Bossy Maid

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👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳

(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the


❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Prologue 🌺🌺🧸

Beneath every tough surface is a wounded soul.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. I

snoozed it and sat up on my bed fully awake, not
that I slept deeply before. Who would by the way??

I sighed and stood up, heading to the bathroom.

Today is my last day here, the contract I signed
would be annulled and I don't have where after
today, not even enough to stay on my own.

My parents died eight years ago and I was

abducted and abused by my parents' killer for five
years till luck shone on me one night and I

I began working as a maid so I can fend for

myself and save up for college to achieve my
dreams and bring her parents death to justice.

I wore my uniform and went to the next

compound where my boss lives.
I opened the gate and took a look around,
scrutinizing the environs.

" Hurry she is around" my colleagues hurried

about, performing their duties and keeping a safe
distance from me. They're all scared of me
especially after I taught one of them a lesson. You
won't blame me, he needed to be out in his place.

"What's this paper bag doing here?" I turned to

the one nearest to me.

" I-I..... " He stuttered.

My phone rang at that moment, saving him from

my tongue lash. I glared at him before answering
the call.

"Hello Mr Jeff" I said into the phone

"Yes Courtney, I've come to understand your

tenure would be over today. You have anywhere in
mind? " He asked.

" No I don't"

" That's a relief then" he sighed audibly into the


"How's that a relief?" I wondered.

"Gleez's international company needs a maid for
the CEO and I recommended you. You okay with

" Yes sure" I answered quickly, this opportunity

mustn't pass me by.

"Cool" he replied and hung up then the reality of

what just happened sunk in.

The CEO of Gleez's??? Someone who isn't to be

tempered with? Someone who's reputation is
uncalled for?? He'll be my new boss??

Well no turning back, I got no choice.

The day ended quickly and I packed my bag,

preparing myself for the next day ahead, another
phase of my life journey.

Hi my name is Courtney and I'm twenty three

years old.

Two ice meets without fire, who'll melt first?

What happens when her dark past threatens

both of them?

Let's find out in this story, grab your popcorns and

get ready.
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Two🌺🌺🧸

Donald 😬😬

I fixed bacon and eggs for breakfast to eat.

I opened the door to leave for work only to find a

young petite lady.

Her long chestnut hair packed in a ponytail, she

has green eyes and round face.

I noticed how she looked at me with calculating

eyes, giving me a quick once-over before meeting
my gaze.

When I saw she was through studying me, I

asked the question that was at the tip of my tongue
since I saw her.

"Yes? Who are you?" I curled up my lips.

"Your new maid" she said nonchalantly.

Huh?? New maid??

I can't remember asking for one.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

"My name is Courtney and I was employed by

your mother to be your maid" she introduced
further, smiling.

I stiffened when she mentioned my mother, I

should have known she wouldn't listen to me

"Get out" I said coolly.

She raised an eyebrow and looked at me

squarely in the eyes "Make me."


She isn't even scared of me, doesn't she know

who I am??

"Who the h*ll do you think you are?" I was

loosing my cool.

"Courtney, your new maid."

"You are from her and I don't accept anything
from my mother."

"Oh, really?"

I squinted my eyes at her, indicating she should

go on.

"Looks to me there's something going on

between you and your mother. I smell bad blood"

Continue smelling little wolf.

"So?" I was getting impatient.

"Your moh-dar is offering to pay a lot of money

and I need money. If after three months and I've
saved enough money, I'll leave you to your
solitude" she flashed a smile, her eyes glinting.

"I'll give you a signed check, write any amount

you want and leave"

"Hmmmm" she put a finger on her lower jaw and

pretended to be lost in thought.


"So as tempting as that sounds, I'm going to say

I was shocked.

Who wouldn't jump at the opportunity??

"I want to work for my money" she added.

Who's she??

I fixed her a steely gaze.

"Now if you'll excuse me" she rolled in her bags

like she owns the house.

This is my damn house.

That woman has given me another reason to

hate her!

I was about going in after her when my phone

rang, reminding me of the meeting I'm to attend.

I glared hard at the house before walking to my

Bentley and driving off.

I'll drill sense into her head when I come back.

🌸 Courtney 🌸
My heart was thumping wildly in my chest, I
thought he was going to follow me in.
I breathed out on relief when I heard him drive off.

I don't know what got into me, why didn't I jump at

the opportunity to write any amount on the check,
maybe because I want to know how it feels to live
in a house worth millions of dollars.

First, where's the kitchen? I need to calm my

nervous self down. I eat a lot when I'm angry, sad
or nervous. It's the only thing that calms me.

His kitchen is very big and could fit in about fifty

people freely. It was hard to locate the ingredients
for cooking. After a voluminous meal, I gave myself
a tour of the house, visiting every nook and cranny.

I chose a room myself, it's five times bigger than

my former room.

Everywhere is neat and spotless. What's here for

me to clean again??

This is the best work ever.

I fixed myself another meal and unpacked, feeling

very much at home.

Donald 😡
"Hey Boss, good morning" Flynn my PA greeted
as I entered the company's building. It appears he
has been waiting for me.

"Morning Flynn" I answered

"Mrs Wilson called and asked if you've received

your package?"

"Did she fail to mention human package?"

"Huh??!" Flynn gave me a puzzled expression.

"Yeah, human package that isn't the least

intimidated by me. Didn't she check the internet
before saying yes?"

"You know the only thing the media is right about

is your cold heart, most of the other things is a lie."

"Hmph" I huffed and entered my office.

"Yeah, ever wondered why my wife stop setting

you up on a date?"

"Because she knows she's wasting her time"

"Because every one of them come crying back

and she's faced with the burden of consoling them
so she gave up on you"
"Glad to know.... Why would she send a maid to

"Phew! At least someone to live in that boring

house of yours maybe you'll stop being a dickhead
to your employees. You're acting too cold"

"Thanks for that piece of advice Flynn, I think I'm

going to freeze you too"

"Doesn't matter since there's one person in this

world that isn't afraid of you. When can I see her?"

"No when, she's leaving my house whether she

likes it or not" I replied firmly.

"Hahaha funny, you have less than ten minutes

to the meeting. Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be"

The meeting went great and with Flynn out of my

hair, I can think more clearly.

Flynn and I have been friends since college. After

years of not getting a job, I invited him to work for
me. He's my only friend and he understands me
very well but he can be annoying as well.
I left work very late deciding on the tactic I can
use to send her away.

I tried calling my mother but she didn't answer my


Gosh.......this is so frustrating.

Why can't I think of anything?!!

My cold aura isn't even working on her, if nothing,

it only made her more determined.

I'm sure she isn't from earth, she must be an


I took my car keys and drove home slowly.

Thank God the gate is motor sensored, it opened

by itself, allowing me access into my house.

I opened the door and was prepared to shout


The word immediately died down in my mouth

when I saw a big bucket of popcorn on the table, a
big bowl of chips resting in her laps and a bottle of
wine on the table.

She sat cross-legged.

One hand was putting a popcorn in her her mouth
while the other was changing channels with the TV.

"Welcome" she said without even glancing at



🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode one 🌺🌺🧸

Donald 😒

I woke up to sound of my phone ringing.

📞 "Yes??" I said into the phone, my voice heavy

with sleep.

📞"It's your mother" the voice said calmly over

the phone
📞"What?" I replied
📞"No greetings?"
📞"Get straight to the point or I hang up"
📞"Fine, I employed a maid for you to assist with
your house cleaning"

📞 "I don't need one" I replied gruffly, annoyed

with the fact that she dared employed one without
my knowledge.

You can say my mum and I don't have the best

relationship. Well it's all her fault, if she hadn't
disrupted my wedding, called my wife to be a
fraudster and got her arrested, things would still be

It's nice to know that Clara was found guilty of

whatever accused her of and she was given life
imprisonment but mum shouldn't have disrupted the
wedding that way!

📞"Are you there?" She asked

📞"I don't need a maid, I'm perfectly okay. I don't
know why you care"
📞"She's coming and that's final" she replied

📞"I SAID I DON'T WANT ONE!" I shouted but

she had hung up.


I threw the phone at the wall in anger, this woman

should stop interfering in my life!

I stood up and head to the bathroom, there's no

use trying to sleep again. She has successfully
made my day begin badly.

I showered and dressed, preparing for the day


My home phone rang, only a few people know the


I went over and answered.

📞"You have a meeting with Venus company in
exactly one hour and thirty minutes sir" my PA
voice came through the phone.

📞" Okay Flynn, I'll be there very soon" I hung up

and knotted my tie, looking at the mirror
I woke up very early and pack every bit of my

I picked a short fleyed skirt to wear, a crop top

and black sandals.

I packed my wild Chestnut hair in a ponytail

applied little makeup.

Mum always told me that first impression lasts

Shared on whatsapp by Martino.
I rolled my luggages out to the next compound
where my boss lives and went to bade them

"We'll miss you Courtney, you're really the best"

His wife hugged me.

"It's really nice working with you ma'am" I smiled

and hugged other family members.

A car hooted outside.

"My ride is here" I announced and baded them

farewell again.
"Are you really going?" One of my soon to be old
colleagues asked.

"Yeah why?" I narrowed my eyes

"Nothing. Wish you a good journey ahead, we

won't miss you though"

I scoffed and walked to my ride.

I put in my luggages and sat, just before I closed

the car door, I replied him.

"Guess what, I won't miss you too. We're even

then" I slammed the door and sat back in the car.
This is going to be a long ride.

I got down from the car and took a look at my

The house is really big and beautiful.

The driver drove out, leaving me all alone.

I walked to the front steps and raised my hand to

The door opened to reveal a demi god, the CEO

From the internet, I learned that his name is

Donald Wilson, he's twenty seven years old and
he's stinkingly rich but the internet did no justice to
his looks. They need to be sued!

His wavy black hair complemented his chiseled

face, he has round blue eyes and an athletic build.

I took note of his pointed nose and full lips, long

lashes, bushy eyebrows, in short he's very
handsome though his features were chilling and

Too bad his looks has no effect on me. I'm sure

he would have a lot of girls worshipping his feets.

He threw his head back and studied me, his cold

gaze penetrating.

I nearly cowered back but I stood straighter and

lifted my chin to meet his gaze.

When he talked, his voice was silky and orotund


"Yes? Who are you?" He curled up his lips.

"Your new maid" I said simply.

He narrowed his eyes at me, I felt the need to
introduce myself further.

"My name is Courtney and I was employed by

your mother to be your maid" I smiled a little when I
remembered mum's words.

"Get out" he said coolly.

I raised a perfect brow, "Make me" I replied



🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Three🌺🌺🧸

Donald 😡😡
"What the actual fvck!" I swore under my breath
in anger. "Didn't you say you're a maid?" I glared at
the back of her head.
I'm sure if looks could kill, she would be ten feets
below the ground.

"Doesn't mean I shouldn't relax a bit besides we

both own the house. The only difference is you're
the one paying the bills while I do the cleaning" she
replied still without looking at me.

"I'm your boss here so you should listen to me" I

yelled "now clear the table"

"Sorry boss, you gave the wrong order. Now why

don't you take off your shoes, head to your room,
remove your clothes and have a cold shower" she
finally turned to me and gave me a glance before
turning back to the TV.

"Very good Counterknee" I replied "I want you

out of my house this minute. Who do you think you

"It's actually Courtney" she corrected "and your


"Get out!"
"Are you sure you want that? If I step a foot out
of this house, I'm telling your mother how you claim
you love her..."

"Who said I love her?"

"No one but she would believe me and

immediately pack her belongings here then I'll
report to the media that you're still in love with your
ex, I bet you have her picture in your wallet and

Ohgawd...... what's she now, a witch??

"No one would believe you."

"Really, are you forgetting I'm a girl? Think about

what will happen to your company if the news gets
out. Their most loved CEO who is cold to them still
loves his ex. News flash"

"Are you blackmailing me now?" I frowned at her.

" I?" She replied in mock

surprise. "Just let me be and I'll be out of your hair
in no time"

I scoffed and stormed to my room. I took my bath

and slept with a empty stomach, not that I was
hungry anyway.
The following day,

I woke up very early at 3 am and emptied part of

the trash cans in the living room, passage toilets
and bathrooms, excluding my room and the kitchen
then went back to sleep.

Four hours later when I woke up, the house was

spotless and Counterknee was no where to be

I was really surprised and just as I was wondering

where she was, she came out of the kitchen with a
plate in her hands.

She set the table and barely looked at me.

I sat on a chair and picked a spoon. "I see you're

pretty good at doing your job huh?"

"Yeah sure" she replied and sat opposite me,

digging into her food immediately.

I stabbed my fork on the small meats in the food

to taste.

It's been long I ate a food someone else cooked.

I put the meat in my mouth and chew, the taste was
heavenly. I dug into the food instantly as my
stomach rumbled.
She's not only a maid but she can cook even
better than the woman I hate.

I saw her sneaking a glance at me, her face


I cleared my throat and motioned to the food,

"how could you prepare this?" I asked

"What's wrong?"

"Everything, it's tasteless"

"And you finished it within a twinkle of an eye?"

She mocked

I looked at my plate, there were only a few

crumbs remaining in the plate. "I ate all because I
was hungry" I replied bluntly

"Really?" She taunted.

"Ugh........ I'm not having this conversation,

especially with an ordinary maid" I stood up.

Something flickered through her eyes, it went

away before I could identify it.

This girl better goes back from where she's

coming home, I'm not used with people being
familiar with my house except from Flynn and his
family. I decided to try again.

"I'm giving you another chance, I give you a

signed check, you write any amount you want and
you leave my house" I said

"Not interested" she flipped me off

"Okay cool. I'm organizing a party this night and

you're to prepare over 60 variety of food." I told her.
Where did I get this idea from?

She moved her gaze to me in shock " on a short

notice?" She asked.

"Yeah, be expecting 40 guests or more" I replied

and walked out, worrying how I'll get the guests to
come on short notice.

Courtney 🤪🤪
Hahaha, is this guy trying to be heartless? To
him he has given me a very difficult task. I laughed
out loud

Well, preparing over 60 different type of dishes.

How do I do that? He didn't even give me money
nor dropped credit card.
I put a call through his mother and told her about
my predicament. She was very happy instead and
kept on gushing about how it's the first time in ages
her son is hosting a party. Can't she see he's only
doing it because of me??! She transferred money
to my account almost immediately after we hung

I changed my clothes and went to the grocery

store to shop and to put a call through to a chef
company. Although cooking is my hobby, I need all
the assistance I can get.

I began cooking with the help of eight other chef. I

know better than to allow them to cook, they only
assisted me with the chores and slicing.

By 5pm I was through and very tired. I paid the

workers and made to have a quick nap. I had
barely closed my eyes when the doorbell rang.

"Who's it?" I wondered because I know Donald

wouldn't knock on his door.

I opened the door to reveal a frowning Donald.

Guess I was wrong then.

"Why did it take you so long to open the door?"

" I didn't expect it to be you waiting on the other

"Hope everything is ready?"

"Yes the hall is ready for your dinner night" I

replied and locked the door. "Open it with your keys
now Mister" I shouted and strolled to my room,
ignoring his swear words

I watched as the guests came in, in surprise as
though they couldn't believe they are in Donald's
house. I wondered why it was that way.

I didn't have to worry much as a low conversation

drifted to my ears.

"I still can't believe I'm standing in Donald

Wilson's house. Our aloof and icy CEO" someone

"Yeah who would believe that, I depises crowded

places and parties ever since his failed wedding."

I read about that on the net so it's not surprising to

hear them gossiping

"Yeah..... Heard he hates his mother too."

"I think there's something going on between

them" another said.
Donald's mother called me again and thanked me
for the good work.

"I heard you're a good party organizer and the

night is going on beautifully."

Should I remind her that I'm fvcking tired and my

body is heavy? I'm already regretting my stay here,
no correction, I love my stay here. I should have
collected the cheque.

"Yes ma'am" I replied sweetly, my gaze flickered

to Donald where he was, frowning at a man
irritatedly and smirked

"Nonsense, call me mother" she replied.

"Yes mother, Donald told me how much he loves

you" That's payback Donald.

"I love him too" her voice cracked " me leave you
to do your work. Thanks" she hung up.

Donald 😐😒
When I got to the office, I left him it to him to tell
my employees about the dinner night.
He was so excited and could barely stay still and
surprisingly the air in the company buzzed with
excitement too.
I never knew many of them would come on such
short notice. I watched from the corner of my eye
as Counterknee smiled as she spoke on the phone
which I'm very sure it's my mum on the other end.
Why does her smile look creepy?

"Where's the girl? I want to see her" Flynn was

disturbing me.

"What would seeing her do to you?? Happy she's

blackmailing me?"

"You have no idea. I'm so happy I could kiss

everyone in this room"

"Sure and I would be happy to tell Eva about it"

"Eva trusts me that's why she's my wife" he

replied and looked around again, hoping to see

I decided to save him the trouble "she's the one

leaning against the wall over there" I tilted my head
a little to where she was standing.

"Isn't she a beauty?"

"Definitely not, now can we go back to discussing

how she pulled this off perfectly?"
Courtney 😕😕
I was getting bored of the party and let my gaze
stray to where Donald is standing, I see he's bored
too but the man with him is clearly having fun. As a
CEO, he should sleep early and lay an example to
his employees.

I picked a glass cup and a spoon. I hit the spoon

on the glass till there was a perfect decorum.
"Thanks for coming to the dinner night everyone.
The night has come to an end. Kindly go home and
sleep, cheers" I said to them. Soon they began
leaving in twos and threes.

I walked over to where Donald was standing,

looking at me in shock "Go to bed too"

"Hey, I'm Flynn, his best friend and personal

assistant. I've heard so much about you" the man
beside him gushed.

"Hey Flynn, go to bed too"

I saw the last guests off then locked the door.

The house was a mess but it's nothing I couldn't

do after a good night rest.
I walked to my room very tired. I had barely hit my
head in the pillow when I closed my eyes to sleep.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
🤣🤣 Who'll help Donald out?
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode four🌺🌺🧸

Donald 🍂🍂

Now I'm convinced that girl was sent by my

mother, she isn't a maid as she claims to me.

Flynn went home late last night so he wouldn't get

scolded by his wife.

My phone rang, I looked at the caller's ID and hit

ignore. Seconds later, a message came in.
💬 I love you too baby, you have no idea what
instead of Courtney. love mum 💬
your words mean to me. You should have told me

I hit the reply button furiously 💬 Okay ma'am, I

don't know what you must have heard from your
Ally. Just know it's quite the opposite. I don't love

you and never will. It would be better if you tell her
to leave my fvcking house I replied and dressed
up for the day's work in anger.

My stomach rumbled in anger as I remembered

last night. I had wanted to serve myself food when
CounterKnee came over and said the food is solely
for guests and since I'm not one, I have no right to
eat it. I had no choice than to leave quietly in order
not to cause a scene.

I wore my socks and shoes, carried my black

back pack on my left shoulder and exited my room.

The living room was spotless, you would never

know a dinner party was hosted there yesterday.

I entered the kitchen and poured myself a cup of


"Morning Mister, after drinking the milk, go wait in

the dining room. Food is almost ready" she said
with her back to me.
"Who says I was going to wait for breakfast?"

"It's your choice, it only leaves more food for me

to eat." She replied.

I grudgingly went to the dining room and waited.

Had it been I wasn't hungry, I would have walked
out on her.

She dropped a plate of scrambled eggs and a

glass of orange juice. "Eat up fast"

"You got my message from your mother?" She


I chose to ignore her and focused on eating.

"Good, if you try sending me out again, it would

be the media this time. Like I said I want to work for
my money and your mother is paying a lot"

I finished the food and gobbled down the juice.

"Goodbye, I'm off"

"Hey hey, wait!"

I stopped and turned around "yeah?"

See those bags, she pointed towards three trash

bags I hadn't notice at the kitchen entrance.

"Take them out!"

"Sorry?" I managed to utter out after seconds of


"Yeah, you heard me. You invited the guests, I

cleaned your house, you should take the trash out"

I eyed her acidly and continued my journey to the

front door.

"If you take a foot out of that door, I'm calling the
media. I heard they're pretty interested in you."

I turned around exasperatedly and opened my

mouth to talk.

"Shhhh... don't talk. Anything you say can be use

against you by me" she said sternly.

I swallowed back my words and looked at her,


I went towards the trash bags and picked them up.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

"Don't worry Mister, I'm only training you on

housekeeping in case I leave"
I scoffed in response and slammed the front door.

I dropped the trash bags in the trash cans and

entered my car.

I was about driving out when she knocked on the

car window. I rolled it down and looked at her

" You forgot this" she said and threw a lunch pack
on the seat "buh- bye"

I rolled the window up and drove to the office in a

foul mood.

"What's it?" Flynn asked as soon as I entered my


"Can you believe this, she made me take the

trash out and called my mother, telling her that I
love her"

"She's good at making her points" Flynn grinned.

"What do I do?"

"Nothing else the media might have an interesting

story on you which would affect the company."

"You never give a good advice"

"Thank heavens you know" he smiled

"What's that?" He added indicating at the lunch

pack sitting on the table. Why did I even take it?

"Nothing much"

"She packed lunch for you?"

"Yeah!!! Do I look like kindergarten to her?"

"Can I have it if you aren't going to eat it?" Flynn


I sent daggers to him "I'm lamenting and you are

talking about food. Do you ever not think about
anything else but food?"

"No... I mean yes like for example someone made

an order online to see one of the most beautiful
jewelry from the accessories department. Maybe
you should take the other out so you can have a
clear head."

"For once in your life, you gave a good idea.

Package the order and give me"

"Yes Boss" he saluted and went out.

He came in minutes later with a package.

"Thanks" I stood up and grabbed my car keys.

"Can we talk about the food now?" He asked.

"No and don't touch it" I said sternly when I saw

his hands moving closer to the pack.

Getting the address where I saw to meet the

client was difficult. After much stress, I located the
coffee shop.

I went directly to the third booth where I was told

the client would be waiting for me.

"Here's your package ma'am" I said sat in the

booth opposite the woman waiting.

She took off her glasses.

I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out.

"Hi Mister, I forgot to add water and an apple

juice to your lunch" she said and passed a paper
bag to me. "Have a nice day and by the way, the
jewelry is beautiful." She stood.

Okay....this is getting out of hand. I turned to give

her a piece of my mind but she had already left.
I went back to work and refused to talk to
anybody. When I entered my office, the lunch bag
wasn't there anymore thanks to Flynn I know.

Courtney ❣

I didn't want to visit his company since we aren't

close so I did the only thing I could think of which is
placing an order and prayed either him or Flynn
would come out to deliver the order instead.

Luck shone on me when I saw him enter the

coffee shop. I got down to business and gave him
the water and apple drink I forgot to add to his
lunch bag.

I strolled the environment before going home.

I watched movies till night fall. It was 9pm and he

wasn't back from work.

At last, he opened the front door around 10pm. I

know he's still angry at me and I don't see why he
has to be angry. I only wanted to give him water
and his apple drink. Can't I get a thank you for

"Good welcome" I said quickly, not giving him a

chance to talk " I was waiting for you. Go to the
kitchen and heat up your food, it's on the cabinet
and when you're through, close the shutters, switch
off the lights, lock the doors and retire to your room.
Good night"

I went to my room and soaked myself in a hot tub.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode five🌺🌺🧸

Flynn ❣❣

"Did I tell you Eva?" I asked my wife as we sat

across each other eating

"Tell me what?" She replied with a mouthful.

" Donald has a maid" I grinned

"Tell me another joke" she said in a flippant

"Have I ever lied to you Eva?" I put a hand over
my chest.



"Today, when I called at lunch, you told me you

were eating the food I prepared for you but you
were eating anothe instead"

Ohgawd....why did you give me a witch as wife??

"How...di....did y-you know?" I stuttered

"Call it a woman's sixth sense, especially a


"Well believe me now, Donald has a maid and it

was her food I was eating when you called" I felt
pleased with myself to be the first telling her.

"Can we visit this weekend?" Her eyes lit up.

"Don't tell me you want to matchmake them."

"No, I'm going to warn her to stay away from

Donald so he doesn't hurt her and do exactly as he
says. I hope she lives through till I get there"
"I don't think she's intimidated by him though"

"You can't say that...." She stopped talking and

listening to the sound that was coming from our
three year old daughter's room.

"Your baby needs attention" she said to me.

"Isn't she our baby?" I replied dreading to go to

Lina's room. She won't let me off easily.

Eva stood up and packed our plates "you don't

want our daughter disturbing the neighborhood, do
you?" She ruffled my hair and gave me the
don't-argue-with-me look. "Good luck" she added

I gulped and walked slowly to our daughter's


She stopped crying when she saw me and

stretched both arms towards me with bright eyes
"Flying" she called out my name.

"This is going to be a long night" I whined


Donald 🍂🍂
I watched her retreating back in annoyance and
went to the kitchen to heat up the food. The only
good thing about her stay here since three days
ago is her food. I must admit, she has good cooking

When I was through, I locked the shutters, the

doors and switched off the lights before heading to
my room.

What word can I use to qualify my forced maid.

I brought out my ex's picture and studied her

face. That has being my ritual every night for the
past two years. It's still surprising that someone I
loved could become a beast yet I can't find myself
unloving her. I sighed and put her picture back in
my wallet and slept, welcoming the nightmares that
would follow as usual.

Next morning 🌷🌷
I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door

I sat up quickly and watched her pick the dirty

clothes I had deliberately dropped on the floor.

"Glad to see you're awake. Sorry for barging into

your room that way because you could be naked
but don't worry, it's nothing I haven't seen. Now
back to business, next time put your clothes in the
laundry basket not the floor. You're not a five year
old for goodness sake!!"

"Umm sorry? What's your job? Why are you


" Seems you're getting lazy of recent, your house

wasn't dirty when I came but now it's getting worst

"Isn't that why you're here?" I asked.

"If you litter the ground again, you'll take the trash
out. That's final"

That zipped my lips instantly.

She shook her head and left the room.

I fell back on the bed, an exasperated sigh

escaping my lips. I love my solitude!!

I stood up and took out my drawing board. I set

it beside the window such that the morning rays of
light landed on the board and began drawing. Yeah
you're right, I draw when I'm nervous, angry, sad
and even happy, it's what keeps my sanity
especially after my ex.
I stopped drawing few minutes later and looked
at what I drew. It made no sense and took no
shape. I covered it and dressed for the day.

I'm definitely skinning Flynn for eating my lunch

yesterday and disappearing.

I went down to the dining where my food was

already served. I sat and ate quietly. Everything
feels so new, once upon a time I would be the one
going through the stress of cooking but that doesn't
mean I'm happy she's here.

I took my car keys and made to go. I passed

through the living room on my way out and found
her doing yoga on a tango mat on the floor.

"That's your lunch" she nodded to the pack sitting

at the edge of the table.

" Hope you aren't forgetting water or whatever this


"No Mister"

"Phew!" I breathed out and opened the front door

after taking the pack.

"Wait Mister, I need to see you"

This is it, she's finally going. My mind made a
joyful leap.

"Yes,What's it?" I tried asking as nonchalantly as


"I need a phone" she grinned lopsidedly.

"Wait what?"

"Yes, a phone"

"What about the one with you?" I asked

"Oh this?" She waved the phone, it for personal

use, not official use.

"Is there a difference?"

"Sadly, yes. A very big difference or do you want

me to pull off the stunt I did yesterday to give you
water and apple juice?"

"Fine, I'll get you one"I conceded

"And while you are at it, it's only a day to

weekend, I'll need to go to the grocery store" she

"Okay, I'll drop one of credit cards tomorrow for

"Cool and I need a car too"

"For what?" I asked in annoyance, I was getting


"To go to the store or did you expect me to work"

"It's five minutes walk from here, young lady"

"I know sire but I can't walk around under the


"Then take a car yourself, you should know where

the car keys are."

"I don't know how to drive" she said plainly.


"Who did you say you are again?" I asked in


"Your maid"

"I think you meant to say someone sent hell to

infuriate me!" I stomped out. I'm going to scar
someone's daughter one day.

🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊

Nobody shuu abuse my CounterKnee ooo, who

👩🏼🦱👩🍳 👩🏼🦱👩🍳
likes Flynn's wife?
​ ​ Bossy maid ​ ​

(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the


❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode six🌺🌺🧸

Donald 🍂🍂

I grumbled as made my way to my car. Personal

and official phone. Hmph.

I parked in the reserved place meant for me and

entered the building. It's funny how I achieved
things quickly after my ex left. "My office" I said to
Flynn who was chatting away with the receptionist.
The smile on his froze and he trailed slowly
behind me. I opened my office and dropped the
lunch bag on my table and loosened my tie a little.

"Didn't I ask you not to eat the food yesterday?" I

glowered at him.

"I-I thought you wouldn't eat it and I don't want

the food to waste" he looked at anywhere but me.

I slumped down on my chair, swiveling it around

as I pondered on if I should give in to her demands
or not. Well I don't have a choice, do I?

"I need phone" I said to Flynn

"Don't you have one?"

"Well did I say it's for me?"

"You have a girlfriend?" His face brightened.

"No, it's for CounterKnee"

"Ohhh..." He looked at me, waiting for me to

explain further.

"Yeah and employ a driver for her too. Apparently

she needs a driver to go to the grocery store"

"I love her guts" Flynn said in admiration.

"I hate her guts. She's like a pest I can't get rid off
as much as I want to, she's always blackmailing
me! I don't even know the adjective to qualify her?"

"She's strict?" Flynn suggested.

"No no, that's not it"


"No, she's not harsh. She just....."

"Do you mean bossy?" He wriggled his


"Yeah" I snapped my fingers "perfect. She's a

bossy maid"

"I like the sound of that. Can I eat your lunch?"

Flynn asked

"No" I snapped at him and you had better get to

ordering the phone and getting a driver if you don't
want her here"

Courtney 💃💃
I heard a knock on the door and went towards it
with a frown. Did Donald forget something??
I opened the door and found a delivery man
standing at the entrance.

"Are you Bossy maid?" He asked.

"Bossy maid? I questioned to be sure I heard the

right thing.

"Yeah that's what's written here"

"Oh okay, I guess"

"This is for you" he gave me a package and made

me sign before he left.

I shifted the large box of pizza sitting on the table

and unwrapped the package.

It was a phone with girly designs. I switched on

the phone and a message popped on the screen.

I clicked on it with a smile💬 Hi Bossy maid.

Here's the phone you ordered and your food is
really delicious. I'm always at your service. Flynn

I shook my head and immediately did away with

my old phone after transferring all the useful files to
the new one and continued chewing on my pizza.

He bought the phone. Another message popped
in Your driver will be with you tomorrow after
Donald leaves for work and please package a food

for two tomorrow, Donald wouldn't share with me

He got me a driver too.

My old phone beeped, alerting me of a new

message. I skimmed through the contents and
switched the phone off.

Weekend 🤗
I dropped the food basket on the grass and laid a
big cloth. We are having a picnic and as a maid, my
presence is needed.

Donald sat on the cloth, I noticed he has been

avoiding me, maybe he doesn't want me to make a
request again, I stood behind him on the watch out
for Flynn and his family.

"Can you please sit down? Having you as a maid

is enough, I don't need you act as s guard too"

"No" I replied and stood straighter, imitating a

soldier's stand.

I eventually spotted them. His wife is what I call

the perfect definition of beauty. She has the body of
a model, eyes and hair of an angel and smile that
brightens day. I started to feel self conscious and
wondered if the short floral was okay enough.

"Hello" She came over to hug and kissed my

cheeks. I like her instantly.

"I'm Courtney" I introduced to myself.

"I'm Eva and these are my children" she nodded

at a five year boy and three year old girl.

"Hi guys" I waved at the children.

"Let's sit" I gestured to the big cloth on the floor.

"Sure and let's have a woman to woman talk" she

cast a worry glance at Donald who was looking at
our entire exchange silently.

We formed a circle on the cloth while Eva dished

out the food. Her children went out to play with
other kids.

"Courtney, do you know Donald loves drawing?"

Flynn asked.

My eyes perked up "Really?"

Donald gave a Flynn a cold stare and dug into his

food angrily.
"So he can draw very well?" I asked

"He's super good at it" Flynn said


"Courtney, I know Donald has been giving you

trouble lately but can you please bear with him for
our sakes? He can be such a dickhead at times"

"Mygawd Eva!" I faked surprise "How do you


"See Flynn? I told you he'll trouble her" Eva

turned to her husband.

Flynn shared a glance with Donald who opened

his mouth to object.

I shot him a look that shut him up instantly but he

mumbled something under his breath about the
injustice of life.

"If the situation is intense, call me" she punched

her numbers in my phone.

I nodded understandingly and gave Donald a

mischievous look which he returned with a glare.
If he's looking at me this way, I wonder what he'll
do when he sees what I have prepared for him at

Donald 😩😭
We were having the pinic quietly until Flynn and
Eva opened their mouth to ruin everything. First
Flynn told her I can draw, that's too personal for her
to know.

I ate my food angrily and glanced up when I

heard Eva talking.

"Courtney, I know Donald has been giving you

trouble lately but can you please bear with him for
our sakes? He can be such a dickhead at times"

What's Eva saying? It's CounterKnee that's

giving me trouble not the other way round.

"Mygawd Eva!" CounterKnee replied in what I

know is fake surprise "How do you know?"

"See Flynn? I told you he'll trouble her" Eva

turned to her husband.

This is unbelievable!! I opened my mouth to

defend myself but she me that look, that
blackmailing keep your mouth shut look. I snapped
my mouth shut in anger.

"If the situation is intense, call me" Eva gave her

number to CounterKnee.

She looked at me with a eyes full of mischief and

I glared at her in response then suddenly, she
broke out in a smile.

"Mister, do you want more?" She asked with

smiles and made to give me another plate of food.

"No" I replied quickly and looked at her

suspiciously, what's she up to this time? She has
never smiled at me, why's she smiling now?

"Awwwn... she's so cute" Eva cooed to her


I found myself scared of her suspicious smile, I

think it's better if she frowns instead.

"Um guys.... I think it's going to rain let's head

home" I looked at the clouds which was darkening
the sky.

We have parting hugs and kisses and they went

to their car while CounterKnee trailed behind me
still giving me that eerie smile.
I drove us home unable to shake off the feeling I
was having.

CounterKnee rushed inside and left the food

basket for me to carry. I sighed tiredly and left the
basket in the car.

I entered the living room and found about ten

different ladies sitting.

CounterKnee was standing beside one of them

with a very stern look.

I knew it! All her smiles were pretentious.

I ignored them and made to go my room but her

voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Your mother said you need a wife so I brought

these girl for you to choose from or you need more


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode seven🌺🌺🧸

Courtney 💖💖

"Your mother said you need a wife so I brought

these girl for you to choose from or you need more
girls?" I queried and looked at me.

He looked furious, seems I struck a nerve.

"Report to her that I Donald Wilson would never

accept anything from her definitely neither of these
sluts. Tell her I said she's has no say over my life
and if she keeps these up, she's going to cease
being my mother" he fired at me and went to the
kitchen angrily.

I decided not to argue with him so I faced the

ladies instead "Okay girls, our guy isn't interested. If
he eventually picks any, I'll let you know" I saw
them off and made to go to my room when I noticed
the floor. I don't know where he got the dirts from
within a short period of time and there was a lot of
them on the floor, going from the kitchen to the
hallway and to other bedrooms.

He emerged from one of the rooms, still very

angry. "If you had better things to do or a house to
clean, you wouldn't follow her orders" he said and
threw a roll of trash bags at me before going out.

His mother had been the one to send me a text

last time, begging me to get her son a girlfriend.

I watched his retreating figure disappear into the

woods with a thought in mind "what exactly
happened between mother and son?"

My phone rang, I checked the ID and answered.

📞"Hello?" I said into the phone

📞"Hey love" Eva replied "gotten home yet?"
📞"Yes" I answered, I wasn't used to getting
attention or care from others and Eva isn't going to
change that.

📞"Oh C'mon, Don't you have feelings at all? You

seem aloof, even your smile back there was fake.
Go out there, have fun, smile genuinely and make
friends, want me to set you up on a date? Donald
wouldn't mind a bit"
The thought of loosening up and becoming my
former self scared me so much, I slid down the wall
and sat on the floor to catch my breath.

📞"Hello? Are you there?" Eva asked

📞"Yeah sure" I breathed out, grateful I wasn't
having panic attack "I don't need a date too"

📞"Oh well suit yourself, help me make Donald

go on a date. I already set him up on one. I'll send
the address to you later, it's next tomorrow"

📞"Bu....." I tried protesting

📞"No buts.... thanks I love you" she hung up,
just like that.

I shook my head in exasperation and started


It took me hours, when I was through, I put the

trash bags on the front door steps and locked all
doors that led outside from inside and patiently
await his return.

Donald 😡😡
I was very angry. How dare they??? Putting off
with her is enough trouble.
No matter what happens, I'll always respect
ladies that's why I didn't use pepper spray on the
ladies I saw.

I walked deep into the woods I'm now very

familiar with to let out steam.

Staying in the woods and listening to the birds

chirp helped calm my angry self.

The rain I had earlier thought would fall only

drizzled a bit and the sun came out.

I lost track of time as I sat in the woods. When I

saw the clouds getting dark, I stood up and made
my way back home.

I got to the front door and jingled the door knob, it

was closed and two trash bags were sitting on the

"Glad you're back. Take the bags to the can

before I left you in" CounterKnee voice came
through the door.

"WTH!!! I'm going to kill you today. Open the

damn door" I screamed and kicked at the door.
How can I be locked out from my own house??

"Take the trash to the can" she replied flatly.

Going to cool off in a bar isn't the best since I'm
not a fan of alcohol even if I go get drunk, I would
come back to the locked door. WTF!! Going to
Flynn's isn't an option because of Eva.

I shouted in frustration and carried the trash to

the can, closing with a clang.

" Done" I shouted "now open this door!"

"Will you litter the ground again?" She asked.

"Hell no, your point has been taken" I spat in


She opened the door and let me in.

Courtney 🧡🧡
I opened the door slowly and let me in. I know
locking him out is crazy but he was to stop littering
the floor to make me work unnecessarily.

He looked at me with so much anger and

distaste. I've never seen him this way.

"Sire..." I called out.

He ignored me and entered his room, slamming

his door so hard I thought it would rip off the
hinges. Oh boy,he really is angry, now he just
made his point. He doesn't appreciate my presence

I locked the door and made my way to his room. I

knocked twice before entering.

He was staring out the window, his body visibly


I plopped myself down on his bed and sat up


Wait since he has never allowed me into his

room, not even to clean, I shouldn't lay on his bed
right? But who cares??

I laid down on the bed again, it's so soft and

comfy. "Gosh I'm so tired"

"I don't get" he turned to me, venom in his voice

and eyes " who the fvck are you? You enter my life
and everything changes!"

"Easy there Mister. Let's call a truce" I sat up and

looked at him in the eye for effect.

The anger and venom dissipated from his body

instantly and was replaced with surprise, "Truce?"

"Yeah Truce, we'll neither be friends nor enemies.

We'll respect each other, I'll stop blackmailing you
too. I don't have a business with your personal life
and you'll stop calling me CounterKnee, my name
is Courtney." I stretched my hand forward for a

"So Truce?" I asked again when I wasn't getting

an answer.

"No way, No truce. You'll always keep infuriating

me. There's no way that can work, just let me be!"
He answered.

"Hello, I'm trying to amend things between us"

"So??? Fine on one condition"

"What condition?" I asked curiously


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
Will Donald accept or keep looking for ways to
get rid of her.

Any guesses on the condition?

👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode eight🌺🌺🧸

Courtney 💖💖

"What condition?" I asked curiously

"Never bring up my mother, never set me up with

any girl and never ever ask me to take the trash

"That's more than a condition" I raised a eyebrow.

"Lastly" he continued, ignoring my remark "if you

ever try what do did this night, I'm skinning you
alive. Okay?"

" Fine accepted" I rolled my eyes

He shook my hands firmly and we both looked at

each other sternly.

"Cool CounterKnee, I mean Courtney"

"Movies?" I asked
He looked at me like I've grown two heads.

"Just to seal our truce" I shrugged "go and

prepare the living room, I'll make popcorns." I said
and left before he could argue.

Donald ☘☘

Why did she suddenly ask for a truce?? I hope

she has nothing up her sleeve again though she
sounded sincere.

It'll take a lot of effort to call her Courtney instead

of CounterKnee.

We shook each other after the agreement. I was

still thinking about her change when she suddenly
suggested movies.

I was astonished, movies?

And without waiting for my reply, she gave out

orders again. She really is bossy just like Flynn said
and I don't think she'll stop being bossy after our

I sighed tiredly and went to prepare the cinema

room instead.

I put in the video and paused it, waiting for her.

First she came in with two big buckets of
popcorns, went out and came back with twelve
cans in soda.

I looked at her in question.

"What can I say?" She shrugged "I have a very

big appetite and it gets bigger whenever I'm angry
or sad or nervous"

"Oh" I managed to say and watched her throw in

popcorns in her mouth.

I hit the play button and we began watching a

crime movie. When she ate one bucket to half, she
picked up the other bucket and poured half of it's
content into the one with her and gave me the

I looked at her in question.

She shrugged and was about retracting her

hands. I grabbed the bucket quickly and collected

I faced the TV and we watched the movie on


Deciding to strike a conversation, I paused the

movie and faced her.
"Why did you pause it?" She queried

"Do you have parents" I asked instead

Her gaze turned hard immediately "No"







"Fiancee, children?"

"No!!" Her voice went a tone higher.

Her gaze turned hard with each question, I feared

her eyes would turn rock

I decided not to ask more questions and

concentrated on the movie instead

Courtney 🍁🍁
Gosh....why did he decide to ask silly questions
when I'm enjoying the movie. I guess my answers
must not have pleased him because he stopped
asking me questions.

How am I going to tell him about the date Eva

set him up on?? This is so difficult.

After the movie, I cleared my throat and turned to

him, praying he won't flare up.

"Eva set you up on a date" I said softly.

"Sorry?" He scrunched up his face in confusion.

"I said Eva set you up on a date and she wants

you to be there on Wednesday."

"I'm not going"

"I'd advice you to go, you know Eva"

" I have lot of things to the at work and lots of files

to sort"

"If you don't mind, I can help" I tried giving him a

smile but it seems it came out like a grimace
because he frowned.

"Please don't smile that way, it scares me" he

turned back to the blank TV
Ugh..... I give up

"And you can definitely try helping me out with the

files. They're a lot and Flynn isn't helping."

"Okay deal, I help you out, you go on the date"

He nodded in response and stood up "good night"

"Good night" I replied and tidied up.

Donald ☘☘

Flynn called in sick so office was kind of boring

to me. I instructed an employee to pack the files I
need to sort out to my office and closed for the day
when he was through.

I entered the house and found CounterKnee

cooking, she was sweating a little too and suddenly
I began to see her from another light. She probably
just needs money urgently else she should be in
college studying, not here working as a maid.

"Oh you're back" she said when she noticed my


"Yeah, Flynn called in sick" I replied and walked

in fully into the kitchen
"Okay guess I won't have to pack you lunch then.
Brought the files?"


"Good, go set the table, I'll be right out"

I nodded went to the dining.

Wait? I obeyed without argument???!

After the meal,

I brought in the files. She immediately started

sorting you while I talked to my clients online.

She sat cross-legged on the floor and looked

pretty serious while she sorted out.

We both worked endlessly and tirelessly.

"What time is it?" I asked her

She shrugged and continued sorting

"It's past ten pm, we should go to bed. We can

continue tomorrow."

"Go to bed, I'll continue"

"Huh? Don't worry let's stay up together then"

"What's it like? I mean your work. Do you love it?"
She glanced up

"Yeah I do, very much. I feel very much fulfilled

because it's my dream job"

"I hope I can say that one day too" she said softly

"What do you want to become?"

"A lawyer"


"I want to stand for people and give my voice to

those that are voiceless"

Courtney 🍁🍁
I didn't expect him to come home early and was
preparing lunch when he came in.

It's surprising he really brought the files and even

more surprising he went without complaint when I
asked him to set the table.

I told Eva about our deal while he was out and

she told me he ever let anyone touches his files or
anything in his office that's paper related, not even
I wondered why he trusts me then to help him

I was really happy I would be doing another thing

other than cleaning, watching TV and taking
courses online.

I've always imagined myself in an office and on a

corporate dress. I hope that dream comes true

I worked all night and saw I had only done quarter

of it.

We both worked throughout the next day too.

The date day 🌷

Donald 🥀
I dressed up for the date like I've always done on
past dates and entered the restaurant where my
supposed date is.

I met her drinking a coffee.

"Hi" I greeted her

"Hey" she replied

The girl looked really beautiful but you'd know at
first glance that she's a rich spoilt brat.

"What will you order?" She asked

"I'm not ordering, I have food waiting for me at


Through out the entire afternoon, I barely said a

word to my date which creeped her out. She ended
the date herself and walked out of the restaurant
quickly after muttering 'weirdo'

I knew if she ended the date herself, Eva wouldn't

scold me and start with her advices.

I got home in the evening and found Courtney

pacing around, looking very worried, she didn't
notice my presence.

"What's it?" I asked with a frown

"Nothing, how did the date go?"

"Are you worried about me?" I asked

"No I was worried for the poor girl. You didn't do

anything to make her cry, did you?"

"No, I didn't" I should have known Eva would fill

her up on the past and failed dates she set me on

"No I didn't eat there" I answered and removed

my jacket

"Huh? Why?"

"I told them I have food waiting at home for me. I

don't eat outside except on very rare occasions" I
replied though the truth is I prefer her meal over

She shook her head and disappeared into the

kitchen while I sat patiently in the living room.

She appeared with a tray and set it in the table

in front of me then continued with the files.

Why I gave her the files to help with, I don't know.

Maybe Flynn is right, I've been alone far too long.

I should perhaps just let her stay, maybe we can be
real friends.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
👩💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the
( ​

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode nine🌺🌺🧸

Mrs Wilson 💖

"David" I ran to my husband study room.

"What's it dear?" He looked up from the book he

was reading.

"That girl, Clara, the one Donald almost got

married to"

"Yeah, what's it?"

"She's out of prison. I don't know how she did it

but she's out." I told him worriedly

"Oh my goodness" he stood up

"You don't think she'll find him right? Donald is still

susceptible to her, do you think I should give him a

"No, leave him to sort things out himself but tell his
maid to always keep an eye on him"
"Are you sure?"

"Positive, know the name Flynn calls her?" He


I don't find any of this funny. "What?" I wriggled

an eyebrow.

"Bossy maid"

I found myself smiling, I picked the right girl.

Courtney 💖💖
Donald and I let our guards down a little to each
other. On my part, I think it's the files I'm working on
, then I suddenly thought, if I want to avenge my
parents death I might need his help so I need to
tread lightly.

The next morning,

A new message on my phone woke me up from

my deep slumber.

I took the phone and read the message, it was

from Donald's mother.
💬Hi Courtney, how's Donald? Can I come over
to spend some time with him?"💬

I read the text over and over again before texting

a reply Donald is fine ma'am and no, don't come
over now. Donald is really busy with work

💬 Ohkay, can you keep an eye on him for


💬 Sure ma'am 💬
I stood up and checked the time, it was almost

I've never slept this late since I started working as

a maid. I took my bath hurriedly and wore fresh
clothes before heading down.

We finished sorting out the files yesterday.

Everything is in order now.

I entered the kitchen and met Donald setting the

table. "You cooked?" I asked

"Yeah sure, you look pretty tired yesterday and

you slept in" he shrugged

Donald cooked for me?? Am I in some sort of

"Thank you" I said softly and sat on the kitchen

I filled my plate and ate slowly, since my parents

death, no one has ever cooked for me, I've always
been on my own.

After the meal, we both went to the living room

and watched a TV series.

The doorbell rang, breaking the silence in the

living room.

"Are you expecting someone?" I asked him

" No it should probably be Flynn or Eva"

I nodded and went to open the door with Donald's

closely on my heels.

Standing on the door mat with a big box, looking

like some sort of celebrity is someone I don't know.

"Who are you?" I squinted my eyes at her, she

has an eerie aura around her.

She removed her sun glasses "His fiancee and

who the fvck are you?" She strolled in like she own
the house.

"Is she really your fiancee?" I asked Donald.

His face was white as sheet and very well "she's
my ex, nightmare and first and only Love"


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
So the drama is starting 😋😋😋
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode ten🌺🌺🧸

Donald 😔😔

Just when my life is taking shape, she appears.

What does she want?

"Who's she?" Courtney asked with a frown.

"My ex, nightmare and first love" whispered.

Clara rolled in her bags and came over to hug me.

I stood stiffly, watching her moves. "Missed me

hun?" She kissed my cheeks and laughed rolling
her bag to only Heaven knows where.

" What's going on?" Courtney asked but I ignored

and went to my art room instead.

Why's she here? I'm trying to get over her and

she came to make things worse.

I hit my head hard on the wall to stop the

memories that haunt from resurfacing but it's not
working. I went to the bathroom I installed on the
art room for cases like this and filled the tub with
water before removing my clothes and dipping
myself in the water.

Courtney 🙄🙄
What is going on?? Why's Donald acting like he
has seen a ghost? He didn't even acknowledge my

Why's his ex here? Does that mean he still loves

her? I was right? Gosh why's my thoughts a mess?
I don't like that lady

"Hey what's your name?" She came out from

Donald's room. She can't possibly stay in his room.
I won't allow that, whatever she's doing to him must
not continue in his room. That should be his safe

"I asked a question" she waved her hands in front

of my face.

"Courtney, you?"

"I see no one has told you about me. You can just
address me as madam since you're his maid" she
circled me like a predator.

"Oh really?" I asked smugly.

"Yes, whatever belongs to him belongs to me."

"You're right, I'm his maid but I don't belong to

him neither do I belong to you. I only follow his

She brought out her phone and dialled a number,

she put it on speaker too.

"Sweetheart" she said sweetly in to the phone.

"What do you want Clara?" Donald's voice

responded from the other end.
"Your maid here says she isn't serving me. Don't
you think that's rather rash of her? It's on speaker,
she can hear whatever you say."

"Just do whatever she says Courtney, follow her

commands" he replied and hung up quickly.
Shared on whatsapp by Martino.
This is the first time he's calling me Courtney
without making a mistake.

"You heard him. You'll address me as madam.

I'm hungry, go and cook" she ordered.

"Yes madam" I bowed stiffly and went to the


💬Hey Eva, do you know who's Clara?💬 I sent

a text to Eva while I prepared a meal for her

💬 WTH!!! Did you just mention Clara💬 she

replied almost instantly

💬Yes Clara, she seem like a bitch💬

💬 Omg Courtney! She doesn't seem like a bitch,
she's a bitch.💬

💬 Who's she?" 💬
💬 Donald's ex, they almost got married 💬
💬 So what happened?💬 I asked
💬 You'll have to hear from Donald. No one
was released, he changed 💬
knows what happened. He was abducted after he

💬Oh, wow💬
💬Yes. Promise me something Courtney,
promise me to keep an eye on Donald and be

careful with Clara. She's a snake. I'd say you do
her biddings till she's out of your lair

Why does everyone keep tell me to keep an eye

on Donald?!

💬 Okay 💬 I replied and continued cooking.

After cooking, I served her meal which she
picked at.

I ignored her and went to my room. I would get to

the bottom of all these and release her hold on

Donald 😔
When I've calmed a little, I wore the spare fresh
clothes I always have in my drawing room and went
to my room.

I found Clara sitting on my bed, applying lotion on

her body.

"What are you doing here? Why did you come?" I

asked her

"Don't tell me you don't miss me" she stood up

and trailed her long slender fingers on my chest.

I sucked in a breath. I should fight back after all

she did to me but I lost my voice.

She pushed me on the bed

"Stop this Clara, I don't want this"

"You're still in love with me so why should I?"

She kissed me and I let kiss me.

Ohgawd save me from her claws, help me fight


Courtney 😐
Why does someone's call or message keep
waking me up.
📞"Hey Flynn" I said groggily into the phone.
📞"Hi Courtney, I need you to do a favor for me"
📞"What's it?"
📞"Donald has a meeting in less than thirty
minutes but he's not answering my calls" Flynn said
worriedly in to the phone.

📞"Okay, I'll get him for you"

📞"Thanks" he breathed out in relief and hung

I saw a text message pop in my phone.

For goodness sake, I'm not a body guard, just a


💬 Please take care of him. I've called his Uncle,

he'll be there as soon as he rounds up a business

meeting but I don't know how long before he
comes. Can you cope till then?

💬 Yeah, cool💬
I washed my face and went to Donald's room.
I knocked twice before opening the door. He used
the duvet to cover himself completely.

"Mister" I called, funny I haven't called him by his

name since I started working for him.

"Mister" I called out again when I got no



I grabbed a fistful of the duvet and yanked it off

him. "Stand up, you have a meeting less than thirty

The duvet fell off the bed to reveal a naked Clara

and Donald who was only in his briefs.

"Oh goodness" I rasped out "Get up Mister"

He sat up and glared at me, while Clara was red

with anger.

"What the fvck, idiot. How could you? Don't you

know I was naked?"

"How do you expect me to know?" I asked back.

"I didn't expect you to know you dumbass. For

yanking the duvet off, I order you to strip" she
I looked at Donald, he only stood up wordlessly
and went to the bathroom.

"Strip" she repeated.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼🦱👩🍳 👩🏼🦱👩🍳
An order to strip, will she really do it?
​ ​ Bossy maid ​ ​

(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the


❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Eleven🌺🌺🧸

Donald 😔😔

I entered my car and drove angrily to the office.

"Heyy, what the h*ll is wrong with you?" Flynn

asked angrily when I entered.

"I don't care, why did you allow her stay"

"I don't know, it's affecting my sanity. I want to try
to fight back"

"Your decision bro, you know what to do"

"After the meeting, you have dinner with the

commissioner and you have to bring a date. I would
have asked Eva to go with you but she's busy."

"Is it compulsory I go to the dinner?"

"Very very compulsory. You're representing your

company and you father's"

"Can you...."

"No Donald, don't complete that statement. I'm not

going in for you, I'm not the heir to the company.
Here's the invitation card."

He dropped the card on the table. I sighed and

wondered what Clara and Courtney are doing at

Courtney 💖
I stood firmly in the room and watched as Donald
left for work.

"Are you deaf?" She yelled.

"No" I said calmly when I heard the front door
close "I'm only respecting you because of Donald,
don't take my respect for granted"
Chat Martinmartino on zero eight one eighty thirty
fourteen twenty one to be added to his whatsapp
She stood up and made to pull my hair but I held
her hand in midair "Don't dare madam, you don't
want to get me angry." I turned swiftly on my feet
and left the room.

I went back to my room and freshened up. The

girl is just getting on my nerves.

Clara 💛
"You didn't tell me he has a maid" said harshly
into the phone.

"I didn't know, does your presence still affect


"Yes even with all that happened, glad to know I

still have a hold on him" I smiled

"That's good" the person replied smugly

"Make sure to follow him to the dinner he's to

attend today"

"Yeah, that's our first step"

"The girl is a threat, what do we do?" I asked

"Get rid of her. You should know how to do it?"

"Okay" I grinned and went to soak myself in a hot

tub, thinking of ways to get rid of bitch.

Donald ✨✨
I left work quickly, courtesy of Flynn who said I
should go prepare for the dinner.

The house was unnaturally silent, I entered the

living room and found Courtney standing over Clara
who was watching a movie.

"Welcome home Donald" Clara jumped off the

sofa to hug me. "Is that an invitation card in your
hand?" She collected the card from me.

"Wooow let me go prepare for dinner night." Her

eyes gleamed and she went to my room.

I couldn't move, I stood were I was under the

weight of Courtney's gaze.

I sighed for the umpteenth time that day and

went to the guest room where I have spare clothes.
The dinner was to start by six pm, it's 5:30pm
and I'm still unprepared.

"Get your ass down there Donald" Flynn voice

came through on my phone. He must have set a
reminder on my phone

I wore my tuxedo and shoes, took another key to

my SUV and went to the living room.

"Glad to see you're ready dear, let's go" Clara

smiled brightly.

She was wearing a low back evening green dress

and stilettos.

I glanced at her then at the invitation card in my

hand and turned to Courtney who was heading to
her room.

"Be my date Courtney"


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
👩💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the
( ​

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Twelve🌺🌺🧸

Courtney 😳😳

I was waiting for Donald and Clara to go for the

dinner night so I can lock the doors and retire to

It's been a long day especially with Clara around.

I watched as she came out of Donald's room

dazzling and I felt a little bad for myself. I've never
dressed like a real lady.

Then Donald came out and looked at Clara, I was

expecting him to complement her beauty or cloth or
anything instead he turned to me.

"Be my date Courtney" he said.

My heart stopped beating for a second.

"What?? Me??" I asked in surprise while Clara

glared at me
"Yes, please be my date" he said more

"Ohmahgawd, I can't" I said quickly.

Clara smiled triumphantly while Donald looked

down defeatedly. Just to wipe the smile of Clara's
face, I looked at Donald and smiled so sweetly.

"On a second thought, I'll be glad to be your


"No you can't. I'm his girlfriend not you." Clara

blurted out angrily.

I eyed her down" give me a minute, I'll be right

out" I said to Donald and entered an empty room.

"Omg!! Madam your jewelry is broken" I

screamed. Just as I expected, Clara came running
to the room she heard me scream.

Immediately she walked in fully into the room, I

walked out quickly and locked her in. I can't have
her disrupting the peace of the house after we've

"Umm.... Mister, I don't have evening dress" I said

to Donald, drowning Clara's scream in my head.
"We'll visit the boutique on our way and thank
you for locking her up" he replied and led the way
to his car for the night.

Donald stayed in the car and gave me his credit

card while I entered the boutique.

Donald 💖💖
When Courtney rejected to go with me, I felt
dejected and began ways to put on with Clara's
attitude and not make a fool of myself then luck
shone on me and she changed her mind. It took all
of my will power not to smile happily.

I stopped in front of the boutique and gave her my

credit card to get a dress and whatever it is that
ladies need.

Approximately ten minutes later, she stepped out

from the building looking like she came from
another planet.

She wore a grey long fitting gown, a matching

stilettos and purse.

The pearl earrings complimented her looks,

making her face sharper and defned. Her blue eyes
shone brightly and her wild chestnut hair was
styled. She looked like she has just stepped out
from a magazine.
"Is this cloth okay? She asked, unsure of herself.

"It's perfect" I grinned, allowing myself to relax.

She nodded, pleased with my reply and entered

the car.

As soon as our entrance was announced, all the

set of eyes in the room turned to us. It's obviously
we arrived late.

After the formal greeting, I stood near a wall and

watched the activities of other elites.

"Are you sure you don't want to run away?"

Courtney appeared by my side "it's so boringggg
and the women here are obsessed with the
designer that made their clothes"

"Hmm" I said in response

"Heard there's a beach around here" she


"Fine let's go" I dropped my wine glass and drove

us to the beach, the beach where Clara and I met.

When she got to the beach, she removed her

shoes and left them in the car, walking barefoot on
the beach sand.
The ocean was calm and there were barely
anyone on the bitch.

We sat on the sand and stared at the ocean.

"Okay, who exactly is Clara? She comes here

and you became a shadow of yourself?

"My ex fiancee" I replied

"Wtf, with all due respect, I can't believe your ex

has a hold on you."

" You can't understand, they can't understand, no

body can understand"

"Why don't you try me"

I glanced at her and found her looking at intently

and sincerely

"I loved her, Clara" I said quietly and stared into


Courtney 😋🤗
"I loved her, Clara" he said quietly and stared into
I was surprised he opened up, I thought he wasn't
going to say anything again after few minutes of
silence buh he continued.

"She is my first love. It's not easy getting rid of

first love feelings."

"On our wedding day, before our vows, mother

came in and arrested Clara. The humiliation was
too much that's why hate her. She had the power to
halt the wedding. I was mocked and being talked
about for days."

Oh so that's what caused the bad blood

between them "She knows her son, she knows
you're in love and wouldn't listen to her. So I think
she did the right thing"

"Yeah you're right but I don't want to admit it"

"After that, Clara was charged but there was any

tangible evidence against her yet and that gave her
the privilege to roam about. Then I was abducted"

I gasped out in surprise.

"Yes I was abducted and tortured physically and

emotionally for weeks. Even my abductors look at
me with mocking faces and labelled me love sick. I
tried changing her, make her see the wrong in what
she was doing, I didn't care that I was being hurt
too. And yes, Clara was the one that hired people
to abduct me and she's the one that tortured me"

"She was taking her anger out on me. She was

angry mother saw through her facade. She
attempted killing me twice, I only escaped by luck. I
was given only water for a week, then fed little food
once a day. I was shattered, she made sure of that.
Looking for whom to blame for her attitude, I
blamed mother and became detached from
everyone except Flynn and Eva."

I turned to him fully in such a way that we're

opposite each other and made eye contact.

"Do I have your permission to discipline her a

little? Just this tiny" I brought my thumb and
forefinger closer to demonstrate.

He looked like he was going to argue for a

second. He closed his eyes and exhaled "you have
it. I hate having her around but she wouldn't go and
I'm sure she has something up her sleeve again"

"Okay" I grinned

"And you can call me Donald. I'd prefer if you do,

no arguments please."

"Okay Donald, I'm ready to put some bitch in her


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Thirteen🌺🌺🧸

Courtney 🙂🙂

The first thing I did when we got home was pack

her belongings from Donald's room. I unlocked the
door and found her sleeping with an angry look.

When you're asleep, aren't you supposed to be an

angel? It's the exact opposite for Clara. Even in her
sleep she looked like the devil that she is.

I put her luggages beside the bed and closed the


I couldn't sleep all night, I kept tossing and twisting

on the bed, having a bad feeling in my mind.
I yawned tiredly and freshened up, keeping the
dress I bought yesterday in a box on my wardrobe
then began my house chores.

"What are my luggages doing here?" Clara yelled

from her room and I happened to be in the hall way.

"That'll be your new room Clara" I replied.

"You don't call me Clara, you call me madam and

you can't tell me what to do in this house, my

"I only respect those who deserves it and you

don't also, last I checked Donald and I own this
house. The only difference is he pays the bills while
I take care of the house and you're just an
unwanted guest."

She opened her mouth to talk and closed it back,

apparently loss of words.
"Donald would hear about this" she harrumphed.

"Sure and you'll be getting a stay in jail"

She shut her mouth and slammed the door in the


After my chores, I made breakfast and took

Donald's share to his room. I heard the shower
running so I dropped the tray on his bedside table.
When I got back to the kitchen, I found Clara
sitting on the kitchen stool "my food" she said flatly.

"Sure" I replied and dished her share, took it out of

the kitchen and dropped it at the foot of her
bedroom door.

"Your food is waiting in your room" I said calmly.

I was eating when I heard murmurs. I got up and

moved closer to the voices.

"I'd advice you not to litter the floor with that food.
I've been in your shoes" Donald said and walked
down the hallway to his drawing room.

"There's nothing she can do" she shouted after


I stood patiently where I was hiding and watched

her. Is she really going to litter the floor I just
cleaned moments ago?

She poured the food and slammed her door for

the second time this morning.

I came out of hiding and made my way past the

mess she made and knocked.

The door opened instantly

"Come and clean up this mess" I said gently.

"Isn't that your job to do?" She snickered.

I pushed past her and entered her room fully. I

saw a lot of expensive perfumes on the dressing
table. Just the perfect thing I need.

"Clean up that mess or I'm everything on this

table" I said more sternly.

"You won't dare"

"Don't test my patience young lady" I picked one

and looked most expensive and dangled it in my
hands as we both stared at each other.

The sound of glass breaking broke our stare. She

gasped out at mess on the floor. Her eyes burned
with so much rage as she advanced on me.

"Take another step and I'm breaking this two"

She stopped in her tracks.

"Clean up that mess outside or I'm making a

mess of perfumes. You have just three minutes."

She stormed off the room and appeared seconds

later to clean the mess.
When she was through I returned her perfume
and left her room.

I wish I could send her away, I know how it is to

be tortured so I understand how Donald must feel,
seeing his torturer every day.

Two long and stressful week later, Clara is still
living with us but rather calmly.

I had used onions to threaten her, gave her little

food, make her do the laundries and I still have that
unsettling feelings in my stomach.

I noticed she has been making a lot of secret calls

but it's her life and her business.

I entered her room quietly and cut her finger nails

short as she slept soundly and wrote a short note
for her.

📋 For the safety of my boss.

I put it on the head board and left the room.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, I brought it out to

read the new message.
💬 His Favorite Uncle is coming next tommorow
to spend two weeks with him💬

I sighed frustratedly, Donald and I are okay on our

own, we don't need anyone. After what I have in
store for Clara tomorrow, she'll be running out of
this house.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Fourteen🌺🌺🧸


I woke with a weird feeling, knowing something

wasn't right.

I looked around in my new room, nothing seemed

out of place. I laid my head on the headboard and
noticed the note sticking out from it.
The first thought that ran through my mind was "is
he around?"

💬For the safety of my boss💬

What does that mean? Guess I didn't have to
think long cause I saw what it means. I picked up
my phone and made a call.

"What do I do? She's frustrating me. Things

aren't going according to plan" I said to the person
on the other side.

"I guess she isn't call bossy maid for nothing

then." He chuckled "You can cook for them" he
added suggestively.

"What do you mean cook for them? You want to

turn me to their maid? Even Donald isn't really
looking my way anymore"

"That's why I said you should coooook for both of

them. Either way he must be out of the picture so
the companies can be transferred to me. Do your
job well and I'll pay you generously"

I smiled happily, by tommorow I should be out of

here and having fun in Paris "Your suggestion is
really nice, why didn't I think of that? I'll get to work
now" I hung up and wore my best depressed and
remorseful look.

I got out of my room and found Courtney cleaning

the windows.

"Hey" I greeted her but didn't get a response.

"hey Courtney, morning" I tried again.

"You're greeting me?" The cloth fell from her

hands in shock.

"Yeah I just want to say I'm sorry and I really love

Donald. I came back hoping he would accept me" I
went on my knees "please forgive me for making
things bad for you"

She rushed to my side and raised me up "it's

nothing Clara. I'm not angry at you and I think you
should give Donald some time" she said gently.

I didn't know it would be so easy. Is she this

naive or she's playing along. I searched her eyes
and I found no sign of pretense.

"Thank you" I replied soberly.

"Sorry for your nails" she said apologetically.

"Oh, I don't mind" I lied, waving it

She looked at me suspiciously.

"What?" I chuckled "I seriously don't mind

besides I want to make things right and can't
possibly think about my nails."

It took me three months of treatment and hard

work to keep my nails clean and long. She just cut
off three months of hard work and she thinks sorry
will do?? She'll soon pay with her life.

"You said you love him right?" She raised an


"Yeah sure" I replied wondering what she's

getting at.

"If you really love him, then let him go"

"No I can't Courtney, I love him too. Everything

will work out"


"Yeah......can I help with something? Maybe

cooking?" I asked with a broad smile

"Yeah sure please" she nodded gratefully and I

moved to the kitchen to get my plans in action. How
I've been waiting for this day for over two weeks. I
rubbed my palms in excitement and began cooking.

Courtney 😁😁
This is so unbelievable, Clara is greeting me?

"You're greeting me?" I voiced out my thoughts.

"Yeah I just want to say I'm sorry and I really love

Donald. I came back hoping he would accept me"
she went on her knees "please forgive me for
making things bad for you"

My heart went out for her and I softened a little,

maybe she isn't so bad after all. She looks very

I rushed to her side and raised her up "it's nothing

Clara. I'm not angry at you and I think you should
give Donald some time" I said gently.

"Thank you" She replied.

"Sorry for your nails" I said apologetically.

"Oh, I don't mind" she waved it off with a smile.

I looked at her suspiciously. She seriously don't

"What?" She asked when she saw me staring "I
seriously don't mind besides I want to make things
right and can't possibly think about my nails."

A thought suddenly crossed my mind "You said

you love him right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah sure" she answered

"If you really love him, then let him go"

"No I can't Courtney, I love him too. Everything

will work out"

"Ohh" she really loves Donald

"Yeah......can I help with something? Maybe

cooking?" She asked with a broad smile and I
couldn't help but feel grateful with the change on

"Yeah sure please" I answered.

The instant she left my sight, I ran to Donald's

room on excitement.

I knocked once and opened without waiting for an


Donald was still sprawled out on the bed.

I went to the bathroom to get a bowl of water and
poured it on him.

"What the h*ll CounterKnee"

I rolled my eyes, ignoring his slip.

"Good news Donald, guess what it is?"

"With the smile on your face, I'd say the

president is giving us free food for a year"

"Not only food makes me happy you know" I


"What's it? I need to go back to sleep"

"Clara has changed" I blurted out.

He looked at me with a doubt and fell back on the


I sighed dramatically and continued in a

monotone voice "I know it's hard for you to believe
but Clara is changed now, she even knelt and
asked for forgiveness"

He sat up instantly "you mean my Clara is back?

She's no longer a bitch?" His eyes shone brightly.
"Yes" I answered and my happiness deemed a

"This calls for celebration" he stood up and

adjusted his robe.

"On second thoughts" he fell back on the bed "I

don't need her anymore, I'm ready to move on. I
can go back to my vomit" he added.

My heart lit up a thousand sparks if that's

possible. He did it, he no longer needs her.

Donald and I have grown closer during this past

weeks, he masterminded some of the bad things I
did to her.

The only thing we have worked on are his pretty

intense nightmares but I thank heavens it only
happens once in a while now.

It can't be some sort of joke right? Clara has

really changed.

"Food is ready" Clara sing sang from the kitchen.

'I guess I would have to eat her food as much as I

don't want to" Donald grumbled and stood up,
heading to the kitchen while I trailed after him.

Clara 🤗😁
They both entered the kitchen at the same time
while Donald barely gave me a glance.

I had already dished out the food and put it on the

dining table.

They both sat and picked up their spoon.

Since my plan is going well accordingly, I should

act like a perfect host that I am and help them get a

We should celebrate their soon to be absence

from the world.

I excused myself and went to the refrigerator to

get a red wine.

They had began eating when I came back...

I watched as they both put spoonfuls into their

mouth and smiled smugly, eating my own food.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
👩💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the
( ​

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Fifteen🌺🌺🧸


I don't understand why I was feeling unwasy. The

poison I put in their food should be taking effect

I glanced at Donald and found him sweating. It

has started work on Donald but why isn't anything
happening to Courtney?

"Let's celebrate!" I said and poured wine in their

cup "Cheers to new beginning" I added smugly

"Yeah cheers" Courtney clicked her her with mine

while Donald was scratching his neck.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind" Courtney cut me out

of my reverie "I switched food with yours. I was
craving for beef "so I switched food with yours since
it had beef"

I dropped my spoon with a clang and beads of

perspiration former on my forehead instantly. I ate
the poisoned food. The first thought that ran
through my mind is getting the antidote.

Thankfully, I always carry a poison healing herb

with me.

I stood up quickly and ran to my room, still in

daze. That explains the uneasiness I was feeling.

Damn them if they are suspicious of my action.

Damn Courtney, she's a bitch.

How is she always one step ahead of me?

Did she know my sober self had just been a


I rummaged through my bag and downed the

content of the herb in a go and passed out.

Courtney 😔😔
"Why did she run out that way? Is she angry I
switched foods? Or is she allergic to fish?" I thought

"Donald?" I glanced at him when I got no

response. His body was shaking, he was
"Donald" I shut up from my seat and cushioned
his fall to the floor "Donald" I slapped his cheeks,
calling his name repeatedly.

His eyes had gone white and his teeth were

chattering. Loss on what to do, I called his family
doctor. His mother had earlier given me the name
incase Donald falls sick.

I put a call through the doctor and he assured

me, he'll be on his way.

I didn't know what to do you stop his convulsion, I

just sat beside him, praying for him.

The front door opened and closed.

"We're here" I shouted from the dining room.

The doctor brought out an syringe and injected

Donald. He stopped convulsing and was calm
though unconscious.

With the help of the doctor, we laid him on his

bed. "What happened?" I asked the doctor.

"He was food poisoned" the doctor replied with a

frown "keep a close eye on him. He isn't very stable
now, he might get fever and also he needs
someone to look after him. I can't be a good report
on his condition till tomorrow. I'll come back
tomorrow to check his condition" the doctor added
and walked to the door.

"I hope his body fight against the poison and he

wakes up" he added soberly and left

I should have known something was going to go

wrong with Clara's sudden change of attitude.

I looked at Donald, his face calm and more

beautiful as he slept. You have to wake up Donald.
You have to.

I turned on the heater in his room and air

conditioned other rooms including Clara's.

She might have put poison in my food too and

since she ate it, I doubt if she's dead. She would
always be prepared of the negative side. It wouldn't
be bad if she catches a cold.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the
❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Sixteen🌺🌺🧸


I couldn't take it anymore, it's not good to repay bad

with bad.

I turned on the heater and went to her door,

"Clara" I shouted her name and knocked.

"I'm not opening the door for you. I won't let you
do anything to me. Did you really think I was going
to forgive you and leave Donald? Hell no girl, you're
just dreaming" she replied from the other side.

"Are you okay? You ate the food meant for me" I
replied instead.

" Did you think I would come unprepared? You're

a real bitch"

I shook my head and left the door, I can't

continue listening to her rants at least she's okay.

Clara ☹

I woke to the cold room. That must have been

what woke me up.
I wanted to go out and turned on the heater but I
can't risk meeting Courtney or Donald so I stayed
put and rubbed my arms together to generate heat.

The cold gradually went down and the air was

back to normal then I heard a knock on the door.

My heart skipped a bit, "Clara" I heard Courtney

shout and knocked.

"I'm not opening the door for you. I won't let you
do anything to me. Did you really think I was going
to forgive you and leave Donald? Hell no girl, you're
just dreaming" I screamed letting her know I'm no
way opening the door.

"Are you okay? You ate the food meant for me"
She replied

" Did you think I would come unprepared? You're

a real bitch" I smiled smugly. I heard her retreating
footsteps and sighed in relief.

I quickly put a call through him.

"I give up" I shouted into the phone " The girl is a
witch. I've never met with one in my life."

"Calm down and tell me what happened" he

replied quietly
"Can you believe I ended up eating the poisoned
food. I didn't even know the food was switched."

"She's a tough one I guess"

"No guessing, she's a witch. I think you should

handle things yourself, I'm going to look for a way
to run away this night. I don't know the situation of
Donald and I can't spend another day in jail"

"Okay I'll do things myself then" he replied and

hung up.

I stood and began packing my luggages, I can't

spend another night here.

Courtney 😬💔
Donald barely moved, he slept still. The only thing
moving which acts as evidence that he's alive is his
chest rising up and down.

He was burning up. I went to the bathroom and

got a bowl of water and towel.

I dipped the towel in the water and placed it on his


I need to see Courtney and know why she's doing

I know getting an answer from her would be
difficult. I watched over Donald while a plan
formulated in my head.

When it was ten pm, I wore my disguise which

was a long sleeve white cloth and I poured white
powder on my face, hands and feet.

I looked into the mirror to check my outfit but my

hair seemed out of place so I tied my hair with a
white scarf and used my masscara to make a circle
around my eyes then head to Clara's room.

I checked on Donald on my way, he's still


I tried the door knob, it was locked. I listened for

any sound from the other side and heard the
shower running.

I bent down and picked the lock, a trick a learnt

long time ago when I was in the dark room, being

The lock gave way and I opened the door

silently. I took my position beside the door to
prevent her from running.

I looked around and noticed she had parked her

She came out the bathroom humming to herself
while drying her hair.

She let out a long shrilling scream when she saw

me and knelt down, crying profusely.

"Why do you want to kill my grandson and his

maid?" I asked in a cold voice, staring at her.

She broke eye contact and brought her palms

together "please don't kill me. I was sent to kill only
his maid and make him lose his senses"

Someone wants to kill me?? Who could that

possibly be?

"Who?" I asked, my voice colder

"His Uncle, I don't know his name but he sent


"The one coming tomorrow?"

"Yes" she nodded

"He gave you his reason?"

" He wants Donald out of the way so he can have

the company to himself" she cried harder "please
don't kill me"
"Do you know the situation of my grandson now
because of you?? I want you out of this house this
instant" I maintain my calm. I couldn't care less it's
dark outside. "Kiss the floor" I ordered.

She immediately bent down and kissed the floor. I

used that moment to make my exit.

This is seriously unbelievable. Donald's uncle is

behind this? Uncle that's coming tomorrow? His
favourite uncle from the text message I got? He's
spending two weeks.

Ohgawd..... another two weeks of agony.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Seventeen🌺🌺🧸

Courtney 😐
I couldn't sleep, how do I tell Donald his uncle
wants him dead?

I stood, watching him sleep. His uncle is

supposed to come today, he has to wake up.

Feeling suddenly tired, I scooted my chair closer

to his bed and laid my head but not before I head
the front door open so close.

One problem gone, a bigger one coming.

I allowed myself to close my eyes and sleep for a


The first rays of sunlight hit my face, waking me

up. I sat up and met myself on the bed.

I remember laying my head on the bed not

sleeping on it. I looked to my side, Donald was
nowhere to be seen.

"Donald!" I screamed and jumped off the bed.

"Shush....your scream can wake the dead" I

heard his voice coming from the window side.
I breathed out in relief and frowned "aren't you
supposed to be in bed?"

Donald 💃💃
I woke up with a slight headache and looked

A towel was sitting on my forehead and Courtney

was sleeping in an uncomfortable way.

I search my brain, trying to remember why I was

lying in bed then it hit me.

Clara! She poisoned the food.

I sat up gently, my heart brewing with hate for

Clara. I felt a little weak.

I stood up and put Courtney on the bed instead,

then took my drawing board and stool to the
window and continued my drawing.

My hands did the drawing while my mind

wandered off. Why did Clara poison my food? What
does she want? I thought she really had changed?
Not everyone stops being a villian I guess.

The first ray of sunlight hit came in through the

open windows and hit Courtney directly on the face.
I wanted to close the windows but I was
mesmerized by her beauty.

She looked around wide-eyed, then searching,

maybe looking for me.

"Donald!" She screamed and jumped off the bed.

I almost didn't want to answer her, I wanted her to

keep calling my name. I love the way it rolled off
her tongue.

"Shush....your scream can wake the dead" I

finally answered and looked at my drawing, I meant
really looked at my drawing.

"aren't you supposed to be in bed?" She asked

but I wasn't listening, I was looking at my drawing.

On the piece of paper, looking at me with bright

fiery eyes, the wind blowing her hair and a lips
curled up in a beautiful kind of way is Courtney.

I hadn't been paying attention to my drawing and

look at what I drew.

"Donald?" I heard her move closer.

I covered the drawing board quickly and turned it

the other side.

"Yeah I know, I'm not really surprised." She


"We need to arrest her"

"No she left already, I let her go"

"Gawd Courtney, are you soft on the inside and

hand outside?"

"You should be resting. The doctor will be here

very soon"

"No no, I'm okay, just a little weak but I'm Okay" I
answered quickly, I really hate injections.


"Yeah" I wanted to reply but the doctor came in. I

rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

"I knocked for a while, when I didn't get a

response, I allowed myself in" Doc said

"Welcome Doc" Courtney faced him "Donald was

just telling me how weak he is. You have a shot to
help with that?"

I glared at the doctor.

"Don't give me that stare Donald, I'll just live
some prescriptions for you. You'll be okay"

I gave him a small smile, he knows how much I

hate injections.

He only gave me a once-over and dropped some

medicines on the small table in my room.

"Tell me about your Uncle" Courtney sat on the

floor, looking at me after the Doc left.

"Did you just say my Uncle? Which of them?" I

asked with a small frown.

"Your favorite uncle according to the text I

received. He's coming today so I want to prepare
for his arrival"

" Really?" My heart surged with excitement.

Courtney 😟😭
"Tell me about your Uncle" I sat on the floor,
looking up at him after the Doc left.

"Did you just say my Uncle? Which of them?" He

frowned a little.
"Your favorite uncle according to the text I
received. He's coming today so I want to prepare
for his arrival" I answered

" Really?" I watched as his whole face lit up and

his eyes turned dreamy.

"He's the most charming person I know, he's my

best friend too. We've been close since I was little.
He's friendly, lovely, he listens to me too. He was
practically there in every stage of my life"

"Wow, has it ever cross your mind if he has evil

intentions?" I asked.

"No" he furrowed his eyebrows "Uncle Simon

wouldn't hurt a fly"

I dunno what to say again, he seemed smitten by

his uncle "Your uncle is....." I tried saying.

"He's simply the best" he interrupted "I'm

famished, can I get something to eat?"

"Oh sure" I stood up, deciding to continue the

conversation later while he trailed behind me.

I prepared scrambled eggs and put bread in the

toast machine.
The doorbell rang "Donald, please attend to the
door" I shouted to him.

"Hey Uncle" I heard Donald say excitedly.

" Oh my... Look at how much you've grown" the

person replied in a deep voice.

Surprisingly, I found that voice vaguely familiar.

I dished out the food and went to the living still in

my apron to welcome his Uncle Simon.

He was looking at Donald and from where I

stood, I couldn't see his face very well.

"Welcome sire" I greeted, disrupting their reunion.

His eyes met mine and a chill ran through my

entire body.

His face dawned in recognition and his gaze

turned dark.

He is Donald's uncle? Michael is? How's that


I swayed on my feet as my past came rushing

back at me.
I felt fear for the first time since I escaped the
dark room.

"Who's she?" He nodded at me, smiling sinisterly.

I could read the meaning behind his eyes as they

locked on mine.

"Her name is Courtney, she's my maid" Donald

smiled, oblivious to the entire exchange "Careful
Unc, she can be really bossy" he whispered the last

"Courtney huh? The famous bossy maid? Hello

bossy maid, nice to finally meet you." His eyes
were still on mine as he spoke his next words
"Don't worry, she'll be very meek and humble to
me" he smirked and mouthed "Long time Nora" at

This is my own nightmare. He's my deep


Who needs that protecting the most now? Me??

Donald?? Both of us??


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
What do you think is the relation between

👩🏼🦱👩🍳 👩🏼🦱👩🍳
Courtney and Uncle Simon?
​ ​ Bossy maid ​ ​

(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the


❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Eighteen🌺🌺🧸


"Courtney, I'll be right back. I need to visit the

store" Donald said wearing his jacket.

I snapped out my reverie "No Donald, don't go" I

blurted out. He looked at me questioningly. "Uh... I-I
me... mean you are... aren't o...kay yet" I

"I've never seen you stammer, it looks good on

you" he winked "don't worry, I'll be back soon. Take
care of my Unc." He left.

"Won't you give me a hug?" Simon asked

opening his arms.
I shuddered and walked back to the dining then
put the food I had dished out close to me.

"Let me guess Nora, my cousin doesn't know

about our relationship"

"We have no relationship" I took a huge bite out

on the toasted bread.

"I see you have stopped this eating habit of yours,

are you that unhappy to see me?"

I ignored him a continuing eating, I drew the

second place closer.

"Don't worry, we'll continue from where we

stopped. I really missed you." he trailed his finger
on my arm and went to the room Clara had stayed

I'm very angry at myself, angry for being helpless

so I kept eating, disgusted at myself.

Michael as I know him as, was a manager in my

father's company and my father's right-hand man.
They had been together before I was born. I had
been against him the first time I saw him when I
was four, he gave off a weird vibe.
Unknowingly to father, he began a rebel group
underground but fortunately, a lot of people stood
by dad and against him.

He became furious and brutally murdered my

parents in front of a eight year old me. He took over
my father's company immediately and took me

I was kept in a dark room for twelve years in which

I was chained to the wall for three years. I was
tortured because I abhorred a lot of hate towards
him. He made me his sex toy and raped be
countlessly as he pleased since I was eight.

I finally broke through three years ago when I

offered my body to one of the guards that guard my

While he slept, I stripped him and disguise. With

my disguise, I was able to escape.

The first thing I did when I got out was change my

identity. I wanted to start a new life and avenge my
parent's death.

How's he Donald's uncle? I guess your past never

leaves you unless you face it head on, it'll hunt you
to the grave.
But I'm no ready to face him yet, I'm not ready to
deal with my past. He has the rape videos with him
and he threatens me with my life. Gawd......why
does he have to be related to Donald.

I had almost finished eating the food I made for

the three of us.

"Mygawd Courtney, are you crying?"

I glanced up and found Donald staring at me in

disbelief. I hadn't even hear him come in.

"What's with you? You finished all the food. What

are you angry or unhappy at?"

I opened my mouth to talk and found Simon

peering at me from his door with a warning glance.

I snapped my mouth shut and ran to my room,

allowing myself to cry.

Donald 😒😒
Why does the atmosphere seem sad and heavy?

Why is Courtney crying? She looked gloomy ever

since she saw Unc.

"What are you thinking about?" Uncle Simon's

voice asked behind me.
"Nothing, I just feel something is wrong.
Courtney isn't herself"

"You don't have to worry about that, she might

remember something from her past and feel sad
about it?"

"Ohh really"

"Don't worry, she'll come around soon." He patted

my shoulders easing me from my worry.

"Let's go prepare something to eat since bossy

maid has finished eating our meal."


Courtney 😭💔
I twisted and tossed on my bed, I wish this was a
dream I could wake up from.

I sat up quickly when I saw a figure standing

beside my door.

The person moved closer and stealthily like a


"I really missed your body" the person said.

I stood up in annoyance, ready to scream when I
heard the voice.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Simon said and

came closer to where I was standing.

"I know you hate me but you have no choice" I

touched my cheeks and I recoiled. "I blamed myself
for allowing you escape" he continued "And don't
worry, I killed that guard" he smirked.

"I'll expose you to your brother" I tried saying

confidently but it only came out weakly.

"I knew you have a little secret of mine about

Donald now let me tell you this, if you let it out or
tell anyone about us, I'll kill Donald, abduct ten
children and killed them right in front of you the way
I did to your parents. Ypu know I don't bluff."

I looked at him silently, unable to say a word. He

doesn't bluff, I know that. I learned it the hard way.

The first time I attempted escape, he had killed

two of his men as warning and said if I tried
escaping, he'll kill four.

I couldn't let the blood of another person be on

my hands so I stopped every plan to escape and
stayed put, crying every time till I ran out of tears.
His rough hands shot out and fondled my breast.

I hit his hands away Immediately as a reflex

action and backed away.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" he said in a

dangerously low voice and advanced on me,
showing a pocket knife.

He tore my cotton nightwear away and pushed

me to the bed.

I closed my eyes as he stripped, crying angrily

inside as he made his way inside me, moaning in

Yeah that's my story and once again helpless.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode nineteen🌺🌺🧸

"Hey Courtney, are you okay?" Donald asked from

the kitchen entrance while I brewed coffee.

"Yes I am" I replied flatly.

"See Uncle is a very nice man" he entered fully

into the kitchen and took a cup for himself.

"Yeah he's very nice" I said in the same flat voice.

"Are you being sarcastic?" He raised an eyebrow

"Am I?" I countered back.

"Prepared breakfast?"

"No not yet" I answered and put sugar and milk in

my coffee.

"Then who's the owner of that?" He nodded to the

big bowl of chips sitting on the kitchen counter.


"You're going to eat?" He straightened up "that

bowl of chips would last me a week"
I ignored him and put some chips in my mouth.

I couldn't sleep last night which was why I'm

drinking coffee at 7am in the morning.

I was on the bathtub through out the night, trying

to scrub off his scent, touch and sweat away from
my body with scalding hot water, a bar of soap and
a new sponge.

He had always been prepared, he put me on birth

control pills and wore condom when I was in the
dark room.

Is it going to go on forever again? It's never going

to end? Who'll save me?

Suicide crossed my mind twice yesterday but I

dismissed the thought quickly. I need to avenge my
parents death and collect what's rightfully mine
from Simon.

"What's with you?" Donald asked

"With me?" I asked and carried the bowl of chips

and my coffee to the living room

"Yeah, you were crying yesterday and you

suddenly have a huge appetite which only happens
when you're angry or unhappy so which is it?"
"Neither, I just had the cravings"

He shook his head in response "I'm going out"

The hair on my body stood, will I be left with

Simon again?

"And you're following me" he added.

I breathed out in relief "why?" I asked

"It's an order, not a request" he said firmly.

Did he think I wouldn't jump at the opportunity?

Even if he wants to sell me out, I'll gladly follow him
and even convince the buyers to buy me.

"Is it necessary for her to follow you? Isn't she

your maid? She didn't to stay home besides who
would keep me company?" Simon entered the
living room.

I focused my gaze on the TV and continued


"Morning Nora" he greeted "Sorry I meant

Courtney" he corrected himself.
My heart was beating really fast, what if he tells
Donald another story about both of us and Donald's
hates me?

"Nora?" Donald looked lost in thought "I've heard

that name before"

I stiffened and risk a glance at Simon who also

looked surprised.

"Really?" Simon asked.

"Yeah besides why did you call her Nora?"

"It was a slip of tongue. I was thinking about

Nora, a girl I know"

"Okay so Uncle, I guess you'll have to be alone

this time. I really need to take Courtney with me"

Seeing he couldn't argue further else it would

look suspicious, he gave in.

I owe Donald this.

I left the chips and hurried to my room to get


I wore a simple yellow gown, left my hair loose

and wore a black shoes then head downstairs to
meet waiting Donald.
I carried my chips with me to the car and he
drove to very soon I'll know where.

He stopped on the side of the road after a thirty

minutes driving and came out.

"Let's just explore the city, maybe that'll help you"

he opened the car door on my side and said.

I nodded in surprise and came out.

He took my hand in his while I hung on to the bowl

of chips, carrying with like a valuable prize.

As we strolled, holding hands in public, my mind

was free. I gradually loosened up and smiled to the
jokes he made and the compliments he gave to

We passed by a flower shop, he stopped us there

and bought a tiara made with Lily flowers.

"There" he placed it on my head "you look more

beautiful now not like an angry bird" he grinned and
pulled out his phone, taking a shot of us quickly
before I could react.

I wasn't even prepared, I frowned in the picture

still clinging on to my bowl of chips.
The picture looked stupid in a beautiful way.

"Delete that picture" I pouted

"We still have many to take" he pocketed his

phone and hooked his arm in mine, giving me the
liberty to eat my chips.

I felt good and relaxed. I wish I could feel this way


"Could you try to be happy and not be sullen for

once. Laugh every once in a while and smile every
time" Donald said quietly and pulled me into a park.

There were a lot of kids there, having fun.

"Why are we here?" I asked

He ignored me and unhooked his srm from mine

to meet a young man then he came back to me and
pushed me towards a bouncy castle.

He jumped on it and bounced.

"Omg Donald, what are you doing?" I asked,

unable to stop the laugh itching my throat.

"Bouncing" he shrugged, jumping.

I shook my head, laughing. People brought out
their phones to video him. It's not everyday you see
a grown man in a bouncy castle.

"Come on, come try it. It's good for the health"

"No I'll pass, I like watching you better" I smiled

"Please" he gave me puppy eyes.

"Answer the poor guy, he's going to keep

bouncing till you say yes" an elderly woman said,
using her walking stick to push me forward "And
give me that bowl, a lady like you should always
think about being fit. Work on your appetite."

I handed over the chips to her and entered the

bouncy castle grudgingly.

I had barely entered when Donald took my hands

making me jump with him.

"This is fun" he said tiredly and laid on the


"Yeah right" I landed, putting my head on his

stomach gazing up at the sky.

"Where have you heard that name?" I asked.

"On the TV 15 years ago. A family was looking for
a eight year old girl. She was missing. The search
continued for four years I think. No one in state
doesn't know about the her." He replied, he knew I
was referring to Nora.

I can't believe this, I have a family??

My heart skipped excitedly, maybe I could get

them to help.

The happiness went down the drain when I

remembered how callous Simon can be.

" Let's go have ice cream" Donald stood up, pulling

me with him.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Twenty🌺🌺🧸

Courtney 💔💔
"I see you had loads of fun" Simon said
immediately we entered, his chilling gaze resting on
me, freezing my smile.

"No we didn't Unc.... There was no fun, we just

did some work" Donald replied put his hands over
mine possessively.

Okay, why did Donald lie?

"If you had take me along, she would have been

forced to be free" Simon replied smug.

"Free how? I just told you we had no fun" Donald

narrowed his eyes at Simon

"Oh, my bad" he smiled, "my bedsheet needs

cleaning Courtney, please attend to it"

I bowed a little and left their midst, my heart heavy


I kept the tiara on my dressing table and went

through the pictures we took together. The pictures
were really cute, I don't understand why things are
a little complicated.
I sighed tiredly and went to Simon's room.

I took the clean bedsheet he claimed needs

cleaning and made to leave when I saw him enter
and lock the door behind him.

My heart rate picked as I stared at him "I see my

cousin is really into you." He circled around me.

I stood still, afraid to move. "I'm going to tell

Donald, I'll tell him"

His eyes turned dark and gleamed wickedly. "Who

would he believe? His maid who's stranger or his
uncle by blood?

I hadn't thought of it that way, he's right. Donald

wouldn't believe me.

I made a dash for the door and opened it quickly,

making my escape.

I can't stand another minute in the room, I was


One week and fifteen rapes after,

I sneaked out of my room and visited a club for

the first time in my life under the disguise of a thug.
I used a cloth to bind my chest to make it flat and
wore baggy clothes.

Getting into the character was hard as I haven't

been friends to one or saw one except in movies.

The air reeked of drugs, heavy one and the guys

were rough looking. I didn't let it deter me. I just
have to endure a few more days from Simon then
it'll be the end of him.

"State your business" a guy stopped me at the

entrance. My appearance was looking slightly out
of place. Even the temporary tattoo on my neck
didn't seem to work.

I cleared my throat silently and made sure to

make eye contact with the guy.

"I'm here too see Div. I need white powder and I

want him to give me personally" I said in a hard

"No appointment No Div" he said gruffly and

dismissed me with a wave of his hands.

I won't take no for an answer.

"Even when it seems important?" I asked using a

hoarse voice "I need to see Div privately and now.
Tell him it's a matter between life and death"
The guy gave me a once-over unsurely. I made
sure to meet his gaze as any form of weakness
would give me a way.

Few minutes later, I was ushered into the

innermost part of the club.

The door to an office was opened and I entered

almost regretting why I came in the first place.

All the guards standing there looked scary.

"How may I help you ma'am?"

I furrowed my brows in shock, how did he know

I'm a lady? I'm very good with disguise. I looked at
my body again, looking for what gave me away.

He chuckled softly "you just confirmed my guess"

the good looking man who would be in his late
twenties continued.

Is this Div? He doesn't look wicked or cruel, he

could pass for a gentle man.

I squared my shoulders and lifted my head "I need

a gun"
Donald 😲
I felt something amiss. Ever since Uncle came,
Courtney is always fidgety and jumps at any slight

I think they have a history together, if only I know

what it is.

Uncle Simon couldn't have called her Nora

mistakenly, they know each other but what's their

When lied to Uncle that I didn't take Courtney fun,

I felt the need to like she would be punished if he

I stood up from the sofa and marched to Uncle's

room determined to get answers.

I knocked on his door once and opened without

waiting for his response.

He jumped up from the bed in surprise. "WTH!


"What's the relationship between you and

Courtney?" I asked, his eyes dimmed instantly

🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Twenty one🌺🌺🧸


I squared my shoulders and lifted my head "I

need a gun"

He laughed, the others following suite.

I removed my hoodie letting my hair loose. He

knows I'm a lady besides my hair is itching.

I moved closer to his table and used my palm to

hit the table.

"See this mark in my neck?" I tilted my neck to

side for him to see. "It's the result of rape."
He clenched his fist immediately, the laugh died
on his lips. I was angry now, how could they laugh
at me.

"In one week, he has raped me fifteen times. I

don't want to feel helpless like I once did. This man
kept me in a dark room since I was eight years old.
I finally escaped when I was twenty" I couldn't stop
the angry tears that streamed down my face " I
thought I was free from the man that brutally killed
my parents in front of a eight year old me. I was
disgusted at myself for years, I don't want to feel
useless again. I want to kill the bastard and put an
end to all this, I want to avenge my parents death."

Div stood up, his veins pulsing angry "where's

this son of a b**ch? Let me teach him a lesson

"No" I shook my head "I want to do it myself"

"Your name?"

"You can call me Nora or Courtney"

"You're a lady, you shouldn't use a gun"

"Tell me something I don't know"

"Still, you shouldn't."

"Whether you give me the gun or not it won't
change anything. I'm still going to kill him, I only
wanted it to end quickly"

"Okay Nora, I'll give you the gun for free . If you
need my help, call me" he slid his card to me and
brought out a gun.

He clicked the safety on and gave me the gun.

I felt hope, I was happy. A drug Lord helping me.

"Thank you" I said softly and left without a

backward glance.

"Follow her" I said to two of my boys "let me know
where she lives and one of you should stay put and
tell me if you notice anything suspicious"

"Why boss?" One of them asked

"She picked my interest, I love her fearless spirit.

The first woman to dare enter my office. That's
something to celebrate."

Donald 😲💔
"What's the relationship between you and
Courtney?" I asked, his eyes dimmed instantly

"What did she tell you?" He asked.


"Then why do you seem angry?"

"Tell me Uncle, do you know Courtney?"

"Guess you have to know then" he sighed and

sat, motioning for me to sit too.

"First her name is Nora. I met her when she was

in high school. You know how high school students
are, always full of energy." He looked pained

"Nora and I began dating after we met in an

event" he continued " One day, she told me she
was pregnant, that her parents would kill her if they
find out. I told her I was ready for anything, begged
her not to abort the baby but she did, she killed my
baby without an ounce of regret."

Tears burned in my eyes, is Courtney that cruel.

"I promised myself to avenge my baby. I was

surprised when I met her here working for you. She
pleaded for you not to know anything too"
"So is that why she's fidgety around you?"

"What do you expect? She killed my child, now

she's avoiding me."

"Can't believe she didn't tell me anything from the


"Don't let her know I told you please, she might

run away then"

"Sure Uncle, you can trust me" I stood up and left

his room disappointed.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Twenty two🌺🌺🧸

I was so happy the most feared Drug Lord in the
state was helping me, that I walked in through the
front door instead of my room window, smiling

"Where are you coming from?" Donald asked,

looking at me with an expression I thought would
never been directed at me, anger and disgust.

"Can't you answer?" Simon glowered at me.

"None of your business" I replied calmly and went

to my room. They're not going to kill my joy.

What's with Donald anyway?

I fell back on the bed, looking at the ceiling. I had

done away with my disguise before I entered.

I heard a knock on my door and sat up quickly

"come in" I shouted to the person.

"Can you quit glaring at me? What did I do this

time to get you angry?" Donald has been standing
on the door frame for over ten minutes without
"I can't believe this Nora, I can't believe you didn't
tell me anything. I was beginning to trust you,
thought you were different and understood me
better but no, you're just a two faced bitch. Simon
requires your presence, he wouldn't be eating with
us again same as me. Don't prepare my food again
or help with anything that involves me. You'll be
serving Simon his food in his room and cater for his
NEEDS. I hate you" he left, slamming the door

That was pretty intense. What did Simon tell him?

I knew he would definitely not believe me if I told
him the truth. Well guess I'm super alone now since
I can ni longer draw comfort from his presence.

I brought the gun out and caressed it, it would be

over very soon.

I tucked it in my pillow. Simon entered my room


I removed my clothes without fight, eager for him

to go quickly, I wasn't scared of him anymore, I let
him have his way.

While he thrust himself inside me, I let my hands

stray to the gun in my pillow but didn't find the heart
to bring it out and pull the trigger.
Chat Martinmartino on zero eight one eighty thirty
fourteen twenty one to be added to his whatsapp
I stopped crying after the second day when I saw
it gives him joy.

"Unc. ....." The words died in Donald's mouth

when he opened the door and saw us. He turned
around and left while Simon grinned happily.

"Any news?" I said into the microphone in my ear.

"We know her location boss" the person I asked

to stay guard replied.

"And?" I asked, waiting for more.

"And" he hesitated a little "he's having sex with

her or rather raping her"

The pen in my hand broke into two, I was angry.

Women shouldn't be treated that way, he killed

her parents and he's using her.

"Also boss, seems the owner of the house is

pretty angry and doesn't care about the happenings
in his house."
"Get information of the bast*rd. She isn't using
the gun?"

"Her hands went there but she didn't bring it out"

"I knew it."

"Can I kill him Boss?" The guy asked.

"No, you can't. She wouldn't be content, she

might abhor hatred to all men. She'll never be free.
Just wait and keep looking out."

Some men aren't meant to be in this world.

Donald 😲💔
" One day, she told me she was pregnant, I
begged her not to abort the baby, she killed my
baby without an ounce of regret. She pleaded for
you not to know anything too" Uncle voice kept
resounding in my head as I made my way angrily
time the drawing.

Why I'm angry, I don't know but I have he right to

be angry. It's a righteous anger.

How could she? They even had the guts to have

sex in my house under my roof!
I brought out my phone and clicked on mum's
number. She had always been my confider before I
started hating her.

I locked the phone and took out my drawing pen

and board instead.

Courtney is Nora!
She's Uncle Simon's girlfriend, she's a liar.

I started drawing, I looked at what I drew, it was


I removed the paper and tore it angrily.

I replaced the paper, I got the same result again.

Anytime I tried drawing, I draw Courtney with or

without thinking about her.

I stopped trying to draw and gave up. I slid down

the wall with a heavy heart.

Courtney deceived everyone all along, especially



🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Twenty three🌺🌺🧸

Donald 💔💔

"C'mon Donald, I brewed coffee and was about

coming to get you" Unc Simon said when he saw
me emerged from my drawing room.

I ignored him and went to the kitchen.

"You can't ignore me, give me the chance to

explain" he trailed after me.

" You don't have to explain, whatever both of you

do isn't my business but you shouldn't have sex in

"She seduced me and I'm a man, I couldn't

overcome the temptation"

I paused and looked at him in confusion " Courtney

barely looks at men and she'll seduce you? Didn't
you say she was avoiding you?"
" I-I I'm loss of w-words too" he stammered.

Why's he stammering??

"Take" he handed me a cup of coffee.

I collect it and was about taking a sip while he

looked at me intently.

The cup suddenly fell from my hands, shattering

on the floor.

"If I were you, I wouldn't drink that" Courtney said

and head outside to the woods.

Uncle looked at her with so much hatred that

began doubting if he ever loved her. I was still in
shock, how could she fall the cup from my hands?

I shook my head and went to my room.

Courtney 😲😲
After Simon left, I went to the bathroom and
cleaned up.

When I came out, I changed clothes and was

about heading downstairs when my eyes caught
the window.
"You're strong my lady" was written in cursory

Who wrote this? No one knows me here.

I stopped thinking about it and went downstairs

where I caught Simon pouring something in a cup
of coffee with an evil grin.

I immediately knew he was up to something so I

hid myself and waited for things to unfold.

I watched the entire exchange between Donald

and Simon and wasn't surprised when I heard
Simon lie.

Then he gave Donald the cup he had poured

something and took the other for himself.

I understood then what he wanted to do. I came

out of hiding and slapped the coffee from his

"If I were you, I wouldn't drink that" I said and left

their midst.

When I opened the front door, I met a bouquet of

flowers flowers lying on the floor.

I bent down and picked it up, taking a sniff.

A smile unconsciously made it's way to my face.
The flower is my favorite, "Lilies"

I carried it along and entered the woods, my mind

free of worries.

I've been staying and keeping a close eye on
Nora and noticed nothing out of place.

I was beginning to get bored of standing and

doing nothing. It's over a week.

"Why are doing this Boss?" I asked over the

phone "when did we start helping damsels in
distress and send them flowers?" I knew Boss
hates to be questioned but I couldn't help it.

"My sis was once in her position and I couldn't

help her till she committed suicide. I won't let the
same happen to Nora."

"Boss are you by chance in love?" I asked,

surprised at the tone of his voice

"No, I'm not besides if she eventually kills him.

We'll need to clean up because of the police."
"Then why did you do a background check on

"Your question would be answered in my voice"

he replied flatly and I immediately regretted my

"Sorry boss" I said quickly, bowing my head even

he's not here and can't see me.

"You said she wakes up early just to get the

flowers and has started resisting Simon?"

"Yes boss"

" She'll soon snap then, watch her closely" I said

to Jeff over the phone.

" How do you know Boss?"

" Do I have to remind you I'm a psychologist? I

think we are getting to familiar"

"Report to me by evening" he added and hug up.

I sighed and sat in a more comfortable position in
the tree.

Courtney 😲😬
It's over a week I met Div and almost a week I
started receiving flowers which brightens my day.

The flowers made me feel loved, knowing there's

someone out there sending them to me.

I started resisting Simon everytime he came to

me, then he started bringing weapons as a means
of threat.

I still didn't find the heart to point a gun at him.

One time, a text had entered my phone from Div. I
wasn't surprised he got my number.

💬You don't want to do this, you aren't wicked

leave it for me. He's not worthy.💬

I left his message on seen, afraid to let anyone

die because of me. If Simon detects anything, I'm
sure at least one of the gang members will be

Also, Simon has been trying to kill Donald at

every chance he gets but I'm always one step
ahead of him to stop his plan.

I laid on the bed, trying really hard to sleep.

Donald has been avoiding me like I'm some sort of
plague. I understand him, he wants to believe his
uncle and at the same time he knows I'm not
entirely wrong. I flashed back to his reaction when I
told me four days ago.


He was sitting on the porch outside, enjoying the

evening breeze and lost in thought.

I saw Simon peering out of the window at us.

I sat quietly beside Donald, staring into the dark

night in silence.

"Why are you here?" He asked, refusing to look

at me.

"Do you believe what Simon told you?" I asked

softly, not looking at him, afraid of his answer.

"No" he replied

That one word sent hope surge through my heart.

He doesn't believe Simon.

"Why?" I dared ask

"Because I haven't heard your side of the story?"

"Why didn't you ask me then?"

He shrugged in response and added "I wanted
you to come to me first. Why did you kill the baby?"

"Simon isn't who you think he is, he killed my

parents in front of me when I was eight years old
and help me captive, raping me countlessly. I was
surprised when I saw him and tried avoiding him
but he threatened me and raped me countlessly
while you're in the other room. I've made up my
mind to put an end to it even if it involves killing
him, I will and won't mind going to jail for it. He was
my father's second hand man and my father trusted
him with his life. Also, I was never pregnant. He
always came prepared and had doctors inject me
with birth controls."

Donald looked at me and burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"You think I'll believe that? Unc Simon is scared

of flies and wouldn't hurt an ant and you say he
killed your parents and held you captive?"

"I don't believe that. When you find a better

explanation, tell me" he replied and left. My mouth
hung in surprise. Since then he avoided me.

The door to my room opened silently, he must

have picked the lock again.
My hand went to the gun under my pillow and
closed my fingers around it tightly.

Suddenly I felt his hands on my neck, chocking

me and his fingers blocking breath from my nose.

I was to stunned to react.

"I need you out of the way to kill Donald, you

always seem know my every move. You're an
obstructions to my plans" he said sinisterly in my

I tried breaking free, to remove his hands from my

nose and neck.

I'm not going to let him win the second time.


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Twenty four🌺🌺🧸

Simon 😋😋
I was getting tired of waiting and waiting for a
perfect time. Every where I turn, Courtney seem to
be there waiting for me.

Donaldson father is willing everything to his son

in three days time without giving me any.

Don't I deserve anything? I helped him in the

company too even if it's just a one week, a help is a

Nora needs to get out of the way, with that,

everything will be back to place. Donald won't even
worry about her because I'll tell him she ran away.

After I dispose of her, all I needs is a injection to

make it seem Donald died naturally.

I picked her lock and entered the dark room.

I knew she wasn't asleep and must have thought

I'm coming to have sex with her again.

She's no longer of use, others are there if I want

to have sex besides I stopped being interested
when she stopped crying and begging me to stop.
It's what turns me on.
I can feel Donald is doubting my words, he'll
always believe his blood over a stranger. I grinned
happily as things are falling to place.

I gripped her neck to the bed and pinched her

nose together, blocking every means of breathing.

She scratched my hands with her nails but it had

no effect on me.

Next she brought out a gun and tried to click the

safety off. I released her neck immediately and
made for the gun. The time she used to catch her
breath was enough for me to collect the gun.

She regained her breath rather fast and we began

struggling against each other, it became the
survival of the fittest.

"Jefferson!" The voice came through from the
talkie in my ears.

"Yes Boss" I snapped awake.

"Any news? You didn't report to me in the

"I was so tired of doing nothing, I slept off" I

Bos went silent for a while, I have always reported

to him in the morning and evening.

"Nothing seen out of place sire, the lights are off

and everyone is sleeping soundly" I said quickly.

"Good then, stay awake throughout the night. I'll

be replacing you tomorrow" Boss replied and hung

I hadn't used my binoculars to check the interior

but with the way the house is silent, everything
should be okay.

I dozed off once more.

Donald 😲😦
Four days after the night Courtney and I talked, I
decided to think it through but still found it hard to
believe it.

Who do I believe? uncle or Nora?

If Nora wasn't lying, she would have told me.

Everything when she saw uncle.
"What if she wanted to put the past behind her?"
A voice asked in my head.

Is Uncle that cruel?

Then I remembered when I was eleven, Father

told me Uncle's Boss suddenly died and their eight
year old was kidnapped.

Does that mean Nora is the girl from fifteen years

ago?? The one that was kidnapped?

But Uncle, can he really do it??

I entered her room in a quest to get my questions


I heard the shower running and a diary lying open

on the bed.

I skimmed through it as quickly as I could, Dread

filled my entire body with every page I turned.

Just as I finished reading, the shower turned off. I

made my way out back to my room my heart still in
denial. People don't lie to their diaries right?

Why didn't Courtney make mention that Uncle is

after my life?
"Would you have believed her?" My mind
countered back.

It was right, I wouldn't have believed her. I would

have thought she wanted to frame Uncle.

How could she have passed through all that and

still retain her sanity??

Clara had being a pun used by Uncle to make me

useless. He knew seeing her would bring
memories, bad ones.

My question is, what does he want to do with the

money he has been forcefully acquiring.

Something clicked in my brain.

Courtney has been protecting me all this while

even at the expense of her life.

I remembered every liquid she had knocked out of

my hands, every meal she had poured away before
I took a bite, every glare she had sent to Uncle, the
way she eats a lot and jumped at every single

It was almost midnight when everything clicked to


I took my phone quickly and made a call to mother.

📞" Donald" she screamed excitedly into the
phone then continued flatly "if you still want
Courtney out of your hair, I'm not doing that"

Tears clogged in my throat, I really miss my

mother, I miss her voice.

📞"Mother" I said into the phone "I'm sorry." I

broke down "I didn't know you were protecting me"

📞"My baby, I knew you'd come to your senses

one day. I forgave you long time ago"

📞 " Uncle is behind everything, he master

minded every bit. It was his plan to make us hate
each other" I sobbed.

📞"Yes mother, I'll call you back" I hung up and
called the emergency line.

📞"How may I help you?" Someone answered.

📞" This is Donald Wilson, a murderer is in my
house. Me and my friend are in danger" I said

📞"We'll be there very soon, stay calm and don't

do anything to infuriate him" the person replied and
hung up.
I couldn't stay one place, I left my room and made
to go to Courtney's to tell her help is coming and I
believe her when I heard three shots ring through
the air, breaking the silent night.

"Omg!!! Courtney!!!"


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Episode Twenty five🌺🌺🧸


The gunshot woke me up. I jumped down in alert

and climbed to Courtney's window praying in my
heart she isn't the one shot at else Boss will
castrate me and cut my body in pieces slowly.

One person was lying down in a pool of blood

and another is standing over the person.

I let myself in to the room and walked towards the


Courtney 😲💔
My hands found the gun and was trying to turn off
the safety and shoot at him.

He released my neck suddenly and reached for

the gun while I tried regaining my breath, he
collected the gun, turned the safety off.

I regained my breath quickly and threw myself at

him, letting my weight catch him by surprise and
also reached for the gun as he clicked safety off.

He had more strength than me and muscles so it

was easy for him to over power me quickly.

He hit my head on the edge of the bed, blood

gushed out quickly as the place opened. The pain
numbed me but I fought through the pain and
grabbed the bed lamp but he was already pointing
the gun at me.
I threw the lamp at the hand holding the gun and
grabbed it when it fell from his hands. I aimed at
him and was about taking a shot when three bullets
sailed through the air, killing him instantly.

I was in shock because I knew I didn't pull the


Simon fell slowly to the floor then I glanced up to

see Div still pointing a gun at him and flashing a
grin at me. He beat me to pulling the trigger by
pulling his first. But how did he know? How did he
come on time.

"I told you I won't let his blood stain your hands
and I'm a man of my words. Besides I saw you love
the flowers" he winked at me.

I dropped the gun and ran to him, ignoring

Donald who just entered and the man that came in
through my window.

I hugged him tightly, tears of relief streaming

down my face.

"You did well" he said, smoothing my hair and

hugging me back.

"I wanted for you to point the gun first before

taking action because I believed in you. You are
strong" he added
My parents are really watching over me, a Drug
Lord being a softie to me.

Div ❣❣

While I asked Jeff to stay guard of the house, I

also stationed two more people.
Shared on whatsapp by Martino.
When I got report that Simon was heading to her
room and destroying things in his bedroom, I knew
he was going to do something other than having
sex with her this night.

So I got into my car and drove as fast as I could.

I told her I won't let his blood stain her hands and
I'm a man of my words. I'm not going to let her go
to jail because of him. I couldn't protect my sister
then and she's going to be angry if I don't help

I entered in time to see him choking her and her

pulling the gun I gave her out.

I stood, watching the entire exchange, waiting for

the right time to make a move.
When he pointed the gun at her, I pulled my gun
out and was about shooting. Then she threw the
lamp at his hand, aiming perfectly.

She picked the gun quickly and made to aim. I

took action then and killed him.

From my research, the Simon of a man has about

twenty more people in captive and they were all
from a very rich family.

After I killed him, she ran over and hugged me,

surprising me completely.

My sister was the only person that could hug me,

here, another person is taking her place. I hugged
her back not caring about the person behind me
who should be the owner of the house.

Hugging another person after a long while felt

good and refreshing so I held on to her, not worried
about the blood seeping into my clothes.

"B-bo-boss" Jeff stammered.

"Just kneel and raise your hands up till I come

back and clean the mess here"

"W-where are you going?"

"Police station."
Just as I said it, a batch of policemen entered
fully armed and took in the state of the room
including the kneeling Jeff.

Donald 😲💔
I entered the room and stood in shock as I
watched Uncle fall slowly to the ground with a
strange man holding a gun.

I glanced at Nora, she was holding a gun too.

Where did she get the gun?

"Who the fuck are you?" I wanted to ask but the

words died down in my mouth when I saw her run
to the strange man.

For a moment, my heart surged with gratitude

towards the strange man.

He save Nora. I didn't mind that Uncle is dead,

after all he had been planning to kill me too.

"Who are you?" I wanted to ask again but the

police men interrupted this time.

They looked at the gun in the strange man's hand

and Simon's corpse.
"You are under arrest sire" The police man
saluted before talking which only made me more

Who exactly is this man standing here??


🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳Bossy maid👩🏼​🦱👩​🍳
(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the

❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Final episode🌺🌺🧸

Courtney ☺❣

I watched helplessly as the policemen took Div


"I'll be okay and probably be back in the night" he

said as they took him away but that didn't alleviate
my worry.
Killing Simon was self defense, the police should
know that.

Seeing I wasn't convinced "what about bringing

your flowers this night?"

I smiled and nodded in agreement.

After he left with the police, an ambulance came

to carry Simon's corpses and I was asked to vacate
the room without cleaning as they need evidence.

I packed my belongings and moved them to

Donald's room.

I sat on his bed, reminiscing. Simon is really

dead, my nightmare is gone. It still felt surreal.

Donald entered and sat quietly beside me.

"I'm so sorry Nora, I'm sorry I didn't believe you"

he pleaded.

I looked at him and placed my hands on his, "If I

were you, I wouldn't have believed a stranger over
my blood too so I'm not angry."

He stared at me as if he couldn't believe what he

was wearing and pulled me into a hug. I let myself
be hugged and relax in his embrace. It's finally
over, we conquered our nightmares.
"Know the first thought that crossed my mind when
I saw you?" He asked, his chin resting on my head.

I shook my head negatively against his chest.

"Who's this fierce beautiful petite lady with wild

chestnut hair who isn't afraid of my cold aura and
broke through, now I have a warm heart willing to

"What do you think when you see now, after you

know, everything?" I asked

"Wow, my bossy maid is one hell of a strong

woman, beautiful and fierce at the same time,
selfless too. She's one of the people I hold dear to
my heart now."

I blushed, surprised someone still thinks of me as


"What contract you signed with mother ends

today, I'll give you the money"

My heart plummeted down, I wanted the money

for college so I can't rent an apartment till I apply.

"I want to work for my money" I argued

"No, you've worked enough. I'm going to sponsor
you to college and you can always consider this
place as home"

I wanted to raise my head and look at him.

He pressed my head back against his chest "No

don't look at me"

"Thank you" I said with so much sincerity.

"You deserve it CounterKnee"

" Sorry to break you guys up, but what the heck
happened?" Another voice said

"Mum" Donald cried out, not masking the surprise

in his voice.

His mum?!

Donald ☺☺

"I knew something was up with that Uncle of

yours. I never liked him." Mum said after I narrated
everything to her.

"I still can't believe he tried to kill me and

"I haven't told your father about it. You mentioned
Div just now?"

"Yeah, he's the one that helped"

"That's new, the Div I heard about is cruel and

he's a Drug Lord." Mum explained.

"A drug Lord? Courtney got herself involved with

a drug Lord? Is that why the police man saluted to

"Maybe..... I'll head over to the police station.

They should wrap up the case, we aren't making
any charges. He's dead, we don't need to mention
his case in court."

I shrugged and eyed mother who was staring at

me with mischief.

I went over and hugged her tightly.

"About Courtney" mum started.

"Don't even go there mum..... don't" I disengaged

from the hug and flashed her a grin then went to
the kitchen where I met Flynn and Eva cooking. It
was a sight to behold.

"We're sorry, we came as soon as we heard" Eva

said apologetically.
"C'mon Flynn" I said to an upset Flynn

He looked at me with glazed eyes "you both

would have died if help hadn't come" his lower lips

I moved closer to him and enveloped him. I'm

here, Courtney is upstairs, we are safe and that's
what matters.

Courtney ❣

It's seven in the evening and everyone is still

eating and drinking.

I came outside to wait for Div since he said he'll be

back in the evening.

"Waiting for someone?" A voice asked beside


"Div!" I screamed enthusiastically

"I told you I'll be back pumpkin" he smiled and

gave me a bouquet of Lily flowers.

"Thank you for everything"

"You don't have to thank me." He replied and sat
beside me, staring up at the stars.

"My parents are up there smiling at me"

"Same as my sister" he smiled sadly.

"Your sister?" I asked

He nodded sadly "what do you think about

traveling the world with me?"

"Huh?" I was taken aback "um...." I

stuttered embarrassingly

"Sure" he pinched my cheeks "you'll go to

college, I'll sponsor all your education and I'll wait
for you."


"You can give me your answer later" he smiled

softly "I love your wild chestnut hair."

I nodded gratefully and looked up at the sky with

my head on his shoulder.

The End...........
🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊

Who do you think she'll end up with? Div or

👩🏼🦱👩🍳 👩🏼🦱👩🍳
​ ​ Bossy maid ​ ​

(👩​💼🎀She's the boss👩​💼🎀, 👨​💼🤫I'm the


❣ Written by Haryormideh Ayeni ❣

🌺🌺🧸 Epilogue🌺🌺🧸
Five years later,

Courtney 💖💖
I stood at the arrival terminal in the airport,
looking for my ride home.

I had travelled to Europe for college with the help

of Div and Donald and graduated with an upper
class in law. I specifically chose to major in law so I
can lend my voice to those that are voiceless.
I saw a flag raised up with the name

I shook my head and walked to the person who

was busy chatting away on his phone with a big
smile on his face.

I smacked him on the arm "Didn't I tell you not to

call me CounterKnee?" I playfully glared at him.

"What do you expect me to do when I miss you

so much?" He grinned at me

"Should I blush now or what?"

"None, a hug will do"

I hugged him tight "it's been five years"

"I know right, it feels like yesterday and it also

feels like ages ago"

We disengaged from the hug and he collected my

luggages from me, leading me to sleek car and I
noticed an entourage.

"Please don't tell me you hired these people?" I

asked Donald.

"What do you think, our bossy maid is back. You

deserve to be treated like a president or a queen"
he winked and entered the car after putting my
luggages in the booth.

"I don't understand you" I continued when we

entered the car "if I'm to be treated like a queen,
why are you driving when we have an entire
entourage behind us?" I asked

"Because I'm treating you like a queen, durh"

"I'll think of you as my driver then" I smiled


"I have a very juicy news" he licked his lips.

"I can see it's really juicy for you to lick your lips,
did you taste the juice?"

He glared at me and concentrated on driving.

Knowing him, I knew he would continue talking.

"My three year old girl is dying to see you. She

even decorated her bedroom and expects you to
shared the room with her" he said admiringly.

"I knew she would always be smart, smarter than

her father who paid an entire entourage to
accompany us home"

"It's was her idea, so that means I'm smarter" he

bit his cheeks to surpress himself from laughing.
"Wow that's so smart of her, she deserves a
medal." I replied wiping the smile off his face.

"Hmph.." he scoffed "the most juicy part is Div is

getting married today"

My smile disappeared easily, "b..but...

promised to w.. wait f..for me"

"I know right, CounterKnee, it's a pity I'm married

and have an adorable three year old girl else I
would have asked us to get married"

I glared at him this time very seriously.

"I'm so sorry Nora, should we disrupt the

wedding?" He asked sending a worried glance at

"No" I replied sadly "let them be, guess I ain't

worth waiting for then."

"Should we go out to loosen your worry?"

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I was very

happy I was finally going to see him after three
year. He visited me three years ago while we
"Can I FaceTime Nora? I want to see her" I

Donald and his wife had named their first daughter

after me and they're currently expecting a boy.

"I'm sorry no. If she sees you're unhappy, she'll

be unhappy too and rub it off on her mother and
you know pregnancy hormones"

I nodded understandingly and looked out the


Div is getting married today, they would probably

be saying their vows now.

The car eventually stopped and I was led into a

dark inbuilt garden.

"Now who said you aren't worth waiting for?"

Donald said and the light turned on on cue.

Little Nora came running to me in excitement,

wearing a short white gown, a tiara, holding a
bouquet of flowers and a small box.

"Auntie!" She screamed as she ran over, her little

feet barely touching the floor.
I squatted and waited for her, she rushed into my
embrace "can I have your hair?" She asked

"Ahem" Donald cleared his throat and looked at

her meaningfully.

She eyed her dad and turned to me.

"Will you please marry that pitiful kneeling Uncle

there? I don't want him to cry" she whispered
conspirationally and gave me the flowers holding
the box.

I followed where she pointed and found Div

kneeling on one knee with an arm stretched,
looking as cute as ever.

" Didn't Donald say he was getting married

today?" I wondered loud.

"You shouldn't always believe daddy, he was

promise to read me bedtime stories but he runs
away most times and has never braided my hair!"
Little Nora huffed.

"Don't worry, we'll do something about that"

"I knew I could trust you" she replied and placed

a kiss on my cheek. "Aren't you giving that Uncle
an answer, I don't want him to sleep in my room

I raised an eyebrow at her questioningly "I'll tell

you later"

Then I took a good look at the garden room.

There were about fifteen more people on the room
including Donald's wife, Flynn and his family, Mr
and Mrs Wilson and other faces I don't recognize.

I turned to kick Donald for lying to me, but he had

moved far away from me.

I stood and walked closer to where Donald was.

"Shouldn't you be putting the ring in my finger?"

He smiled in relief and collected the box from me.

Did he think I'll say no to him?

"Yes, I'll be your bride" I smiled through the tears

threatening to fall. I was overwhelmed with a lot of

Having sex with my husband to be seemed

difficult but with his love, we'll conquer that fear.

"My wife, my confider, my best friend, the mother

to my children and my Heart Rob" he said as he
slid the ring into my finger. "I love you"
"I love you too" I said and pulled him up.

He crashed his lips on mine and I opened, giving

him access to every fibre of my being.

The crowd cheered loudly behind us.

It's funny how I found solace in the arms of a

stranger, a Drug Lord especially.

I broke the kiss and stared to his loving eyes.

" Let's share a toast" Donald said and nodded for

me to toast.

When does a wife to be toast to her proposal?

I took a champagne from a passing waiter.

"Cheers to a beautiful beginning."

"Cheers to a new beginning" they all answered

and clinked up.

"Cheers to that Uncle not getting drunk again."

Little Nora added quietly, holding her orange juice.

The End...........

🖊 Haryor Writes 🖊
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