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Asset Creation and Livelihoods Unit (OSZPR) in collaboration with School Feeding Service (OSF) and the
Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (OSZIR)

Most of the schools in rural sites in Africa depend on firewood as their main source of energy for
cooking, contributing to deforestation and placing a financial burden on children’s families due to
rising fuel prices.
By enhancing the schools’ sanitation
and taking advantage of the
opportunities offered by biogas, as a
combined activity, the schools will be
provided with a win-win solution.
Biogas generated by human waste
offers a great alternative for cooking
fuel to the schools, while at the same
time addressing human waste disposal
issues and costs; reducing cooking
expenses and time; and mitigating the
environmental impact, mostly due to
deforestation and CO2 emissions.
Figure 1: Biogas inputs and outputs
Biogas not only provides methane gas
for cooking, but the slurry, a by-product of bio digester, is also a great fertilizer for agriculture and a
potential income generation source.
Depending on the number of students (for example, a low number of students will not be enough to
create sufficient gas volume to meet at least 30-40% of the needs for cooking), it will be necessary to
increase the gas production by supplementing the sewage with materials such as kitchen refuse, food
leftovers, garden scrap, weed, grass flower clippings, paper, card board, rotten fruits, dead animals,
and whatever soft organic waste, which may be found in the school’s vicinity. Using these waste
materials for biogas production would also improve the environmental hygiene of the neighbourhood.
Participation of the private sector should be sought as providers of technical expertise, designs,
training, capacity building, energy-saving cook stoves, etc. These partnerships should be developed
considering the three principles guiding FFA, especially Principle 3 “Building what works, build
consensus, and foster participation”1:
“The participatory and capacity building efforts made through FFA to communities is key – the
greater their involvement, the greater the benefits communities derive from the intervention.
Participation - or the lack of it - can be the factor that leads to either the success of failure of
a FFA activity in the field.”
The training package provided to build and maintain the asset might include training for students. The
package might also include the set-up of extracurricular activities related to the biogas (such as
teaching biogas theory and practice, masonry lessons, theory of other sources of sustainable energy,
etc.) to ensure ownership and engagement by the students, and to optimize the learning experience
and expand the program at the household level and to other schools.

FFA Manual, Chapter 1 – Using FFA – The Bigger Picture, page 20. Available at:

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Biogas is a fuel gas made up of a mixture of 66% methane (CH4) and of 34% carbon dioxide (CO2). It
is a renewable energy source obtained by fermentation, which is the process of degradation of organic
matter using micro-organisms in the absence of oxygen, also known as anaerobe. This process takes
place in special containers called “digesters” where there is no oxygen, which is essential for the
fermentation to happen. Biogas is a clean
fuel, so it does not cause pollution and is
highly efficient. It can be used for
cooking, lighting, and electricity
generation. In addition, biogas generates
a useful by-product after the anaerobic
digestion. This by-product, or slurry, is a
rich bio-fertilizer used by farmers to
increase farming production.
As an alternative, for those places where
fertilizer is not necessary, slurry might be
used as a fuel for an appropriate cooking
stove (gasifier). Slurry might also be
directly burned in existing fuel-efficient
cook stoves if it is previously treated
Figure 2: Basic design of a human waste-based biogas system using a transformation method named
Figure 2 represents the basic outline of the system. It is made up of a buried tank, where the
fermentation happens, which is called the bio-digester. The upper part of the tank has a dome shape
to collect the gas. The bio-digester should be watertight. From the upper part of the bio-digester,
biogas is channelized through a pipe straight to the fuel-efficient cook stove.


This activity revolves around the repair, adaptation and/or construction of gender-friendly sanitation
facilities in schools, such as latrines.
Human waste has a low yield in terms of biogas production. Thus, human waste would not be
sufficient to meet 100% of the cooking energy needs of the schools, unless cow manure is added in. A
cost-effective solution is to meet the energy needs only partially (30-40%) through human waste, and
the rest (60-70%) will be covered by the previous source of fuel used but with the added advantage
of the fuel-efficient cook stoves supplied. Even though not covering 100% of the energy needs, the
benefits for the school and the community will continue being significant.
For gender-friendly sanitation facilities, there are many different designs and materials that can be
used and further elements to be considered. Because of this complexity, this activity should be
designed and implemented through partnership with (I)NGOs, other UN Agencies (UNICEF, FAO,
UNDP, etc.) or national bodies with previous experience in biogas. Linkages with UNICEF at the country
level is advisable, due to their mandate on WASH activities, for the construction and/or adaptation of
the school latrines for biogas production.
Since this activity will happen in schools, the Education Committee should be involved in all stages of
the project. The outcomes of the previous Community-based Participatory Planning (CBPP) should
also be taken into consideration as a reference to select the most suitable solutions for the hardware
(infrastructure) and the software (community management & training) components of the project.
It is highly advisable to involve as many people as possible within the community, in order to foster a
sense of ownership and ensure the sustainability of the assets once WFP support will come to an end.

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Figure 3: Biogas synoptic chart and benefits

Training at the community level is one of the key stages of the activity. Masonry skills, and the
maintenance of the biogas facilities, and the management of bio-slurry for agriculture should be
included in the training, not only for the created asset but also to inform the community about biogas
Construction of latrines is an activity included in the FFA Manual (Section 2: Community and social
infrastructure, other activities) and classified under category 2b within the Engineering Risk Matrix.
Figure 4 demonstrates various stages in project cycle for construction of biogas bio-digester as an FFA
activity. As such, it is suggested that these activities should be guided and/or supervised by technical
experts, and the project plans and actions should be endorsed by national authorities.

Figure 2: Asset creation Flow-chart

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Activities to provide access to sustainable energy and improved sanitation in schools have the
potential to contribute to several Strategic Results (SR), such as: Access to Food (RS 1), End
Malnutrition (RS 2), Smallholder Productivity and Incomes (RS 3), Sustainable Food Systems (RS 4) and
Enhance Global Partnership (RS 8).
In addition, biogas activities can contribute to the SDGs, as follows:
• SDG2- Zero hunger: Biogas enables school kitchens to cook food, while the bio-slurry generated
contributes to increased vegetable production of smallholder farmers and to the improvement of
soil quality.
• SDG4- Quality education: Clean and affordable cooking lowers the economic pressure on student’s
families to contribute to the school’s fuel needs. It also reduces, or even eliminates, the burden on
school children (especially girls) to collect firewood for the school;
• SDG6- Clean water and sanitation: Adapting the existing latrines for biogas production or building
new ones and using the outputs as row material for the biodigester, helps to improve school
• SDG7- Affordable and clean energy: Biogas provides some fuel for cooking school meals, which
reduces the costs of cooking fuel and saves on firewood and charcoal.

Biogas is not an unknown technology in developing countries. NGOs and UN Agencies have
implemented biogas projects in Africa, South and Southeast Asia and South America since 1980s.
There is an increasing number of private companies providing services on biogas, and many countries
have national financial incentives to promote biogas.
There is a large amount of information and practical examples available to identify the potential
challenges and how to address them for quality and sustainable biogas assets, such as:
• Use & Maintenance: Sustainability of the biogas system (and therefore the whole asset
programme) will only be achieved if a dedicated person (e.g., a community member) carries out in
daily maintenance of the system. The caretaker(s) will be responsible for all maintenance tasks
related to biogas and sanitation facilities, such as introducing the daily amount of complementary
organic matter and water; removing bio-slurry from the compost pit; daily maintenance and
cleaning; annual cleaning of the dome, etc. This person(s) should be hired by the school or the
community and paid accordingly. The position may be a rotating shift to benefit more people within
the community. A common scheme in many schools is a contribution by the community for school
funds: parents can contribute a small amount to ensure the functioning of the school, such as
payments for the cooks, purchases of school material, and/or small repairs. This contribution could
potentially be used to cover the payment of the person in charge of maintaining the bio-digester.
Since some schools use a large part of the community fund to purchase cooking fuel, which can be
substituted with the biogas bio-digester, the use of biogas can be a profitable change for the
• Health: Slurry coming from the biogas digester that uses human waste may be a health risk, due
to the pathogens surviving the digestion process. Some studies suggest that the health risk is
relatively low, since an infectious dose is usually quite high and would entail swallowing the
pathogens (Smith, 1996)2. Still, in order to be safe, slurry should be handled considering the same
barriers for faecal-oral route prevention as in sanitation awareness campaigns. While the bio-

Smith, S.R. 1996. Agricultural recycling of sewage sludge and the environment. Cab International, Wallingford. 382 p.

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fertilizer can be sold to farmers to generate income for the school and the community, a proper
training on handling bio-slurry should take place.
• Size of the school: Due to the low production yield of biogas from human waste, the number of
pupils using latrines in a daily basis must be high, thus, the bio-digester size also must to be big,
which will increase the initial investment. There is also a questionnaire for assessing the suitability
of a given school (Annex 1).
• Cultural barriers: In some contexts, having a job related with human waste is frowned upon or
considered a taboo, and the community may reject the idea. This risk will likely be identified during
the CBPP (Community-based Participatory Planning) process.


The minimum requirements for a sustainable asset creation are the following:

Number of Students: 2503

Daily availability of water (litres): 240
Existing space for the biodigester, close
enough to the kitchen (m2) 25
Full-time caretaker4: 1
Current use of ecologically harmful fuel5 yes

The calculation spreadsheet tool for basic parameters is included in Annex 2.

On a small scale, biogas is a cheap and straightforward method for energy production. However, the
costs of a biogas digester at schools vary greatly depending on the country and on the following
● The infrastructure of the school:
o Number of toilets;
o Location of toilets and kitchen;
o Type of toilets;
o General layout/terrain of the school and current buildings, which influences how to
connect the biogas digester to toilets and the kitchen.
● Size of the biogas digester, which depends on:
o Number and age of children at the school;
o Schedule of the school;
o What feedstock is available (organic, animal waste, etc.);
o Current cooking schedule, which will provide information about how much gas is
needed to replace all firewood.
A budget example is provided in Annex 3.

This number can be calculated using the excel sheet attached in ANNEX 2 – Calculations Tool (Example). The
percentage of cooking needs is a variable. It is recommended to set this input to around 30- 40 percent.
The assumption of a full-time caretaker implies that the community can afford the salary.
Woodstock, charcoal, coal, etc.

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In respect to the two broad stages of biogas, the use and maintenance of the facilities must consider
the following:
1. Latrines and water facilities;
2. Biogas plant operation and maintenance; and,
3. Bio-slurry management and use.
Since latrines will be the subject of a separate InfoTech, and the bio-slurry could be considered as part
of compost making6, we will focus on stage two of biogas in this document.
Biogas plant operation7
Element Operation & Maintenance
Mixing Tank  Use adequate quantity of waste (daily);
& Inlet pipe  The inlet to the digester must be blocked during waste mixing;
 Ensure thorough mixing of the waste with water;
 Let the substrate settle in the tank for a few minutes before charging it into the
 Use impurity-free substrate (waste/water mixture);
 Always leave the mixing chamber clean (daily);
 The mixing should be done daily and you should always cover the tank after the
 Inspect the digester for scum formation and remove as necessary by opening the
plant (yearly).
 Inspect the plant for water tightness and gas tightness (yearly).
Main Gas  It should always be closed to ensure that the gas does not flow out through some
Valve/Dome leakages in the piping, when the gas is not being used;
Gas Valve  Check the gasholder for rust and repaint as necessary (yearly).
 It should be provided with a protective covering, preferably constructed using
bricks, sand and cement, to prevent it from being damaged by children and by
rain, which may cause it to rust.
Gas Piping  Check the gas valves, fittings, and appliances for leaks (monthly).
 Pressure-test the gas valves, fittings, and pipes (yearly).
 Gas pipes that run along the walls or posts should be installed well and tightly
secured to avoid breakages;
 Underground gas pipes should be covered safely to prevent damages due to
animals, people, and vehicles;
 Fittings and other accessories should be fitted well to avoid leakages;
 The rubber hose pipe should be checked every month for the removal of any
trapped water;
 The hose clamp must be properly tightened after replacing the hose pipe.
Water Trap  It should be opened every 2 months to let the condensed water flow out;
Valve  After draining out the water, the valve should be closed tightly to avoid the gas
from escaping;

This InfoTech is included in the FFA Manual:
For a more exhaustive maintenance plan, please refer to: SNV & BSU. Operation and Maintenance of Biogas
plants, bio-slurry management and use: A practical Handbook for the Trainer of Trainers of Biogas Construction
Enterprises. [Available online at:

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 The valve should be changed or repaired immediately if there is any damage to it;
 Always cover the water trap valve pit to prevent rain water, run-off, and sand from
entering and damaging or rusting the valve.
Pressure  Always read the Pressure Gauge to check the magnitude before using the gas;
Meter close the main gas valve of the digester; and then open the water trap valve. A
normal pressure reading should be at 40-80 cm for the U-tube and 4-8 KPa for the
Chinese meters.
 It must be installed in a dry place.
 Inspect the meter annually for: accuracy in readings; a bent or unattached pointer;
broken or discoloured windows that impair readability; leakage of gas; and
damage to the casing revealed as dents and or/cracks.
Energy  Clean and inspect (weekly).
efficient  It requires purposeful installation with adequate protection from wind;
stove  To light a biogas stove, you should light the matchstick first and then turn on the
gas valve;
 It is better to light the stove via its bottom than its top.
Collecting  Check the appearance and odour of the digested slurry (daily).
tank  The chamber and canal should be cleaned to avoid blockage by solids;
 The expansion chamber should be cleaned to avoid solids assembling in the
corners and thus reducing gas storage (weekly/monthly);
 The slurry canal should always be kept clean and clear to make the bio-slurry flow
out easily (daily);
 A blocked slurry canal can lead to a blocked overflow point, which may result in a
bio-digester dysfunction


• Asset Creation and Livelihoods Unit (OSZPR):
Contact person: PRATS, Carlos, Consultant Engineer,

• School Feeding (OSF): This division will be the entry point for asset creation leading in the
selection of the targeted communities and the organization and fostering of the Education
Contact person: SAENZ, Raul, Consultant, Programme Policy,

• Energy (Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction Programmes-OSZIR): This unit will provide expertise
and contribute to the feasibility study, cost-benefit analysis, and overview of the market
Contact person: BELLANCA Raffaella, Consultant Programme Policy,

• External Partners linked to UNICEF, such as Energizing Development8 (EnDev) and their
implementing organizations, including the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV),
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit9 (GIZ), and Hivos10, are essential for
the asset’s implementation, providing expertise and training on the possible technological


P a g e 7 | 11
• Biogas Governmental Programmes:11 Many countries have their own programmes, policies,
guidelines and maybe subsidies allocation. Each Country Office should proactively find out if there
is potential to adhere to an existing


COLÓN, J, FORBIS-STOKES, A & DESHUSSES, M (2015). Anaerobic digestion of undiluted simulant
human excreta for sanitation and energy recovery in less-developed countries. Duke University,
Department of Civil & Environmental Technology. Durham, USA [Available online at: (Last view in 03.10.2018)]

MALKKI, S (2006). Human faeces as a resource in agriculture. Conference paper. TTS-Institute,

Rajamäki, Findland [Available online at: (Last view in

MATTOS, L.C. & FARIAS, M., 2011. Manual do Biobio-digester Sertanejo. Projecto Manejo Sustentável
de Terras no Sertaô (Portugues). Edicao do Projecto Dom Helder Camara: Recife, Brazil. [Available at:
Abiobio-digester (Last view in 12.11.2018)]

SNV, 2017. Toilet Construction Handbook for Masons. Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV)
Nepal: Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal. [Available at:
default/files/explore/download/handbook-toilet-construction-for-masons_0.pdf (Last view in

SNV & BSU. Operation and Maintenance of Biogas plants, bio-slurry management and use: A practical
Handbook for the Trainer of Trainers of Biogas Construction Enterprises. [Available online at:
e_of_biogas_plants_bio-slurry_use_and_management.pdf (Last view in 03.10.2018)]

SuSanA, 2015. Making WASH in Schools More Sustainable Vol. II. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance c/o
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Sektorvorhaben ‘Nachhaltige
Sanitärversorgung’ (Sustainable Sanitation Program): Eschborn, Germany. [Available at: (Last view in

UNDP, 2012. Making Energy Markets Work for the Poor: Large-scale Dissemination of Biogas plants in
Nepal. Towards an ‘Energy Plus’ approach for the poor: A review of good practices and lessons learned
from Asia and the Pacific. Case Study 4. Commissioned and facilitated by the United Nations
Development Programme Asia-Pacific Regional Centre (UNDP APRC) Bangkok, Thailand.
[Available online at:
UNDP_NP_Making%20Energy%20Markets%20Work%20for%20the%20Poor.pdf (Last view in

VAN NES, BOERS, W. and UL-ISLAM, K., 2005. Feasibility of a national programme on domestic biogas
in Bangladesh: Final report. Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV): The Hague, The
Netherlands. [Available at: (Last view
in 12.11.2018)]

Examples of Biogas Governmental Programmes can be found in countries like Kenya, Pakistan, Senegal and

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ANNEX 1 – Questionnaire for school assessment
No Question Answer
1 Number of students by age and number of teachers? 05-08 y.o.: ________
09-12 y.o.: ________
12-15 y.o.: ________
Adults: ________
2 Number and types of latrines? Dry pit latrine: ____
Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine: __
Poor flush double pit latrine: ____
Other type: _____
3 Distance of latrines from the kitchen: ______ Metres
4 Amount of cooking waste (feedstock) generated
daily/weekly/monthly/yearly?12 ______ Kg/day
5 Are the students present all the year round?  Yes  No
6 What is the source of water and what is the distance to  Open Well
the source of water?  Borehole
 River or lake intake
 Seasonal pond
 Piped water
7 Is it feasible to install roof water harvesting?  Yes  No
8 If yes, what is the rainfall amount per month?
9 Number of kitchens and cookstoves _____
10 What is the fuel used for cooking?
11 Price of fuel used for cooking: ____ LPG __ litres -> _ bottles/month
Firewood: ____ Currency/month
____ Kerosene: ____ litre
Charcoal: ____ Currency/per month
Oil: ____ Currency/per month
Cattle dung: ___ volume, # animal/ month
12 Number of cooked meals prepared every day and overall ___ meals/day
time of cooking/boiling per day: ___ hours/day
13 Is there a local water and sanitation committee or a  Yes
Community Education Committee?  No
14 Are there skilled masons able to build quality masonry  Yes
works?  No
15 What is the soil type at the school site?  Clay;  Sand;  Loam;  Silt;  Rock
16 How deep is the water table? _____ Metres
17 How many times a year does the area experience __ Year Frequency
flooding? __ Overage Maximum water level reached
18 Are there any local companies, entrepreneurs,
governmental institutions, universities, etc. dealing with
19 What is the average cash income in the community? Monthly cash income in USD
20 Other comments

This information can be difficult to estimate. An alternative method is to provide the number of school
meals prepared every day.

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ANNEX 2 – Calculations Tool (Example)
This tool is an excel sheet where yellow cells are inputs and blue cells are outputs. The calculations
are informed by scientific research.
This tool is available online as well as attached to the present document.

Inputs & Outputs Unit Qty

Number of students ea 250
Proportion of total student population
6 to 10 years % 50%
10 to 15 years % 50%
Number of adult staff members on site ea 15
Boarding school (students staying overnight) Yes/No Yes
Biogas production potential m3/d 1,644
HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time) (1) days 70
Recommended digester size m3 11,988
Daily cooking hours hours/day 0,822
Daily usable energy produced (considering energy losses due to stove
efficiency) hours 5,43
Estimated energy requirement met % 10%
Current cooking energy costs per day $ 1,00
Amount of fuel costs saved per day $ 0,10
Annual fuel cost savings $ 35,91

With additional feedstocks

Canteen food waste kg/day 25
Grass kg/day 25
Total biogas production potential with toilet waste m3/day 7,24
Recommended digester size m3 13,95
Daily cooking hours hours/day 3,62
Daily usable energy produced (considering energy losses due to stove
efficiency) hours 23,89
Estimated energy requirement met % 43,3%

Fuel Cost
Current cooking energy costs per day (2) USD 5,00
Amount of fuel costs saved per day USD 2,17
Annual fuel cost savings USD 791
(1) Between 70 to 80 days are recommended to ensure destruction of pathogens.
(2) Cooking costs are difficult to calculate when the fuelwood used is collected manually by students or
family members.

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ANNEX 3 – Approximate Budget (Example)

Item Unit Qty Price (USD) Total (USD)

0 - Design
Engineering Fees ls 1
1 - Construction Materials 777
Bricks (20x40x20 cm) ea. 2450 0,18 441
Sand m3 4,3 0,12 0,516
Gravel m3 2,54 0,13 0,33
Rod iron 8mm Kg 30 1 30
Wire GI Kg 4 5 20
Cement @50Kg p/bag bag 30 9,5 285
2 - Unskilled Labour Cost 240
Labours person/day 300 0,8 240
C - Pipes and Fittings 125
Inlet PVC pipe 6" m 24 0,25 5,9
GI pipe 1/2" m 40 1,17 46,8
GI Socket 1/2" ea. 6 0,25 1,5
GI T 1/2" m 6 0,6 3,6
Gas valve 3/4" ea. 4 1,2 4,8
GI reducer 1" x 3/4" ea 4 6 24
Nipple 3/4" ea 4 5 20
GI pipe 1/2" m 4 0,8 3,2
Rubber pipe for gas 1/4" m 10 1,3 13
PVC pipe 4" ea 10 0,2 2
3 - Appliances 280,5
Double burner Energy Efficient cooking stove, bi
fuel set 2 60 120
Brash 4" set 1 5 5
Acrylic Plastic Paint litre 25 3,3 82,5
Volume Meter set 1 65 65
Vax Kg 2 4 8
4 - Construction Charge 593
Mason 1 m/day 10 7 70
Mason 2 m/day 12 5 60
Pipe installation hours 15 7 105
Logistic ls 1 300 300
General Costs % 3 1932 58
5 – Capacity Building and Support
Providing of maintenance training ls
Learning package for students ls
Facilities’ Support for 6 months ls
Grand Total 2.015

Notes: - Prices for construction materials have been sourced from several internet sources for
- Quantities correspond to a 12 m3 fixed dome bio-digester built by masonry.
- Prices for latrines are not included.

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