item (5%). and dark, however when you wear them and peer
into the light they change into spinning crystalline
Display Items color formations.
Any of the following items are on shelves or in 8. A wind-up tin rat (hardness 5, hp 1, full move Spd
display cases: 20 ft.).
9. A mobile delicately suspending several silver
1. A set of masterwork thieves tools. Unfortunately, spheres of various sizes from the size of a
these were used in a recent crime, and anyone thumbnail to the size of a large orange. The
caught with them might well be accused of the spheres are perfectly counter-balanced and if
burglary. pushed, they rotate indefinitely.
2. An ox tongue tied to a foot-long stick. Should a 10. A book of jokes too ribald for the bookstore two
character notice the item Naboo explains very doors down.
matter-of-factly that, “You dip it in summer wine 11. A set of dice supposedly carved from the
and swing it around to bless a new home with thighbone of an ettin.
good luck”. 12. A large wooden board carved with twelve
3. A set of marbles with three-dimensional fish symmetrical opposing gouges. Each has six brown
etched inside of them. The fish look like they’re beans in it. Naboo explains that it’s a popular
swimming when the marbles roll. game played in a far away country.
4. A jade carving of four monkeys in a circle, pulling 13. Different colored glass bottles filled with “pixie
each other’s tails. dust.”

1 square = 5 ft

14. Lots of different teeth and tusks of various
sharks, whales, and other sea animals. Many are D10 WALL HANGINGS
scrimshawed with etchings of ships, sea monsters,
or half-naked merfolk in suggestive poses. 1 Three kewpie dolls made from
The Curiosity Shop

15. Lutes, harps, tin flutes and other instruments, mummified pixies.
most are intended for display pieces and are 2 A watercolor portrait of the crew of
therefore not in the greatest condition. a whaling ship posed around a dead
16. A wind up jack-in-the-box that instead pops out orca. A leg is protruding from the dead
a six-armed Marilith. When it pops open, Naboo whales mouth.
enthusiastically comments, “It really scares the 3 A wooden case filled with porcelain
demons from ya!” thimbles each painted with the name of
17. An old brass oil lamp that Janni jokingly calls his a different port city.
“old apartment”. 4 A framed collection of copper and iron
18. An ivory and silver music box. When is plays, a war medals.
tiny ballerina figurine pops out of the top and spins 5 A three-foot-long fossil of an ancient
around. bird.
19. A small glass case that holds the colorful 6 A macramé planter woven from course
shimmering chitins of several rare beetles. thread.
20. A puppet made from a wool sock. If anyone pays 7 A set of six brass sconces cast in the
attention to it, Naboo puts it on and says, “Look! disturbing likeness of laughing jester’s
It’s the head magistrate of the Great City”. Then he face.
flaps the puppets jaw and in a funny voice adds, 8 A long chain of coins from different
“Read my lips, no new taxes!” Anyone purchasing nations.
the puppet (1cp) and attempting to do the same 9 A beautifully crafted gold and ebony
stunt on the street draws the attention of the town display case for holding knives.
guard who fine the character 2 gp for insulting the 10 The tusk of a massive beast.

GF 2. Ground Floor Landing

The door opens into the intersection of a room with
a small alcove facing a double flight of stairs. A large Dunbar
quartz and bronze chandelier hangs above the alcove,
keeping it well lit. The alcove walls, as well as those
ascending along the stairs, are cluttered with paintings,
tapestries, framed scrolls, carved wooden masks, various
holy symbols, and other more bizarre dangling objects.
Lighting the stairwell is a diverse collection of sconces
and candleholders- gaudy, tacky, and even tasteful… all
presumably for sale.

During the day, this room is unoccupied and the door

is unopened so that customers can access the second
floor. At night, it is closed, locked, and trapped.
Stairwell Door: thickness 2 in.; Hardness 8; hp 20;
Break DC 23, Open Lock DC 28*
*only locked and trapped at night.

Forcecage Door Trap CR 8

Perception DC 32; Disable Device DC 32
Type magical; Trigger proximity (alarm); Reset
automatic reset; Bypass hidden lock
Effect spell (as a forcecage spell cast by a 13th-level

Use the table above to determine random objects

cluttering walls.
First Floor The secret door swings inward revealing another
showroom, even larger and more elaborate showroom.
The decor here is slightly more upscale than the other
FF1. First Floor Showroom rooms and everything appears far more organized.
As you reach the landing at top of the stairs the first Immediately to your right, is a fearsomely monstrous

The Curiosity Shop

thing you notice is the stuffed head of an unaccountably being that looks like a giant armored insect; thankfully,
huge dire moose mounted to the back wall. Beneath the it is stuffed. To the left is a short 10ft-foot wall, creating
moose head is a sealed crate. To the right, the wall opens a small foyer into the larger room. Directly in front
into another showroom similar to the one downstairs. of you is a 15-foot-long wooden table with a lute, and
Aside from the moose head, the remainder of back wall several other odd objects carefully laid on top. Behind
is lined with a chaotic pile of shelves and cases of various the table are two barrels. The back wall is angled oddly,
height and manufacture. The opposite corner is stacked sloping to the left. Mounted upon it is an enormous
with four more crates. A 5-foot-wide by 15-foot-long display mirror set is a hideous stone frame carved to look like
case takes up the center of the room while the remaining a demonic gargoyle. Its arms and legs are splayed and
wall separating the room from the stairwell is lined with six the mirror is between them. Another two barrels are
smaller shelves, slightly blocked by a pair of barrels. set off to the other side of the mirror. There, the wall
straightens for a good twenty feet or so, squaring-off
The display case and shelves contain various shop with an adjacent wall. Long rows of tall display cases
goods (see Display Items on page 65). The five crates line both of these walls. There are two crates in front of
contain assorted shipping items. Crate 1 holds a the first row of cases and another 20-foot-long table in
collection of knives and daggers from various parts of front of the others. The wall at the far side of the table is
the world, none have been sharpened. Crate 2 holds empty, however a barrel rests in the back corner behind
several hundred, flint arrowheads. Crate 3 holds six the table. The near corner is the opposite side of the
assorted glass water pipes packed in straw. Crate 4 short wall near the entrance. Pushed up against it rests
holds two dozen rag dolls. Crate 5 holds four large clay a large pipe organ and a crate.
pots with primitive designs packed in straw.
One barrel is filled with water in case of fire, the Both wooden tables are worn, old, and of foreign
other is filled with one barrel is filled with water, the workmanship. As downstairs, the shelves and cases
other is filled with hundreds of cheap glass beads. are piled with various curiosities (use the display
A DC 22 Perception check reveals the secret door items paragraph on page 65 to determine contents).
to the Secret Showroom (area FF2). The barrels hold water in case of fire; the crates hold
Secret Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 20; Search more of Naboo’s shipping goods.
DC 22, Break DC 23; Open Lock DC 28.
Crate 1: thickness 1 in.; Hardness 8; hp 5; Break DC 17
The moose head at the top of the stairs performs two
The crate holds an assortment of a few dozen
specific tasks. First, Naboo enchanted its eyes so that
different sized bells.
he may use them as if he’d cast an arcane eye spell on
the surrounding area. When Naboo concentrates, he Crate 2: thickness 2 in.; Hardness 8; hp 10; Break DC
can use the moose head to see both the stairwell and 23, Open Lock DC 25.
adjacent showroom. Second, the moose head has a The crate holds a small, 2-foot-tall alabaster statuette
secret compartment in its mouth where Naboo keeps of a nude elf carefully wrapped in a sheepskin
an iron strongbox full of coins, just in case he needs to worth (7,250 gp).
make an emergency transaction. Anyone searching the Crate 3: thickness 4 in.; Hardness 8; hp 20; Break DC
moose head can attempt a DC 25 Perception check to 28, Open Lock DC 30.
uncover a secret compartment in the mouth that holds The crate holds the mummified talons and claws
a small iron strongbox. from a variety of outsiders and demons.
Small Iron Strongbox: thickness 1 in.; Hardness 10;
hp 30; Break DC 28, Open Lock DC 30 The mirror is a powerful magic item called an
The strongbox contains 270 pp, 630 gp, 1,350 sp, Abyssal Mirror.
and 2,250 cp
Abyssal Mirror
Development: If Peytar is in the shop and has been
casing the characters, he attempts to pickpocket Aura strong conjuration; CL 18th
them in this room - though only if there is at least a Slot —; Price 64,800 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
second possible suspect. DESCRIPTION
This foul creation is a 6-foot-tall mirror set in an
FF2. Secret Showroom unwieldy stone frame carved into the grotesque
This room can only be accessed by the secret door form of a demonic gargoyle. Anyone gazing into
in area FF1. the mirror immediately notes that his reflection
The Curiosity Shop
appears quite ugly and distorted. Strangely, the
mirror is disproportionately lightweight for its size
and slightly warm to the touch. Janni

The Curiosity Shop

Beyond these two oddities, the mirror appears to
do nothing else for mortals. However, when placed
into the talons of creatures spawned from the
horrific chaos of the Abyss, it becomes a powerful
tool. The mirror aids demons in summoning forth
their own kind. When a demon uses its summon
ability in conjunction with the mirror, the percent
chance of summoning another demon increased by
a value equal to twice the summoning demon’s HD
(maximum 100%). The equivalent spell level of the
summoning is also increased by 2 for every 5 HD of
the summoning demon.

Additionally, demons naturally sense the presence

of an Abyssal mirror and gravitate towards it, if it
should fall into mortal hands. Provided it a mirror
isn’t currently in the possession of a demon, there is
a 20% chance per month that a demon attempts to
reclaim the mirror. The demon claimant should be
of an appropriate CR to the character who possesses check and produces a random effect, rolled on the
the mirror. corresponding chart. The player of the organ can
CONSTRUCTION add or subtract his Perform check result to the
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Cost percentile results before determining the random
32,400 gp. effect. Naboo possesses a standard organ, other
types are described in the Great City Player’s
The pipe organ is an annoying magical device Guide.
called Ogmed’s Ostentatious Organ.
Standard organs can produce the following effects:
d% Organ Effect
Ogmed’s Ostentatious Organ
01-18 chime of opening
Aura moderate universal; CL 8th 19-25 chime of interruption
Slot —; Price 64,950 gp. (standard); Weight 1,500 lbs. 26-38 harp of charming
DESCRIPTION 39-42 horn of blasting
Before his death, the mad bard-sage Ogmed 43-55 horn of fog
designed and constructed several strange magical 56-60 horn of good/evil
organs. A gigantic, impractical monstrosity of 61-75 pipes of haunting
pipes, keys, valves, and pumps, an Ogmed’s 76-80 pipes of pain
Ostentatious Organ towers almost twice the
81-90 pipes of the sewers
height of a man and just as wide. Carved from
90-00 pipes of sounding
various exotic hardwoods, Ogmed accented his
creations with silver hardware and garish inlays Aura moderate universal; CL 11th
of nacre and abalone. Jutting from the top are
a dozen or so gold-plated pipes engraved with
Craft Wondrous Item, charm animal, ghost sound,
paisley. These organs are painfully gaudy to
knock, magic circle against good, magic circle
look upon, and even worse to play as for some
against evil obscuring mist, scare, shout, sound burst,
reason it is unable to stay in tune. Still, those
suggestion, summon nature’s ally I.
that understand its secrets can use the organ
to duplicate the magical musical effects of
The stuffed creature is an apparatus of the ankheg
several different items. Unfortunately, even those
who understand the device have great trouble
controlling specific effects. Placing the valves Apparatus of the Ankheg
in the proper position and successfully playing Aura strong evocation and transmutation; CL 19th
a melody requires a DC 15 Perform (keyboard) Slot —; Price 90,000 gp; Weight 500 lbs.
DESCRIPTION he’d taken the mirror of some lowly demonlings
Resembling a stuffed and mounted ankheg trespassing through his fiery realm. The mirror
exoskeleton, this item acts in all ways like an however wasn’t theirs, but instead belonged to
apparatus of the crab, except that when active it a powerful nalfeshnee. The angry demon finally
The Curiosity Shop

has a burrow speed of 10 ft., instead of a swim cornered Naboo’s cousin and after threatening the
speed. thoughtless efreeti, he finally blurted out the location
of the pilfered mirror. Naboo’s cousin sent him a
frantic warning explaining the current situation with
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate
the mirror however it may not give the jann enough
objects, continual flame, soften earth and stone,
time to protect himself before the nalfeshnee shows
creator must have 8 ranks in the Knowledge up to reclaim it. Naboo desperately seeks the help of
(engineering); Cost 45,000 gp. able-bodied adventurers to prevent the otherworldly
sacking and burning of his establishment.
Special: Naboo uses this location to holds Alternately, Naboo might pay adventurers to return
his high stakes card games after hours. Anyone the mirror to its previous owner.
attempting to enter this room without Naboo’s
consent, immediately attracts his attention and his • A demon senses the Abyssal Mirror and uses it
wraith. Additionally, if the GM uses either adventure to enter the Curiosity Shop. Seizing the opportunity,
seed 1 or 2, the demons leave tracks leading to this it sets up camp in the secret room. During the
locations. evenings, when the shop is closed, it sneaks out-
terrorizing and murdering townsfolk. Clues lead
Adventure Seeds investigators to the Curiosity Shop. Some locals even
Getting characters to visit the shop should be suspect Naboo, however clever investigators realize
simple task, as its unique characteristics make it the murderer is far more dangerous than the jovial
somewhat of regional attraction. Characters hearing jann.
of the shop and its reputation may want to see it for
themselves. Likewise, a patron may hire characters • Doyle, the night watchman at the Curiosity Shop
to pick-up or deliver a shipment to the Curiosity was killed during a break-in. Strangely enough,
Shop, or send them there to procure an unusual item nothing appears to have been stolen, even though
or object. The following adventure seeds assume the perpetrator seemed to easily by-passed Naboo’s
characters have some previous familiarity with alarms and traps. Naboo suspects the murder was
Naboo and the Shop, and work best after they have deliberate and hires investigators to find Doyle’s
visited it a few times. killer (a doppelganger who has stolen the guard’s
identity in order to infiltrate the local garrison and
• Recently, Naboo acquired an Abyssal Mirror steal military secrets). Naboo lends the adventurers
from his cousin (a shiftless efreeti) in a card game. his apparatus of the ankheg to help them with their
What Naboo’s cousin neglected to tell him was that infiltration.

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica
Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill
Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
The Great City Backdrops © by Øone Roleplaying Games
This compilation contains the five original Great City Blueprints
Backdrops pieces, with shiny new Pathfinder stat-blocks, and a
streamlined, simplified format. The backdrops were revised by Tim
Hitchcock to match the rules presented in The Great City Player’s

The Great City is rife with excitement, intrigue and adventure;

dare your characters make it their home?

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