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Egor Chernetsov

Senior Android developer

Professional summary
Android developer with 4+ years of experience. Proficient in the development of
complex multi-threaded applications. Confident in designing the application
architecture. Likes clean architecture and SOLID principles. Actively improves
skills. Self-motivated, proactive, punctual, responsible, attentive to details.

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Qualification
awarded: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science.

FinTech, Communications, Technology, Service Sector, Multimedia, EdTech

Technologies and tools

• Java, Kotlin
• RxJava2, RxAndroid / RxKotlin, Retrofit2, Dagger2 / Koin, Room,
ButterKnife, Glide / Picasso, RxStore, RxRedux, Moxy, Coroutines
• SQLite, MySQL
• Android Architecture Components
• Postman, Swagger, REST API
• Firebase
• Mockito, Espresso
• Git (GitLab, GitHub), Bitbucket
• Jira, Slack, LiveData, Google Maps, Google analytics
• MVC, MVVM (Rx bindings), MVP

Internet banking Duration: 10.2019 – till now

The client is the commercial bank, which is in TOP-5 list of local banks. This
bank is online and has got more than 5mln customers and $11.1bln of assets. The
company team developed a full-featured banking system, which meets all the
client’s needs.

Team Position
100+ specialists Android developer

• Implementing new features
• Maintaining project stability
• Utilized good design practices, code reuse and wrote efficient source code
• Devising possible solutions to anticipated problems
• Support of existing functionality
• Code review

Technologies and tools

• Kotlin, RxJava2, RxStore, Dagger2, Glide, Room, Espresso, Mockito, MVI
Property guru Duration: 01.2021 – 05.2021

One of the largest real estate agents in Singapore and Asia.

Team Position
16+ specialists Senior Android developer

• Developed new features and component
• Supported the existing functionality
• Wrote unit tests
• Utilized good design practices, code reuse and wrote efficient source code

Technologies and tools

• Kotlin, Android SDK, Robolectric, AAC, Retrofit, Dagger2, Kotlin coroutines,
Yota Duration: 05.2019 – 10.2019

An application for Russian mobile operator. The application provides users to

change communication conditions, check balance and replenish account. Also,
system includes to change link card and connect auto payment, set
communication conditions in roaming, and get 24/7 support.

Team Position
100+ specialists Android developer

• Developed new features and component
• Supported the existing functionality
• Worked in a Nexus environment
• Created technical documentation for reference and reporting
• Wrote unit tests
• Utilized good design practices, code reuse and wrote efficient source code

Technologies and tools

• Kotlin, Dagger2, Room, Retrofit2, RxJava2, RxKotlin, RxRelay, Anko, Glide,
Timber, Jetpack, LeakCanary, Firebase, Mockito, Google Maps, Yandex
Metrica, MVVM, Clean architecture
SmsBy Duration: 02.2019 – 05.2019

A mobile application provides communication between members of company by

SMS. Users can create your own templates. The application contains personal
calls screen which users can see what of company members received SMS.

Team Position
7 specialists Lead Android developer

• Developed the application from scratch
• Worked in a Scrum environment
• Utilized good design practices, code reuse and wrote efficient source code

Technologies and tools

• Kotlin, RxKotlin, Retrofit2, Dagger2, Room, Clean architecture
Digipass Duration: 05.2018 – 02.2019

A mobile application provides a two-factor authentication and transaction

execution for a mobile banking system. The application provides a
convenient and safe navigation between user accounts.

Team Position
5 specialists Android developer

• Developed new functionality of the existing application
• Worked in a Scrum environment
• Devised possible solutions to anticipated problems
• Created technical documentation for reference and reporting
• Utilized good design practices, code reuse and wrote efficient source code
• Stabilization

Technologies and tools

• Kotlin, RxKotlin, Retrofit, Dagger, Room, Firebase
Eqvibot Duration: 11.2017 – 05.2018

The main idea of the project – a bot for people life. Eqvibot is a bot integrated
with many external services and it provides their functionality to a user.
Modules of integration with different services (air tickets, taxi, travel, hotels,
and apartments).

Team Position
9 specialists Android developer

• Developed new functionality of the existing application
• Worked in a Scrum environment
• Utilized good design practices, code reuse and wrote efficient source code
• Stabilization

Technologies and tools

• Java, ButterKnife, Retrofit2, RxJava, RxAndroid, Moxy, Dagger2, Glide,
Chuck, Google Maps
Treasure Hunt Duration: 05.2017 – 11.2017

The game functions as a traditional AR treasure hunt style game. Users can
play the game when they are inside Rosedale center. Users can utilize the
camera to view coins and loot bags placed within the actual mall (AR). Users
need to collect these items to gain digital achievements and real-life prizes.

Team Position
6 specialists Android developer

• Wrote the app from scratch
• Worked in a Scrum environment
• Utilized good design practices, code reuse and writing efficient source code

Technologies and tools

• Java, ARCore, Glide, Retrofit2, RXJava, MVP, StepInside SDK
Trainee program Duration: 01.2017 – 05.2017

In this application, the user can create their own unique training program. The
user can see the finished programs from famous athletes from around the
world; the application also has a tabata timer for Crossfit workouts.

Team Position
1 specialist Android developer

• Wrote the app from scratch
• Utilized good design practices, code reuse and wrote efficient source code

Technologies and tools

• Java, Retrofit, RxAndroid, Dagger, Moxy, Clean architecture
Product calculator Duration: 09.2016 – 01.2017

An application is a convenient calculator of purchased products in various

stores. The system includes functions as searching at the lowest prices
among all the stores in city, as well as a smart calculation of the total cost
with all discounts.

Team Position
1 specialist Android developer

• Utilized good design practices, code reuse and wrote efficient source code
• Wrote the app from scratch

Technologies and tools

• Java, Retrofit, RxAndroid

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