Erecting Long, Vertical Precast Concrete Members With One Crane and Two Operating Lines

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Erecting long,

with one
crane and
two operating
Donald R. Logan

The most common procedure to erect long vertical precast
concrete members is to rotate the members in midair
from their as-delivered flat position to their final vertical
position in the structure. To keep member stresses during
lifting within acceptable limits, this procedure normally
involves supporting the member at three points. One point
is at or near the top of the member, and the two lower
reactions are supported by slings threaded through rolling
blocks, one end attached near the bottom of the member
and the other end close to its midheight (Fig. 1).

Erectors have reported incidents that occurred while using

this common erection procedure in which precast concrete
members suddenly rolled from an apparently stable tilt
angle to the vertical position. These incidents often cause
Editor’s quick points damage to the member and erection equipment and can
endanger the safety of erection personnel (Fig. 2). Erectors
n  Erectors have reported incidents in which precast concrete have expressed concern that they have no reliable method
members have rolled uncontrollably during erection. to determine the cause of this instability, how to anticipate
it, and how to avoid it.
n  PCI issued an alert regarding this phenomenon in December
2008. While the concepts described herein apply to all long
vertical precast concrete members, the discussion and
n  This article provides reliable methods to determine the cause figures address long nonprestressed wall panels. These
of panel instability and discusses ways to anticipate and avoid are potentially subject to detrimental visible cracking in
panel instability. critical architectural finished surfaces that may result from

118 W int e r 2 0 1 0 | PCI Journal

using handling techniques that address erection safety W = weight of panel
only. Thus, tensile stresses at an impact factor of 1.2W are
checked for each lifting-layout configuration against the RR = right lifting reaction
recommended maximum of
RL = left lifting reaction
5 f c' = 354 psi (2.44 MPa)


f c' = concrete compressive strength at erection

= assume 5000 psi (35 MPa)


c. Crane operator tilts panel by raising top

W (c.g.) end allowing lower sling to rotate
through rolling block.


b. Crane operator lifts panel in horizontal

RR position until truck pulls away.

W (c.g.)

a. Panel arrives on truck in horizontal


Figure 1. A panel can be erected with one crane using two operating lines. Note: c.g.= center of gravity; RL = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling block;
RR = right lifting reaction acting at right end of panel; W(c.g.) = panel weight acting at c.g. of panel.

PCI Journal | Wi n t e r 2010 119

R L= W

W (c.g.) c. Panel suddenly becomes unstable. Top

line goes slack. Panel rotates rapidly to
vertical position, swinging


b. Panel feels “light” to crane operator.

Top line appears to be going slack.
W (c.g.)


a. Crane operator tilts panel by raising top

line. Panel feels stable to crane operator.

W (c.g.)

Figure 2. Panels can experience instability during tilting toward vertical. Note: c.g. = center of gravity; RL = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling block; RR = right
lifting reaction acting at right end of panel; W(c.g.) = panel weight acting at c.g. of panel.

120 W int e r 2 0 1 0 | PCI Journal

Since the mid-1980s, the third edition of the PCI Design tion of Precast Concrete Products2 have addressed this
Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete1 and PCI’s issue, providing a formula intended to protect against sud-
Erector’s Manual: Standards and Guidelines for the Erec- den rollover of long wall panels (Fig. 3).

Formula in PCI Erector’s Manual and Design Handbook.

Purpose is to protect against erection instability.

e = distance from c.g. to RL centerline with panel in horizontal position.

Panel will be stable during erection if:

L L2 − b 2
e> − −a
2 2

a (to c.g.)


W (c.g.)


IN ITS PRESENT FORM. (Refer to article pages 125−128)

Figure 3. The current PCI stability equation shown with Fig. 5.6.2 on page 5-24 of the sixth edition of the PCI Design Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete is incor-
rect. It is necessary for the c.g. of the precast concrete component to be between the two main crane lines for all angles during the rotation. Note: a = distance from up face
of panel to center of gravity of the panel; b = distance between lower lifting devices; c.g. = center of gravity; eo = distance from the center of gravity of panel to centerline
of rolling-block reaction with panel in horizontal position; L = length of panel; RL = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling block; RR = right lifting reaction acting at
right end of panel; W(c.g.) = panel weight acting at c.g. of panel.

PCI Journal | Wi n t e r 2010 121

However, erectors have indicated that even if the panel lift- Basic instability concept
ing points conform to the dimensions derived from the PCI
formula, there have been instances in which unexpected As illustrated in Fig. 4, with the panel in its horizontal
sudden rollover has occurred. position, the rolling-block lifting reaction RL is centered
between the two lower sets of lifting devices. Its verti-
The author encountered this problem in 1995 during the cal alignment is located at a distance eo from the center
erection of a long wall panel produced by Stresscon Corp. of gravity c.g. of the panel toward the lower end of the
for the Soundtrack project in Denver, Colo. In an analysis panel. As the panel is tilted to its vertical position, RL shifts
of the incident, the basic concept of safe handling of long toward the c.g. of the panel and its distance eΔ decreases.
wall panels was recognized and Stresscon adopted a pro-
cedure for three-point lifting, imposing restrictions on the As the tilt angle increases further, eΔ may decrease to zero
location of the lower sets of lifting devices. so that RL aligns with the c.g. of the panel. At that point, RL
carries the entire weight of the panel, the top reaction car-
ries no weight, and the panel becomes unstable, swinging
rapidly to the vertical position as illustrated in Fig. 2 and 4.

RL = W

c. As tilt angle increases further, RL can

align with c.g. of panel, causing panel to
suddenly become unstable.


α b. As panel is tilted, e decreases as RL shifts

Tilt Angle W (c.g.)
∆ = 45° toward c.g. of panel, creating potential
e∆ instability of panel.

b∆/2 b∆/2


Tilt Angle
∆ = 0° RR

a. At zero degrees, RL centered between

W (c.g.)
lifting devices.
b/2 b/2

Figure 4. These diagrams show the fundamental issues as the tilt angle increases. Note: b = distance between lower lifting devices; c.g. = center of gravity; CGL = distance
from left end of panel to c.g. of panel; CGR = distance from right end of panel to c.g. of panel; eo = distance from the center of gravity of panel to centerline of rolling-block
reaction with panel in horizontal position; eΔ = horizontal projection of distance from centerline of center of gravity to centerline of rolling-block reaction with panel in tilted
position; L = length of panel; RL = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling block; RR = right lifting reaction acting at right end of panel; W = weight of panel; W(c.g.)
= panel weight acting at c.g. of panel; α = angle between sling leg and surface of panel; Δ = tilt angle of panel in tilted position (Δ as a subscript identifies horizontal
projection of dimensions with panel in tilted position).

122 W int e r 2 0 1 0 | PCI Journal

RR R L = 39.44K

e∆ =1'-7"

RL 0'-6" RR = 16.06K

e=9'-01/2" W ' (c.g.) = 55.5K

8'-6 /2"
8'-6 /2"

4'-71/2" 17'-1" 22'-81/2"

W (c.g.) 44'-5"
Tilt Angle
RR =16.06
∆ = 75°
19.72 19.72

R (kips)

5.77 7.81
V (kips)

-13.91 -12.31 103.23


M (kip-ft)
RL -13.33

4.62' 11.16' 5.93' 9.85' 12.85'

Allowable Tensile Stress Max. Tensile Stress

Tilt Angle
∆ = 0°
0'-6 "
RR fc' = 5000psi at erection ft =
6 × 103.23 × 12,000
6.94 × 12 × (12)
2 = 620psi

ft = 5 fc' = 354psi ft = 620psi Tension (Bottom)
> 354psi allowable

High tensile stresses in bottom face of panel

eo=9'-01/2" W (c.g.) will cause cracking. 4-point lifting or
8'-61/2" 8'-61/2" prestressing required.

4'-7 /2"
17'-1" 22'-81/2"
Figure 6. This conservative layout shows shear, moment, and tensile stresses.
22'-21/2" 22'-21/2" Note: c.g. = center of gravity; e = minimum distance from the center of gravity
of the panel, with the panel in its horizontal position, to protect the erection-crew
members against the unexpected sudden rollover of the panel; fc' = concrete com-
pressive strength at erection; ft = actual tensile stress in panel during lifting; ftallow
= allowable tensile stress in panel during lifting; k = K = kip; LF = linear foot; M =
Figure 5. A conservative layout prevents instability at all tilt angles. Note: c.g. = moment; R = reaction; RL = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling block;
center of gravity; eo = distance from the center of gravity of panel to centerline of RR = right lifting reaction acting at right end of panel; V = shear; W = weight of
rolling-block reaction with panel in horizontal position; eΔ = horizontal projection of panel; W ’ = weight of panel modified by impact factor (1.2W in examples); W(c.g.)
distance from centerline of center of gravity to centerline of rolling-block reaction = panel weight acting at c.g. of panel. 1” = 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1’ = 1 ft = 0.305 m;
with panel in tilted position; RL = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling 1 psi = 6.895 kPa; 1 kip = 4.448 kN.
block; RR = right lifting reaction acting at right end of panel; W(c.g.) = panel weight
acting at c.g. of panel; α = angle between sling leg and surface of panel; Δ = tilt
angle of panel in tilted position (Δ as a subscript identifies horizontal projection of There are other considerations that must be addressed,
dimensions with panel in tilted position). 1” = 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1’ = 1 ft = 0.305 m. even with this conservative procedure. As the panel is
tilted, the load carried by RL increases and the loads ap-
Conservative plied to the lifting devices increase accordingly, changing
layout procedure from primarily tension to primarily shear. These loads are
applied to the lower lifting devices at steep angles, poten-
The safeguard against instability is to locate the lower sets tially exceeding their allowable shear capacity.
of lifting devices so that throughout the tilting of the long
panels, the rolling-block reaction RL is prevented from As shown in Fig. 6, the conservative layout of the lower
aligning with the c.g. of the panel. lifting inserts causes the moment in the upper portion of
the panel to dominate. The consequent tensile stresses
As indicated in Fig. 5, both of the lower sets of lifting in the bottom face of the panel (usually the architectural
devices are located below the c.g. of the panel. Thus at all finished face) may result in visible cracking of this critical
tilt angles, RL is prevented from aligning with the c.g. of surface. Concentric prestressing is often required for long
the panel. panels erected using the three-point procedure.

PCI Journal | Wi n t e r 2010 123

44'-5" 44'-5"

4'-7 /2" 12'-11 /2"

1 1
9'-3" 12'-11 /2" 4'-1 /2"
1 1
4'-7 /2"
22'-21/2" 22'-21/2" 22'-21/2" 22'-21/2"

R (kips) 13.87 13.87 13.87 13.87 R (kips) 19.72 19.72 16.06

1 2 3 4
W ' = 55.5K W ' = 55.5K

1 2 3 4 2' 103.23

64.51 42.56

12.94 12.94
M(kip-ft) M(kip-ft)
-13.33 -13.33 -13.33 -13.33 -13.33

Panel is stable at all Tilt Angles

Panel 6.94' × 44.42' × 1.0'
W ' = 46.25 × 1.2 = 55.5K Max. Tensile Stress = 620psi > 354psi
Max. Tensile Stress = 80psi
3-Point Lift - Shift Point 2 to Point 2'
4-Point Lift - Stripping & Loading Conservative Layout

Figure 7. This figure shows the lifting-device layout for the illustrated panel in this Figure 8. This figure shows the moments and maximum tensile stress using the
article and the consequent balanced positive and negative moments during loading conservative three-point lifting-insert layout shown in Fig. 6. Note: K = kip; M =
on trucks for delivery to jobsites. Note: K = kip; M = moment; R = reaction; W’ = moment; R = reaction; W’ = weight of panel modified by impact factor (1.2W in
weight of panel modified by impact factor (1.2W in examples). 1” = 1 in. = 25.4 mm; examples). 1” = 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1’ = 1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 psi = 6.895 kPa; 1 kip =
1’ = 1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 psi = 6.895 kPa; 1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 kip-ft = 1.356 kN-m. 4.448 kN; 1 kip-ft = 1.356 kN-m.

44'-5" 44'-5"
4'-7 /2"
22'-21/2" 17'-7" 6'-71/2" 20'-2 /2" 1
4'-71/2" 4'-71/2"
22'-2 /2"
1 22'-2 /2"
22'-21/2" 22'-21/2"
R (kips) 21.48 21.48 12.54 R (kips) 22.25 22.25 12.54

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
W ' = 55.5K W ' = 55.5K
27.34 50.84 48.25

M(kip-ft) M(kip-ft)
At Tilt Angle = 60 o
Panel unstable w/sling line = 30ft. At Tilt Angle = 60
Panel barely stable w/sling line = 40ft. Panel unstable w/sling line = 30ft.
Panel stable w/sling line = 40ft.
Max. Tensile Stress = 513psi > 354psi
Max. Tensile Stress = 305psi < 354psi
3-Point lift at points 1 , 3 & top 3-Point Lift - Shift Point 1 to Point 1'

Figure 9. This figure shows the moments and maximum tensile stress resulting
from three-point lifting using a single line from the top of the panel and the slings Figure 10. This figure shows the moments and maximum tensile stress resulting
and rolling blocks attached to points 1 and 3 of the four-point lifting configuration. from attaching the rolling-block lines to point 3 and a modified location of point 1,
Note: K = kip; M = moment; R = reaction; W’ = weight of panel modified by impact farther from the bottom of the panel. Note: K = kip; M = moment; R = reaction; W’ =
factor (1.2W in examples). 1” = 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1’ = 1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 psi = weight of panel modified by impact factor (1.2W in examples). 1” = 1 in. = 25.4 mm;
6.895 kPa; 1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 kip-ft = 1.356 kN-m. 1’ = 1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 psi = 6.895 kPa; 1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 kip-ft = 1.356 kN-m.

124 W int e r 2 0 1 0 | PCI Journal

Analytical methods the rolling block is a critical variable in these analytical
to reduce tensile stresses methods, and that using a shorter sling than indicated may
cause sudden instability of the panel, even though the
Figures 7 through 10 study the effects on panel moments lifting-device locations are unchanged.
and stresses resulting from varying the lifting-device
locations. The layout of lifting devices for long panels is This raises an important caveat that must be considered
dictated by the condition at stripping of the panels when by designers who use this less-conservative layout. It is
the concrete strength is low. The PCI Design Handbook5 essential that the designer be in a position to ensure that
shows the recommended layout of lifting devices using the erection crew is properly notified and understands the
four-point handling of long panels in the horizontal posi- critical importance of using the minimum specified sling
tion for stripping and loading on trucks. (This is referred to length. If not, this less-conservative layout method may
as eight-point lifting in the PCI Design Handbook because potentially put members of the erection crew at serious
there are two devices at each lift point location along the risk and should not be used.
length of the panel.) For the panel in this article, Fig. 7
shows this lifting-device layout and the consequent bal- The conservative layout procedure for three-point lifting
anced positive and negative moments during loading onto (Fig. 5) is not subject to this risk and is recommended for
trucks for delivery to jobsites. use in any situation in which close supervision of the erec-
tion crew is not available.
Figure 8 repeats the moments and maximum tensile stress
using the conservative three-point lifting-insert layout Four-point lifting with two sets
shown on Fig. 6 for comparison with the modified layouts of rolling blocks
shown in Fig. 9 and 10. Figure 9 shows the moments and
maximum tensile stress resulting from three-point lifting Another method to reduce tensile stresses in the critical
using a single line from the top of the panel and the slings face of the panel is to use a four-point layout of lifting
and rolling blocks attached to points 1 and 3 of the four- devices and two sets of rolling blocks. As illustrated in
point lifting configuration. This results in a reduction Fig. 11, both the lower and upper reactions are carried by
in tensile stress from 620 psi (4.3 MPa) to 513 psi (3.5 rolling blocks with upper-block slings engaging the two
MPa), but the analytical stability calculation presented upper lifting devices and the lower-block slings engaging
in this article indicates that the panel becomes unstable the two lower devices in the conservative locations shown
at a tilt angle of about 50 deg with a sling length of 30 in Fig. 8.
ft (9 m). Even with a sling length of 40 ft (12 m), there
is insufficient margin of safety against instability at the Figure 11 also shows the moments and maximum ten-
critical tilt angle. sile stress for the same panel for comparison with those
indicated from Fig. 7 through 10. Although this method
In this article, sling length S is defined as the length of significantly reduces tensile stresses in both faces of the
the cable attached to a lifting device running diagonally panel, it is also more expensive and requires additional
through the rolling block and diagonally back to the com- erection equipment and extra erection labor to install and
panion lifting device that shares the rolling-block reaction. then disengage for each panel lifted.
It includes the lengths of hooks and any shackles within
that length of line. However, as indicated in Fig. 11, the panel remains stable
through all tilt angles from its horizontal position to its
Figure 10 shows the moments and maximum tensile vertical position. The demonstration photograph sequence
stress resulting from attaching the rolling-block lines to in Fig. 12 further illustrates the stability and clearly shows
point 3 and a modified location of point 1, farther from the shifting of the rolling-block reactions as the panel is
the bottom of the panel. The tensile stress reduces further rotated through all tilt angles.
to 305 psi (2.10 MPa), but the analytical stability calcula-
tion shows that the panel is only marginally stable at the Check validity of the PCI
most critical tilt angle, using a sling length of 40 ft (12 Design Handbook formula
m). Increasing the sling length to 50 ft (15 m) in both of
the previously described cases would ensure stability at As discussed in the “Background” section, four editions of
all tilt angles. the PCI Design Handbook1,3,4,5 and the Erector’s Manual2
present a formula that is intended to protect against sudden
The section “Analytical Study—Shifting of Rolling-Block rollover of panels being tilted to their vertical position.
Reaction” and the sidebar “Erecting Long Precast Concrete Erectors have reported to the author that some long panels
Members” show two analytical methods that establish that have lifting-device locations conforming to this for-
the safe location of lifting devices. However, it must be mula suddenly became unstable during erection.
understood that the length of the sling running through

PCI Journal | Wi n t e r 2010 125



Panel is stable at
all Tilt Angles
W ' = 55.5K

∆ = 60°

R L = 33.16K R R = 22.34K


R (kips) 16.58 16.58 11.17 11.17

W ' = 55.5K
22'-21/2" 22'-21/2"

4'-7 /2"
5'-1 /2"
17'-1" 17'-7"

M (kips-ft)
-13.33 -11.12

Max. Tensile Stress = 301psi < 354psi

Figure 11. This figure shows the four-point lifting layout with rolling blocks at both
ends of the panel. Note: K = kip; M = moment; R = reaction; RL = left lifting reac-
tion acting at centerline of rolling block; RR = right lifting reaction acting at right
end of panel; Δ = tilt angle of panel in tilted position (Δ as a subscript identifies
horizontal projection of dimensions with panel in tilted position). 1” = 1 in. = 25.4
mm; 1’ = 1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 psi = 6.895 kPa; 1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 kip-ft = 1.356 Figure 12. This demonstration shows the tilting of a panel with a four-point layout
kN-m. and rolling blocks at both ends of the panel.

126 W int e r 2 0 1 0 | PCI Journal


Panel Instability Incident: Soundtrack project, June 1995 (Stresscon)

RL = 42.2K

PCI Formula
Sling Length = 40'-0"

0'-6" to (c.g.)
L L2 - b 2
e > _ - _______ - a RR = 9.8K
2 2
2 2
54.33 (54.33) - (25)
e > _____ - _____________ - 0.5
2 2 W (c.g.) = 52K

26'-10" 27'-6"
e = 2.55' e = 6'-0"

8'-4" 12'-6" 12'-6" 21'-0"

e = 6.0' > 2.55' OK per formula
b = 25'-0"

L = 54'-4"

Figure 13. This figure shows the soundtrack panel dimensions used in the PCI Design Handbook formula. Note: a = distance from up face of panel to center of gravity of
the panel; b = distance between lower lifting devices; c.g. = center of gravity; K = kip; L = length of panel; RL = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling block;
RR = right lifting reaction acting at right end of panel; W(c.g.) = panel weight acting at c.g. of panel. 1” = 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1’ = 1 ft = 0.305 m.



Panel Instability Incident: Soundtrack project, June 1995 (Stresscon)

PCI Formula
If e > 2.55’ , stability OK R L = 52.51K > W = 52K
Actual e = 6.0’ > 2.55’
RR = -0.51K

Analytical Model
At Δ = 60°
RL shifts to right of c.g.
RL carries entire weight of panel > 52k
RR would require downward pull = 510# W (c.g.) = 52K
to keep panel from rolling
e∆ = -11/2"

Panel actually rolled in June 1995 ∆

∆ = 60°
As predicted by Analytical Model



Figure 14. This figure compares the formula e with the actual e in unstable soundtrack panel. Note: c.g. = center of gravity; e = minimum distance from the center of
gravity of the panel, with the panel in its horizontal position, to protect the erection-crew members against the unexpected sudden rollover of the panel; eΔ = horizontal pro-
jection of distance from centerline of center of gravity to centerline of rolling-block reaction with panel in tilted position; RL = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling
block; RR = right lifting reaction acting at right end of panel; W = weight of panel; W(c.g.) = panel weight acting at c.g. of panel; Δ = tilt angle of panel in tilted position
(Δ as a subscript identifies horizontal projection of dimensions with panel in tilted position); # = pound. 1” = 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1’ = 1 ft = 0.305 m.

PCI Journal | Wi n t e r 2010 127

To evaluate the validity of this formula, the panel used for However, design engineers are hereby cautioned that the
the following example is the Soundtrack wall panel, which PCI Design Handbook1 formula, in its present form, is
became unstable during tilting. Figure 13 shows the formula represented in current and past editions of these publica-
along with the corresponding dimensions of the lifting-de- tions as providing protection against sudden rollover, and
vice locations, panel thickness, and location of the c.g. of the precautionary procedures should be instituted to ensure
panel. The length of the rolling-block sling was 40 ft (12 m). against its use without a verified modification that incorpo-
rates the sling-length variable.
The PCI Design Handbook1 formula calculates the mini-
mum e required to protect the erection-crew members Conclusion
against the unexpected sudden rollover of the panel when it
is in the horizontal position. In this case, the actual e = 6.0 Beneficial effect of longer sling
ft (1.8 m), which comfortably exceeds the minimum e = lengths
2.55 ft (0.78 m) derived from the formula.
Through studies of various hypothetical conditions and
However, as indicated in Fig. 14, the analytical method analyses of incidents that resulted in the sudden rollover
shows that, with the sling length of 40 ft (12 m), the panel of members while using the three-point pickup, it became
becomes unstable at a tilt angle of 60 deg. In fact, the apparent that increasing the length of the slings would
Soundtrack panel became unstable during erection. The often protect against this condition. Based on these studies,
bottom end hit the ground abruptly, and the panel was it appears that a simple rule may be applicable in cases in
severely damaged. Fortunately, all erection-crew members which the erector is confronted with having to evaluate the
escaped without injury. With a sling length of 50 ft (15 m), potential for sudden rollover of long vertical precast con-
the analytical methods show that the panel would probably crete members already cast with lifting devices in place.
have been stable throughout the tilting process.
Erectors’ quick rule
Erectors have also reported to the author other documented
rollover incidents wherein the dimensional information and For the three-point lifting procedure, it is suggested that
sling lengths were available. In each case, the PCI Design the minimum sling length be greater than twice the dis-
Handbook formula indicated that the formula-derived tance between the two lower lifting devices to which it is
lifting-device locations should have protected the panel attached. For example, if that distance is 25 ft (7.5 m), a
from sudden rollover, whereas the analytical methods, minimum sling length of 50 ft (15 m) plus 10 ft (3 m), or
which include sling-length effects, predicted the instability a total minimum sling length of 60 ft (18 m), is suggested.
that was actually encountered. However, to verify the safety of this quick rule, for any
specific case it is critical that the resulting sling length be
In its present form, the PCI Design Handbook formula checked and verified by analytical methods, such as those
does not include the critical sling-length variable and presented in the section “Analytical Study—Shifting of
therefore does not provide its intended protection against Rolling-Block Reaction” and the sidebar “Erecting Long
instability. Instead of addressing possible modifications to Precast Concrete Members.”
the PCI Design Handbook formula, this article provides
the analytical methods described in the section “Analyti- Recommendations to designers
cal Study—Shifting of Rolling-Block Reaction” and the
sidebar “Erecting Long Precast Concrete Members,” which The analytical methods shown in the section “Analyti-
directly model the shifting location of the RL reaction and cal Study—Shifting of Rolling-Block Reaction” and the
enable the designer to vary the length of the sling for any sidebar “Erecting Long Precast Concrete Members” are
case studied. also recommended to be used to establish lifting-device
locations in situations in which the designer elects not to
At the time this article was written, PCI had transmitted a conform to the recommended conservative lifting-device
technical bulletin to the industry on December 19, 2008, layout in Fig. 5.
then published the bulletin in the Spring 2009 edition of
the PCI Journal,6 indicating that the formula in its present However, the following must be emphasized:
form “is incorrect and may not provide stability for all con-
ditions when rotating a precast concrete component in the • The designer must be in a position to guarantee that
air.” PCI has further initiated action to remove the formula the sling length required by the calculation is actually
from future editions of both the PCI Design Handbook1 used by the erection crew.
and the Erector’s Manual2 and to recommend that the
conservative layout shown in Fig. 5 be used for three-point • The location of the c.g. of the member must be clearly
lifting of long vertical precast concrete members. defined. A wall panel with openings near the top
of the panel or with the top portion thinner than the

128 W int e r 2 0 1 0 | PCI Journal

bottom shifts the c.g. toward the bottom, which may this or any other analytical method may be relied on to
result in the panel becoming unstable if the calculation ensure the safe erection of these long members.
is based on the c.g. being at midheight of the panel.
In the example, this method is applied to the long wall
• While the analytical methods are capable of calculat- panel that rolled suddenly during erection on the 1995
ing the eccentricity between the vertical alignments Soundtrack project. The required input data are taken from
of the c.g. of a member and the rolling-block reaction the panel dimensions with the panel in its horizontal posi-
through all tilt angles, engineering judgment should tion and are highlighted in yellow. The sling length used to
be exercised in establishing a required minimum value erect the Soundtrack panel was about 40 ft (12 m).
for this eccentricity to ensure that it is increased by an
adequate factor of safety to account for manufacturing Figure 17 illustrates the panel at tilt angle Δ. The value of
tolerances and other imperfections. Δ is checked at 60 deg in the example, and the value of θ
is varied until tan θ = qΔ/pΔ. The resulting value of
The analytical methods should also be used to calculate θ =18.2 deg, and at that value the vertical alignment of the
the loads in the slings and the angles to which they apply rolling-block reaction RL has shifted beyond the vertical
loads to the lifting devices, particularly in cases in which alignment of the c.g. of the panel. The value of eΔ becomes
the rated capacity of a lifting device is less in shear than in negative by 1.54 in. (39 mm), and the panel becomes
tension. unstable.

Analytical study—shifting The calculations in the example show that at RR, a down-
of rolling-block reaction ward pull of 0.51 kip (2.3 kN) would be required to keep
the panel stable, and RL carries the entire weight of the
This method compares the vertical alignment of the panel. The tension in one of the two sling lines would be
rolling-block reaction with the vertical alignment of the 13.56 kip (60 kN) applied at the lower lifting device at
c.g. of long precast concrete members at any selected tilt angle α = 11.8 deg with respect to the panel surface.
angle. If at any tilt angle the rolling-block reaction aligns
with the c.g., that reaction will carry the entire weight of This method also checks the validity of the PCI Design
the member and the member will become unstable. Handbook1 formula and calculates the minimum value of e
= 2.55 ft (0.78 m) with the panel in the horizontal position,
Figure 15 illustrates this method. The input data utilize at which point the panel should be stable. However, the
values given for each of the notations illustrated on Fig. 16 actual value of e is 6.0 ft (1.8 m), but the panel has become
with the panel in the horizontal position. Those input data unstable at a tilt angle Δ = 60 deg, with a sling length S =
are shown in the highlighted boxes in the example. 40 ft (12 m). Thus the PCI Design Handbook formula did
not predict the instability of the panel.
The notations at any tilt angle Δ are shown on Fig. 17. Dur-
ing the tilting of a member, the horizontal components of If the sling length S is changed to 50 ft (15 m), the method
the loads T in the two legs of the rolling-block sling will show that the panel remains stable at all tilt angles.
(T sin θ) must be equal and opposite. Thus the angle of incli- However, engineering judgment should be exercised
nation θ of each leg with respect to the vertical alignment of with respect to establishing a safety factor to increase the
the rolling-block reaction must also be equal and opposite. minimum required eccentricity at the critical tilt angle to
account for manufacturing tolerances and other variables
At any tilt angle Δ, the method requires the selection associated with the erection process.
of trial values of θ, calculates the consequent values of
dimensions qΔ and pΔ until, through successive approxima- Acknowledgments
tions, tan θ = qΔ/pΔ. At that value of θ, the method calcu-
lates the horizontal shift of the vertical alignment of RLΔ The author appreciates valuable input, detailed review,
and its eccentricity eΔ with respect to the vertical alignment suggestions, and editing by Helmuth Wilden, P.E., of
of the c.g. of the member. Wilden Enterprises and Steve Seguirant, P.E., of Concrete
Technology Corp. Also providing comments were John
If, at any selected tilt angle, eΔ approaches zero value or Jacobsen, P.E., Peter Robinson, Mike Larsen, and Dennis
becomes negative, the panel becomes unstable and will roll Cates of Stresscon Corp. and Mike Dixon, P.E., of FDG
suddenly and uncontrollably. Associates. The demonstration of the four-point lifting
sequence was performed by Stresscon Corp., and its photo-
If the value of eΔ remains positive through all tilt angles, graphic sequence was provided by Ralph Brandhorst.
the member will remain stable. However, it is emphasized
that the selected sling length S is a very important variable Diagrams were put into digital form by Austin Bryan of
and its length must be established and controlled so that CAD Prototypes LLC.

PCI Journal | Wi n t e r 2010 129

Notations Illustrated on Figs. 16 and 17


3 POINT PICKUP, b(Lower) = 25.00 ft a= 0.500 in.
L= 54.33 ft PANEL LENGTH
SL = 40.00 ft SLING LENGTH
b= 25.00 ft
CG(R) = 27.50 ft pci e = L/2 – {[(L2 – b2)0.5]/2} – a
CG(L) = 26.83 ft pci e = 2.547 ft
f= 6.50 ft If e(actual) > pci e, then stable
e= 6.00 ft e(actual) = 6.000 ft > pci e, OK?

SELECT ∆ = 60.00 deg

sin∆ = 0.866 a*sin∆ = 0.433 ft

cos∆ = 0.500
b∆ = b*cos∆ = 12.500 ft
p∆ = b*sin∆ = 21.651 ft
f∆ = f *cos∆ = 3.250 ft
f'∆ = f∆ - (a*sin∆) = 2.817 ft
CG(R)∆ = [CG(R)*cos∆] – a*sin∆) 13.317 ft

TRY θ = 18.211 deg

j∆ = p∆/cosθ = 22.792 ft
k∆ = (SL – j∆)/2 = 8.604 ft
m∆ = k∆*sinθ = 2.689 ft
q∆ = b∆ – 2m∆ = 7.122 ft
n∆ = k∆*cosθ = 8.173 ft
e∆ = m∆ – f'∆ = -0.128 ft; * 12 = -1.538 in. UNSTABLE

CHECK q∆/p∆ = tanθ = 0.329 tanθ = 0.329

SHIFT = b∆/2 – m∆ = 3.561 ft ; *12 = 42.73

W = 52 K ; ALPHA = 90 – ∆ – θ = 11.79 deg

RR∆ = W*e∆/(CG(L)∆ + e∆) = -0.51 K downward*
RL∆ = [W*(CG(L)∆/[CG(L)∆ + e∆] = 5251 K vertical*
Line Tens. (4 components) = RL∆/(4*cosθ) = 13.82 K resultant


Figure 15. This Microsoft Excel diagram shows the lifting angle’s effect on panel reactions. Note: b = distance between lower lifting devices; L = length of panel; SL = S
= sling length, defined as length of cable attached to lifting device, running diagonally through rolling block and diagonally back to companion lifting device that shares
rolling-block reaction, includes lengths of hooks and any shackles within that length of line; W = weight of panel; Δ = tilt angle of panel in tilted position (Δ as a subscript
identifies horizontal projection of dimensions with panel in tilted position); θ = angle of inclination. 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ft = 0.305 m.

130 W int e r 2 0 1 0 | PCI Journal

eo fo


Tilt Angle
∆=0 θo θo
SL/2 SL/2



b/2 b/2
c b L-(c+b)

Panel in horizontal position showing notations

Refer to Fig. 15 for specific dimensions
of unstable Soundtrack panel − 1995

Figure 16. Notations are given for the panel when it is in the horizontal position. Note: a = distance from up face of panel to center of gravity of the panel; b = distance
between lower lifting devices; eo = distance from the center of gravity of panel to centerline of rolling-block reaction with panel in horizontal position; L = length of panel; RL
= left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling block; RR = right lifting reaction acting at right end of panel; SL = S = sling length, defined as length of cable attached to
lifting device, running diagonally through rolling block and diagonally back to companion lifting device that shares rolling-block reaction, including lengths of hooks and any
shackles within that length of line; W = weight of panel; α = angle between sling leg and surface of panel; Δ = tilt angle of panel in tilted position (Δ as a subscript identi-
fies horizontal projection of dimensions with panel in tilted position).

PCI Journal | Wi n t e r 2010 131

bΔ /2

RLΔ Shift
-eΔ ∴ unstable
b∆/2 b∆/2
qΔ 2mΔ

RL Δ Shift
-eΔ ∴ unstable

θ∆ = θ∆ RRΔ

tan θ∆ = q∆ / p∆

nΔ θ∆θ∆
m∆ m∆

pΔ θ∆ α∆

b fo

Tilt Angle = ∆ c
a sinΔ f-asinΔ

f Δ

Shift in CG
(panel thickness effect)

Panel ininstability at tilt angle ∆ illustrated

Refer to Fig. 15 for specific dimensions
of unstable Soundtrack panel − 1995

Figure 17. Panel instability is shown for tilt angle Δ. Note: a = distance from up face of panel to center of gravity of the panel; b = distance between lower lifting devices;
eΔ = horizontal projection of distance from centerline of center of gravity to centerline of rolling-block reaction with panel in tilted position; RL = left lifting reaction acting at
centerline of rolling block; W = weight of panel. Δ = tilt angle of panel in tilted position (Δ as a subscript identifies horizontal projection of dimensions with panel in tilted

132 W int e r 2 0 1 0 | PCI Journal

References RL = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling
1. Industry Handbook Committee. 1985. PCI Design
Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete. MNL- RR = right lifting reaction acting at right end of panel
120. 3rd ed. Chicago, IL: PCI.
S = sling length, defined as length of cable attached
2. PCI Erectors Committee. 1999. Erectors Manual: to lifting device, running diagonally through
Standards and Guidelines for the Erection of Precast rolling block and diagonally back to companion
Concrete Products. MNL-127. 2nd ed. Chicago IL: lifting device that shares rolling-block reaction,
PCI. including lengths of hooks and any shackles
within that length of line
3. Industry Handbook Committee. 1992. PCI Design
Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete. MNL- T = tension in the rolling block sling
120. 4th ed. Chicago, IL: PCI.
W = weight of panel
4. Industry Handbook Committee. 1999. PCI Design
Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete. MNL- W’ = weight of panel modified by impact factor (1.2W
120. 5th ed. Chicago, IL: PCI. in examples)

5. Industry Handbook Committee. 2004. PCI Design W(c.g.) = panel weight acting at c.g. of panel
Handbook: Precast and Prestressed Concrete. MNL-
120. 6th ed. Chicago, IL: PCI. α = angle between sling leg and surface of panel

6. PCI Journal. 2009. Figure on Stability during Han- Δ = tilt angle of panel in tilted position (Δ as a
dling and Erection to Be Revised. In “From PCI Head- subscript identifies angles and dimensions with
quarters.” V. 54, No. 2 (Spring): p. 21. panel in tilted position)

Notation θ = angle of inclination between sling legs and cen-

terline of rolling block reaction
a = distance from up face of panel to center of grav-
ity of the panel

b = distance between lower lifting devices

c.g. = center of gravity

CGL = distance from left end of panel to c.g. of panel

CGR = distance from right end of panel to c.g. of panel

eo = distance from the center of gravity of panel to

centerline of rolling-block reaction with panel in
horizontal position

eΔ = horizontal projection of distance from centerline

of center of gravity to centerline of rolling-block
reaction with panel in tilted position

f c' = concrete compressive strength at erection

ft = actual tensile stress in panel during lifting

ftallow = allowable tensile stress in panel during lifting

L = length of panel

PCI Journal | Wi n t e r 2010 133

Erecting long precast h2 = distance between lower two sets of lifting devices
concrete members
L = length of panel
Stephen J. Seguirant, P.E.
Vice president and director of engineering S = sling length, defined as total length of lifting sling
Concrete Technology Corp., Tacoma, Wash. from lowest set of lifting devices through the rolling
blocks to middle set of lifting devices
This sidebar shows the method that Concrete Technology
Corp. uses to evaluate the stability of long precast con- In the horizontal position, the length of the lower leg
crete members lifted using three points during erection. of the sling S1 and the upper leg of the sling S2 are both
This method is based on the law of cosines and is simple equal to S/2. During all angles of rotation, S1 + S2 = S.
to understand and incorporate into a spreadsheet. When the panel reaches vertical, S1 = S - (S - h2)/2 and S2
= S - S1. By varying S1 between the possible extremes, the
In the horizontal position, the panel hangs as shown in stability of the panel during rotation can be investigated.
Fig. S1. The only information required as input for the
method is: Figure S2 shows the panel in a tilted position. Because
the distance between the lower two sets of lifting devices
dcg = distance from up face of panel to c.g. of panel h2 is fixed, angles A and B can be found by the law of
cosines for any assumed value of S1.
hcg = distance from bottom of panel to c.g. of panel
S12 + S22 − h22
A = cos−1
h1 = distance from bottom of panel to lowest set of 2S1S2
lifting devices
h22 + S22 − S12
B = cos−1
2h2 S2

Rl Rr
Rl Rr

S 1 = S/2 S 2 = S/2

60 o min
A ∆θ
d cg S2


h cg C

h1 h2 h3

x lift e
Panel in horizontal position.
x cg

Figure S1. The panel hangs like this when it is in the horizontal position. Note: c.g.
= center of gravity; dcg = distance from up face of panel to c.g. of panel; eh = dis- Panel in tilted position.
tance from c.g. of panel to Rl; hcg = distance from bottom of panel to c.g. of panel;
h1 = distance from bottom of panel to lowest set of lifting devices; h2 = distance Figure S2. The panel is in a tilted position. Note: A = angle; B = angle; C = angle;
between lower two sets of lifting devices; h3 = length of panel minus (h1 plus h2); L e = eccentricity; Rl = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling block; Rr =
= length of panel; Rl = left lifting reaction acting at centerline of rolling block; Rr = right lifting reaction acting at right end of panel; S1 = the length of the lower leg
right lifting reaction acting at right end of panel; S = sling length, defined as total of the sling; S2 = the length of the upper leg of the sling; xcg = distance between
length of lifting sling from lowest set of lifting devices, through the rolling blocks, to the bottom up-face corner of the panel and the c.g. of the panel; xlift = distance
middle set of lifting devices; S1 = the length of the lower leg of the sling; S2 = the between the bottom up-face corner of the panel and the vertical crane line reaction
length of the upper leg of the sling. Rl; θ = angle of panel rotation from horizontal.

134 W int e r 2 0 1 0 | PCI Journal

Table S1. Stability calculation results for example panel from “Analytical Study – Shifting of Rolling-Block Reaction”

S1, ft S2, ft A, deg B, deg θ, deg xcg, ft xLift, ft e, ft Δ, ft

20.00 20.00 77.36 51.32 0.00 26.83 20.83 6.00 n.a.

21.56 18.44 76.92 57.15 5.62 26.75 21.71 5.05 1.563

23.13 16.88 75.57 63.61 11.40 26.40 22.34 4.07 1.563

24.69 15.31 73.17 70.94 17.52 25.74 22.66 3.08 1.563

26.25 13.75 69.47 79.52 24.26 24.67 22.55 2.11 1.563

27.03 12.97 67.01 84.47 27.97 23.93 22.28 1.65 0.781

27.81 12.19 64.01 90.00 32.01 23.02 21.81 1.21 0.781

28.59 11.41 60.35 96.29 36.47 21.88 21.07 0.80 0.781

29.38 10.63 55.81 103.61 41.51 20.42 19.99 0.44 0.781

29.77 10.23 53.11 107.78 44.33 19.54 19.27 0.28 0.391

30.16 9.84 50.04 112.39 47.41 18.53 18.39 0.13 0.391

30.55 9.45 46.51 117.57 50.82 17.34 17.32 0.01 0.391

30.94 9.06 42.37 123.49 54.67 15.92 16.00 -0.08 0.391

31.40 8.60 36.42 131.79 60.00 13.85 13.98 -0.13 0.459

31.79 8.21 29.85 140.74 65.66 11.51 11.62 -0.11 0.391

32.18 7.82 20.48 153.23 73.47 8.11 8.09 0.02 0.391

32.50 7.50 0.00 180.00 90.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.322

Note: A = angle; B = angle; e = eccentricity; S1 = the length of the lower leg of the sling; S2 = the length of the upper leg of the sling; xcg = distance
between the bottom up-face corner of the panel and the c.g. of the panel; xlift = distance between the bottom up-face corner of the panel and the verti-
cal crane line reaction Rl; ∆ = dimensional increment used to modify S1 during the rotation of the panel to vertical; θ = angle of panel rotation from

Due to the free rotation of the rolling blocks, angle A is e = xcg – xlif t ≥ 0
bisected by the crane line resisting Rl at all angles of rota-
tion. Consequently, the angle of panel rotation θ can be The results of this method on the example illustrated in
found using the section “Analytical Study – Shifting of Rolling-Block
Reaction” are tabulated in Table S1. The values desig-
⎛ A ⎞ nated Δ are used to modify S1 for the entire range of rota-
θ = 90 − ⎜ 180 − − B ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ tion. The mesh of Δ values decrease as the panel rotation
angle increases because instability is more likely to occur
The distance between the bottom up-face corner of the at higher tilt angles. At S1 = 31.40 ft (9.6 m), Δ has been
panel and the vertical crane line reaction Rl can be found manually adjusted to result in a panel tilt angle θ of 60
using deg. The resulting e = -0.13 ft = -1.54 in. (39 mm) agrees
with the results of the method shown in “Analytical
A Study—Shifting of Rolling-Block Reaction.” However,
( )
xlift = cosθ h1 + h2 − sin ( )
2 2 actual instability will begin at roughly θ = 50 deg.

The distance between that same bottom up-face corner The mathematical method presented herein is straight-
and the c.g. of the panel, adjusted for the depth of the c.g. forward. However, engineering judgment should be
below the up face, is exercised with respect to a minimum required eccen-
tricity (greater than zero) to account for manufacturing
xcg = cosθ(hcg + dcg tanθ) tolerances and other imperfections associated with the
erection process.
The panel will remain stable as long as

PCI Journal | Wi n t e r 2010 135

About the author condition that causes sudden, uncontrolled rolling
of the members as they are being tilted toward their
Donald R. Logan, P.E., is vertical position. Methods are devised to detect in any
principal of Logan Structural member the potential for such instability, to establish
Research Foundation in Colorado safe location of lifting devices and minimum lengths
Springs, Colo. He was founder of crane slings to prevent this condition from occur-
and CEO of Stresscon Corp. from ring, and to analyze and control tensile stresses from
1967 to 2007. He is a PCI Fellow causing cracking of long precast concrete wall panels
and was named a Titan of the as they are lifted from their horizontal position, rigged
Industry in 2004. Logan received the Martin P. Korn for the tilting operation.
Award and the American Society of Civil Engineers’
T. Y. Lin Award for his 1997 paper on strand-bond Keywords
acceptance criteria and the Korn Award again for his
2007 paper on eccentrically loaded L-spandrels. He Erection, long members, rolling block, safety, stabil-
serves on the PCI Research and Development Com- ity, tilting, wall panel.
Review policy

Synopsis This paper was reviewed in accordance with the

Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute’s peer-review
Erection of long, vertical precast concrete members process.
from their as-delivered horizontal position to their
vertical position in the structure involves devising Reader comments
handling procedures that protect the safety of the erec-
tion personnel while preventing the precast concrete Please address any reader comments to PCI Journal
member from cracking during the tilting procedure. editor-in-chief Emily Lorenz at or
The author investigates the most commonly used Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, c/o PCI Journal,
procedures, three-point and four-point rolling-block 209 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60606. J
lifting systems, and identifies a common instability

136 W int e r 2 0 1 0 | PCI Journal

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