American History

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Course Description
This survey course covers the history of the United States from the Civil War to the 21st Century.
Semester One starts with the causes of the Civil War through the Great Depression, while Semester Two
covers WWII to the 21st Century. Students will study major people of each era, what those people did of
historical significance, why this happened (cause and effect) and why this was significant. Major
historical events of each era will be covered.

Social Studies State Content Standards

#2 Students demonstrate an understanding of different cultures and how these cultures have
contributed and continue to contribute to the world in which they live.
Proficient Performance
11th grade students at the proficient performance level identify and analyze how cultural influences and
diversity have influenced groups, institutions, and world events.
#4 Students demonstrate an understanding of the people, events, problems, ideas, and cultures that were
significant in the history of our community, state, nation and world.
Proficient Performance
11th grade students at the proficient performance level effectively analyze the interaction and
interdependence of science and technology on history and world cultures. Students identify and describe
the impact of key people, places, and events that have shaped history and continue to impact today's
world. Students cite examples and compare the impact of current events on the world and comprehend
the interdependence of these events throughout history. Students speculate about problems that may
impact the future of their community, nation and the world. Students provide a solution for a potential
problem or devise a plan for an event.

#5 Students demonstrate an understanding of interrelationships among people, places,

economies, and environments.

Proficient Performance
11th grade students at the proficient performance level construct and use mental maps and geographic
tools to organize information about people, places, and environments. Students explain and analyze how
the relationship of geography and civilization has impacted the development of societies, cultures, and

#6 Students access, organize, synthesize, evaluate, and interpret information using

appropriate resources and technology to collaborate, make decisions, solve problems, and
report results in any of a variety of formats.
Proficient Performance
11th grade students at the proficient performance level read and follow directions, work independently
and cooperatively, conduct research utilizing multiple resources, and interpret and evaluate information.
Students examine cause and effect relationships in problem solving and decision making. Students
demonstrate the techniques of persuasion, compromise, debate, and negotiation in communicating
personal convictions and beliefs.

#7 Students demonstrate the ability to use the appropriate technology to access and process
information applying a variety of resources to the study of history, geography, economics,
and social institutions.
Proficient Performance
11th grade students at the proficient performance level effectively use integrated technologies to research,
process, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and present information in various formats.

Units of Study

Units Standards Benchmarks Assessments

CIVIL WAR TO #2 2:1; 2:2 Test or Project
GROWTH AS A #4 4:1, 4:3, 4:4
WORLD POWER #5 5:1, 5:2, 5:3
#6 6: 1-9
#7 7:1

20TH CENTURY #2 2:1; 2:2 Test or Project

#4 4:1, 4:3, 4:4
#6 6: 1-9
#7 7:1

Course Materials and Resources

The textbook for this class is: “The Americans – A History”. Each student is required to keep a three
ring binder for notes and handouts in this course. Grade will be determined as follows: 60% tests and
assignments, 30% common assessments (4), semester assessment 10%.
Notice of Nondiscrimination:
Lincoln County School District #2 agrees to ensure equitable access and equitable participation in all
District courses/classes. All district schools will effectively manage and creatively utilize resources
necessary to support student learning. The District’s Board of Trustees is committed to a policy of
educating children for living, which includes helping them to develop an awareness and appreciation for
the achievements, problems, and aspirations of all people in our society. The school system shall help
children from all walks of life to gain knowledge, skills, and determination that will enable them to reach
their highest potential and to contribute to the welfare of all people. The school system shall establish
and maintain an atmosphere in which all persons can develop attitudes and skills for effective,
cooperative living, including:
a. respect for the individual, regardless of economic status, intellectual ability, race, disability,
national origin, ancestry, creed, color, religion, sex, or age;
b. respect for cultural differences;
c. respect for economic, political, and social rights of others; and
d. respect for the right of others to seek and maintain their own identities.


I have read and the above information about this American History class and understand that I am welcome to
direct any questions I have about this course to the teacher.
Student and/or Parent Signature
Student Signature ________________________________
Parent Signature _________________________________
Date __________________________________

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