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Submitted By- Rishibha Singla

Roll No- 28069

PGDM, 2nd Year

Simba Quartz, an IT company, located in Tangra, an obscure village in Punjab, will not only
lay off a single employee till December, 2020, but has hiked salaries despite the Coronavirus
pandemic and the lockdown bringing down its work opportunities by 40 per cent.

“I directly announced the decision to raise the salaries as it was the need of the hour,” says
the company’s founder and CEO Mandeep Kaur Sidhu. “I do not mind taking a loan of up to
Rs 30 lakh to pay the salaries. The effect of this decision is that all the employees are putting
in double the effort and we are still getting about 30 per cent business to sail through this
difficult time.”

This shows Mandeep Kaur’s flexibility, adaptability, presence of mind in this unforeseen
situation of Covid. Her decision was completely correct that it helped earn her employee’s
loyalty and even instilled a sense of competition among employees which steered the form
out of crisis. So, she managed well to achieve organizational goal along with personal goal of
employees. In such a crisis, she took her team along which made employees feel content,
satisfied, secured and all this was reflected in their work.

Even this article talks about her never give up attitude and this paved the way of success for
her. Coming from a village, it was not easy for Mandeep to have her own start up. But she
being optimistic and continued trying made her what she is today. After pursuing MBA, she
worked for two and a half years at a grocery store. She was always open to taking up
challenges and word hard to excel in the challenge as despite having innumerable
infrastructural, financial challenges, she took it as a challenge to be a job provider.

Even when she wanted to start her own start up, she was not eligible to take any loans
because she was not qualified but this didn’t stop her from pursuing her dreams as in spite of
that, with few lakhs (her savings) she started off an e-commerce venture. She didn’t look
back and just headed forward by overcoming all the obstacles that came her way.

After that she switched to being an IT service provider. She grabbed the opportunity coming
her way i.e. Airtel which brought internet connectivity to her village and it became her
company’s first client. From there, the start- up started to flourish. The quality of
understanding and exploiting the unforeseen opportunities coming your way is very
important to get first mover’s advantage and further on, success and Mandeep had this quality
in her which made her successful.

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