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8 The different ial equation

P(x.y)dx+ Q(x. y )dy =O

is exact. If

cp(x .y) = lx Xo
P(x. y)dx+ 1 Y Q(x 0 ,y)dy,

show Urnt

-.J<p = P(x.y). -ocp = Q(x ,y).

ax ay
Hence cp(x, y) =constant is a solution of the original differential equation.
Use difTcrl'nl d1mt111y mriahlcs of iutegration.
~,w ·\
f f
r Y

<.p(J:.y) = P(r.y) rlr + Q(:r0 .s)ds Jfi~w,

Tak,· 1llt' d,·rirnl ivc of holh sides wit 11~
r;.-[-;f l ~;p
aU~ = o.i:a
P(r.y)d1·+ f--;;

Q(.c 0 .s)ds ~>~Y

T ill' ,-<•1·, ,ucl i111, ·gra l is i1J1lc·p1·11d,•111 of .r. so its dc1'il-ativc is zero. (.co is jtt~L a constant. )
) . = -;,.
u ; · P(r. y) dr ..
r_- )(. c;-
{ ,/, U, I .
J·o - ~/ /

,\ pply I li1• f1111d,1111l'1JI a l 1J w.,r,•111 .,r <"alc11l 11s LO diffcrc11t ia lc I ltc· i111 cg rnl.

i) ,
= P (r.y ) Ir = :r

= P (.r . y )

:--_ =-;--
rJy [

(r. !J ) ilr + J Q (J· 11 .8),I.~
= -:--
1 /r / '( r. !/ ) dr + iJ
i) JUQ(J·o. 8) r/8
1I I/ !J
r., IM
.\p1,h I h,· f1111dm111·111 •ii I I11,ir,·111 of' , 1l1 uh~' I u' f""
lrn· n -111 .ldh I h,• --<'(,,uJ

, 1'.,/ r1,.,,J,i,
-Qi1 11 .11J

ll1 '('; 111 -.• 1 h•

1111t-g1.111.I 1,,• f'it1h,• f tlll(').!.lrttinn
llll'"'L 1•,11l11111 , 111 I,. •tr t' 1111I••111 nd , Ill of•/, th, • tit ri,·, ,11\f 11111 I• lir111 1i:;h1 IIL•t<lr· II• ·

J,)/'y,; I

ii ( .i.,, ) ]
/rn [ ilv Y,
I dr - Q, ,, ,

-!' [
,1 (,/.,: ) ]
i).r i)y I, dr - Q(.r 0 • 11 I

iJ.,: I' r (i (.r11. 11l Al _
\.., •J
/JI/ ro1 I'
U.,: iJ • U" U
= -I ) (;·.y) - •."'(J·o. !J) T Q(1·u -!l l ·
!I IJ!/

T l' i, Gos' «-nn on the ,igUt e,utceb the ooe on the left.
3 \
J,-';J (?:_,,.·
0-V .,::,,,;.---
0 =_Ga"'!} (:ro. !J) + Q(xo-!J) I WJ-':-e>
- c5- '

S11h-1• for l Ill' ,krirnt in::. f),;;

-;:,(.cu-!/) = Q(.1:0. !J )

Tli1·rdor!'. o..p = Q(J'. y) .


l'l l<' ODE 111('11 l,p('1Jl ll ('S

P (.r . .11 ) d.r + Q (.c . y) rly =U
- d.r + -D.p dy = 0.
i).r ?Jy ·
011 t lH' 1, •1'1 is l1,i\\' t lw difli•r,• 111i;rl 111' ;r 11,·,1-di 111c11sio11al f111wtio11 ,;; = ip(.r. y ) is defi11rd .

[11l l').\ t'11l1 · l,11f lt ,-,i tl1 •,; 10 11l,t,1i 11 fill' OD!-: ',-, soli11iw1.
,:,(.r. 11 ) = 1·011;, t,1111
9.2 .9 Prove lliat Eq. (9.26) is exac1 m
. the sense of Eq. (9.2 1). provided tbar a (x) saris.fies
Eq. (9.28).
Eq ( 7. l:? Ji_,1111p.,1:, .l.~ i

C II I I~ - 11 tr I " r v - ,, , ,1 ; J2

lft.n • n (r i' '11111111 ~ r.,llll~

· r'"'"' tlw1·, t,,~u 11mltipli,.J I" 1~,11.t -•, ufu lllwar fiT"-1-<.1nlt.r
111l111111,~1•111 ,lll- ()I)(' l1 ,;i( j,fj,...
tin , I II
,/J - " .rl/'(r).

B,in~ .1111, •1111, "' r" 17 12 1,, ,1i.. 1o ri ,,,1,

,1(.r)JJ • .. (1 )11(.r 11 - 11 ( rlqtrl - 0

\l11h1ph l1o,1li -,d, ... lo,./,

11 p·)11(.r l.•1 - n (rht l.rl ,/f + 11 (.r ) J,, = (I

hit t l11, lll)E t11 h.,• ,•,at I. ii 11111,1 ...,Hi:-{, 1)w rn 11di1 1011 in Eq ; _q
• i)
ily n (Il/1(.r}t/ 11 { r)q{ .rl j = il.r '"(r )j
1t(.r),,Cr ) = ''"
ll(Il/1(.r ) = n(.rJ,,(r )
11. ~ .11 1--t • tlu, t,111d i t1llt1 , .... !°'H ti,fil'•d . 11l1 • ODE i11 Eq . ( f .12) i., <'X, ll'I . fUJtl 1her(' exi.. f!- A pot!'nlial
111 111 11,111 T:(.r . ,,) -.111'!1 1hn1

,) ·
-~ = 11(,·),,(,·)u - n(.r),, (.r)
' ,.

9.2. 10 1\ ce11nin differentia l equation has the form

.f(x) d x + g (x) h (y) d y = 0,
,,·it h none of the fu nctions f(x) . g(x). /, (y ) idenrically zero. Show that a necessary and
suffic ienr cond iti on for thi s equat ion to be exact is that g(x) = constant.
Sllflf''"'' fir,- J 1lw1 1h,· ODE i., C'xac-t. T hen d1 C're C'xis t~ a poie111ia l fim c tion ,; = .;(1·.y) d rn 1

,-at i., li r·~

i) · ( 1)
2 = f (.r )
iJ -
,,"' = y(.r )h(y ).

~ ,d,,-1i1111 1· i!w,,· fi,n111d a., i1110 Jill' ODE . - - - ; ; '

011 1lw 1,·fl
1111 · .Jill,·1t•1111 ,d
j,- l11111· i,- dl'fi111•d . of;

d.; = 0
Tlic wlution to the ODE i.'! found then lw ;.oh-iug equation,., I I ) and (2) for ,;. Stan hy
inlr-g-rnting l,o! h ~ides of cc1t111lio11 ( I) pnrlinlly " ·ith m<J)('('I tor .

,;(r.11) = f rflr ) d,· - Flu!

F(u) h<'IY' i.~ n 11 r,rhitrnry ft11 1ctio11 or 1/· nml the lu\\"f'r li111i1 or integmtion i., arbitrary ib •-ell. , , _ - > •

OifTrr!'ntinll' hoth ,,id,.,, wit h ""' l><'CI tu !f.

iJ,"'=-;-- u[f rJ (r) dr + F(y )] / d

Uy /Jy
i) f r
~ -;-- f ( r ) d r + F'(y )
= F'(y)
Co111pa ri 11):\ !hi" fonuuJa fo r U.;/i)y 111 <'<(11 :tt iuu (2). we "'-'C thal

F'( y ) = y (3·) /, ( y ).
l11 ord, •r t,> i11 t. ~ ral1' both ,,id, -,; w ith rcs pC<'L to!/ and solve fo r F(y). the fun c tion 9(r) m iL-.t he"
f "O IL",.IUIII .

l11 nn lPr for l1 11• O D E.

f (.r) dr + g (x) h ( y ) dy = 0.
to lw ('X;lCI. it llllL~l sat is fy

a h(y)]
= -[g(x)
811 ax
0 = h(y )ddg-.r .
S i1 ,c·,· h (y) /. 0. div ide b o th s ide,; by h(y).
- = II

J 11 1,·grn 1, , 1,.,, 11 ,-.id1-s wit h res p ect lo J ".

g(.r) = CU IL~taul
Tl,.. r, •li ,,,·. ,. 11
,.,., .,.,,,.,._, . and ,, 11 ffici1•111 c-omli tiun for t his 1-, piatio 11 t o l,c <'xact i.-; lhn l
rJ( ,-) ,·1111~la 11I .
I 9.2. l l Show that

_v(x) = exp[-I rp(t) dt] {I rexp[/

I C}

p(t)dt ]q(s)ds +

is a solution of Cy @
-.I + 11(x) _y(x) =q(x)
by differentiating the expression for y(x) and substituting into U1e differential equation.

Tak,· thl' dPrirntin' nf y(.r ) h_,· 11:-,ing tilt' product rule .

;! a,+j
.\ppl_,· 1h<' f1111, l:u11c11L11i t IIL'un·111 uf calcultL~ LO difforc11li11lc the iut,•grals.

p(l)dtl [-p(r)I {J e,p [ / p(/) d,l q(•Jds+ C}

+ ,,,, [- j p(l),11] {"' [/p(') "] , (,} + 0}
a - /<[ <Jc,p [ - j {J p(/ ) ,1/l C}
,,, p [ / p(') dll </{,) dH

l{/,.,, [i l
:--;.,11 1ol11 <; 11,i, , ,..,1111 " '"' tlw f,mnu la fur y (.r) iulo the• ODE.

}: , I' ·' ,,,, , , I'" I,.,,. [ - j ,,(I) ,II p(I) ,11 q( ., ) d.<+ C)

. .., ,.,,,,,,,, I ' ,,,,, ,.,,, [ - j l{/,.,,[i , (/),/l

,,{I) ,II q(,) " ·' + C)

, ·>q1 ft l 11/f I ) 1/ I 1)
9.2. 12 The motion of a body falling in a resisling medium may be described by
m- =mg-bi•
I when the retardmg force 1s proportional to the n:loclly. t•. Fmd the ,,eloc1ty. Evaluate Q,-.:,jy{P
the constant of integration by demanding that V(0)=0
r'a .S/

M e thod I: S<'parallon o r , ·arinb l.,;.

,,./~ ,,. :'.'. vV\ J. :! :. M - b 1)

I •1/
111q - /,r
· ·
l\ .1lu.11.- 1111• i11t•">!1 ,,I "" 1lt1• n~ ltt ,,nd 11111~,, tit,• ,11lr-111u1u,n
J'd;;;e- (.
" -_ mq -In- (d"
- d t.
= -b,lr) ,., lilt' l,>ft.
~ ",...V
1.1 b
- VY\

= .!_ -
J mq •
-h ,,,

1H ,/u
- = -I +
u m
I ,,.,, i. I
- i; 111 1,,1 = ;;; - r,

. - lw j = .!_
- b In '""' ,,, Tr,
\J 11 1r iph ho! Ii --i1h~ II\· - b. 11.,i ll!!, n U('W ,·uw-rn111 Ci fu r - bC1 ·
M c·
111 ,,, 9 - lwl=- ;;;-- i

E:-.pnm•n t ia te both sidt>S . d Lf

/mg - bv/ = e- bJ/ m+C-., l.--- -h
= e- bt/ meC-.,

--!; JiU
Bt •nio\·t• Lhr ah~ol11t t' va III<' s 1~n on
· t i1e Ie ft ill"
tl h• cin"
± on the ri o.,ht.

111_9 - ,,,. = ±er ,,-e - bt / m :~r~

lJ~t' ;i ll<'II" c-o11~la 11 I C':1 f,ir ±, C,_ (1)

_.J_ µLA=
·ofjc(o) =l lo
c;;)\ ~ \ !,
Now . . .1;1 I colll
a ppl_,· t ti,• 11111 ' 1·1 11 1 determi ne C:i -

// If/ - b(o) -_ C:l•b - b(0)/ 111

Ill !} = G:1
St1lis l it 111,, t !t i~ rurn 111b for C: 1 i111 0 C'qw1tion ( 1).

Iliff - /JI' = ,ng e - /1/ / 111

ill' = lllf/ _ lll !}t; - bl / 111

= 11/fJ( I _ ( - bt / 111)

'i'lll'n ·li,n·.
1'(/) = 111 1
•/ (l _ 1 ,- bl / 111 ).
l\fclllod II : lutcgrating Factor

Hrn' tl ir ODE will '"' ,oln'<:I h_,. 11111lt iplyi11;.\ bu 1h , idr, I"· au integrmiug foc tor.
"' Ji = 111g - /}I'

Uri11g b, · lo 1lw i.-,r1 ,itl,•.

I/I d( - /w = /II.I/
Di,·id,• bot h , id,•, hy 111 "' t 11111 th,• C'Ol'ffid,•111 of ,/1· di i., I.
di' b
- -'- -1 ·= g
tff Ill

l'lit· inlt>~rat 111" factor tu IJp tN<I b

b )
I = PX JJ ( / ;;; tf-. = 1
bt , ~,

~l11hiply ltuth ,id,.,. of tl1t• pre\'io11s N11111tirn1 h_\' /.

, "' m~ + .!!_, b1/m 1,= fj,.'>l hn

r/f Ill •

T h,• kfl , idc• ra n 11nw b,, wrillt•11 1cs a dcrimtin• hy tin• prod11rt rule.

l111 q;nilt ' l,01h ,icl<'l' wi1h n-,. pc~ I 10 I.

Di,·idr bot h ,;ide,; I.Jy ebt f m.

mg+ C - bt / m
v (/) =-i; .1e

.\ pph 11 11 · i11iti11 l co ndi t iou 1'(0) =0 to dNrrniiuc C,.

() = lll!J + C,1 - /J(IJ)/ 111

9.2.13 Radioac1ive nuclei decay according to 1he law
- =-AN.
N being the concenlralion of a gi,·en nuclide and A. the partjcular decay constant ln a
radioactive series of II different nuclides. starting ,,·ith N1 •
- =-A 1N,.

= Al N1 - A,N,.
- -
and so on.

Fmd N::_(l) for the conditions Ni(O) = No and N::.(0) = 0.

l1qi;in lt_, :-oh·inl( tlw ODE for .Yt(I ). Didcl,, huth ,ides h_,. S,.

T he kfl ,<i,J,, ca n ll<' wril tPll a..s th<' dl'rimtin' or a log;uilhm hy the dU1in mle.

d ln 1\ .1)
-( = - ,\ 1

lnt1'1-sr11t,, hoth ~ide:< wi th l'l.'Spec t to/ .

Fxpo111<·nt i:lt<' h,il h sid,,,;.

N,(t) = 1,- ,\11 +C ,
= ,~-'"' e(',
· 1 C1
:\ppl _,. t Ill' i11it ial cu 11d itio11 .\'1 (0) = No lO dcu-nu mc ·

.\' (O) = ') c

( - ,\,[I,(' I -t . \'() = (' Ci

S" t h,·11 r - ,\,t

.V1 ( I ) = ,\ oe ·
into the second ODE involving N2-
S1tbsl it 1tl C' this fo nu ul a fo r .N 1

J3ring ,\:!.\':! 10 t ill' ], ,fl side.

• · I -11Jwcl 1,y 11111lt iplyi 11µ; ho t It s id<,,; hr 11 11 int.,·!,\rnt inµ;

Th i~ i~" fir~ l-111cln li111 •11 r ()DI·,. ~u it rn n "'~ .
r, ..-111r , .

PrcH·t·c·cl ll'il I, I h,• 11111'1 ipl i,·: d i, ,11 .

.,,, d.\ ·~ + ,\.,. .1,1N-, = ,\ , ,,,\,t N 111 · "•'

' di - -
Tlw It-ft ,-.idl' ca11 nu\1' I)(' written n.~ n drrimtke by the pro<lurt nt!P. Combioe tlte ex1x,uem~'ll
fu nct ion~ on tilt' ri~h1 ~i,IP.

Jt,/ ( I
,,, \ ' ) -
• - •
\' \
11, It
.\ _ ,, ·t (I)

Suppn,,• lir:-t I hnt ,\ 1 = ,\ !, lntPp;rnt t• botl, , itlr,. 11·it h rr,,.pt'CI 10 I

, ,, \' \' ,\1 11, 1,1, - C,

t - • 1 = - u ,\ 1 - ,\ 1 f

Appl\' the in it ial co ndition X1(0) =0 now to drtrrmine C2 .

,\1 - .\ ,(o) + C2 ,, - .\2(01

.Y2(0) = No,A2--Al
- ."

fl = Nu-- - + 2
.-\2 - "'
C,= - No--,-
- A2 - Al

Plu~ t hi~ back int o LJi,, genera l solmion for N2(t).

\ .-\1 - .\, 1
f' - A1I _ 1
= [\Tu,---., l

A-.? - "'I
.\iu ,\.,
- ,\1 .

,\1 ( - >.,t _ ,,-.\2t).

= i\or - --"
.-\1 - .-\1
Suppo:--t~ .
~•t ulll .,
II • tl1·1L

\1 = ,\.,.- Thcu equation ( I) l,ccom~

:!..(e'1' 1N1 ) = Nu.-\2,


IIll q.:ra I,' l,ot It ~id,,,.: wi l lt rt'sprcl to /.

,,.\, 1N1 = No.-\1l + C:c

l)i \·id,· hot Ii ,.: .11 I,•;;. I 1.1' 1,,\ c l ·

.\ppl ,1 ilt,· i11it i,tl n, 11d11101t ' :!

. . \' (O) -
o to deten11i11c C:1 .
SAO)= C:1 = 0

5" t lll' ll
9.2.14 The rate of e,·aporation from a panicular spherical drop of liquid (constant densiry) is
proportional to Its surface area. Assuming this to the sole mechanism of mass loss. , •-
find the radius oftbe drop as a function of time. ,~- 1 ..-.c
!lo , ....~ ~ J j ~ -
:-1 <:}~ \ .J~
-- C · ... &(1 ....:..,.p~\,,.,&-
'J \ )

So lutio11 ~., •.' - _,. • (;/ 1 ~r_

Lrt ,/111 di lw 1he rn1,• 1h111 mrLs,, rh,1111:,, \\Ith ""P"' 10 1i1111• .. rnd 1{'1 S lw 1lw ,pbCT,.-, •urfOC'<'
Th,•11 lh<' full owin~ n•l111 ,,.11,l11p c-nn ' "' \\Ti11, •11 from 1hr lir,.1 •n11ern,•.
, tr, ,1.

t/111 ' - S
· h ,1·1{11 ·1, ·111rI iu Ir.I ht'<'llL-<'
I h, . . , mhol , 11tf•ntt~ ··pr,1pl,r1 k11 rnl to. ·· nnd t IH' 111111\ ' nn h,crC'fl-r
, in S
k;,d, 1l• a dt., It.\.... , ' in i/,u 'di . Thi" pr111H'I t .1tmali.t, rn u 1w r Imnp,r-. I 10 nu ('(I11nt io11 lw ,orlmlm~
· ,.,.. f
pn,p,,r1ionnli1 ., co11 ,t,1nt k. Thi~ nHb l fu1t ,... t w r rr lll or t I f'rtll • rn:
1 liquid, •IJld lll<" L- Llfl" 1 /L,I ll '°"'
~ l\t ' ll liq,nd t'\ 1 ll)tll, lh"'- . r
,/111 - kS f> V
di )'\"\-::
\I ,,,... 1, 1li1 • p1nd11t t uf dt'n, iv I' nml ,, ,hu nf' \ ·.

d(I'\ ") =- kS
. " 1k!, I1U lkd iu of t hi- derivntin•.
Snin' fli t" th.•1b il y i~ n._,.,ll lllt '1 1 l o bt~ f'OU~ l n llt. tl l,l ll

- =- k·S

1-.. , ., ,pl1<•n•. ~ ,, 1 a nd ~ -1.

"?' (, r:..~ V l'Ji,/ ( :l;r,-

•I ·') = - •'·(.I :2)

' )' 7'

t., I' (4rrr2th-)
= - l.: (4rrr2)
l)i,·id,, l,111 !, s id es 1,_,. ( ltr r 2)p to so lve fo r dr/ dl .
dr k
di. p

f 11 1, •µ,r n f1• l1ulh:-;-·H1c-:-;. \\I

,·11 1 n--:1

w ct l o I.
r(l) =--+C

d " . . . R so thnt the iuitial co11d itiu 11 ·L, ,·(0) · t,· AJl tll.v it
= [lo
A:-.., 1111 11 · I hat al / = I) 1111' s ph('re ra IU!' IS O.
, 11111· ' " d, -1,• rn 1i11•· (' . r(O) = C = Ro

r(J) = n,, - -fl .
9.2.1 S In the linear homogeneous differential equation
- = - at•
the variables arc separable. When the vanables are ,eparalro. the equauon ts e..~ael.
Solve this differe111ial equation subjec1 to L'(O) = t'o b~ the folio\, mg lhre-e methods:

(a) Separa1ing vartabks and 1111egra1111g.

(b) Treat mg 1he separa1ed rnnabk l'C}Uat1on as exacl.
(c) Using 1hc result for a linear homogeneous differential equauon.

Solu Lion

l\lcU1od (al

~ ' ll. 111111• _,,rin hlt,,. in lhP ODE.

!'_ =
'!,. - a dt

/ ~= / -adl
ln l•·I = - al +C

l•·I = P_,,, .c
= (' - di(,('

H,· n1<l\'' 11, 1, al N >lnlt• ml11t• si~u o 11 Lhc left hy placi ng ± 011 1111: righ1 s ide.

,·(I) = ±Pr, _,,,

±, ·
{ ' :--.• a llt' W n 111:--la11I _.\ ror
,•(I ) = A, _,,,

.-\ ppl_,· the it1ii int conditiou v(O) = uo to determine A.

u(O) = A e- a(O)

uo =A
T lwrcforC'. - at
11 ( l ) = vo e ·.

Method (b)

Co11~irl(•r t la• sc pnr. tt (•d ,·aria hlf' t•qw11 io 11 in the prc\'ious part.

rlr = -odl

1o illl' h-f1 , id ,•. ,,,, ( 1)

,, + 11rll = 0

Sine,• I lu· OD P. i,; (•:-.act . I hat i, .

i) (-' )
{) , ,

11 = 0.
tlll'n· l'Xi:<b a put1·11tial fuuc·lil 111 , • = -.·( .r. / ) l Iml ,,ati;.fk-,,


In t,·ruL, of ii . •~11111 t iou ( l) l1t'Ct>utt',,

,J.,: ii~·
- d,• +-Jl - 0
ii,· 11/ .
011 tin• 1.. r1 b how LIii' din1•n lllial "' ,.· i, tl, ·1i111, I.

tl-., = U

Iutcw·ntl' hoth sides.

.,:(.r. 1) = c,
T he ,-oluliou lo the O DE L~ found thl'II b~ ,,uh·it~ 1'(11111timL, (2) nml (3) fur.,:. lntegrnte bolb
,,,,_ nfeq11alion (:.!) partinlly with ['(':,.Pl'f'I to /.

9(.r. / ) = nl + /(r·)
DiCTert•nti:1tP it wit h 1i.':< p <'C I to 1·.
~ = f (l')
Cu1111)1u·i1i,g l hi:< lo eq11n1ion ( I). we sec lh nl
f (,-) = -.

lt1t 1';.!,l':t l 1• holh si1k':< wilh 1u, JX.'Ct lo 11.

/ (1,) = ln ld +C2
( '11 11,-,'( 11 1,·nll.1·. the po tc11Li;1l function i:<

9(x. t ) = 11l + In 1-ul + Oz.

and t Ill· ,,o!i11 io11 is

al + l.11 1· + Di = C1 al + lu Id = C3.
wh,-n• a new co11s1a.11t C:1 is used fo r C i - C2 . Soh·e for 1·.

In ll'I = C3 - al

E:q>u1w111ia11· hu th sides.

Ii•/ = /·, - ot
= f'C e - at

lkllHJ\l' t Ii<· al1.-.1l111t• rn'11e , ign h_

,· pladug ± 011 tht• rigl1t :-.idl'.

t'(I) = c,, ,,t

\1o 11 11 ppl_,· t!H' i11i 1i; ,I rn11d i1io 11 ,•(O) = 1·0 LO detcnnim· C ,.
1 (0) = C,, -a( IJ)
1 l'O = C.1

1'(/ ) = 1·0, 1
-" .
jl ~lcthod (c)

j Br llll: 01· lo 1h, l,.[1 ,id<'.

inh\~n\t in~ fadn1 /.

- -u1•=1J

Thi, i, ,, liru•,11 lir,1-,11,lc-1 ODE ru, ,.. so ii cn u 1,,, , oh,,11,.1 nmhiph-i111,: bu1h ,ides b~- au

I = ""I'(/',.,1,) = ,•'
Pt,k·.,,I II ilh rlu• 11111!11plu·1111ur1.
(a t ~ + mut 1, = 0
rtu• h•f1 , id,, m u h,• wri11,•11 1L, d dt (J,, ) hy !Ir,• prU<lurl rull'.

~(,"'1') = 0
lnt ,•~ral,· 1,01h ,i,h" wil h n',<prcl lo I .
t''',· = (\
n,\'itl,· hol h ,idt'l' h~- I"''
,·(I )=,.,, "'
,\ pph th,• in itial l'o11di1i,111 ,·(ll) = ,,, to d,•1,•rr11i11, · C,,.

,·( ll) = C·, , ottll

r In this RC circuit, investigate the system beha\·ior
and find I( t) in two conditions:

a) V(t)=V0

b) V(t)=\1 0 sin tu t

V( t) = VJ t )+ VitJ
q(t) ( )R
V( r ) = - + l t.
C dq
/-- ·
Derivative from both sides of the equation and sustitute - dt .
di I di J dV
dV l dq
-R =-+R.-
dr - C • dt dt · C
- - - + dt P(t) == _!__ ; q(t) == R ·7t
di l l dV
+ -1=---
dt Re R dt "' ,
µ(r) = e
I P(l },b -
/11c = /iu
µ(t)-1 = e Re

J(t) = µ(rr'. { fµ(r) .q(t)dt + c'}

_..!.. { ..!.. l dV •}
J(r)=e Hr_ eRc. R _dt .dr+c
a) V(t) =V0 =const. dV
- =0

,, ~ = eek

RC is time constant capacitor.

The constan t parameter C is determined by the initial

condition s of t he example.

l(t)=c'e Re

If !=I a t t=o \,·e \,·ill haw : I


c' =IO => J(t) = J0 e Re

In th is case. the rnltage across the r~sistors.will be equal :

VR(t) = VOR "e Re

the\ oltage across the l·c1pac itor

will be equal :

v" == I. J1c1) d1
b) V(t) =V0 SID wt

/ (t) = a-;, · { fe ;r .-I .-d JI dr +c'}

R dt
dt = Vo{.() cos w I

p= Je,i; · R1 .1/owcoswtdl = T
V ru Jc Rr .cos OJ tdt

JeRr .COS(iJ tdt = k =?

I !.
-.e R' dl :dU
--COS{J)I == V
sin Ct) tdt == dV Ct)

cosw t .!... 1
K' =- - e 11' + - JeRc.!... coswrdt
w Rew

K =--
COS{J} / T 1 K
e r +- .
w Rew
K = sin wt e-;; _ _!_ _K'
(J) Rew
K = sm wt e Re _ _!__ [ _ COS aJ I .!_ 1 )
co R ' elf< +--K
cco OJ Rew
_ sincor e""
..!_ ,
K- a, + ___
1 1
Rcw 1 coswre R• -R2c1m
-- -2 • K

x(1+ Ri ci1 )-(sinmr

--+- coswrJ
Rem a,
2 -
e R·

K = R 2c 2w
R1c1 1
( .
-w- + - - - e""
cosa.,1) .!....
OJ +1 Rc(J) i

p = V 0w _K = V0 w . R c co
2 2 2
(sin wt_ cosw~Je ;'
R R R 2c 2co 2+ I w Rew
R c 2 co 2 v° .- 1 l-
P= , (Rccosincot + coswr')e Rc
R·c 2 m 2 + 1 Rcco
P= 0
C (J) _!_
(cosmt+Rcwsinwt')e& L>
1 + ( Rcw )
tg00 = +

P= V.0 cw ..!.-
(coswt+cotg80 sintiJt')eRc
l + ( Rcw)
. _sin__,:--_
B0 cos wt+
_ _cos 8 0 sin llJ t . e ; ...
P = V0 c a> 2 sin 8 0
l+( Rc w)

P J V, cw , . ,;n(wt + 0 0 ).e.:.,
1 + (Rew )·

l (t ) = e -Re-' .{ J Vcw
sin(CcJ t + B0 ).e _!_
Ne + c'

l +( R c w ) 2
V c <u .
= Ji •sm(@t _,_!_
/ (t) 0
+8 ) + c'.e Re-
l + (Re w )2 °

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