Benie Discanglais Okoko

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Dear president the jury

Dear members of the jury
Distinguished guests

Joyful is my heart to be in front of you because I am going to speak to you about my

dissertation entitled: "Marketing strategies of the tangibility of services in a banking
institution, the case of Trust Merchant Bank ".

The cause of my being in front of you is not only based on the fact for me to speak to you
about my dissertation, as I hardly said it above, but also and especially that of getting
involved in telling you what it really all about. The good way to be again clear and explicit on
that turns around an observation we looked at. This leads us to say that

Companies in the past relied on archaic marketing techniques that focused more on
highlighting products than services. And this did not allow customers to fully enjoy these
services because they are not accessible to them. And imagine the great risk that could run
both the keys and the company.

Knowing that the marketing services meet certain characteristics such as intangibility,
variability, perishability and indivisibility, we have seen fit to identify one of the four to
make a question for our research. It is in this perspective or direction that our work goes
where we try to demonstrate indirectly the weakness that presents the intangibility of the
services to replace it directly by the tangibility of the services through which the
development of one or several services can be possible.

Then, the problem of dissatisfaction, to name but one, to which the customers will be
exposed because they cannot touch, hear or feel a service, would emerge. As far as we are
concerned, we have found that TMB, being a banking institution, is full of services and that
it is necessary to make them accessible to the customers, that is to say, to put them in
contact with these services. This must be done through a process or a marketing operation
for its success. This is why it is necessary to go through the tangibilization of the services,
which will push this banking institution to call upon techniques and/or marketing tools to
fight against the inaccessibility of the customers to its services because its interest and that

of the customers depend on it. And imagine that a customer is reluctant to use a service
that is purely intangible because he has no confidence in it.

In order to solve the problem in an anticipatory way, we asked ourselves a few questions
that will lead us to formulate our hypotheses, as you can already see:

The first was: What strategy should be put in place to make the services offered by TMB
(Trust Merchant Bank) more tangible?

The last one was: What effects could these tools have on the customer relationship?

These are the questions that we will try to answer in the rest of this study.

As a corollary to the questions rose above, we believe that it would be highly beneficial for
TMB to:

- Use good communication to highlight the benefits to customers through its services.
For good communication would allow the client to understand what the service can
bring him, and consequently to win him over;
- Create trust through tangible evidence such as Brandishing the history of the
company would reinforce trust, testimonials and references from satisfied
customers would attract and reassure future customers, putting forward the ISO
standard and the labels proving the standardization of its services, putting in place
a charter of commitment that describes the quality of the services offered.

These proofs will have to be highlighted in the said communication process focused on
customer benefits. We would also like to emphasize that this strategy of the TMB should be
based on two axes for its effectiveness and for it to facilitate the tangibilization of services
provided by this banking institution:

- The identity of the company which includes the name, logo, graphic charter, etc.
- The content that includes its history, its references and charter. This, to enable it to
differentiate itself and create a customer relationship of trust with its customers.

And the reading of these two axes or factors, has called for a strategy called branding whose
objective is therefore to retain its customers through the image of the brand elaborated and
easily memorable.

And we believe that these tangible elements will help this banking institution to increase
and even keep the trust of customers and they will know well how to judge the quality of
their services.

This does not limit us to talk about the methodology used to carry out our research, because
without it our work would not be a final study and we would not be able to achieve our
research scientifically.

Thus, we have used methods and techniques for our investigation.

As methods, we used the systemic and the strategic and as for the techniques, we used the
documentary, the interview, the observation and the questionnaire of investigation on
which we did not base ourselves.

As you know, there is no investigation on scientific work without finishing with the results.
That's why we can't hesitate to tell you about them, dear chairman and members of the
jury. Thus, after our investigations, we resulted in this:

Our work being the one based on marketing strategies of tangibility of services within a
banking institution, led us to rely on one objective, that of developing effective marketing
tools or marketing strategies in order to tangibilize services within the TMB. We found that
the use of communication, I would say the right one, would be beneficial to the TMB
because it will allow it to highlight customer benefits, and we understood that with it
customers will understand without hassle what the services can bring them.

And as it will need concrete indicators to make tangible the services in order to create and
strengthen the trust of customers, we found important to use the facilitating elements of
this tangibility as strategies: its logo, graphic charter, content where we have its history,
references and charter, etc.

Finally, let me remind you that this research has strived to answer the problematic posed,
namely: Can we say that the communication strategy is a way to annihilate the intangible
character of services? To answer this question, we first highlighted the dominant character
of services, i.e. their intangibility, and the means that could be put in place to remedy it. In
the second stage, we proposed to apply the communication strategy as a means of making
services tangible, as we said earlier.

This research was also based on the analysis of variables that influence the evaluation of
services resulting from a communication strategy. This leads us to discuss the theoretical
interests that this research has presented:

- A revision of the concept of intangibility, which emphasizes its mental component. To date,
intangibility is mainly considered in its physical dimension;

- A validation of the role of the communication strategy as a possible process of

tangibilization of services;

- A contribution to the analysis of the brand image in the service sector. The service brand is
indeed a promising but little studied research stream to date;

- The role of peripheral elements brought by the communication strategy for the
tangibilization of services;

- The materialization of the services operated by the tools of the communication.

However, we note through this study that the intangible nature of the services remains
omnipresent but that it is possible to blur this character by the means of the strategy
chosen by the company, here the communication. The consumer's perception of the
intangibility of services will be modified, thanks to the additional elements of the strategy
implemented by the company.

As far as the managerial implications of such research are concerned, the results should
provide companies with elements that allow them to:

 Clearly identify the benefits and risks of not only service intangibility, but also of the
communication strategy;

 choose the form of communication best suited to their objectives;

 select the appropriate secondary brand;
 make the service as tangible as possible in the eyes of the consumer during a
communication strategy.

We are at the end of our presentation related to our dissertation, so i don't have any
pretention on saying that mine doesn’t contain any mistakes or imperfections, of course it
does. So, that's why i beseech you to get a load of correcting it through your criticisms for us
to improve it.

Thank you for your propped attention

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