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Caio pans atm doc 4444

Full scale deflection.

Vor: 10
ILS 2,5 degrees
Glide path: 0,6-0,8

Established vor/ils: 1 dot (half scale deflection)

Ndb: 5 degrees.

FTT Flight technical tolerence: vor 5,2 ndb 6,9 LLZ 2,4

1) Omnidirectional 394 tf, 120m then turn freely
2) SID -> straight. Horizontal protection 150m either side, 15 degrees, at DER
Vertical, 2,5% + 0,8 obstacle clear.
Req vs/min = gradient % x GS
Turning: > 15 degrees (30 kts wind or omni,3 sec reation, 3 sec bank, 15 degrees bank, fix tolerance.

Engine failure: horizontal 90 m +0,125 D (D is from end of take off.), max 900 m ca 3,5 nm out
Using contingency procudures there are reduced horizontal terrain separation
Obstacles can be disregarded if 300 m horizontal distance and less than 15 degrees bank in vmc.
600m if less than 15 bank and IMC, and more than 15 in vmc
900 m if in imc and more than 15 bank.
Arrival segment (IAF) – Initial app seg (IF) – intermediate (FAF) – final – missed (Mapt)
Clearance: 984, 492, 246, 98 ft.
Straight in approach NPA: 30° for cat A and B. 15° for others, + 1400 m behind TH, app track must intersect
or lie xtd of 150 m
ILS max offset 5°, ILS coverage: 10degrees 25 nm
Direct Entry NPA: 120°, PA: 90 °
OM C: PA, final app segment of at least 3 NM and max offset 15degrees.
NPA: max offset 15 degrees.

Reversal procedures: +- 30° of the outbound course.

Take off visibility:

Unmaned: 600m
NIL 500m
Rwy edge L and or CL 400 m rvr

Single engine AC 500 feet ceiling (because of terrain/obstacles) AGL and 3 km vis. Minima should be set to
ensure sufficient guidiance to controle AC in rejected TO and engine failure.
Takeoff alternate: must be selected if not possible to return to departure airport, located within 1 hour
flight time one engine inoperative cruise speed in still air. Weather at TO alternate, must be at or above
minima 1 hour before and 1 hour after ETA. Ceiling taking into account when only NPA or circling available.
Enroute alternate
Only required for extended range operations ETOPS
1 Destination alternate for IFR flight unless: the app/landing can be done in VMC 1 hour before and 1 hour
after ETA or from the actual Time of dep to 1 hour after ETA whichever is shorter.
Or there is ore than one independently useable runway available and at least one of those has an
instrument approach procedure
Or the AD is isolated and: (additional fuel must be carried)+ PNR must be calculated and not passed before
assessment of wx operational conditions indicate safe landing at ETA
- Have instrument procedure, and met conditions will exist 2 hours before and after ETA:
- Cloud base of min 300m/1000’ above minimum associated with the instrument app , VIS 5,5 km or
4 km more than min procedure.
(isolated if more than 60 min for reciprocating engines)
2 destination alternate AD if dest AD wx forecast at ETA is below AD operating minima, or if no wx forecast
is available.
Blok Fuel: taxi fuel(engine start apu), trip fuel = takeoff fuel + climb to cruise + cruise + descent+ approach
and landing at destination,
Contingency fuel = unforeseen factors. = greater of 5 %trip or 5 min hold 1500’ at destination
Alternate fuel: missed app + landing at alt.

Final reserve 30 min 1500’ at alternate (utsa har 45 min)

Extra fuel (commander disrection)
Additional fuel. (ETOPS) isolated ad

Approach: PIC can commence app regardless of RVR/VIS.

If RVR/VIS is less than minima, app not continued below 1000’ above AD or into final app segment where
DA/MDA where is more than 1000’ above AD.
Passing 1000’ above AD and RVR/VIS falls below minima -> may continue down to DA/MDA

Visual approach: rvr not less than 800m

Rvr single pilot: less than 800 m may be used if provided: a suitable autopilot to ILS/MLS/GLS, or and HUDLS

Circling category AC: based on category speed, 25 kts wind,cat A MOC 295’, 1,68 nm and 394’ cat B
Max circling speed A 100 , B135 , C 180
MDH: 400’ , 500, 600, 700
VIS: 1500m, 1600m, 2400m, 3600m

VIS to RVR table :

DAY Night
HI app lights 1,5 2
Other lights 1 1,5
No lights 1 na
Refer AIP AD for distance between RWY lights.
VAT: vso x 1,3 or vs1g x 1,23 (the higher)
A > 91
B 91-120
C 121-140
D 141-165
E 166 – 210

Doc 8168 Pans ops

MSA = minimum sector altitude, 1000’ clearance, within 25 nm of nav aid. + 5 nm buffer zone
MEA = minimum enroute altitude, lower limit of airway/route, nav aids reception, com

Grid MORA /Jeppesen derived, (MORA) minimum off route altitude, 1000’ clearance at 5000’ MSL areas
and 2000’ in 5001’ or higher 10 nm on either side and. (grid mora is good value determining OC when
diverting from airway e.g. emergency descent
MOCA minimum obstacle clearance altitude, 1000’, in mountain areas = = 2000’ OC, reception only within
22 nm of nav aid
SERA 5015 B, minimum flight levels IFR

MDA/H must not descend below until visual ref, dive and drive, comes with a MAPt, may continue on this
alt to look for runway, NPA
DA/H missed app must be intiated if visual ref is not estabslihed, DA/H takes into account descent below
DA/H during missed, PA
Based on OCA/OCH for the procedure.
Minimums increases with airplane category due to higher inertia of AC, and undershooting. Protected area
increases with category due higher speeds = higher turning radius .
Lateral part of missed app should be flown via the MAPt.

Holding: rate 1 or max 25degrees, MOC 1000’, 2000’ in mountain area. 1 min below 14.000. 1,5 min above
14000. Max airspeed based on altitude and CATegoy 170 kts for cat A/B, 230 for rest. Delay an aircraft in
Racetrack: outbound leg 1-3 minutes or DME distance limitied, max airspeed are AC categorized. Max
speed 110 for cat A, B 140, C 240

Icing encounter:
1) pitot heat on.
2) Request descent (warmer air) or request immediate 180 turn. If unable declare emergency .
3) Land
Watch for induction icing, lower MP
Scrape window, sideslip on landing , 80-90 kts approach speeds
If terrain and traffic and landing options permits u can descent to warmer air. If not u can climb, above
cloud tops and in preferablbly into minus 15 degrees so rime ice will dissipate.

Missed approach protected area: 3

Mindste højde = OCA/OCH
Initial: Begins at MAPt -> SOC
Intermediate: SOC – 50m (164’) OC maintained. MOC in this phase is 98’, 15° track adjustment allowed.
Final: 164’ OC – another approach, holding, enroute flight.

BSL-F = lufttraffik regler og operative prosedure vs EASA SERA = standardised european rules of air .
Part ORO organization requirements for air operations.
Pans OPS procedures for air navigation services aircraft operation = rules for designing SID and STAR (ICAO)

- Maintain last assigned speed and flight level or minimum altitude if higher
- For a period of 7 minutes in ATS service with radar, 20 min with no radar following:
1) Reaching assigned FL or min alt if higher
2) Squaking 7600
3) Failure to report compulsorary reporting point
Whichever is later
4) And thereafter adjust speed and level according to flight plan
5) Proceed to nav aid or fix serving dest AD and hold. Commence approach close to last acknowledged
6) When radar vectored or RNAV: proceed in most direct manner to rejoin current flight planroute, no
later than next significant point.
7) Follow FP and head for Dest AD, land close to EAT or within 30 min of ETA.
Different local procedures may described in AIP AD.
RCF on SID from ENDU refer AIP AD 2. 4-4

Cpl rights = act as PIC in NCO or co pilot in commercial flights and get paid for the work
Act as pic inCat of single pilot aircraft
Exercise priviliges of holder of LAPL and PPL
Most airliners require a ATPL license to at as copilot
CPL doesn’t need revaliation but the ME IR does every year
With cpl you cant just fly the pa 44 u need a difference training as required by part FCL,

Critical engine (for clockwise rotating propellers)

P factor (yaw) Longer moment arm on right engine (
Accellerated slipstream downgoing blade has higher aoa creating more power and lift (roll)
Spiraling slipstream high pressure seeking low (yaw) hits horizontal stabilizer
Torque (newton 2 law action reaction (roll)
Vmca is determined under these conditions:
MTOM and max power
Unfavorable CG position (most aft)
Landing gear retracted
TO configuration flaps in TO position and cowl flaps in TO
Inoperative engine windmilling or feathered if auto feather available
Airborne with no ground effect

VSSE single engine safe speed (no intentional engine failure should be performed below this speed)

Cat 1 not less than 200’ rvr 550 m or 800 m vis

Cat 2 not less than 100’ rvr 350
Cat 3a less than 100’ above 50’ rvr 200m
Cat 3b less than 50’ or non rvr 50 to 200 m
Cat 3c none

Vmc factors =
1) Derease when density altitude inreases due to power dereaes thus thrust moment dereases
reduing the need for rudder input
2) Weight = only in bank, due to horizontal opponent of weight act along the lift to create a ore
effective sideslip towards the operating engine= the heavier the airplane the lower the vmc for a
given bank
3) Forward CG decreases vmc due to longer moment arm
4) Owl flaps open will derease vmc due to stabilizing weathervane effect
5) Ground effet dereases cmx due to ore lift and less drag
6) 5 degrees bank to operating engine will derease sideslip and derease vmc
7) Flaps etended will dearease vmc due less pith is needed = less p fator and due to more drag
counteracting thrust and yaw requirement on live engine also stabilizing effect the same as gear
(keel effect)

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